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Mark Twain called Hawaii,
that beautiful land... the climate, one long delicious summer day, and the good that die experience no change, for they but fall asleep in one heaven and wake up in another." Twain's depictions of Hawaii are as true today as they were in 1889.

Discover for yourself why the six Islands of Aloha are home to treasures unlike any others on earth: The dramatic cliffs of the Napali Coast on Kauai . The vibrant shores of Waikiki Beach on Oahu . The miles of white sands of Papohaku Beach on Molokai . The tranquil waters of Hulopoe Bay in Lanai . The summit of Haleakala Crater on Maui . The primal energy of Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii's Big Island .

A visit to Hawaii will leave an indelible impression on your memory. And just like Twain himself, don't be surprised if you find yourself longing to return.

Discover Kauai
Discover Oahu
Discover Molokai
Discover Lanai
Discover Maui
Discover Hawaii's Big Island



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