U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Adult Education: State Grants and Knowledge Development - 2004

CFDA Number: 84.002 - Adult Education_State Grant Program

Goal 8: To support adult education systems that result in increased adult learner achievement in order to prepare adults for family, work, citizenship, and future learning.
Objective 8.1 of 1: Provide adult learners with opportunities to acquire basic foundation skills (including English language acquisition), complete secondary education, and transition to further education and training and to work.
Indicator 8.1.1 of 5: Basic skill acquisition: The percentage of adults in Adult Basic Education programs who aquire the level of basic skills needed (validated by standardized assessments) to complete the level of instruction in which they enrolled.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults in Adult Basic Education Programs who acquire the level of basic skills needed to complete the level of instruction in which they enrolled.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Percentage of adults Percentage of adults
1997 40      
1998 31      
1999 44      
2000 26   40  
2001 36   40  
2002     40  
2003     41  
2004     42  

Explanation: Indicator has been changed to require validation of basic skills acquisition through standardized assessment. Because of change to the indicators, new performance target/baseline has been established. 2001 is the baseline year. Data reflect percent of Adult Education Learners (Adults With Limited Basic Skills) who demonstrated a level of basic skill proficiency needed to advance to the next educational functioning level. Educational functioning levels range from beginning literacy through high school. Revised indicators require validation of basic skill proficiency through standardized assessment. New targets reflect new standard.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: March 2004
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, the OVAE implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting and data quality review.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.1.2 of 5: Basic English language acquisition: Percentage of adults enrolled in English Literacy programs will acquire (validated by standardized assessment) the level of English language skills needed to complete the levels of instruction in which they enrolled.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults enrolled in English literacy programs who acquire the level of English language skills needed to complete the levels of instruction in which they enrolled. 2001 is the new baseline.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
1996 30  
1997 28  
1998 28  
1999 49  
2000 20 40
2001 31 40
2002   32
2003   34
2004   35

Explanation: Indicator has been changed to require validation of basic skill acquisition through standardized assessment. Because of change to the indicator, new performance target/baseline has been established. Data reflect percent of English Literacy learners (adults with minimal English language skills) who demonstrated a level of English language proficiency needed to advance to the next educational functioning level. Educational functioning levels range from beginning-level English Literacy through advanced-level English Literacy. Revised indicators requires validation of English proficiency through standardized assessment. New targets reflect new standard.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: March 2004
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, the (OVAE) implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting and data quality review.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.1.3 of 5: Secondary completion: Percentage of adults with a high school completion goal and who exit during the program year that earn a high school diploma or recognized equivalent.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults with a high school completion goal who earn a high school diploma or recognized equivalent.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Percent of adults Percent of adults
1996 36  
1997 37  
1998 33  
1999 34  
2000 34 40
2001 33 40
2002   40
2003   41
2004   42

Explanation: Because of change to the indicator, new performance benchmark targets have been established. 2001 is the baseline year. The performance data reflect % of adult learners with a goal to complete high school in secondary level programs of instruction, who, upon exit earned their high school diploma or GED credential within the reporting period.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: March 2004
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, the OVAE implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.1.4 of 5: Transition to post-secondary education or training: Percentage of enrolled adults with a goal to enter postsecondary education or training who exit during the program year that enroll in a postsecondary education or training program.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults with a goal to enter postsecondary education or training who enroll in a postsecondary education or training program.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Number of adults Percentage of adults Number of adults Percentage of adults
1996 175,255      
1997 178,520      
1998 158,167      
1999 148,803      
2000 161,650   300,000  
2001   25    
2002       25
2003       26
2004       27

Explanation: Because of the change to the indicator new performance benchmarks/targets have been established. 2001 is the baseline year. The new performance data reflect the percentage of adult learners with a goal of further education or training, who, upon exit from adult education, enrolled in a postsecondary education or training program.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: March 2004
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, the OVAE implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting and a data quality review.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Indicator 8.1.5 of 5: Transition to work: The percentage of unemployed adults with an employment goal who obtain a job by the end of the first quarter after their program exit quarter.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of adults with an employment goal who obtain a job by the end of the first quarter after their program exit quarter.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Number of adults Percentage of adults Number of adults Percentage of adults
1996 306,982      
1997 340,206      
1998 294,755      
1999 409,062      
2000 454,318   425,000  
2001   36    
2002       36
2003       37
2004       38

Explanation: Because of the change to the indicator, new performance benchmark targets have been established. 2001 is the baseline year. The 2001 performance data reflect the percentage of adult learners with an employment goal, who, upon exit from an adult education program obtain a job.  
Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: March 2004
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
The 2001 data were verified by the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.

Limitations: As a third tier recipient of this data, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) must rely on the states and local programs to collect and report data within published guidelines. Starting with the July 1, 2000, reporting period, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) implemented new data collection protocols, including standardized data collection methodologies and standards for automated data reporting and a data quality review.

Improvements: The OVAE is developing a data quality review process for states based on the Department's Standards for Evaluating Program Performance Data.


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