U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Gallaudet University - 2004

CFDA Numbers: 84.910A - Gallaudet University Programs and Elementary and Secondary Education Programs
84.910B - Gallaudet University Endowment Grant
84.910D - Gallaudet University Construction Program

Goal 8: To challenge students who are deaf, graduate students who are deaf, and graduate students who are hearing, to achieve their academic goals and obtain productive employment, provide leadership in setting the national standard for best practices in education of the deaf and hard of hearing, and establish a sustainable resource base.
Objective 8.1 of 3: The University Programs and the Model Secondary School for the Deaf and the Kendall Demonstration Elementary School will optimize the number of students completing programs of study .
Indicator 8.1.1 of 3: Enrollment at Gallaudet University: Maintain minimum enrollment numbers in Gallaudet's undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies programs, as well as the Model Secondary School for the Deaf and the Kendall Demonstration Elementary School as established by Gallaudet University.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
University Enrollment
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Undergraduate Graduate Professional Studies Undergraduate Graduate Professional Studies
1998 1,339 714 92      
1999 1,300 628 70 1,250 700 70
2000 1,318 541 86 1,250 700 70
2001 1,321 625 93 1,250 700 70
2002 1,243 517 92 1,250 700 70
2003 1,243 617 154 1,250 700 70
2004 1,236 506 70 1,250 700 70
2005       1,250 650 70

Clerc Center Enrollment
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Model Sec. School Kendall Elem. School Model Sec. School Kendall Elem. School
1998 224 137    
1999 209 117 225 140
2000 541   700  
2001 205 148 225 140
2002 188 148 225 140
2003 190 152 225 140
2004 186 145 225 140
2005     225 140

Progress: In fiscal year 2004, the total undergraduate enrollment did not change significantly from last year and remains fairly near the target. Both the graduate student and professional studies enrollment totals appear significantly lower than last year's figures. (See reason in explanation section). The Model Secondary School did not reach its target, however, it maintained at nearly the same level reported in fiscal year 2003. The Kendall School enrollment exceeded its target.

Explanation: Gallaudet has changed its system for counting Graduate and Professional Studies students this fiscal year in order to present a more accurate enrollment picture. The University realized that the prior system of calculating enrollment in these areas presented a danger of double counting the same student. Under the new counting method, if a degree-seeking student or a graduate special student is also enrolled in a professional studies course, that student will be counted only once. The new counting method has an impact on both the graduate and professional studies enrollment numbers. The University will continue to implement the new method so that future reports will be comparable. It should also be noted that there was an increase of degree-seeking graduate students this year of 405 compared to last year's figure of 377. Gallaudet has established minimum enrollment targets based on longstanding enrollment targets and historical trends recognizing that actual figures vary from year to year.  
Additional Source Information: Collegiate Office of Enrollment Services, and Clerc Center student database, FY 2004 enrollment as of October 2003, summarized in Gallaudet's FY 2003 annual report, submitted in 2004.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2004
Data Available: October 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by Gallaudet University and the Clerc Center. No formal verification procedure applied.

Improvements: Gallaudet has implemented a new method for calculating its Graduate and Professional Studies enrollment numbers in order to present a more accurate enrollment picture.

Indicator 8.1.2 of 3: Student retention rate: Increase the undergraduate retention rate and increase or maintain the graduate student retention rate.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Universtiy Student Retention Rates - %
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Undergraduate Graduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Graduate
1998 72      
1999 73   75  
2000 72 78 76 80
2001 71 82 76 82
2002 73 98 76 84
2003 71 86 79 86
2004     79 86
2005     79 86

Progress: In fiscal year 2003, the Undergraduate retention rate fell short of its target, while the Graduate student retention rate met its target

Explanation: While the overall Undergraduate retention rate has not changed significantly, the fall to fall persistence for freshmen and transfer students has been increasing by 1 percent each year for the past 5 years. With the continuous improvement of academic support services, it is projected that this 1-2 percent increase will continue and will result in a more visible impact in the next few years. Gallaudet is committed to increased focus on retention of students at all levels and particular attention to the success of first year students.  
Additional Source Information: Collegiate Office of the Register records, summarized in the FY 2003 annual report, submitted in 2004.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2004
Data Available: October 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by Gallaudet University.

Indicator 8.1.3 of 3: Student graduation rates: By 2008, the Undergraduate graduation rate will reach 48 percent; the Graduate student and Model Secondary School student graduation rates will be increased or maintained.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
University Students' Graduation Rates - %
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate
1998 41      
1999 42   41  
2000 41 82 42 80
2001 41 82 43 80
2002 42 82 44 81
2003 42 82 45 82
2004     45 82
2005     46 83
2006     47  
2007     47  
2008     48  

Clerc Center - Model Secondary School graduation rate - %
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
1998 93  
1999 88 94
2000 98 94
2001 90 94
2002 80 94
2003 71 94
2004   94
2005   94

Progress: In fiscal year 2003, the Undergraduate graduation rate fell short of its target but remained steady with last year's rate. The Graduate student graduation rate met its target. The Model Secondary School graduation rate declined from the previous year and fell short its target (see explanation section).

Explanation: The Undergraduate graduation rates are calculated as the number of graduates in one year over the number of entering students six years previously. Consistent with other universities, Gallaudet students are taking longer to complete baccalaureate studies. Gallaudet continues to institute new strategies to improve its Undergraduate graduation rate. In fiscal year 2003, 71 percent of the Model School seniors completed all graduation requirements by the end of their senior year. However, as of this report, an additional 21 percent have deferred graduation until 2004 in order to complete graduation requirements and IEP goals. An additional 2 percent are pending graduation upon completion of required coursework. Therefore, the total projected graduation rate for the fiscal year 2003 senior class is expected to be 94 percent.  
Additional Source Information: Collegiate Office of the Registrar and the Clerc Center Office of Exemplary Programs and Research records, summarized in FY 2003 annual report, submitted in 2004.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2004
Data Available: October 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by Gallaudet University and the Clerc Center.

Limitations: The Clerc Center (MSSD) graduation rates reported here give an incomplete picture of the graduation status of seniors from fiscal year 2001 onward. There is a need to reconceptualize how performance is assessed to make this indicator a more valid reflection of actual graduation rates. Graduation from MSSD is more than completion of required course work. Graduation signals that students have successfully met their IEP goals, so that graduation becomes an IEP decision. Students may graduate at the end of their senior year, or they may make the decision, as part of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, to change their graduation so they may continue to pursue their IEP goals, or they may elect to take the fifth year option. Clerc Center personnel are currently in the process of redefining graduation outcomes and indicators at MSSD to reflect progress through school and changes in graduation requirements and program options. The Clerc Center will work with the Department in an effort to propose a revised indicator(s) and performance measure(s) to better show MSSD graduation rates.


Objective 8.2 of 3: Gallaudet works in partnership with others to develop and disseminate educational programs and materials for deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
Indicator 8.2.1 of 1: Use of the Demonstration Schools' expertise: Other programs and/or institutions adopting innovative curricula and other products, or modifying their strategies as a result of Model and Kendall's leadership, will be maintained or increased.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Numbers of Programs adopting Model/Kendall Innovative strategies/curricula
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
1998 41  
1999 52 41
2000 62 41
2001 39 41
2002 56 41
2003 54 41
2004   50
2005   55

Progress: The Clerc Center exceeded its target in fiscal year 2003.

Explanation: In fiscal year 2003, 54 programs adopted the Clerc Center's curricula and other products, or modified their strategies as a result of MSSD and KDES leadership. The cumulative number of programs utilizing MSSD/KDES expertise since 1998 is 304 programs. Again, it should be noted that the number of new programs adopting innovations from year to year will vary and depends in part on the number and type of strategies and curricula being disseminated by the Clerc Center and the financial and personnel resources available within other programs to participate in training and implementation activities.  
Additional Source Information: Records of the Clerc Center Office of Training and Professional Development, summarized in the FY 2003 Annual Report, submitted in January 2004.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2004
Data Available: October 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by Gallaudet University and the Clerc Center.


Objective 8.3 of 3: Curriculum and Extra-Curricular activities prepare students to meet the skill requirements of the workplace or to continue their studies.
Indicator 8.3.1 of 2: Employment and advanced studies opportunities at the University: Gallaudet's Bachelor graduates will either find employment commensurate with their training and education or attend advanced education or training programs during their first year after graduation.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Graduates employed or in advanced education or training during first year after graduation - %
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Students Employed Advanced Education or Training Students Employed Advanced Education or Training
1998 95      
1999 98   95  
2000 97   95  
2001 90 38 77 38
2002 89 49 78 39
2003 79 40 79 40
2004     80 40
2005     81 41

Progress: In fiscal year 2003, the targets of students who were either employed or in advanced education or training programs were met.

Explanation: Gallaudet has broken out this indicator to provide the percentages in each category of students, those actually employed and those students who were in advanced education or training programs. In the past, these two categories were combined. Please note that the percents total more than 100 percent because some respondents were employed and undertook a program of advanced education or training in the same year. Advanced education and training includes students enrolled in a Master's or Ph.D. program, a vocational or technical program, or another type of program, e.g., law school or medical school.  
Additional Source Information: University study on the status of graduates' employment and advanced studies, February, 2002

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2004
Data Available: October 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by Gallaudet University.

Indicator 8.3.2 of 2: Employment and advanced studies opportunities at the Model Secondary School: A high percentage of the Model Secondary School graduates will either find jobs commensurate with their training or will attend postsecondary programs.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Model Secondary School graduates in jobs or postsecondary programs during first year after graduation (%)
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2000 74  
2001 72 80
2002 90 80
2003 82 80
2004   80
2005   81

Progress: The fiscal year 2003 rate exceeds the target.

Explanation: The fiscal year 2003 rate exceeds the target by 2 percent. This includes fiscal year 2003 MSSD graduates who were engaged in productive activities, including postsecondary education, work, or Vocational Rehabilitation evaluation or training 4 months after June graduation. An additional 15 percent of graduates reported that they were actively involved in looking for work. Key strategies to address this indicator, implemented in fiscal year 2001, have maintained the impact seen in fiscal year 2002 and 2003.  
Additional Source Information: Clerc Center Exemplary Programs and Research.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2004
Data Available: October 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Data supplied by Gallaudet University.


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