North Carolina Geodetic Survey
Division of Land Resources
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Geodetic Survey logo

NGS Statement on NAD 83(NSRS2007) Coordinates on Data Sheets
National Spatial System Readjustment of NAD83
North Carolina - South Carolina Joint Boundary Commission Meeting

The purpose of the Geodetic Survey section is to establish precisely located monuments on the North Carolina Grid System and Bench Marks referenced to a vertical datum (NGVD 1929 and NAVD 1988).

This internet access has been provided in the hope that all who are interested in the North Carolina Grid System - land surveyors, engineers, planners, instructors and students - will become familiar with the computations and technologies involved.

If you have questions regarding the data content on this page, please contact NCGS by phone at (919) 733-3836, by FAX at (919) 733-4407, or by email:

visitors since February 20, 1997.