Long-term Experiments


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GLBRC Intensive Experiment

The GLBRC intensive experiment site at the Kellogg Biological Station is a 22 ha site that has been subdivided into ten different treatments each replicated in five blocks (Plot size: 40 x 28m or 131 x 92ft) as diagrammed in the main site layout map (click on the map for a larger version).  There are 2 grain based systems (Continuous Corn and corn-soybean-canola), and 5 cellulosic based systems including Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum variety Cave-in-rock), and giant miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus), poplar trees, a 4-species native grass mix, an old field community, and a restored prairie community. Each production system is evaluated in a conventional and low input (maximum net energy yield) production context to provide a spectrum of energy input levels to evaluate system performance.

Project goals are directed towards looking at the performance of novel bioenergy crop production systems assessing crop yield and quality, impacts on microbial-plant interactions, biogeochemical responses, water needs,(greenhouse gas fluxes, nutrient leaching to groundwater), biodiversity responses, and socioeconomic impacts. Ultimate goals are to model the production efficiencies of different bioenergy crops.

Click here for species names for treatment Grassmix (G7) and native prairie (G10).