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Media Contact:    Kathy Noll For Immediate Release
Telephone: 202-219-6871    Friday, October 20, 2000

The U.S. Department of Labor is awarding more than $14 million in grants to enable 13 minority colleges and universities to develop new systems to train workers for high-skill jobs in areas where companies are facing labor shortages.

"I have often said that we don't have a worker shortage in this country, we have a skills shortage," said Secretary of Labor Alexis M. Herman. "Colleges and universities that primarily serve minorities are in a unique position to provide leadership in closing this skills gap for the African-American, Hispanic and Native American communities."

The grants have been awarded to colleges and universities on a competitive basis for partnership-building and skills training.

Partnership-building grants will be used to establish new regional partnerships involving the colleges and universities, employers, local Workforce Investment Boards, elected officials and community and faith-based organizations. These grants may support such efforts as assessing community needs, adapting training curricula to meet employers' requirements for skilled workers, and small-scale training activities.

Grants for skills training will enable the colleges and universities to further develop and carry out existing programs in skill-shortage fields. Workers who have jobs but need to upgrade their skills, as well as dislocated workers and new entrants into the labor force will be eligible for training.

A list of grantees is attached:

College or University Type of Grant   Amount of Grant
Albany State University Partnership $ 248,150
Bethune-Cookman College Training $1,686,383
Bowie State University Training $1,600,000
Denmark Technical College Training $ 390,000
South Carolina
Houston Community College System Training $1,500,000
Howard University Partnership $ 750,000
Washington, D.C.
Johnson C. Smith Univ. Partnership $ 748,330
North Carolina
LaGuardia Community College Partnership $ 749,571
New York
New Mexico State Univ. Training $1,700,000
Norfolk State University Training $1,600,000
Rancho Santiago Community College District Partnership $ 736,036
Tuskegee University Training $1,800,000
United Tribes Technical College Training $ 744,431
North Dakota

Total       $14,252,901

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Name of Grantee: Albany State University

Contact Name and Phone: Dr. Carolyn Williams, (912) 430-4601

Amount of Grant: $248,150

Duration of Grant: October 1, 2000, to February 28, 2002

Geographic Area Covered: Doughtery County, Southwest Georgia

Consortium: The Southwest Workforce Investment Board, Georgia Department of Labor, Albany Area Chamber of Commerce, Youth Opportunity Center, School -to-Work Consortium, and four technical colleges in Albany, Bainbridge, Moultrie and Thomasville, Albany Convention & Visitors Bureau, Albany State University Public Service Institute.

Features of the Project: The project will establish a partnership to address information technology shortages and increase career and job opportunities for minorities in southwest Georgia. During Phase I, the partnership will complete a community audit of the demand and supply of skilled workers in the area. During Phase II, the program will produce 20 Microsoft Certified Software Engineers (MCSE), 60 Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS), 20 Business Information System Managers. Twenty incumbent workers will be trained for certification as certified Quality Technicians, and Certified Quality Engineers.

Instructions will be delivered on campus and supplemented by distance learning techniques. Training programs will include non-technical skills such as good communication, problem-solving, analytical skills, and the ability to learn quickly.

Targeted Workers: Incumbent workers, dislocated workers, new entrants, welfare recipients, minority workers, and students.

Involvement of Employers: Procter and Gamble, Bank of America, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, Cagle Foods, Miller Brewing, Flowers Baking Corp, Cello-Foil Products, Inc., Gray communications, and Sunnyland Farms. The project will survey about 350 employers in the area to identify information technology skills shortages.

Role of Union: None stated in the application.


Name of Grantee: Bethune-Cookman College

Contact Name and Phone: Dr. Sheila Y. Flemming, (904) 255-1401, Ext. 294; or (904) 252-2876

Amount of Grant: $1,686,383

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to June 3, 2003

Geographic Area Covered: Volusia County, Flagler County, Florida

Consortium: Florida Department of Health, Workforce Development Board of Flagler and Volusia Counties, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Stetson University,

Features of the Project: Plan and implement training for employers in the fastest growing industries in the area: business, social, and health services. Focus its efforts on incumbent workers while having the flexibility of preparing workers in all categories of employment. The project will recruit 550 participants.

Improve skills of participants for specific jobs projected by the targeted industries. Skill building through training will be ensured through a core curriculum that requires participants to achieve success in "work ethics" and "computer literacy" courses. Other training for specific jobs will also be offered.

Serve as an example of how partnerships should be systemic and mutually beneficial.

Plan for an increase in the hospitality management industry.

Targeted Workers: The primary group is incumbent workers. Economically disadvantaged and dislocated workers will also be targeted.

Involvement of Employers: Halifax-Fish Community Health Center, Volusia County Health Dept., The Florida Department of Children and Families District 12, Volusia Manufacturers Association , and the Volusia Hotel and Motel Association. Employers will identify skill shortages, assist in curricula development and assist in job placements.

Role of Union: None are stated in the application.


Name of grantee Bowie State University

Contact Name and Phone: Arthur Brooks, (301) 809-4017

Amount of Grant: $1,600,000

Duration of Grant: March 3, 2001, to July 31, 2003

Geographic Area Covered: Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area

Consortium: Bowie State University, Prince George's Workforce Services Corporation, Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce, Prince George's County Board of Trade, B&W Technologies, and Goodwill Industries

Features of the Project: The partnership will develop a demonstration project to provide skills training to 300 dislocated and incumbent workers in information technology, telecommunications, and other fields in industries experiencing skills shortages. The training for the dislocated and disadvantaged worker population will include job readiness skills. Trainees will be assisted with childcare costs during the training and internship periods.

Targeted Workers: Dislocated workers, individuals transitioning from welfare-to-work, and the working poor who need to enhance their skills. The target neighborhoods are predominantly African-American, with many families headed by single women. The population will vary in education levels from those without a GED to individuals with some college training. The target population will range in age from 19-45.

Involvement of Employers: The Southern Management Corporation, Goodwill Industries, B&W Technologies Inc., Washington Gas, and Health Serve Hospital will help develop curriculum, provide training and internship sites, and hire trainees. Electronic Educations, TESST Technology Institute, KB Touring Services. An Employer Advisory committee will play a critical role in recruiting incumbent workers. They will also provide an on-the-job mentor for participants. Employers will be asked to provide 4-6 weeks internships.

Role of Unions: Training sessions may be held at the Communications Workers of America Academy. CWA currently provides certified training in cabling, A+, and Cisco Certified Network Administrator.


Name of Grantee: Houston Community College System

Contact Name and Phone: Gayland Capps, (713) 718-6239

Amount of Grant: $1,500,000

Duration of Grant: November 1, 2000 to April 30, 2003

Geographic Area Covered: Houston, Harris County, Texas (Houston, TX Metropolitan Area)

Consortium: Gulf Coast Workforce Investment Board (Houston-Galveston Area Council, three One-stops, and four Youth Opportunity sites),Radio Shack, Southwestern Bell, Atlantic Pacific Communications, Fisk Technologies, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 716, and Infintel

Features of the Project: The Network 2000 project will train 300 new and incumbent workers as Network Cabling Specialists (C-Techs) in the telecommunications field. The project will train 100 dislocated workers, 150 new workers from One-Stops and Youth Opportunity sites, and 50 incumbent workers from grant partners and Enterprise Community employers. The training will consist of 240 hours of instruction in telecommunications, copper wiring and fiber optics. Network 2000 will offer lifelong learning opportunities and counseling to help graduates continue their education and advance their careers.

Targeted Workers: The project targets youths, adult residents, incumbent workers, and dislocated workers of Houston's Enhanced Enterprise Community, an inner city area of extreme poverty and limited employment opportunities.

Involvement of Employers: Southwestern Bell, Atlantic Pacific Communications, Fisk Technologies, C-Tech Associates Inc., Radio Shack, and North American Telecommunications Ltd., have signed agreements to hire more than 10,000 technicians nationwide over the next few years. The employers will visit classrooms to review and modify the curriculum and offer advice.

Role of Unions: The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 716 (IBEW) will assist graduates with job placement, career guidance, and assist with union membership.


Name of Grantee: Howard University

Contact Name and Phone: Dr. Arthur Paul, (202) 806-5567

Geographic Area Covered: Washington, DC, metropolitan area

Amount of Grant: $750,000

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to June 30, 2003

Consortium: Peoples Involvement Corporation, Urban Family Institute, Manna Community Development Corp., D.C. Department of Employment Services; 3Netwise IT Group/Automation Research Systems, Inc.

Features of the Project: Create an open-ended regional partnership that will develop broad-based strategies to ameliorate or eliminate skills shortages in information technology, health care and other occupational areas and companies in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.

Identify occupations, industries, and specific companies in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area currently experiencing skills shortages.

Develop and pilot test skills training strategies that will qualify a significant number of minority dislocated workers, new entrants and incumbent workers, specifically in the Enterprise Community.

Develop training curricula and programs that are replicable, sustainable, and adaptable to employers' current and future skills training needs.

Targeted Workers: A special emphasis will be on workers affected by by public sector downsizing. Will also include Incumbent workers, dislocated workers, and new entrants into the labor force.

Involvement of Employers: Cisco Systems, Trinity College, 3Netwise IT Group/Automation Research Systems, Inc.

Role of Union: None are stated in the application.


Name of Grantee: Johnson C. Smith University>

Contact Name and Phone: Kitty Stephens, (704) 378-1202

Amount of Grant: $748,330

Duration of Grant: November 1, 2000 to April 30, 2002

Geographic Area Covered: Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, North Carolina, South Carolina Metropolitan Area (City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, Gastonia, Huntersville, Monroe, Concord-Kannapolis and Rock Hill)

Consortium: The Charlotte Mecklenburg Workforce Development Board, the North Carolina Board of Public Instruction, the Urban League, Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, local faith based institutions, Education and Training partners

Features of the Project: The overall goal is specifically to develop strategies to address the unique barriers faced by the minoirty population. Particular concern and interest about the large Afro-American and 150 ethnic groups of citizens who comprise a large percent of the region's population but have not yet benefitted from previous and current established efforts to address employment problems in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County and surrounding areas.

Targeted Workers: Employed and unemployed minorities (particularly African-Americans), dislocated workers, and new entrants into the job market.

Involvement of Employers: Private sector partners will provide direction and guidance in solidification of the coalition of all partners. Individuals from this group will provide the basis of future education and training as laid-off workers and unfilled positions will become part of the target market.

Role of Union:None are stated in the application


Name of Grantee LaGuardia Community College

Contact Name and Phone: Linda Gilberto, (718) 482-5301

Amount of Grant: $749,571

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to June 30, 2003

Geographic Area Covered: New York City, NY

Consortium: Brooklyn Workforce Innovations, New York City Technical College of the City University of New York, NYC Workforce Investment Board, Communications Workers of America, the Hispanic Federation, and the Long Island City Business Development Corporation.

Features of the Project: Planning Access to Careers in Telecommunication through Training (PACTT) will analyze skills shortages in entry-level telecommunications jobs and design effective recruiting and training strategies for eligible Hispanics. A community audit will study local telecommunications industry needs and the potential labor pool in the Hispanic communities in Queens and Brooklyn.

Targeted Workers: The target population is Hispanic residents of Brooklyn and Queens who are dislocated or new entrants to the workforce.

Involvement of Employers: Representatives of Verizon have indicated that the company will support the project, work on curriculum development and assist with job placements. The Camelot Group and U.S. Information Systems will assist with skill requirements and job placements.

Role of Unions: Training sessions may be held at the Communications Workers of American Academy. CWA is interested in training which will move workers from entry-level to high skill jobs. CWA will assign a training specialist to review the training needed for entry level jobs.


Name of Grantee: New Mexico State University

Contact Name and Phone: Michael R. Elrod, (505) 527-7667; Kelly Brooks, (505) 527-7745

Amount of Grant: $1,700,000

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to June 30, 2003

Geographic Area Covered: Doña Ana County, Las Cruces, New Mexico

Consortium: New Mexico State University and the New Mexico Department of Labor

Features of the Project: Create and staff a One-Stop Career Center in an industrial part at Santa Teresa, NM. Approximately 200 clients will be assessed and receive training. Skills training will be provided through collaboration with the New Mexico Department of Labor, Las Cruces Area Office.

Provide support services including child care, job placement, and transportation to and from the training site in 15-passenger vans, addressing the fundamental problems in a low-income rural area.

Targeted Workers: Entry level, incumbent, and dislocated workers, will be trained as tool and die machine operators, first-line supervisors, and material handlers.

Involvement of Employers: Vista Corrugated, Farah, ADC Telecommunications, Karr Tools, Adams Nut & Bolt, Flextek Industries, Elektisola, Klingler Electric, OKE USA, Thomas Engineering, and employers in the Santa Teresa Industrial Park Alliance. Karr Tool & Manufacturing will train apprentices in machine tool and die occupations.

Role of Union: None are stated in the application.


Name of Grantee: Norfolk State University

Contact Name and Phone: Paula R.D. Shaw, (757) 823-9053

Amount of Grant: $1,600,000

Duration of Grant: November 15, 2000, to April 15, 2003

Geographic Area Covered: Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Franklin, Suffolk, Isle of Wright, South Hampton, Newport News, Hampton, Poquoson, Williamsburg, VA

Consortium: Hampton Roads One-Stop Career Centers, Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Employment Commission, Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, Southeastern Virginia Job Training Administration.

Features of the Project: The Hampton Roads Hospitality Education and Training Initiative will address employment shortages in the hospitality and tourism industry. The training will combine classroom learning and internships on basic industry-specific skills and computer literacy. Participants who complete the required courses will receive industry-standard certification. The objective is to train up to a minimum of 550 workers in courses that will lead to placement in career-track positions in restaurants, hotels and other tourism-related businesses. A minimum of 100 of 550 participants will receive training in hospitality and tourism management. The National Restaurant Association's Educational Foundation and the American Hotel and Motel Association's Educational Institute have developed the training that will be implemented in the project. The target population will have access to transportation assistance, childcare, and course work assistance.

Targeted Workers: The target populations are new, displaced, and incumbent workers who are inexperienced, unskilled or need to upgrade their skills. The target population will include large numbers of minority participants who are high school graduates and individuals who have not completed high school.

Involvement of Employers: The Virginia Beach Hotel and Motel Association, the Holiday Sands Motel, Nickelise Corp. and The Cavalier have pledged their work sites for this program. National Restaurant Assn. Internship agreements will be made with employers to retrain participants and offer them permanent employment.

Role of Unions: None stated in the application.


Name of Grantee: Rancho Santiago Community College District

Contact Name and Phone: Paul Garza, (714) 565-5521

Amount of Grant: $736,036

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002

Geographic Area Covered: Orange County, portions of Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Orange, Stanton, Westminster and all of Santa Ana, California

Consortium: Members include the Orange County Business Council, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Orange County, Black Chamber of Commerce of Orange County, the County of Orange and City of Anaheim Workforce Investments Boards, and the Orange County Central Labor Council.

Features of the Project: Utilize existing networks to develop the Bridge to Careers Consortium and market-driven approaches to the workforce problems confronting Orange County, and target impact upon the minority and immigrant-based communities of the central portion of the County. Develop strategies including basic research to assist individual companies to develop human capital in concert with market changes to analyze and identify industry cluster skill shortages and develop curriculum and training programs. And create opportunities for displaced workers, former and current welfare recipients and new immigrants.

Identify and assess particular Orange County occupations and skill sets in the growth clusters. Identify areas of workforce shortage and critical employers needs that are currently being met using H1-B visas.

Targeted Workers: Incumbent workers requiring customized training to achieve the skills they and their companies need.

Involvement of Employers: Conexant, FileNet, Edwards Lifesciences, Gateway Computer, Medtronic, B. Braun McGaw, Textron, Western Digital, Unisys, Toshiba America, Newport Corp., Sage Software, Wonderware will participate in focus group sessions.

Role of Union: None are stated in the application.


Name of Grantee: Tuskegee University

Contact Name and Phone: Henry J. Findlay, (334) 727-8601

Amount of Grant: $1,800,000

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to June 30, 2003

Geographic Area Covered: Macon County and surrounding areas--Lee, Montgomery, Russell, Bullock, and Pike Counties in Alabama; Muscogee County, Georgia

Consortium: Southern Community College in Macon County, AL, Local One-Stop- Career Center, Workforce Investment Board, Alabama Power, Lockheed Martin hospitals, Chamber of Commerce

Features of the Project: Train 250 individuals in computer technology, electronics, automotive maintenance, and healthcare. Provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences for participants to become skilled practitioners in various fields. Training will be directed at raising the skill level of currently employed workers and to increase the marketability of dislocated workers for reentry into the workplace.

Develop employer-based training programs that use cutting edge technology. Develop opportunities for participants to match theory with practice through on-the-job training.

Utilize an advisory board to assist in the identification of skills that are in concert with technological changes in business and industry.

Design, develop, and implement a delivery system that meets the needs of both employers and job seekers for customized services.

Design, develop, and implement an effective and cost-efficient transitional support system to promote job retention.

Provide job readiness skills for sustainability in the workforce to include good work ethics as a means of creating longevity in the workforce.

Targeted Workers: Dislocated workers, incumbent workers, and new entrants.

Involvement of Employers: Alabama Power, Lockheed Martin Hospital, Southern Company Services, Alabama Dept. of Economic and Community Affairs. Alabama Power and Lockheed Martin Hospital will provide internships.

Role of Union:None are stated in the application.


Name of Grantee: United Tribes Technical College

Contact Name and Phone: Andrew Rendon, (701) 255-3285, Ext. 410

Amount of Grant: $744,431

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to December 31, 2002

Geographic Area Covered: North Dakota

Consortium: United Tribes Technical College (UTTC), UTTC Workforce Investment Board, ND/SD Native American Business Development Center, Bismarck-Mandan Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Great Plains Indian Gaming Association, Tribal Tourism Partnership Initiative (TTPI), United Tribes Cultural Arts Board, United Tribes Indian Artist Guild, ND State Parks, Tribal Colleges

Features of the Project: Provide an opportunity for tribal communities to empower its members to articulate tribal history and culture in a professional manner. And to maintain a commitment to the economic, social, and cultural advancement of Indian families.Provide vocational programs for 23 Certificate and Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) areas. The UTTC will develop a 2-year tribal tourism curriculum emphasizing tribal art, marketing and retail business development, and hospitality management. Graduates will earn an A.A.S. in Tribal Tourism, the first such program in the nation.

Provide a coordinated effort to increase the capacity of tribes to embrace tribal tourism and economic development for individual entrepreneurs.

Conduct Tribal Tourism seminars at each reservation for increasing the presence of American Indian culture and eventual development of an Office of American Indian Tourism.

Targeted Workers: Tribal members.

Involvement of Employers: State of North Dakota, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, UTTC Workforce Investment Act, Impact Gallery and Gifts,

Role of Union: The Great Plains Indian Gaming Association will encourage casino shops to hire students in this project.


Name of grantee Denmark Technical College

Contact Name and Phone: Dr. Joan R. G. Boyd-Scotland, (803) 793-5100

Amount of Grant: $390,000

Duration of Grant: January 1, 2001, to December 31, 2002

Geographic Area Covered: Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell Counties, southwest South Carolina

Consortium: South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP), ACT-WORKKEYS, South Carolina Employment Service, Department of Social Services, State Department of Commerce, Adult Education providers, and the Lower Savannah Workforce Investment Act partners.

Features of the Project: The proposed project is a 25-week classroom worksite internship college certificate program (13 weeks of classroom/lab work, 12 weeks of on-the- job training) that will include 30 students.

Develop personal skills of individuals which would prepare them for jobs in maintenance areas.

Targeted Workers: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) incumbent workers, Welfare to Work clients, displaced homemakers, WIA dislocated workers, WIA adult clients, low income individuals, handicapped individuals, and vocational rehabilitation clients.

Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009