Center for American Progress Center for American Progress


December Jobs Feature

Labor Market Free Fall

The speed of the recession is evident in fast-mounting job losses, explains Heather Boushey. Congress needs to move swiftly on its stimulus package.

Image: CAP

Prescription Drugs

The Unacceptable Status Quo

Since the failure of health care reform in 1994, costs have increased, quality has been inconsistent, and more Americans have joined the ranks of the uninsured, writes Ben Furnas.

AP/Mel Evans

111th Congress Feature

The Case for Economic Stimulus

A deteriorating economy requires bold but well-targeted action, writes Will Straw.

The Case for Economic Stimulus

Infographic: Why We Can't Afford Not to Have a Stimulus

Pumping Life Back into the U.S. Economy

Pumping Life Back into the U.S. Economy

Scott Lilly on why a stimulus package must be big and targeted.

Defense Budget Interactive

Design Your Own Defense Budget

Use this tool to examine key military programs and decide for yourself how the defense budget should be made. Based off of our new report, Building a Military for the 21st Century.


Economy | January 9, 2009

Massive and Direct Relief

Panelists at a CAP discuss new report from Scott Lilly and the urgent need for help to grow jobs and encourage consumer spending.
Books | January 9, 2009

Reinvigorating Capitalism to Stimulate the Economy

Matt Miller discusses The Tyranny of Dead Ideas and how to turn around growing discontent within the middle class.
Women's Health & Rights | January 9, 2009

House Passes Pay Equity Legislation

The Center for American Progress applauds the House of Representatives for passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act today.
Economy | January 9, 2009

Weekly Round Up

Find out what happened this week at CAP: Our experts argued for a second stimulus, outlined a plan for closing Guantanamo, and more.
Housing | January 8, 2009

Time to Quarantine the Foreclosure Epidemic

The worsening housing and economic crises afflicting our nation warrant bolder action in the home mortgage arena, writes David Abromowitz.





Health Reform Is the Most Fiscally Responsible Course of Action

Health Reform Is the Most Fiscally Responsible Course of Action James Kvaal on the economic consequences of failing to reform the health care system and why we need universal health care now.


A Second Stimulus

A Second Stimulus Will Straw and Michael Ettlinger outline a program for spending $350 billion on stimulus and recovery to boost the economy within a year.

Green Affordable Housing

Green Affordable Housing Report from David Abromowitz outlines ways that the Obama administration can incentivize and enable the green transformation of affordable housing.

  • A Race Against the Clock: Report from Melissa Lazarín explores the value of expanded learning time for English language learners.
  • Data-Driven Drug Coverage: Report from Jack Hoadley outlines how to harness information for a better Medicare prescription drug program.

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