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Video Tele-Conferencing (VTC)


As part of a Forest Service purchase, NAFRI now has a Video Tele-Conferencing (VTC) system for your use.  This system was recently certified by AT&T to connect to other AT&T Certified Non-Forest Service VTC systems.  It was used during the 2008 course season to conduct a type of Distance Learning called Video Tele-Training (VTT). .

1.  Any VTC system is comprised of Two-Way-Video and Two-Way-Audio.
2.  Multiple VTC participant sites can be presented at the same time or the system can switch automatically to which ever site is talking.
3.  We can connect to multiple VTC uses. (More than four sites must be coordinated through the VTC Service Desk (VTC Service Desk contact information is listed below))
4.  This VTC system can connect to other Non-Forest Service VTC systems providing they are certified by AT&T.  These connections must be coordinated through the VTC Service Desk.  (VTC Service Desk contact information is listed below)
5.  A Laptop computer can be connected to the system to present PowerPoint slides or short video clips to the VTC participants.  Please click on the link for special requirements for creating PowerPoint Slides for use in a VTC.
6.  A DVD/VCR can be connected to the system to present video.
7.  A telephone conferencing system can be used in conjunction with this VTC system.
8.  The NAFRI VTC system can be utilized in anyone of its rooms.
9.  The VTC can be used in the NAFRI’ Sonoran Auditorium and the VTC screen can be projected onto the auditorium large projection screen.

Distance Education/Learning

This VTC system can be used in a Video Tele-Training (VTT) mode where the instructor and students are at separate geographical locations.  This has the obvious advantage of saving travel time and cost of either the instructor or the students.  If you are interested in learning more about using this VTC system for VTT please contact a NAFRI Course Coordinator or the NAFRI Instructional Systems Specialist, Michael Williams at 520-799-8770 or mikewilliams@fs.fed.us

VTC Service Desk Contact information:
 (503) 808-2152.

Schedule a VTC Session with NAFRI
If you are an instructor and wish to use the NAFRI VTC system in a VTT mode, please contact the Course Coordinator and ask them to contact the NAFRI AV Department for scheduling.

Future Improvements:
The Forest Service plans on adding the capability to use the VTC system itself to make a telephone conference connection.
Plans are being developed to fully integrate this VTC system in the Video and Audio Systems here are NAFRI.

General information
1.  A Forest Service article on the VTC fielding is at the following link:
2.  For additional information on use of the VTC system at NAFRI please contact one of the NAFRI Audio Visual Division personnel listed below:
Michael Williams:  520-799-8770,  mikewilliams@fs.fed.us
Maria Anderson:  520-799-8771, manderson07@fs.fed.us
Eric Steele:  520-799-8772, ericsteele@fs.fed.us





