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Would the National Popular Vote Advantage Red State Republicans?

Would the National Popular Vote Advantage Red State Republicans?

January 9, 2009 | web only
Republican states seem to suffer the worst from the vicissitudes of the Electoral College, but it is red-state Republican politicians who are the least interested in switching to a national popular vote.

From the archives: Zach Pelta-Heller's 2007 profile of the national popular-vote movement.

The group blog of The American Prospect
Who needs voting rights?
Posted at 3:10 p.m.

A respectable liberal blog
Charts! Graphs! Health care! 1994!
Posted at 5:04 p.m.

Dean Baker's economic commentary
Card check explained. Again.
Posted at 6:06 a.m.

End of the Divorce?

January 8, 2009 | web only
Union presidents move to reunite a divided labor movement.

Size Matters

January 8, 2009 | web only
Economists generally agree that the government has to step in with a plan to jump-start the economy -- but will Obama's plan be big enough?

The Ignored Choices in Gaza

January 7, 2009 | web only
Both Hamas and the Israeli government had options for avoiding this conflict. Now, in the heat of battle, those options have been eclipsed.

The Race Card Returns

January 9, 2009 | web only
Obama's dream of race-neutral politics lasted as long as it took for his governor to realize he had only one trick left.

The FundamentaList (No. 62)

January 7, 2009 | web only
This week in the religious right: Conservatives fight for the RNC chair, Focus on the Family fears the new Congress, and has Obama "defanged" the religious right?

Deadly Medicine for Youth Violence

January 6, 2009 | web only
New efforts at dating-violence prevention are based on the same old gender stereotypes. No wonder they're not working.

How the U.S. Should Be Involved in Gaza

How the U.S. Should Be Involved in Gaza

January 8, 2009 | web only
Absent external pressure, the internal logic of politics tends to point toward momentary conflict escalating out of control. But playing that role effectively requires political commitment.

Also: Dana Goldstein on the idea of Israel.

The Al-Noor Mosque following an Israeli airstrike in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City, Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

What Will the Next Republican Coalition Look Like?
January 6, 2009 | web only

Forty years ago, "the unpoor, the unblack, and the unyoung" provided a comfortable majority for Republicans, but no longer.

An Ounce of Prevention?
January 6, 2009 | web only

The standard story is that prevention saves health-care dollars. But if we're to get better at averting illness, we're going to have to spend more.

How Bush Broke the Government
January 5, 2009

To gain a true sense of Bush's legacy, we survey the systematic and politically motivated ways he undermined the federal government.

Behind Fortune's Smile
January 2, 2009

Malcolm Gladwell's latest mixes some insights from social science with some compelling anecdotes. Unfortunately, the plural of "anecdote" is not "data."


Can Partisanship Save Citizenship?

December 31, 2008
In the 1990s, reformers and academics worried about how to improve civic life. They didn't foresee that technology combined with party politics would renew civic engagement.

Getting Ahead of Congress

December 30, 2008
The president must begin reaching out to Congress to build support on key social issues right away.

The Competence Dodge

December 29, 2008
Liberals should not allow themselves to believe that the experience and competence of Obama's economic team are substitutes for true progressivism.

A Really Long Heat Wave

December 26, 2008
Popular writers and scientists alike are trying to help readers understand climate change, but doing so requires new thinking about the scale of time.

I Love Christmas Music

December 24, 2008 | web only
Yes, I'm Jewish, and no, the love is not ironic. Christmas music is about winter, and nostalgia. It's an aural blanket, a cup of sonic cocoa on a cold day.

Obama's Economic Opportunity

December 23, 2008
The dismal state of the economy presents Obama with the chance not just to produce a recovery but to restore a more egalitarian society -- and a progressive majority.

The Public Option and the Hope of Health Care Reform

December 23, 2008 | web only
Democrats' discussion of health care reform points to just how much the debate over health care reform has moved forward.

The Rebel Prince

December 23, 2008 | web only
Benjamin Netanyahu is the front-runner in Israel's election. Will voters notice that a radical rightist has hijacked Netanyahu's Likud party?

America's New Year's Resolution: A Return to Integrity

December 22, 2008 | web only
As we prepare to usher in a new year and a new administration, let's all pledge to rediscover our moral way in this country.

Will Environmental Justice Finally Get Its Due?

December 22, 2008 | web only
Obama's environment, energy, and urban affairs appointees are poised to enact policies that environmental justice activists have long been pushing for.

Featured Contributor

Tara  McKelvey Tara McKelvey, a senior editor at the Prospect, is a research fellow at NYU School of Law's Center on Law and Security and the author of Monstering: Inside America’s Policy on Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War.

All articles by Tara McKelvey...

I Love Christmas Music
| web only
Yes, I'm Jewish, and no, the love is not ironic. Christmas music is about winter, and nostalgia. It's an aural blanket, a cup of sonic cocoa on a cold day.

Negotiating Duty
| web only
Nothing But the Truth, the new fictionalized film about the Judith Miller scandal, leaves out nuance in favor of neat drama.

Art in the Age of Obama
Magazine Subscribers Only
A new era may be dawning in which artists, strongly supported by the president, will transcend starry-eyed campaign pictures and develop new forms of enduring art.

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