Daily Jones

Judge to Bush Admin: You've Created an Email "Emergency"
The administration gambled that a suit over its missing emails would be thrown out. Now it's paying the price. —By Daniel Schulman

Obama Aide: Dump Bush's Iran Policy
Tehran will be watching the next administration closely. Here's the right signal to send, says Obama's counterterrorism advisor. —By Bruce Falconer

MoJo Video Contest: Goodbye, George W. Bush
If you had 30 seconds (and a camera) to say farewell to W., what would you do? The first in a video series.  —By Laura McClure

Why Holder Represents What's Wrong with DC
The AG nominee forged a fine career in public service. Then he checked out and cashed in.  —By David Corn


Why Some Enviros Hate Obama's EPA Pick
Most greens have cheered the selection of Lisa Jackson, but some warn she's not real change.  —By Jonathan Stein

The New New Deal
Together we can live within our means, make things, innovate, and prosper. And you don't even have to understand credit default swaps.  —By Mark Fiore

Are the Army's Days of the Future Past?
What went on at the 26th Army Science Conference.  —By Nick Turse

Softballs for the Secretary
Sailing through her confirmation hearing, Hillary Clinton avoids tough questions on the Obama administration's greatest foreign policy challenge: Afghanistan.  —By Bruce Falconer

Bush's Non-Mea-Culpa Tour 2009
If Bush was wrong, then he doesn't want to be right.  —By David Corn

Obama's Pick for HHS Deputy: Actually Qualified
Unlike his Bush-appointee predecessors, William Corr has health policy creds. —By Stephanie Mencimer

Prelude to an Inaugural
My draft of Obama's inaugural speech.  —By Tom Engelhardt

Inside AEI's Bunker
The hawks are watching Obama like...well, hawks.
 —By Laura Rozen

Beg Your Pardon?
Bush's power to pardon subordinates is basically unlimited. Could he legally pardon himself?  —By Jonathan Schwarz

How Long Does It Take to Apply for Federal Bailout Funds?
Less time than it takes to watch Gossip Girl, as MoJo discovered after filling out an application for the Troubled Assets Relief Program.  —By Alexis Fitts and Daniel Luzer

Libs to Obama: You Call That Stimulus?
Why some progressive economists believe Obama's stimulus plan sells America short.  —By Jonathan Stein

The Afghan Reconstruction Boondoggle
"Winning" the military campaign against the Taliban is the lesser half of the story. —By Ann Jones

I, Obot
What will Obama's tech gurus Shift+Control next?  —By Tim Dickinson

You Might Be a Liberal If...
10 findings on the party in your mind.  —By Kiera Butler

Can Obama Channel the Gipper?
Forget FDR. Reagan is the presidential role model Obama needs now. —By David Corn

Why the Mess Obama Inherits Might Be His Greatest Opportunity
As long as we’re sticking our kids with the bailout tab, let’s leave them some souvenirs.  —By Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery

Will Congress Treat Panetta Like a Piñata?
On this episode of, David Corn and James Pinkerton discuss why the Panetta pick could set up a nasty confirmation fight. 

Why the Panetta Pick Shouldn't Spook Langley
An agency insider describes why Panetta may be the right man for the job. —By David Corn

The Problem with Cheap Oil
No matter how much it costs, oil has a profound impact on the world we inhabit—and this will be no less true in 2009 than in 2008. —By Michael T. Klare

Rocket Science
As bombs burst in the air, Israelis and Palestinians find common ground in the inescapable logic of war: It's your fault I have to kill you.  —By Mark Fiore

Bush to Gaza: I'm Outta Here
His predecessor played Middle East peacemaker in his final days in office, but Bush has opted to wait out the clock.  —By Bruce Falconer

George W. Bush, Environmentalist?
The president's not known for his green-friendly policies, but enviros are applauding his latest effort to protect the deep blue. —By Jonathan Stein

Happy New Year, Obama Baby!
Behind the scenes with MoJo's creative director: Why we chose a Saturday Evening Post homage for our January/February issue cover illustration.  —By Tim J Luddy

Fiscal Therapy
Getting the economy back on its feet, giving taxpayers a break, and saving your kid's college tuition? Done. Here's how.  —By David Cay Johnston

Take That, Jack Bauer!
Leon Panetta, Obama's choice for CIA chief, has blasted waterboarding and advocated more oversight of the CIA. Will the spies be happy? —By David Corn

The Anti-Yoo
Obama's pick for a top Justice Department spot has been one of the harshest critics of Bush's torture and executive power abuses. —By Nick Baumann

The Bill Richardson Wreck
Obama's Commerce secretary pick pulls a U-turn, but there was a long road of problems behind him. —By James Ridgeway

How To Go Prius Green on a Chevy Nova Budget
10 frugal alternatives to Whole Foods, convection ovens, and other eco-elite catnip.  —By Celia Perry

The Waistland
Does America look fat in this?  —By Kiera Butler

Body Count Nation
The Bush administration tried, but they couldn't help it. They just had to count.  —By Tom Engelhardt

Photos: From Phone Sex Workers to Aryan Outfitters
Our photo editor's 2008 short list.  —By Mark Murrmann

Bright New Ideas 101
From driving-addiction treatment to Warren Buffett's railroad makeovers, these ideas are ones to watch. —By Mother Jones staff

Obama Defuses Bobby Rush's Racial Bomb
It was just another absurd day in the absurd life of Rod Blagojevich. Then Bobby Rush showed up.  —By Jonathan Stein

A Breezy History of the Air Freshener
Yes, Lysol was America's most popular contraceptive in the 1930s.  —By Kiera Butler

Did Bernie Madoff Bilk Mother Jones?
The good news: unlike other nonprofits, we didn't invest with the Ponzi master. The bad news: our funding has taken a serious hit. Here's how you can help.  —By Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery

Greens Gone Wild
Who says skivvies, sex, and booze can't factor into the sustainability equation? —By Elizabeth Gettelman

The Wizard of H2O
Can "megawatersheds" save Africa from drought? Or is explorer Robert Bisson all wet? —By Bruce Falconer

The New Year
Remembering the bad and the ugly of 2008. And good luck Baby New Year.  —By Mark Fiore

The Dems' Latest Present to the Rich
The Obama team is hinting it will let Bush's tax cuts for the rich run two years longer than promised. Were we duped again?  —By James Rideway

MoJo Audio: Trash Talk
What happens when you store a year's worth of garbage in your basement? —By Jesse Finfrock

Photos: American Holidays
From Christmas trees to fairy wings (and nuns with blenders), a photographer documents how we celebrate. —By Julia Gillard

What About the Dirty Jobs?
Why green-collar gurus should stop condescending to the brown-collar crowd.  —By Chris Lehmann

Why the Auto Bailout's a Dead End
Detroit's primary moneymaking vehicle has been selling credit, not cars. The Big Three may have finally run out of road.  —By Stephanie Mencimer

Earth to Washington
What will it take for DC to wake up to global warming?  —By David Corn


Mojo Blog


by Gwen Mejia

For months and months volunteers spent much of their personal time campaigning at the San Francisco Obama Campaign Headquarters, even taking time away from their jobs to be there. This politician inspired people to donate any time they had in the hopes of creating change. Many core volunteers spent nearly everyday at the Obama campaign office, posting on the walls the inspiration they needed to keep believing in their cause. This Campaign Interiors Photo Essay is a look into the home the volunteers made in this space.

(Part of a series of photos we are running from Darcy Padilla's photography class at the San Francisco Art Institute.)

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reader comments

RE: Methane Leaking Into Arctic Ocean

I love these feedback cycles. As more methane gets ejected into the atmosphere adding to global warming, the excess heat causes the methane to seep into the atmosphere at an increased rate.

And what will Americans do about this? Nothing! Unless it hits them in the wallets.

Posted by: Jay December 21, 2008
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