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INTERVIEW: The Business and Politics Behind the Russia-Ukraine Gas Dispute
January 9, 2009

INTERVIEW: Iran Supports Hamas, but Hamas Is No Iranian 'Puppet'
January 8, 2009

INTERVIEW: Obama Should Consider Inviting Arab Nations to Help Solve Israeli-Palestinian Issues
January 5, 2009

In Memoriam: Samuel P. Huntington

A selection of Foreign Affairs pieces by and about the preeminent political scientist of the last half century.


In the January/February 2009 Issue

Obama's Middle East Agenda

To be successful in the Middle East, the Obama administration will need to move beyond Iraq, find ways to deal constructively with Iran, and forge a final-status Israeli-Palestinian agreement.

How to Reprogram the Pentagon

The Pentagon has to do more than modernize its conventional forces; it must also focus on today's unconventional conflicts — and tomorrow's.

• How the Financial Crisis Will Weaken the West

The financial crisis has called into serious question the credibility of western governments and may precipitate an eastward shift of power.

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• A New Trade Agenda

Trade problems are an underlying cause of the financial crisis. To truly revive the world economy, a new trade consensus is necessary.

• Who Broke Global Finance?

The current economic crisis may have one winner: the Chinese financial model, which — together with the IMF — holds the keys to fixing the problem.

Recently in Foreign Affairs: Barack Obama's 2007 essay outlining his foreign policy agenda.

  Renewing American Leadership

"Afer Iraq, we may be tempted to turn inward. That would be a mistake. The American moment is not over, but it must be seized anew. We must bring the war to a responsible end and then renew our leadership — military, diplomatic, moral — to confront new threats and capitalize on new opportunities. America cannot meet this century's challenges alone; the world cannot meet them without America."



Background on the News

Hamas Under Siege

Posted January 7, 2009

On December 27, the Israeli military began a full-scale assault on the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, claiming that its incursion was necessary to prevent Hamas from firing rockets into Israel, and to keep the regime from rearming itself in the future. The international community has reacted quickly and vocally in calling for a cease-fire and negotiated solution, though an end to the fighting does not seem imminent. . . .
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India's 9/11

Posted December 3, 2008

Last week, terrorists struck in a series of coordinated attacks across the city of Mumbai, India's commercial capital, leaving nearly 200 dead. The attack and the unimpressive response by domestic security forces has led to anger and confusion among Indians. It has also reopened long-simmering tensions with Pakistan, which many Indians suspect supported the attackers — something that Islamabad denies. . . .
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Friedman or Keynes?

Posted November 19, 2008

This past weekend, the leaders of the G-20 countries met in Washington, D.C., to discuss how to revive the struggling global economy. . . .
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More of Background on the News

Current Bestsellers

Posted January 9, 2009

The topselling books on international affairs based on national sales at Barnes & Noble stores and barnesandnoble.com.

  1. Hot, Flat, and Crowded
  2. The War Within
  3. The Limits of Power

Complete list

Academic Resource Program

Foreign Affairs' Academic Resource Program offers a variety of materials to enhance the educational experience.