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Licensing, TT


Licensable Technologies : Physics & Chemistry : Environment/Waste Management

Apparatus and Method for Chemical Agent Detection

Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed a method and apparatus for detecting chemical agents, comprised of a mini-plasma apparatus and an elemental/ molecular emission detection means that provides some unique capabilities for chemical agent detection. A spectrometer or any mechanism that differentiates between differing spectral emissions may be utilized for identifying the elements and/ or molecular organics present in an air sample.


  • Industrial Hygiene and Safety
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Homeland Security


  • Low power consumption. Can be powered by dry cell batteries.
  • The plasma discharge uses only inert gases or air, which are easy to maintain without any operational or safety concern.
  • The low power mini-plasma formed in the inert gas/ air environment is used only to fragment and excite chemical species without destroying them; similar to flame photometry techniques.
  • The detection means can detect both elemental and molecular (organic) information for targeted chemical agents.
  • Significantly reduces or completely eliminates potential false-positive responses.
  • Portable size with real-time analysis.
  • No pressurized environment required for plasma operation. • Small non-thermal microplasma source.

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Reference Number: 369

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 100,590

Patents & Applications:
Application(s) Pending

Posted: 06-14-2005

John Mott
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-0883



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