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Licensable Technologies : Security & Defense : Anomaly Detection

Marketecture, a Simulation Based Commodities Market

A software system scaleable to accurately simulate the entire North American power market to support effective policy analysis and decisions on complex and interrelated issues by policy makers, regulators, generators and politicians to enable cost effective, efficient, and reliable markets.  The invention has general-purpose application to any large scale commodity markets such as oil, gas, pork bellies, water, etc.  The electrical power market is the first instantiation of the invention.


  • Power and infrastructure
  • Commodities


  • Prediction effectiveness

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Reference Number: 300

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 102,348

Patents & Applications:
Application(s) Pending

Posted: 09-30-2004

John Russell
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-3941



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