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Licensable Technologies : Materials : Superconductors

Methods for Segmenting Coated Conductor Tape for Reduced AC Losses

One of the remaining obstacles to the wide spread commercialization of YBCO-based coated high temperature superconductors is that, although they possess excellent properties when carrying direct current, they tend to exhibit rather high losses when the current is alternating.  This is the case when the material is used in applications such as power transmission lines, motors, generators, and transformers.  It has been shown that these losses can be minimized if the aspect ratio of the actual strips of conductor can be reduced.  This invention provides for a number of methods to accomplish this, and experiments have shown that ac losses are reduced significantly.

All applications for use of hightemperature superconductors where the current is alternating (AC current).

Significant reduction of ac loss in applications such a motors, generators, and transformers.  Can be used with coated conductors manufactured with any technique.

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Commercialization Strategy: Available for non-exclusive licensing for nine months from the date of this posting.  Exclusive license will be available after that if no non-exclusive licenses are issued.

Reference Number: 628

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 104,908

Patents & Applications:
Application(s) Filed

Posted: 08-08-2005

John Russell
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-3941



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