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Distributed Cooling for High Temperature Supoerconducting Power Cables

A scheme for cooling high temperature superconducting cables is disclosed. This innovative scheme;
1. Removes the need for cooling stations along the length of the cable
2. Significantly reduces the size, cost and complexity of the refrigeration system for the cable
3. Significantly reduces the complexity of the LN flow system within the cable
4. Reduces the pressure drop along a cable and hence the inlet pressure required

This cooling design could solve two of the big remaining problems for hts cables (1) the size, cost and complexity of the LN system at the inlet and (2) the need for intermediate cooling stations along the cable

Advantages 1. No "cooling distance" � No intermediate sub-coolers � No intermediate chillers � No requirement for "real estate" along the cable � No requirement for "house power" along the cable 2. No cryogenic vacuum pump (CVP) 3. No water chiller for CVP 4. No 'house' power required for CVP and chillers � reduced capital costs ("real estate" and equipment) � reduced complexity - no moving parts � reduced need for redundancy in pumps 5. Continues to operate if house power fails (assuming storage tank operates at sufficient pressure head). 6. Cooling is more efficient � Energy to cool is in effect being expended at the LN production plant, which is highly efficient compared to smaller units Added Benefits of Stagnant Liquid Design Advantages 1. Reduced pressure drop in vapor region. 2. Reduced LN flow � Lower usage of LN, reduced storage needed, smaller tank � Reduced viscous losses in cable 3. Reduced pressure drop along LN line � lower pressure header tank, no pumps 4. No need for a 'return' line for liquid 5. Easily implemented on single phase per cryostat design 6. Cooling is by boiling on phase core surfaces � Very efficient compared to forced convection

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Commercialization Strategy: Available for nonexclusive licensing.  If no nonexclusive licenses granted within nine months of this posting, exclusive license available.

Reference Number: 708

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 109,033

Patents & Applications:
Application(s) Pending

Posted: 11-06-2008

Russ Hopper
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-1578



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