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Licensable Technologies : Materials : Sensors

Biaxially-Oriented Silicon Film on Polycrystalline/Amorphous Template

In many thin-film semiconductor applications, major technical difficulties arise from the lack of a suitable epitaxial template to grow well-oriented films. A method addressing this problem has been invented at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The method is used to create well-oriented silicon films on polycrystalline templates. These new films will make it possible for manufacturers to increase the performance while decrease the manufacturing cost of semiconductor electronics and sensors. 


  • Solar cells
  • Thin-film transistors.
  • Semiconductors


  • Wide ranges of substrates and semiconductor materials can be used
    • Therefore it is possible to customize the material to customer needs
  • Large-area manufacturing capability
    • Allowing manufacturing cost savings and ease of installation
  • Efficient use of rare semiconductor supplies
    • Resulting in additional manufacturing cost savings
  • High-performance solar cells at lower prices than currently-available high-performing, expensive solar cells
  • High-performance solar cells relative to their weight

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Reference Number: 593

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 102,339

Patents & Applications:
Application(s) Pending

Posted: 09-07-2006

John Mott
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-0883



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