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Licensing, TT


Licensable Technologies : Materials : Manufacturing & Fabrication

Continuous Processing of Ultrafine Grained Materials by ECAP-Conform

Invention describes a machine for producing continuous pieces of ultra-fine grained materials in bar or rod shape.  Ultra-fine grained materials have extremely high strength while maintaining significant ductility.  This machine can process almost any metal.  Preliminary data for aluminum show a yield strength of 20 ksi (140 MPa) (vs. 6.8 ksi for unprocessed material) with an elongation at failure of 12% (vs. 28% for unprocessed material).

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Reference Number: 426

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 100,665

Patents & Applications:
United States National Patent Number 7152448 Issued on 12/26/2006

Posted: 09-29-2004

John Mott
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-0883



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