Part F — Comprehensive School Reform

SEC. 1601  |  SEC. 1602  |  SEC. 1603  |  SEC. 1604  |  SEC. 1605  |  SEC. 1606  |  SEC. 1607  |  SEC. 1608


    The purpose of this part is to provide financial incentives for schools to develop comprehensive school reforms, based upon scientifically based research and effective practices that include an emphasis on basic academics and parental involvement so that all children can meet challenging State academic content and academic achievement standards.



      (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary is authorized to award grants to State educational agencies, from allotments under paragraph (2), to enable the State educational agencies to award subgrants to local educational agencies to carry out the purpose described in section 1601.

      (2) ALLOTMENTS-

        (A) RESERVATIONS- Of the amount appropriated under section 1002(f), the Secretary may reserve —

          (i) not more than 1 percent for each fiscal year to provide assistance to schools supported by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and in the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands according to their respective needs for assistance under this part;

          (ii) not more than 1 percent for each fiscal year to conduct national evaluation activities described in section 1607; and

          (iii) not more than 3 percent of the amount appropriated in fiscal year 2002 to carry out this part, for quality initiatives described in section 1608.

        (B) IN GENERAL- Of the amount appropriated under section 1002(f) that remains after making the reservation under subparagraph (A) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each State for the fiscal year an amount that bears the same ratio to the remainder for that fiscal year as the amount made available under section 1124 to the State for the preceding fiscal year bears to the total amount made available under section 1124 to all States for that year.

        (C) REALLOTMENT- If a State does not apply for funds under this section, the Secretary shall reallot such funds to other States that do apply in proportion to the amount allotted to such other States under subparagraph (B).


    (a) IN GENERAL- Each State educational agency that desires to receive a grant under this part shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may reasonably require.

    (b) CONTENTS- Each such application shall describe —

      (1) the process and selection criteria by which the State educational agency, using expert review, will select local educational agencies to receive subgrants under this part;

      (2) how the State educational agency will ensure that funds under this part are limited to comprehensive school reform programs that —

        (A) include each of the components described in section 1606(a);

        (B) have the capacity to improve the academic achievement of all students in core academic subjects within participating schools; and

        (C) are supported by technical assistance providers that have a successful track record, financial stability, and the capacity to deliver high quality materials, professional development for school personnel, and on-site support during the full implementation period of the reforms;

      (3) how the State educational agency will disseminate materials and information on comprehensive school reforms that are based on scientifically based research and effective practices;

      (4) how the State educational agency will evaluate annually the implementation of such reforms and measure the extent to which the reforms have resulted in increased student academic achievement; and

      (5) how the State educational agency will provide technical assistance to the local educational agency or consortia of local educational agencies, and to participating schools, in evaluating, developing, and implementing comprehensive school reform.


    (a) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in subsection (e), a State educational agency that receives a grant under this part shall use the grant funds to award subgrants, on a competitive basis, to local educational agencies or consortia of local educational agencies in the State that receive funds under part A, to support comprehensive school reforms in schools that are eligible for funds under part A.

    (b) SUBGRANT REQUIREMENTS- A subgrant to a local educational agency or consortium shall be —

      (1) of sufficient size and scope to support the initial costs of comprehensive school reforms selected or designed by each school identified in the application of the local educational agency or consortium;

      (2) in an amount not less than $50,000 —

        (A) for each participating school; or

        (B) for each participating consortium of small schools (which for purposes of this subparagraph means a consortium of small schools serving a total of not more than 500 students); and

      (3) renewable for two additional 1-year subgrant periods after the initial 1-year subgrant is made if the school is or the schools are making substantial progress in the implementation of reforms.

    (c) PRIORITY- A State educational agency, in awarding subgrants under this part, shall give priority to local educational agencies or consortia that —

      (1) plan to use the funds in schools identified as being in need of improvement or corrective action under section 1116(c); and

      (2) demonstrate a commitment to assist schools with budget allocation, professional development, and other strategies necessary to ensure the comprehensive school reforms are properly implemented and are sustained in the future.

    (d) GRANT CONSIDERATION- In awarding subgrants under this part, the State educational agency shall take into consideration the equitable distribution of subgrants to different geographic regions within the State, including urban and rural areas, and to schools serving elementary and secondary students.

    (e) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS- A State educational agency that receives a grant under this part may reserve not more than 5 percent of the grant funds for administrative, evaluation, and technical assistance expenses.

    (f) SUPPLEMENT- Funds made available under this part shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, any other Federal, State, or local funds that would otherwise be available to carry out the activities assisted under this part.

    (g) REPORTING- Each State educational agency that receives a grant under this part shall provide to the Secretary such information as the Secretary may require, including the names of local educational agencies and schools receiving assistance under this part, the amount of the assistance, a description of the comprehensive school reforms selected and used, and a copy of the State's annual evaluation of the implementation of comprehensive school reforms supported under this part and the student achievement results.


    (a) IN GENERAL- Each local educational agency or consortium of local educational agencies desiring a subgrant under this part shall submit an application to the State educational agency at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the State educational agency may reasonably require.

    (b) CONTENTS- Each such application shall —

      (1) identify the schools that are eligible for assistance under part A and plan to implement a comprehensive school reform program, including the projected costs of such a program;

      (2) describe the comprehensive school reforms based on scientifically based research and effective practices that such schools will implement;

      (3) describe how the local educational agency or consortium will provide technical assistance and support for the effective implementation of the comprehensive school reforms based on scientifically based research and effective practices selected by such schools; and

      (4) describe how the local educational agency or consortium will evaluate the implementation of such comprehensive school reforms and measure the results achieved in improving student academic achievement.


    (a) USES OF FUNDS- A local educational agency or consortium that receives a subgrant under this part shall provide the subgrant funds to schools that are eligible for assistance under part A and served by the agency, to enable the schools to implement a comprehensive school reform program that —

      (1) employs proven strategies and proven methods for student learning, teaching, and school management that are based on scientifically based research and effective practices and have been replicated successfully in schools;

      (2) integrates a comprehensive design for effective school functioning, including instruction, assessment, classroom management, professional development, parental involvement, and school management, that aligns the school's curriculum, technology, and professional development into a comprehensive school reform plan for schoolwide change designed to enable all students to meet challenging State content and student academic achievement standards and addresses needs identified through a school needs assessment;

      (3) provides high quality and continuous teacher and staff professional development;

      (4) includes measurable goals for student academic achievement and benchmarks for meeting such goals;

      (5) is supported by teachers, principals, administrators, school personnel staff, and other professional staff;

      (6) provides support for teachers, principals, administrators, and other school staff;

      (7) provides for the meaningful involvement of parents and the local community in planning, implementing, and evaluating school improvement activities consistent with section 1118;

      (8) uses high quality external technical support and assistance from an entity that has experience and expertise in schoolwide reform and improvement, which may include an institution of higher education;

      (9) includes a plan for the annual evaluation of the implementation of school reforms and the student results achieved;

      (10) identifies other resources, including Federal, State, local, and private resources, that shall be used to coordinate services that will support and sustain the comprehensive school reform effort; and

      (11)(A) has been found, through scientifically based research to significantly improve the academic achievement of students participating in such program as compared to students in schools who have not participated in such program; or

      (B) has been found to have strong evidence that such program will significantly improve the academic achievement of participating children.

    (b) SPECIAL RULE- A school that receives funds to develop a comprehensive school reform program shall not be limited to using nationally available approaches, but may develop the school's own comprehensive school reform program for schoolwide change as described in subsection (a).


    (a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall develop a plan for a national evaluation of the programs assisted under this part.

    (b) EVALUATION- The national evaluation shall —

      (1) evaluate the implementation and results achieved by schools after 3 years of implementing comprehensive school reforms; and

      (2) assess the effectiveness of comprehensive school reforms in schools with diverse characteristics.

    (c) REPORTS- The Secretary shall submit a report describing the results of the evaluation under subsection (b) for the Comprehensive School Reform Program to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate.


    The Secretary, through grants or contracts, shall provide funds for —

      (1) a public-private effort, in which funds are matched by private organizations, to assist States, local educational agencies, and schools, in making informed decisions regarding approving or selecting providers of comprehensive school reform, consistent with the requirements described in section 1606(a); and

      (2) activities to foster the development of comprehensive school reform models and to provide effective capacity building for comprehensive school reform providers to expand their work in more schools, assure quality, and promote financial stability.


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Last Modified: 09/15/2004