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Fire Incident News Sites
Research and Technology Sites
Safety Sites
Training Sites
Weather Sites 
Other Lessons Learned Sites
Other Interesting Sites

Agencies and Organizations:

Department of Homeland Security National Response Plan

National Incident Information Center (NIIC) gathers and disseminates information on fires and other natural disasters that occur nationwide. The Morning Report is the primary document containing this information.

WFSA Online "Collaboration with others, timely help, and review (certification) is greatly enhanced over the stand alone version. No reformatting, no exporting, no faxing, etc. WFSA Online saves all of the versions and other relavant data so that it can be retrieved later. Upward reporting can be done without data calls to the field." more...

The National Pocket Card Website Locate a Pocket Card for the area you are going to, right mouse click inside the card and save it as an image to print it.

The Nature Concservancy Global Fire Initiative TNC's Global Fire Initiative launched a re-designed, practitioner-focused web site on August 8, 2005.

NWCG Bibliography on Wildland Fire Web Sites A very inclusive series of links.

NWCG 2005 Glossary of Wildland Fire Terminology

New FEMA Wildland Fire Web Page Link (link posted 072704) "Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is announcing a new “2004 Wildland Update” Web page to help firefighters and community leaders locate important and up-to-date wildland fire information."

GeoMAC Wildland Fire Support (link posted 070604) An interactive and dynamic Web site that shows maps of current fires, historical fires and lots more.

National Fire Plan

National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)

National Fire & Aviation Executive Board Interagency Fire Policy Page 

National Interagency Fuels Coordination Group (NIFCG)  The primary purpose of the group is to provide leadership and coordination in uniting the Departments' resources and fire management programs under a common purpose for reducing risks to communities while improving and maintaining ecosystem health. 

Wildland Fire Communications NIFC Radio Site
The new multi-mode radio reference web site with the latest information on wildland fire hand-held radios.

International Association Of Wildland Firefighters LogoInternational Association of Wildland Firefighters The International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF) is a non-profit, professional association representing members of the global wildland fire community. The purpose of the association is to facilitate communication and provide leadership for the wildland fire community.

International Association of Fire Chiefs Members are the world's leading experts in fire fighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search & rescue, and public safety legislation.

NICC - National Interagency Coordination Center
AKCC - Alaska
EACC - Eastern
EBCC - Eastern Great Basin
ONCC - Northern California
NRCC - Northern Rockies
NWCC - Northwest
RMCC - Rocky Mountain
SACC - Southern
SWCC - SW Area Fire Operations Center
OSCC - Southern California
WBCC - Western Great Basin

Women in the Fire Service, Inc. Workplace issues for women firefighters, information & statistics, the latest news form their community.

Information Officer Toolbox (Link posted 100404) This section of the NPS Web site was created as a quick-reference guide for information officers. It includes some links that will be accessible only to NPS employees logged onto a NPS computer or the C3 portal.

California Professional Firefighters Web site

USFS Links US Forest Service

USFS National Logistics Site

USF&WS Links US Fish & Wildlife

Fire Incident News Sites:

The new InciWeb site is a new service being offered by NIFC to provide the public access to a centralized, standardized "one-stop-shop" site for current wildfire information. (Link posted 050406)

Firefighter Travel Safety Advisory

Wildfire News Web Site continuously maintains a robust collection of current events and news articles of interest to the wildland firefighter community. Web Site LogoWILDLANDFIRE.COM On this wildland firefighting industry Web site, view wildfire photography, decode firefighting acronyms, and participate in an online forum with professional hotshots and smokejumpers.

NorCal Links Fire News & Info links, Type I and Type II Incident Management Team links, Fire Reports, Geographic Area Coordination Center Links, Aviation, Research, Science and Training Links

Wildland Fire Research and Technology Sites:

Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute "While many scientists conduct research relevant to wilderness, the Leopold Institute is the only Federal research group entirely focused on wilderness."  

National Invasive Species Web Site showcases the invasive species acitivities being carried out through programs in the National Forests, State and Private Forestry, Research and Development and International Programs.  

The Northwest Fire Research Clearinghouse (FIREHouse) A Web-based project providing data and documentation on fire science and technology relevant to Washington, Oregon & Idaho. Their goal is to provide "one-stop shopping" for resource managers, decision makers, scientists, students, and communities who want access to the results of efforts to understand and manage fire and fuels on public lands in the region.
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory On August 12, 2003, the Seattle Forestry Sciences Laboratory was reborn as the Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory. This new name reflects more than 30 years of fire research conducte out of the forestry sciences laboratory in Seattle. As its fire research program and partnerships grew, Station Director Tom Quigley decided to rename the lab as the Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory (PWFSL).
Brushfire Cooperative Research Center  Marking a new era in fire research, the Bushfire CRC (Cooperative Research Centre) is a collaborative venture established under the Commonwealth Government's Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) Programme. The Centre partners come from state fire and land management agencies, eight universities, CSIRO, federal government agencies including the Bureau of Meteorology, Emergency Management Australia, and New Zealand fire and forest research agencies.

Encyclopedia of Southern Fire Science (ESFS) ESFS synthesizes volumes of scientific knowledge about fire science in the southern United States. ESFS delivers grounded information to field practitioners and the general public with viewer-navigated text, photos, graphics, plus a large bibliography and access to several fire science databases. Fire Behavior, Fire Effects, Fire Ecology, Fire and People, Prescribed Burning, Smoke Management, and Wildfire.

Forest Encyclopedia Network (FEN) Currently contains 4 encyclopedias: the Encyclopedia of Southern Appalachian Forest Ecosystems, the Encyclopedia of Southern Forest Science, the Encyclopedia of Southern Bioenergy, and Encyclopedia of South-wide Forest Science.

The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) A partnership of six Federal wildland and fire and research organizations, was established in 1998 to provide scientific information and support for fuel and fire management programs. All JFSP projects require scientist-manager partnerships along with strong emphasis on transferring research findings to the field.

LANDFIRE Web Site The LANDFIRE project integrates reference data, satellite imagery, and models of fire and vegetation dynamics. LANDFIRE will generate nationally consistent, mid-scale maps and digital geospatial data of vegetation characteristics and condition, fire behavior and effects, fuels models, historical fire regimes, and fire regime condition class at the landscape level.

The Canadian Wildland Fire Information System creates daily fire weather and fire behavior maps year-round and hot spot maps throughout the forest fire season, generally between May and September.

The USDA Forest Service INFO Database, the most comprehensive database to natural resources literature in North America. Search for smoke$ or fire$ (it uses a weird truncation symbol) and get almost 15,000 hits! The database has around 70,000 FS publications indexed as well as publications from all other sources.

USDA Forest Service Missoula Technology Development Center (MTDC) Electronic copies of Forest Service Technology and Development Program publications are now accessible on the Web. Visitors to the site will need a username and password that can be obtained by sending an e-mail request to the address:

Wildland Fire Assessment System (WFAS) A national view of weather and fire potential, including national fire danger and weather maps and satellite-derived "Greenness" maps

ESRI Their site search engine brings up hundreds of links that relate to Wildfire GIS and related technological applications for firefighting and risk management

GeoMAC Geospatial Multi-agency Coordination for Wildfire Support

Geoscience Australia "Sentinel" Wildfire Mapping Resource Geoscience Australia "Sentinel" A wildfire mapping resource for Australia. Want to know what time and date it is in Australia? Use The Time Zone Converter The impact of Daylight Saving Time (DST) will be included in the results based on the rules in effect at that time.

Ecological Society of America (ESA)  Use their search engine to locate 18 articles from the 2002 Conference on Fire Ecology in Tucson, AZ

Land Info International Data Solutions For those fighting forest fires with GIS

USFS Geospatial Technology Center The Center provides the Forest Service with geographic information products and related technical services.

USFS Remote Sensing Applications Center Here you'll find information on current large fires, active fire maps, and fire imagery as seen by the MODIS instrument aboard NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites.

University of Arizona and WALTER UA is building an innovative, integrated GIS model that combines climate, human factors, fire history, and fuel load data to produce fire risk maps..

Joint Fire Science Project USDA Forest Service & US Department of the Interior working together on Fire effects, fire ecology, fire behavior...

The Global Fire Monitoring Center Operating under the umbrella of the United Nations Strategy for Disaster Reduction, the GFMC offers an extensive collection of materials and links to other Web sites related to wildland fires around the globe. On this site you will find fire reports by country, satellite images, glossaries, and much more.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fire Events Peruse photographs of every major wildland fire event in countries around the world so far this year, from Laos to Venezuela, captured by NOAA's powerful satellites.

The Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) is an organization of professionals dedicated to improving the knowledge and use of fire in land management.

Northern Arizona University (NAU) Ecological Restoration Institute

The GIS DATA DEPOT The premier online resource for GIS and Geospatial data

Rocky Mountain Research Station Fire Sciences Lab

The Fire and Aquatic Ecosystems Web site has been recently created by the USDA Forest Service's Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab to ensure that land managers have access to the most current science findings and tools relevant to management of aquatic systems in fire prone landscapes.

Wildland Fire Operations Research Group, Alberta, Canada

Wildland Fire Safety Sites:
The NWCG – Fire Shelter Task Group is pleased to announce the launching of a new website. The purpose of the Fire Shelter System website is to offer a centralized consistent communication site that provides information to meet the program support and safety needs of the agencies and firefighters. 
The NWCG – Safety and Health Working Team (SHWT) is pleased to announce the launching of a new website. The purpose of the Hazard Tree and Tree Felling website is to help firefighters manage and mitigate this recognized high risk threat to safety in the wildland fire environment. The website will provide a centralized consistent emphasis on high risk activities, programs, and issues involving hazard trees and tree felling to meet the safety needs of the agencies and firefighters.  The website includes ongoing information, education, and recommendations on the important roles that leadership, supervisors, sawyers, and individual employees have in managing and mitigating tree hazards.

6 Minutes For Safety Web SiteSix Minutes For Safety The Federal Fire and Aviation Safety Team (FFAST) encourages every fire program to become involved in Six Minutes for Safety. This is the first interagency safety initiative that, on a daily basis, addresses the high risk situations that historically get our people in trouble.

SAFENET Web Site SAFENET Front line firefighters have another tool that provides a way to be heard and get unsafe situations resolved on the fireline. SAFENET is a form, and process. It's a method for reporting and resolving field situations quickly and at the level closest to the fire.

SAFECOM Aviation Safety Communique'The Aviation Safety Communique (SAFECOM) database fulfills the Aviation Mishap Information System (AMIS) requirements for aviation mishap reporting for the Department of Interior agencies and the US Forest Service.

USDA Forest Service Fire and Aviation Management Morning Report, SIT Report, Outlooks, Fire Maps, Stats, National Team Rotations...
Propane, LP Gas Tanks and Wildfires - How To Prepare 

Propane is the fuel of choice in rural areas and preparation for a potential grass fire involves routine but simple care to protect your LP Gas tank and your home.

DOI Bureau of Land Management Office of Fire and Aviation Standards for Fire and Aviation Operations, A new Web site for Airspace Information...

DOI National Park Service Fire Management Program Center Wildland and Structural Fire, Success Stories, Fire Aviation, Weather, Prevention...

Firewise Web Site FIREWISE Those who live in areas prone to wildland fires must take precautions to safeguard their homes. The Firewise Web site offers information about reducing the risk of property damage and loss due to wildfire in the Wildland/Urban Interface.

Wildland Firefighter FoundationThe Wildland Firefighter Foundation A nonprofit organization that provides emergency financial assistance to the families of fallen wildland firefighters.


 Wildland Fire Training Sites:

University of Idaho GS-401 Series Page (Link posted 031505) Ways to meet the academic requirements of Interagency Fire Program Management (IFPM) hosted by College of Natural Resources at the University of Idaho in collaboration with federal agency partners.

Wildland Firefighting at Clackamas Community College (Link posted 120204) The Clackamas CC has a 1-year certificate as well as an associate degree in wildland firefighting. Email:, Sue Metcalfe at 503-657-6958 Ext. 2570

E-Mail:, Kori Kirkpatrick, Academy Coordinator

Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program The Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program  Information on Academies, Recruitment, Forms, FAQ's, and some great pictures of academy events.

 Fire Career Assistance FCA provides up to date & comprehensive employment information.

LCES Course Materials, PowerPoint Presentations (Smokejumper, Crew Boss & The Large Fire, Urban Interface Exercise, Engine Boss & The Blunt Fire, and The Prescribed Fire Scenarios), and Handouts

Interagency Aviation Training program for the Department of the Interior and USFS employees.

National Wildland Fire Training LogoNational Wildland Fire Training This site enables access to Local Area, Geographic Area, National, and other related Interagency Wildland Fire Training information.

National Advanced Fire Resource InstituteNational Advanced Fire Resource Institute (NAFRI) This Web site offers a complete NAFRI course calendar, fire management links, and opportunities for you to ask questions and offer feedback on NAFRI courses.

NIFC logoNational Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) Fire Training Develops interagency fire and aviation-related training courses for nationwide use. Federal and state agencies provide subject matter experts to work with training professionals. Performance-based training packages are developed, certified, published, and distributed for use by agency field offices.

Wildland Fire Leadership Development ProgramWildland Fire Leadership Development Program The most essential element of successful wildland firefighting is competent and confident leadership. The wildland fire leadership development program has been established to provide an avenue for you to improve essential leadership skills during all stages of your career.

NWCG logoNational Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) 

I-Suite The I-Suite application consists of the Incident Resource Status System (IRSS), Incident Cost Accounting and Reporting System (ICARS), Incident Time System (ITS) and the Incident Action Plan (IAP)

NWCG ROSS Project The National Interagency Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS)

 NWCG “Medical Unit Resource” new Web page. Go to: This page will help you get your medical unit up & running and the medical unit plan started.

FEMA logoFederal Emergency Management Agency Wildfire This page provides resources to assist local fire departments in preparing for, and responding to, wildfire incidents. 

Annual Refresher Training logoAnnual Wildland Fire Refresher Training A centralized resource for instructors of refresher training to obtain pertinent policy guidance and identify interagency materials used throughout the nation.

Colorado Wildfire Academy

DOI's Office of Aircraft Services Training

Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center-- Tallahassee, Florida

Incident Qualifications and Certification System (IQCS) Project: An interagency effort to develop a single, automated incident qualification and certification system.

New York Wildfire and Incident Management Academy

Weather Sites: 

WxPortal Web SiteWxPortal WxPortal lets you select from over 300 weather map layers and combine them to extract meaning and make decisions.

National Weather Service Fire Web Page
NOAA National Weather Service Fire Weather Page Forecasts, Offices and Outlooks

Good Forest Service Aviation Safety Sites:
Aviation Lessons Learned

Other Lessons Learned Sites:

DHS Lessons Learned Website (link posted 050404) A new online government resource that collects lessons learned, best practices, and “good stories” from emergency response exercises and actual terrorist attacks. The Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) will speed the process of disseminating emergency management information to state and local first responders at a password protected Website:

Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) "The old saying "Live and Learn" must be reversed in war, for there we "Learn and Live"; otherwise we die. It is with this learning , in order to live, that the Army is so vitally concerned." -U.S. War Department Pamphlet No. 20-17, July 1945

The Society for Effective Lessons Learned (SELLS) (link posted 04/26/06)  The Society for Effective Lessons Learned Sharing is a volunteer organization comprised of members from various DOE programs, Operations Offices, sites, and contractors that share the common goal of improving information exchange across the DOE complex, as well as between the Department and other public and private organizations.
Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned (link posted 04/26/06) The Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned (MCCLL) is part of the Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC), Marine Corps Training and Education Command (TECOM), located on MCB Quantico, VA.

Other Interesting Sites:

USPS Zip Code Server - - Everything you need to know about US Zip codes. The ZIP Code Look-Up Engine is useful to locate a ZIP+4 code, all ZIP Codes for a city or all cities in a ZIP Code a Web resource for fire, rescue and EMS

FEMA Smart Practices InitiativeFederal Emergency Management Agency "Smart Practices Project" The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently launched an initiative to gather and share the smart practices of state and local emergency managers and responders on a weekly basis. The shared information will benefit the national emergency response community by improving state and local preparation and response plans for emergencies and disasters of all kinds.

FEDSTATS The gateway to statistics from over 100 Federal Agencies

Defend The gateway to the US Department of Defense news and information about the war on terrorism.

FIRSTGOV The Official Government Gateways for citizens, businesses or government employees interacting with the government.

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Disclaimer: Information is provided with the intent to share knowledge to improve safety, performance, efficiency and organizational learning throughout the entire wildland fire community. However, no warranties or guarantees are implied because much of the data provided is beyond the control of the Center. No endorsement of any company or product is given or implied.