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African Water Laws - Plural Legislative Framework for Water Management in Africa.  A collection of papers presented at the International Workshop in Johannesburg on January 26-28, 2005 organized  the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich, the Faculty of Law of the University of Dar-es-Salaam, and the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.  Download

Bruns, Bryan, and Helmi, Participatory Irrigation Management in Indonesia: Lessons from  Experience and Issues for the Future. Background paper for the Indonesia National Workshop  on Participatory Irrigation Management, November 4-8, 1996. Download

Bruns, Bryan, Participatory Management for Agricultural Water Control in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities. Background Paper for the National Seminar on Participatory  Irrigation Management, April 7-11, 1997.Vinh City, Nghe An Province. Download

 Report on Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Award and Training on the Theme of  Conservation Measures in Irrigation Systems.   Kathmandu, Nepal, 1999, 22 pages.  Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Trust. Download

Ghazala Mansuri andVijayendra Rao, Community Based and Driven Development: A critical Review. Download

Ghislaine Larouche and John F. Metzger, Making irrigation management work in a participatory way.  The case of Nothe Sulawesi, Indonesia. Download

Gopal Naik and Amar H Kalro, Two case studies on the Role of Water Users Associations in Irrigation Managmeent in Maharashtra India. Download

Goldberg, Joseph Assisting Irrigation in Central Asia presentation made at theWorld Bank Water Week March 2004. Download

Groenfeldt, David, and P. Sun, Demand Management of Irrigation Systems Through Users' Participation. Download

Groenfeldt, David. Moving Upstream: Changing Roles for Users and the State in Irrigation Management. Economic Development Institute. World Bank. Download

 Groenfeldt, David, Transferring Irrigation Systems from the State to Users: Questions of Management, Authority, and Ownership. Paper presented at the 96th annual meetings of the  American Anthroplogical Association, Washington, DC, 19 Nov. 1997. Download

Facon, Thierry, Improving the Irrigation Service to Farmers: A key issue in Participatory Irrigation Management. Download

Facon Thierry, Asian Irrigation in Transition - Service Orientation, Institutional Aspects and Design/Operation/Infrastructure Issues. Download

Jairath, Jasveen, Participatory Irrigation Management in Andhra Pradesh, Contradictions of  a Supply-Side Approach. Society for Participatory Development, Hyderabad, India, 2000.  16  pages. Download

Meinzen-Dick, Ruth, State Administration, Devolution, and Water Markets in Irrigation Management. Published in pp. 5-24 of the DVWK Bulleting 20: Deregulation, Decentralization, and Privatization in Irrigation, by the German Association for Water Resources and Land  Improvement--DVWK, Gluckstrasse 2, 53115 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany. Download

Mott McDonald, Privatization / Transfer of irrigation systems in Central Asia - A research report prepared for the DFID.   This report summarizes the in-country survyes undertaken, identifies relevant experince obtained in other countries, analyses the conditions affecting IMT in Central Asia and presents  guidelines aimed at imporving the IMT process. Download

Nelson, David, Performance Indicators for Irrigation Canal System Managers or Water Users Associations. 2002. Download

Palacios V., Enrique, Benefits and Second Generation Problems of Irrigation Management  Transfer in Mexico. EDI Participatory Irrigation Management Case Studies Series Download

Peter, Raymond J, PIM - Lessons from International Expereince,  Paper presented at the Workshop on "PIM - Pathways to Progress" organized by the Asian Development Bank, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 31-April 2, 2004. Download

Plusquellec, Herve,The search for a PIM model for Vietnam:cooperative user group or a reform of governance.  Download

Quintero-Pinto, Luis E., Benefits and Second Generation Problems of Irrigation Management Transfer in Colombia. EDI Participatory Irrigation Management Case Studies Series.  Download

Raby, Namika, Participatory Irrigation Management in the Philippines: National Irrigation Systems. EDI Participatory Irrigation Management Case Studies Series. Download

Raby, Namika, From Participatory Irrigation Management to Irrigation Management Transfer: The Process and Progress In Sri Lanka. Consultant Report to the Economic Development Institute. The World Bank. Download

Steve Hodgson, Legislation on water users's organisations- A comparative analysis, FAO publication No. 79 view

Servaas, Maurits, Sample Questionnaire for Assessment of Irrigation Schemes.   DANIDA,  Vietnam.  1999, 26 pages.  This detailed questionnaire for conducting a "walk-through' of an irrigation scheme allows for a social as well as a technical audit. Developped by DANIDA for the "Support to Water Resources  Management" Project in Dak Lak Province, Vietnam.  Download

Svendsen, Mark and Gladys Nott, Irrigation Mangement Transfer in Turkey: Process and Outcomes.  Download

Svendsen, Mark, Jose Trava, and Sam H. Johnson III.  Participatory Irrigation Management: Benefits and Second Generation Problems , Economic Development Institute International Irrigation of the World Bank Management Institute. Download

Vermillion, Douglas L., 1997.  Management Devolution and the Sustainability of Irrigation: Results of Comprehensive versus Partial Strategies. Presented at the FAO/World Bank Technical Consultation on Decentralization and Rural Development, 16-18 December 1997, Rome. Download

Anonymous, Draft Paper for Participatory Irrigation Management National Seminar in Albania, 1997.  Download

The Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development. This text was adopted by the  over 500 participants in the International Conference on Water and the Environment (ICWE)  Dublin, Ireland, January 31, 1992, and was later adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992.  The document  recommends for urgent action programs for water and sustainable development. Download

World Bank Institute,  Electronic PIM Handbook. Link to the online handbook

World Bank Water Resources Sector Strategy. Download

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