Redesigning Our Lives,  as if Caring for the Planet Mattered...
Peach Bounty
Working with Nature
Yielding Abundance


Please Note:
Our 2008 Design Courses are Complete.

The links below will tell you a bit about them.

Thank You for Your Interest in Permaculture and
in our Courses



Nov. 8-15
Grass Valley, CA

8-Day Certification Sivananda Yoga Farm
Rural/Suburban Focus

Course Complete
Photos Coming


Oct.25 - Nov.1
, Illinois
8-Day Certification
Suburban / Urban Focus

Course Complete
Photos Coming


Aug. 2-9 at MREA
in Wisconsin

Advanced Training
Full Design Creation for their Educational Site & Work

Course Complete
Photos Coming



July 17-25
Mark Shepard's
100-Acre Permaculture Farm
9-Day Certification
Farming Scale Permaculture
Course Complete
Photos Coming


May 3-10 at MREA
in Wisconsin
8-Day Certification
An Educational Facility Focus

Course Complete
Photos Coming

April 19-26
Boulder, CO
8-Day Certification
Suburban / Urban Focus
See Photos


"I left this course feeling very inspired, energized and optimistic."

Vidya Chaitanya
Grass Valley, CA
Yoga Center Administrator





Design Course
Subject Areas


Principals and Ethics of Permaculture

Observations and Patterns

Soils, Plants, and Trees

Guilds and Polycultures

Water and Earthworks

Climates and Micro-climates



Zones and Sector Analysis


Planning the Homestead



Niche Marketing

Urban and Suburban Permaculture

Garden Management

Small-Farm Strategies

Large-Farm Possibilities

International Implications



                            (Site last updated 1-9-09)


Permaculture education and training
             for the beginning student, and the experienced permaculturist.

 --- Current Highlights --

Happy New Year to you all...

For a Peek at our 2009 Course Schedule
Click Here

Free 1-Hr. 'Transition Town' Webinars
Wednesday, Jan. 21  (6:30pm CST)
... and again Wednesday, Feb. 4th,  (6:30pm Central Standard Time)

3-Hr. Introduction to Permaculture Live Seminar
Saturday, Jan. 17th -- Chicago, Illinois

Enjoy our
Educational Emails

Free Sign-up


View Sample


Host - Jerome McDonnell

From 10/1/08
Radio Interview
WBEZ's 'Worldview'
with Jerome McDonnell
National Public Radio
Transition Town Movement

Click Here to listen to the
20-min. Interview
with Bill Wilson
(11MB file)

Guest - Bill Wilson

...or...Click Here for the full 40-min. interview with Rob Hopkins and Bill Wilson

Click Here to learn more about the Transition Town Movement
'The Transition Handbook' by Rob Hopkins


 Quick Access to our YouTube Videos
        Over time we intend to post a generous number of informative and useful videos
            that clearly demonstrate simple permaculture applications .

To View What we Have Thus Far:
Click on small arrows < left or right > of screen and then move cursor over the picture
to view a short listing of posted videos. (One video automatically begins to load.)


About our Design Certification Courses...

"This course will forever change the way I look at everything. Thank you."
Matt Drewno - CSA Farmer
Grayslake, IL
July 08 Course
“From this course, things have crystallized for me.  Being with these ideas and seeing them in practice has really helped me see more places where I can begin at home.” 
Lisa Armstrong. - Mom & Small Business Owner,
Columbus, OH
June 07 Course
"An extraordinary design course.
Inspiring, helpful, professional, very informative. I felt we were given a strong knowledge base to start
our own Permaculture projects.
Thank you so much."

Peter Lynch -45- New York Architect
Oct. 06 Course



View Updated Photos of Permaculture Rain Gardens
and Yard Transformation
(Click Photo Below)

Permaculture Rain Gardens in Wilson's Front Yard, Stelle, IL



Permaculture Photo Summaries

Quick Reference to the Permaculture Pictures on our website

Suburban / Urban Permaculture
Oct. 07, Design Certification Course

This picture summary takes the viewer through one of our 8-day courses which includes a look at the sustainably-oriented community of Stelle, IL, two permaculture suburban homes, and at several permaculture sites found within the city limits of Chicago, IL.

Income Scale Production & Suburban Permaculture
Aug. 2007 Design Course

View permaculture pictures of a small farm that made $25,000 by harvesting the wild plants around them, a greenhouse operation that raises hundreds of pounds of tilapia fish, and a couple of suburban permaculture homes.

Nowicki's Suburban Permaculture Home, Downers Grove, Illinois

Farming Scale Permaculture
June 2007 Design Certification Course

Besides learning about Mark's 100-acre permaculture farm,
view permaculture photos of Erin and Dave Varney's 5-acre farm,
the Pierce's small trout operation,
a 20-year-old community permaculture project, and more.

Mark Shepard's Permaculture Farm Tour

Suburban Permaculture
Our Permaculture Home Transformation
Bill & Becky Wilson - Stelle, Illinois
(Updated - July 2, 2008)

View photos of our progress over the next couple of years as we transform our traditional and somewhat plain suburban house into a permaculture home.

Permaculture Rain Gardens, Bill & Becky Wilson home in Stelle, Illinois

Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton
A Design Course Diary

Dispatches from Australia, Jan. 08
By Julie Pagliaro

One of our webinar students decided to take her full design course from Bill and Geoff.  View her email and photos as she works her way through a two week design course delivered by the very man who originated the concept of 'permaculture'.

Bill Mollison Permaculture Founder


Continuing Support Following Graduation
Students who have completed a Midwest Permaculture design course are then invited to become part of our growing network of graduates. There are three ways we attempt to support our students:

  • We have a separate website where all graduates can connect, share ideas and look for some assistance.
  • We have hosted two annual reunions during the Midwest Renewable Energy Associations fair in Custer, Wisconsin, each June.
  • Graduates may audit any future 72-hour certification courses at half price (provided space is available).

Our objective is to support our students for as long as they need it or want it, and to encourage them to support each other.

Already A Permaculture Design Course Graduate?
We offer a 33% discount to students who have already graduated from another recognized course (from anywhere in the world) who wish to take a Midwest Permaculture course as a refresher. Please email for details.

Free Monthly Emails

If you would like to be kept abreast of the permaculture seminars and full design courses that Midwest Permaculture hosts, as well as other interesting tidbits related to permaculture from around the world, you are invited to subscribe to the 'Friends of Midwest Permaculture' email list.  We only send out something about once a month and you may unsubscribe at any time.  We sincerely appreciate it when others keep our email address private so we never give or sell our email list to others.

View Sample     -or-     Click here to Receive Free Email Updates

Midwest Permaculture extends its gratitude to Bill Mollison and David Holmgren for their gift of “Permaculture”.  Their lifelong work and inspiration is laying a path towards a sustainable and compassionate world.                           

  Bill Wilson
(Co-Founder of Midwest Permaculture)

Bill Mollison Bill Mollison

Permaculture Ouroboros

Permaculture Ouroboros

David Holmgren
David Holmgren




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