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2006 GREEN Survey Results

Educator Survey Results 2006

With 100% of respondents reporting interest in continuing GREEN in the future, it is clear that educators are excited about the program and see great results in their classrooms.  One educator replied, “I plan on continuing to participate every year for the remainder of my teaching career.”  Another educator shared why the program is appealing, stating, “I have been involved in this program for several years.  My struggling students get so excited when they are actively engaged in watershed projects they can hardly contain themselves.  It feels so good to see the students taking the monitoring seriously and understanding that even they have an impact on the environment.”  This year, we saw both increased educator satisfaction with the program and a growth in the number of educators receiving training and professional support through their participation in GREEN.  Student outcomes include increased enthusiasm for learning and a greater interest in science. 

Working with Educators

*85% of respondents reported participating in an Earth Force/GREEN training.
*Of the educators who reported receiving assistance from a local GM facility, 100% of educators rated that assistance as “somewhat helpful” or “very helpful”.
*80% of respondents report an increased understanding of local water quality issues after taking part in their watershed    project, knowledge they will pass on to students for years to come. 

Authentic Experiences for Students

*Over 80% of responding educators reported taking action steps beyond monitoring with their students.
*This year nearly 50% of respondents reported that their students spoke with local experts about their water quality, which serves to connect students to the community and build confidence and life skills.  
*Most frequent topics of student investigation:
 • erosion    • fecal coliform bacteria     • excess runoff    • trash along the stream bank    

Building Community Capital

*87% of respondents said their opinions of GM have changed positively as a result of their support for Earth Force GREEN.
*Over 60% of respondents are now more likely to consider GM products for their next vehicle purchase as a result of GM's support for the GREEN program.


Mentor Survey Results 2006

Corporate volunteerism has increasingly become an integral part of many corporate social responsibility strategies.  More than 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies have employee volunteer programs. The partnership between General Motors (GM) and Earth Force GREEN is a prime example of how volunteer program involvement can benefit the community, the employee and the corporation. GM mentors report gaining a sense of personal fulfillment through their work with GREEN, using existing skills in new ways, developing new skills, and creating long lasting community partnerships.

According to the Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit leadership, successful volunteer programs can help companies develop teamwork, increase their operational effectiveness, maximize the company's impact and public image, foster team spirit and build employee morale. GM mentors are having a meaningful impact through the GREEN program, helping students make sense of scientific data and providing direction and supervision during water monitoring field trips.  It is through this program that GM mentors are gaining a sense of personal satisfaction and making connections to the communities where they live and work. 

Employee Satisfaction

*As many as 93% of respondents reported that the experience was interesting for them.
*95% of respondents indicated they would continue to volunteer their time with GREEN in the future, identifying the rewards of working with students and the opportunity to showcase GM's commitment to protecting the environment as reasons.
*90% of responding mentors indicated that the experience was personally fulfilling.
*Out of 80 responding mentors 54% indicated that working and interacting with students was the most fulfilling aspect of the program, while other responses included:
 -38% Witnessing student understanding/making connections
 -35% Increasing environmental awareness of others
 -15% Forming relationships in the community
 - 5% Personal learning

Community Connection-Participation

*More than 92% of respondents took part in a water monitoring field experience last year
*More than 34% of respondents additionally participated in one or more classroom visits during the academic year

The Bigger Picture

*More than 85% of responding mentors reported they were supported in their work by local community partner organizations and Earth Force. 
*80% of respondents reported feeling like they were a part of “something larger” at GM through the mentoring experience, an increase of 17% from 2005.