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Office of Regulation Policy and Management (02REG)
Regulation Rewrite Project -- 02REG -- Internet

     Regulations Special Projects, 02REG, identifies, organizes and rewrites VA regulations to make them easier to read, understand and apply.  The Chief, Regulations Special Projects (02REG), supervises the work of regulation analysis and drafting teams staffed by subject matter experts and legal advisors detailed from their parent organizations.  All of the detailed employees return to their parent organizations once they have accomplished their assigned tasks.  The current project is the rewrite of the Compensation and Pension Service (C&P) regulations contained in Part 3 of 38 CFR.  Once the C&P rewrite is done, Regulations Special Projects will take on the supervision of another rewrite project.  
Summary of C&P Regulation Rewrite Project
C&P Rewrite Project -- Proposed Regulations Currently Drafted and Published

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Reviewed/Updated Date: January 9, 2009