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HEASARC: Software


ASTRO-Update: Keep your astronomy analysis software up-to-date

Astro-Update Headlines [Valid RSS]

Ordered by Date of last update of released software

Name Responsible Entity Version Last Update
XSPEC: X-ray spectral Analysis software HEASARC 12.5.0n 15 Jan 2009
CIAO: Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (Release) CXC 4.1.1 15 Jan 2009
HEAsoft: Multi-Mission High Energy Analysis software HEASARC 6.6.1 5 Jan 2009
AIPS: Astronomical Image Processing System (development) NRAO 31DEC09 15 Jan 2009
AIPS: Astronomical Image Processing System (stable) NRAO 31DEC08 09 Dec 2008
ISIS: Interactive Spectral Interpretation System CXC 1.4.9-30 26 Nov 2008
STScI Python: includes PyRAF, PyFITS, Numdisplay, MultiDrizzle for HST STScI 2.7 21 Nov 2008
PIMMS: Portable, Interactive Multi-Mission Simulator HEASARC 3.9i 04 Nov 2008
SAOImage ds9: FITS image viewer and analyzer SAO/HEASARC 5.4 30 Oct 2008
IRAF: Image Reduction and Analysis Facility NOAO 2.14.1 16 Sep 2008
MIDAS: Munich Image Data Analysis System ESO 08SEPpl1.0 10 Sep 2008
IDL Astronomical Users Library ASD/GSFC 6 Sep 2008 6 Sep 2008
CFITSIO: FITS file access subroutine library HEASARC 3.10 20 Aug 2008 command-line query of HEASARC databases, uses wget HEASARC 2.2 31 Jul 2008
CHIANTI: atomic database for X-ray plasma spectral modeling NRL and others 5.2.1 29 July 2008
fv: Fits File Viewer HEASARC 5.2.1 28 Jul 2008
SAS: XMM-Newton Science Analysis Software XMM-SOC 8.0.0 2 Jul 2008
XIMAGE: Image Analysis Software HEASARC 4.4.1 02 Jul 2008
CCfits: object oriented interface to cfitsio HEASARC 2.0 23 Apr 2008
STDAS: Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System STScI 3.8 26 Feb 2008
Aladin: An interactive software sky atlas CDS; ULP/CNRS 5 Feb 2008
W3Browse: Astrophysics Observation Database and Archive browser HEASARC 8.4 9 Oct 2007
OSA: INTEGRAL Off-Line Scientific Analysis Software ISDC 7.0 26 Sep 2007
PROFIT: Visualize and Model Spectra Smith/HEASARC 2.0.0 07 Aug 2007
PINTofALE: Package for Interactive Analysis of Line Emission Drake & Kashyap/CXC 2.6 07 Jun 2007
XSTAR: physical conditions and emission spectra of photoionized gases. Kallman/HEASARC 2.1kn7 24 Mar 2007 command-line query of HEASARC databases HEASARC 2.1a 16 Nov 2006
XSPEC 11: Old-School X-ray spectral analysis software HEASARC 11.3.2 13 Apr 2005
XRONOS: Timing Analysis Software HEASARC 5.21 06 May 2004
EXSAS: Extended X-ray Scientific Analysis System for ROSAT MPE 01APR_EXP Apr 2001
PROS: Post-Reduction Off-line Software for X-ray data analysis CfA 2.5_p1 Mar 1998
SPEX: SPEctral X-ray and UV modeling, analysis and fitting Kaastra/SRON 1.10 25 Apr 1994
SPEX: SPEctral X-ray and UV modeling, analysis and fitting (development) Kaastra/SRON 2.00.11 04 Nov 2004

Ordered by Posted Date

Associated Data
Name Responsible Entity Version Posted Latest Update Comments
CALDB: Calibration Data HEASARC Varies by mission 15 Jan 2009 14 Jan 2009 RXTE PCA data
Chandra CALDB CXC 4.1 18 Dec 2008 15 Dec 2008 major upgrade, for use with Ciao 4.1
CCF: Current Calibration File for XMM-Newton XMM SOC Varies by instrument 06 Oct 2008 03 Oct 2008 EPIC canned response matrices
ATOMDB: atomic database for X-ray plasma spectral modeling CXC 1.3.1 03 Jul 2003 03 Jul 2003

SAO's list of Astronomical Software on the Web

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Page author: Michael F. Corcoran