9th Annual FDA Science Forum
"FDA Science: Protecting America's Health"

April 24 - 25, 2003


7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Level 2 - Concourse
facing Mt. Vernon Place
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Level 3 - Ballroom C

Kathryn M. Carbone, M.D., Chair, Science Forum Organizing Committee

Norris Alderson, Ph.D., Associate Commissioner for Science amp; Health

Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D., Commissioner, FDA
9:00 am - 10:00 amKEYNOTE ADDRESS

HHS Initiatives that Protect America's Health
Tommy Thompson, Secretary, Department of Health & Human Services
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Level 2 - Hall D
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Level 3 - Ballroom C
Science: The Cornerstone of Risk Assessment & Management

Chair: Lester M. Crawford, D.M.V., Ph.D., Deputy Commisioner, FDA

Enhancing the Role of Science in Stakeholder-Based Risk Management Decision-Making
Gail Charnley, Ph.D., Health Risk Strategies

Introduction to Bioinformatics
Dan Casciano, Ph.D., National Center for Toxicological Research, FDA

Microbial and Antimicrobial Resistance Risk Analysis: Emerging Hazards Meet Re-Emerging Science
H. Gregg Claycamp, Ph.D., Center for Veterinary Medicine
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Level 2 - Hall D
Enjoy lunch on-site as you discuss research with poster authors
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmBREAKOUT SESSIONS A, B, C, & D
(Attendees should select one session)
 Breakout Session A:  Level 2 - Room 201
New Technologies for Assessing and Predicting Risk: Application of Bioinformatics
Chair: Janet Woodcock, M.D., Center for Drug Evaluation & Research (CDER), FDA
  • Development of a Toxicoinformatics Integrated System at NCTR
    Weida Tong, Ph.D., NCTR

  • Serum Proteomic Pattern Diagnostics Using Artificial Intelligence Based Bioinformatics
    Emanuel Petricoin, Ph.D., Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research (CBER), FDA

  • An Integration of Genomic, Proteomic, and Metabonomic Approaches To Better Evaluate Drug-Associated Cardiovascular Risks
    Frank Sistare, Ph.D., CDER, FDA

  • Incorporation of Toxicogenomics into Mechanistic and Predictive Toxicology: Analysis of the Effects of Ethynyl Estradiol on Uterine Gene Expression
    Timothy Zacharewski, Ph.D., Michigan State University
 Breakout Session B:  Level 2 - Room 202A
Microbial Risk Balance: Assessing & Minimizing the Risk
Chair: David G. White, Ph.D., Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), FDA
  • Application of Risk Assessment to Food Safety Problems
    Sherri B. Dennis, Ph.D., Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), FDA

  • Risk Assessment: Emerging Infectious Agents and Biologics
    Steven Anderson, Ph.D., M.P.P., CBER, FDA

  • Vibrio spp. Risk Assessments
    Marianne Miliotis, Ph.D., CFSAN, FDA

  • Modeling of Public Health Impact of Antibiotic Use in Agricultural and Human Clinical Settings: Smoking Gun vs. Holy Grail
    Glenn Morris, M.D., M.P.H., University of Maryland
 Breakout Session C:  Level 2 - Room 202B
Risk Assessment in Specific Subpopulations
Chair: Lawrence Lesko, Ph.D., CDER, FDA
  • Critically Ill/Injured Patients as a Sensitive Subpopulation
    Ron Brown, M.S., D.A.B.T., Center for Devices & Radiological Health, (CDRH), FDA

  • Subpopulation Based Model for Cryptosporidium Outbreaks
    Angelo Turturro, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., NCTR, FDA

  • A Case Study in Subpopulation Risk Management
    Julie Beitz, M.D., CDER, FDA

  • Environmental Health & Safety Risks to Children
    Carole A. Kimmel, Ph.D., Environmental Protection Agency
 Breakout Session D:  Level 2 - Room 204ABC
Defining Cancer Risk
Chair: Mary Bartholomew, Ph.D., CVM, FDA
  • Thresholds, Risk Assessment, and Setting the Limits of Regulation
    Mitchell Cheeseman, Ph.D., CFSAN, FDA

  • Using Computational Toxicology to Screen Chemicals for Carcinogenic Potential
    Joseph F. Contrera, Ph.D., CDER, FDA

  • Relevance of Model Somatic Mutation Systems to Humans
    Richard J. Albertini, Ph.D., University of Vermont (invited)

  • Unified Approach for Cancer and Non-cancer Risk Assessment
    Ralph Kodell, Ph.D., NCTR, FDA
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Level 2 - Hall D
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Level 3 - Ballroom C

Welcome & Introductions
Norris Alderson, Ph.D, Senior Associate Commissioner for Science & Health

Presentation of FDA Scientific Achievement Awards
Jeanne Rader, Chair, Achievement Awards Committee
FDA Center and ORA Director (s)

Presentation of Best Poster Awards
Paddy L. Wiesenfeld, Ph.D., President, FDA Chapter Sigma Xi

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Level 2 - Hall D
Join the poster authors and varied vendors over wine & cheese


FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2003
7:00 am - 4:30 pm
Level 2 - Concourse
facing Mt. Vernon Place
8:00 am - 8:15 am
Level 3 - Ballroom C

Lester M. Crawford, D.V.M., Ph.D., Deputy Commissioner, FDA

8:15 am - 9:00 amOPENING ADDRESS
John D. Graham, Ph.D., Office of Management & Budget (invited)
9:00 am - 10:30 amGENERAL SESSION 2
FDA Science: Ahead of the Curve

Evolution of Microbial Pathogens
Tom Cebula, Ph.D., CFSAN, FDA

Cancer, Apoptosis, & Oxidative Stress; What's Protein S Got To Do With It?
Emily Shacter, Ph.D., CBER, FDA

Forensic Investigations Related to Food & Pharmaceutical Tampering & Counterfeiting
Frank Platek, M.S., Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), FDA
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Level 2 - Hall D
11:00 am - 12:30 pmBREAKOUT SESSIONS E, F, G, & H
(Attendees should select one session.)
 Breakout Session E:  Level 2 - Room 201
Host Responses to Medical Interventions
Chair: Patrick McDermott, Ph.D., CVM, FDA
  • Protective Innate Immune Responses Elicited by CpG Nucleotides
    Dennis Klinman, M.D., Ph.D., CBER, FDA

  • Replacement Heart Valve-Related Pathology: In Vivo Preclinical Studies
    Stephen L. Hilbert, M.D., Ph.D., CDRH, FDA

  • Antimicrobial Resistance as it Relates to Food Animal Production
    David G. White, Ph.D., CVM, FDA

  • PET Imaging & Pharmacokinetics
    Jerry Collins, Ph.D., CDER, FDA
 Breakout Session F:  Level 2 - Room 202A
Applications of Edge of the Wedge Technology
Chair: Marwood Ediger, Ph.D., CDRH, FDA
  • Progress Toward the Development of a Heat-Driven Process for Oligonucleotide Synthesis on Microarrays
    Serge Beaucage, Ph.D., CBER, FDA

  • Evaluating Genotoxic Risk Using Tk Knockout Mouse Model
    V.N. Dobrovolsky, Ph.D., NCTR, FDA

  • Blood substitutes: Can We Tame Hemoglobin?
    Abdu Alayash, Ph.D., CBER, FDA

  • Application of Proteomics Based Analytical Tools to Food Safety Concerns
    Steven Musser, Ph.D., CFSAN, FDA
 Breakout Session G:  Level 2 - Room 202B
Toxicology: Expected & Unexpected Toxins & Toxicity
Chair: Renate Reimschuessel, V.M.D., Ph.D., CVM, FDA
  • Multiresidue Screening for Pesticides in Food
    Frank J. Shenck, M.S., ORA, FDA

  • Use of Biological Modeling in Risk Assessment
    Hoan-My Do Luu, M.S., CDRH, FDA

  • Assessment of Neurotoxicity: Application of Neuroimaging Techniques
    William Slikker, Ph.D., NCTR, FDA

  • The Role of Pharmacokinetics & Exposure-Response in Assessing Risk-Benefit of New Drugs
    Shiew-Mei Huang, Ph.D., CDER, FDA
 Breakout Session H:  Level 2 - Room 204ABC
Cancer : Origins, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention
Chair: Kathryn Zoon, Ph.D., CBER, FDA
  • Cytokine Receptors as Targets of Cancer Therapy
    Raj K. Puri, M.D., Ph.D., CBER, FDA

  • Cancer Susceptibility, Early Detection
    Luke Ratnasinghe, Ph.D., M.P.H., NCTR, FDA

  • Effects of Exposure to Estrogens at Various Life Stages on Reproductive Endpoints and Cancer
    Kenneth B. DelClos, Ph.D., NCTR, FDA

  • Diagnostic Imaging, Reader Variability, Computer Aids - and the Quest for the Holy Grail
    Robert F. Wagner, Ph.D., CDRH, FDA
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Level 2 - Hall D
Enjoy lunch on-site as you discuss research with poster authors
Grab your box lunch and attend a short workshop:

  • Workshop 1:  Level 2 - Room 201
    Committee for Advancement of FDA Science (CAFDAS) presents
    FDA Collaborative Grants Program

  • Workshop 2:  Level 2 Room 202A
    Internet 2

  • Workshop 3:  Level 2 Room 202B
    Communication in Science

  • Workshop 4:  Level 2 Room 204ABC
    Introduction to FDA
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Level 3 - Ballroom C

Public Health Initiatives In the Aftermath of 9/11
Chair: Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs

NIH Perspectives
Elias Zerhouni, M.D., National Institutes of Health

Did Events of 9/11 and Later Make Us a Better FDA?
Bernard A. Schwetz, D.V.M., Ph.D., FDA

National Level Priorities & Preparedness
David W. Fleming, M.D., Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (invited)
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Level 2 - Hall D
4:00 pm - 5:30 pmBREAKOUT SESSIONS I, J, K, & L

(Attendees should select one session.)
 Breakout Session I:  Level 2 - Room 201
On the Scene: Detecting Biological and Security Risks
Co-chairs: David Feigal, M.D., M.P.H., CDRH, FDA and Douglas Anders, Ph.D., Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Evaluation of Handheld Anthrax Test Kits: Lessons Learned
    Richard Meyer, Ph.D., Centers for Disease Control

  • Collaborative Efforts to Promote Diagnostic Platform Development
    Lt. Col. Debra Niemeyer, Ph.D., Department of Defense

  • FDA's Role in Security Screening Systems: Radiation Risks, Privacy Laws, & Public Concern
    Orhan Suleiman, Ph.D., Office of the Commissioner (OC), FDA
 Breakout Session J:  Level 2- Room 202A
Therapeutic & Prophylactic Strategies for Countering Terrorism
Co-chairs: Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.P.H., CDER and Andrea Meyerhoff, M.D., OC, FDA
  • Drug Efficacy & Off-Label Use
    Diane Murphy, M.D., CDER, FDA

  • Emerging & Re-Emerging Biologic Issues
    Lauren Iaconno- Connors, Ph.D., CBER, FDA

  • Civilian BioDefense Strategies
    Tara O'Toole, M.D., Johns Hopkins University
 Breakout Session K:  Level 2 - Room 202B
Bioterrorism Risk and the Nation's Food Supply - How Must We Respond
Co-chairs: Ellen Morrison, OC, FDA and William Krueger, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
  • FDA's Efforts on Food Safety & Security
    Joe Levitt, Esq, CFSAN, FDA

  • The NIH Response to the Threat of Bioterrorism
    Leigh A. Sawyer, D.V.M., M.P.H, DACVPM, National Institutes of Health

  • The Food Industry's Response to Ensuring Food Security and Safety
    Rhona Applebaum, Ph.D., National Food Processors Association
 Breakout Session L:  Level 2 - Room 204ABC
Emerging Issues in Risk Communication
Co-chairs: Linda A. Skladany, Esq, OC, FDA & Kevin Keane, DHHS
  • Public Participation in Risk Communication
    Ned Growth, Consumers Union

  • Communicating Sound Science Policy in a Chaotic World
    Stephen F. Sundlof, D.V.M., Ph.D., CVM, FDA

  • FDA & the Media: Communicating Risk to the Public
    Lauren Neergard, Associated Press

FDA Chapter, Sigma Xi | CFSAN | FDA
Last updated on 2003-APR-21 by frf