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316bforum Private - for States and EPA only yes Subscribe
aceupdate Notification of updates to the America's children and the environment website. yes Subscribe
adb Integrated Reporting: Electronic 305(b)/303(d)/TMDL no Subscribe
agcenter National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center yes Subscribe
aging_initiativ Listserver of the EPA Aging Initiative yes Subscribe
aqsdatamart For users of the AQS Data Mart and air quality analysts yes Subscribe
aquatoxinfo Private List of AQUATOX Users yes Subscribe
architectures ARCHITECTURES yes Subscribe
basinsinfo Private list for BASINS users yes Subscribe
bmds-news BMDS-news yes Subscribe
bopsat BOPSAT group yes Subscribe
bosch_notices Notices for the BOSCH application yes Subscribe
brownfields EPA Brownfields Program news no Subscribe
callcenter_oswer Superfund, TRI, EPCRA, RMP & Oil Infomation Center yes Subscribe
cameo EPA-NOAA CAMEO Team yes Subscribe
ceam-users Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) Discussion Group yes Subscribe
ceh-list ceh-list yes Subscribe
ceripubs A periodic announcement of new technology transfer products from US EPA's Center for Environmental Research Information yes Subscribe
cfusers CFUsers yes Subscribe
chief Measurement Policy Group yes Subscribe
ciaq To facilitate the activities of the CIAQ yes Subscribe
climate_communicators Climate change communications, outreach, and education yes Subscribe
cupss-trainers CUPSS Trainers Network yes Subscribe
cupss-users CUPSS Users yes Subscribe
decentralized Onsite/decentralized wastewater management issues yes Subscribe
edsp Parties interested in the EDSP Peer Review yes Subscribe
ej_hispanic_outreach Environmental Justice info (Spanish) yes Subscribe
empmlist Exposure Modeling Public Meeting (EMPM) yes Subscribe
emwglist Exposure Modeling Work Group, pesticide exposure modeling yes Subscribe
envirotechnews Information for the environmental technology industry yes Subscribe
epa-air Federal Register AIR documents yes Subscribe
epa-cepp U.S. EPA Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO) yes Subscribe
epa-econ-forum epa-econ-forum yes Subscribe
epa-ej Environmental Justice information yes Subscribe
epa-general Federal Register GENERAL documents yes Subscribe
epa-hudson Hudson River PCBs yes Subscribe
epa-impact Federal Register IMPACT documents yes Subscribe
epa-meetings Federal Register documents for Meetings yes Subscribe
epa-mobilenews Emission factors/emission inventories for mobile sources yes Subscribe
epa-nworegon Updates in Northwest Oregon yes Subscribe
epa-pest Federal Register PESTICIDE documents yes Subscribe
epa-pesticide-updates Information about EPA pesticide program activities and decisions yes Subscribe
epa-research Federal Register RESEARCH documents yes Subscribe
epa-sab Federal Register SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD yes Subscribe
epa-species Federal Register SPECIES documents yes Subscribe
epa-tox Federal Register TOXIC documents yes Subscribe
epa-tri Federal Register TOXIC RELEASE INVENTORY documents yes Subscribe
epa-waste Federal Register WASTE documents yes Subscribe
epa-water Federal Register WATER documents yes Subscribe
epa-wtc World Trade Center monitoring and cleanup yes Subscribe
epa_randd_news News briefs regarding Science and Research yes Subscribe
epafr-contents Federal Register CONTENTS documents yes Subscribe
epanews-espanol EPA news releases in Spanish yes Subscribe
epaweb-owners epaweb-owners yes Subscribe
etl_notices Notices for the Informatica ETL application yes Subscribe
etvoice Environmental Verification Technology Program info yes Subscribe
fedgb Limited to Federal employees working on green buildings issues yes Subscribe
ghginventory-l Greenhouse gas emissions data yes Subscribe
greatlakesbss Great Lakes Beach Sanitary Survey yes Subscribe
greatlakesnews Funding and project news from Great Lakes National Program Office of USEPA yes Subscribe
greenvehicles Updates and Hot Topics of Green Vehicle Guide yes Subscribe
guidance_letter guidance letter distribution list yes Subscribe
icis_info ICIS News & Events Email Alerts yes Subscribe
innovation National Center for Environmental Innovation/OA - General Distribution yes Subscribe
jtrnet Public and non-profit recycling market developers yes Subscribe
lowerpassaic Lower Passaic River Restoration Project & Newark Bay Study yes Subscribe
lust_lstsrv_r3 Private - R3 States/EPA LUST Program yes Subscribe
mwrapermit Proposed Modifications to Ambient Monitoring Plan yes Subscribe
ncee-announce US EPA's National Center for Environmental Economics yes Subscribe
nei-usergroup National Emission Inventory User Group yes Subscribe
nerlscience For the latest in exposure research information yes Subscribe
news-notes Distribution of the publication Nonpoint Source News-Notes yes Subscribe
npptac-epa Parties interested in information related to EPA's NPPTAC yes Subscribe
npsinfo NPS Information Exchange yes Subscribe
nrmrl U.S. EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory no Subscribe
ocorelink Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance information yes Subscribe
oeistakeholder OEI Stakeholders and Partners yes Subscribe
oig-news OIG-News Notification List yes Subscribe
onlncalc Online Calculators and Internet Modeling Course yes Subscribe
oswer_vision OSWER Quarterly Newsletter yes Subscribe
otaq-announce EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) Announcements yes Subscribe
p2news2 Pollution Prevention activities at EPA yes Subscribe
ppdcforum Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee yes Subscribe
r10_water_news Watertalk Newsletter and other Water Quality Announcements for Region 10 yes Subscribe
rpo-listserv Regional Planning Organizations activities yes Subscribe
sas_notices Notices for SAS software users yes Subscribe
schools_iaq_connector Connecting with stakeholders dedicated to managing indoor air quality in schools. yes Subscribe
statepretcoord Discussion forum for State Pretreatment Coordinators yes Subscribe
storetinfo STORET news and information yes Subscribe
techdirect Info for site remediation/site assessment professionals yes Subscribe
tfhtap CLRTAP Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants yes Subscribe
tfhtapmodels TFHTAPmodels, Discussion Forum for TF HTAP Model Intercomparison Excercise yes Subscribe
usepar3news Weekly summaries from EPA's Mid-Atlantic Region yes Subscribe
verify Status information regarding the Verify System and project yes Subscribe
volmonitor Volunteer water monitoring yes Subscribe
waterheadlines Water quality information yes Subscribe
waternews Water quality information yes Subscribe
watershed-news Information for watershed groups and others working at the grass roots level to protect and restore watersheds yes Subscribe
wipp-news Periodic information regarding EPA's role at the WIPP yes Subscribe
wqs-news Water Quality Standards Information yes Subscribe