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Mojave Desert 2007

Spaceward Bound
Mojave 2007
Peng Yav's Top 10 Photos

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bull seen on the way out from the talc mines.You'll never know what you might find on Mars or in the desert.
This is a bull that we saw on our way out from the talc mines.
Hot air balloon testing at lake side
Ready for liftoff...balloon team testing out their balloon on Sunday.
Testing for organics in river water at Afton Canyon.
Testing for organics in river water at Afton Canyon. Within minutes, the high level of organics caused a sporadic outgrowth of hair on the side of Jim's head...definitely a high level or was that just the wind?
Fording the river in the van
Fording the river in the van, Take 2. A professional NASA personel is behind the wheel. Do not attempt this with your mom's minivan. Note the sign in the background.
group hiking over dunes
We're almost there, it's just over that hill. Kelso Dunes.
group hiking along marked paths
We're off to see the wizard...actually, maintaining sterility in the soil requires that everyone walk along marked paths.
using the back of a van, teacher crew are out in the field preparing to test soil samples
The ultimate portable outdoor classroom facility. Linda, Heather, and the rest of the teacher crew are out in the field preparing to test soil samples.
 Lunch in the desert sun!
Lunch in the desert sun! Are those ham and cheese sandwiches?
Vincent the fox on back patio area
Vincent the fox makes a special guest appearance in the back patio area on our last night.
testing soil samples
The new and improved easy bake oven. Not only can it cook your soil samples, it can also test for organics in it as well.


 FirstGov  NASA

Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated:February 2006
Students Contact: Loretta Hidalgo
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe