SWS Donations

Please consider a donation to the below SWS Endowment Funds. They are important society programs that can grow only through your support.

The SWS is a registered 501(C)(3) non-profit. Donations to these endowments are generally tax deductible in the United States. Thank you for your support.

Hudson Seymour-Allen Endowment Fund
This fund is used to help support the society's journal, Wetlands. This fund is dedicated to the memory of William (Bill) Ellis Hudson and Jeanne Seymour-Allen who shared their lives together along one of the nation's largest wetland resources, the Mississippi River.
Founders International Fund
This endowment was established to advance International activities in the field of wetland science and management.

SWS Awards Fund
This fund was established to support the SWS Awards Program. The Awards Program honors excellence in wetland science and management. Some of the Awards we present are:

1) SWS Service Award
2) SWS International Fellow Award
3) SWS International Travel Award
4) SWS Lifetime Acheivement Award
5) Best Student Paper and Poster Awards

Student Grants Fund
The Student Grants Fund provides grants annually to support wetland research by students. Research proposals compete for funding through a peer-review process.
$30 (Provides a membership & journal for 1 person)
Developing Country Membership Sponsorship
Members from developing countries who are unable to pay dues and the fees for the journal can apply for support. Donations under the Developing Country Membership Sponsorship support this program.
NOTE: If you wish to designate the member who will receive support, you must submit a separate registration, selecting 'Sponsored' membership on the Step 1 Form.

(Selecting the $30 option will provide a membership and the journal for one person)

Credit Card Information

Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number: No hyphens or spaces
Expiration Date: mm/yy
Security Code: 3 digits on back of card
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Credit Card Billing Address:
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Your Name:
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Your SWS ID#: (Not Required)
If you want a different address used for the receipt please provide it in the comment field.