Welcome to the SWS 2009 Joint Meeting Website

The North Central Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists is pleased to be hosting the Society's 30th annual meeting in Madison, WI on held June 21-26, 2009 at the Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center.

Meeting News

Abstracts Submission Page Now Open 12/3/08

The meeting Planning Team invites you to contribute to this 2009 joint meeting. We currently seek submissions of abstracts for contributed oral sessions and poster sessions. Abstract submissions for all sessions must be submitted electronically and are due by February 27, 2009. Presenters will be notified via email by late March 2009 regarding abstract acceptance, and must register by April 20, 2009 to guarantee your space in the program schedule.

Call for Symposia Proposals: 10/31 Deadline 9/25/08

We seek proposals for half-day symposia, which could be used for oral presentations, panel discussions, and/or open discussion. Symposia are pre-arranged sessions on special topics. Symposia organizers will recruit speakers for timeslots in multiples of 15 minutes (15, 30, 45, etc.), including time for questions and discussion. The webpage linked below includes a list of suggested symposia topics. Click the Symposia menu item to the right for more details on preparing a symposium proposal.

Seeking Workshop Proposals for 2009 Meeting 9/25/08

SWS invites you to submit a proposal for a Workshop at the 2009 Wetland Connections conference. Workshops can be held as half-day sessions on the Sunday immediately before the meeting (June 21) or on Friday morning (June 26). Full-day sessions can be held on Friday, June 26. Course levels can range from introductory to advanced. The intent is to provide opportunities for members to learn about emerging topics and approaches, and to sharpen their knowledge and skills across a variety of disciplines and applications. Workshop proposals are due by October 31, 2008. Click the Workshops menu item to the right for more details on preparing a workshop proposal.

Help Host the 40th Annual Meeting 5/12/08

The SWS 40th Annual Meeting will be hosted with partners Wisconsin Wetlands Association and the 11th Annual Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium. This joint meeting is a partnership effort that embodies the meeting theme, Wetland Connections.

Enhance your own wetland connections by getting involved! The Local Planning Team needs assistance from local/regional wetland enthusiasts with planning and hosting this conference. Contact Joy Zedler if you would like to be a part of hosting this important wetlands event.

Meeting Links

 Meeting News
 Book Exhibit
 Children's Program
 Field Trips
 Group Tours
 Internat Travel Awards
 Location & Venue
 Plenary Speakers
 Silent Auction
 Travel Specials

 Student Events
 Student Volunteers
 Student Travel Awards

 Planning Team
 For Exhibitors