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Kuyper Scholars Program
Kuyper Scholars Program

The Kuyper Scholars Program in Christian scholarship is more than an honors program. Designed to provide highly motivated and academically gifted students with scholarly challenges throughout and beyond the regular curriculum, this program includes three components - interdisciplinary work, theoretical understanding, and seminar participation and leadership - all built on a Christian foundation. The program seeks not only to prepare leaders for the Christian and world communities but also to advance the academic atmosphere at Dordt College. Throughout their undergraduate experience, participating students work closely with their KSP advisors and faculty mentors to reach their goals.

Program Goals

Students who enroll in the Kuyper Scholars Program will:

  • develop their understanding of integral Christian scholarship
  • increase their ability to do interdisciplinary, theoretical, and collaborative scholarly work
  • identify and cultivate their scholarly gifts
  • develop a Kuyperian sense of scholarly work as calling to a particular kind of service in God's kingdom

Course Requirements

The Kuyper Scholars Program is designed to fit with every major at Dordt College. To graduate from the Kuyper Scholars Program, students will take the following courses, some of which satisfy General Education and major requirements.

  • A lab science course
  • Math 107, or Math 111 or higher
  • 18 KSP credits in these areas:
    • KSP 151: Rhetoric & Christian Scholarship
    • KSP 110: Attending/responding to Scholars Events
    • KSP 120: Participating in Scholars Seminars
    • KSP 220: Leading Scholars Seminars
    • KSP 381-386: Group Scholars Projects
    • KSP 391-396: Individual Scholars Projects
    • KSP 291-293: Scholars Contracts in regular courses. (Students receive both the Kuyper Scholars Program credits and the regular course credits.)

This sequence of courses starts with an introduction to Christian scholarship, coupled with the necessary reading, writing, communication, and discussion skills used throughout the program. Building on this foundation, students in the Kuyper Scholars Program report on and discuss their completed individual and group projects in seminars involving the entire community of scholars, across the disciplines. In addition, students in the Kuyper Scholars Program will be involved in dinners, desserts, and discussions with guest lecturers.

Applying To The Kuyper Scholars Program

Admission into the Kuyper Scholars Program depends on an entrance essay, letters of recommendation, and demonstrated academic ability. Of primary importance are the entrance essay and letters of recommendation that must demonstrate the student's character and potential for academic excellence in the pursuit of serviceable insight in the area of Christian scholarship. Specific application information can be found here.

Applications will be received from November 15 to February 15. Applications received by January 1 will be considered for early acceptance.

To remain in the Kuyper Scholars Program students must maintain a 3.25 GPA and remain active participants in the Kuyper Scholars Program. Students in the Kuyper Scholars Program will receive an annual $1,000 Kuyper Scholarship.

Last modified 11/29/2006
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