this table...

GRBCATAG - Gamma-Ray Bursts Catalog: Afterglows



The GRB Afterglow table contains intensity and redshift measurements obtained with ground based telescopes or with space based observatories carried out after the detection of the GRBs.

The catalog has been created using information from journal publications, IAU circulars, and GCN notices, and records afterglow measurements for bursts detected after May 1996.

Each record within this catalog is dedicated to a specific measurement of an afterglow made with an observatory. Therefore for a given GRB, there are several entries reporting afterglow measurements from the different observatories.

This catalog is linked to the main GRB catalog and it is updated when a new GRB and/or afterglow measurements are reported.


References for the individual records in this table are available in the "reference" field.


This table was ingested by the HEASARC in June 2008 based on electronic versions obtained from the author(s), who compiled the catalog in 2005.


This is a numerical value that uniquely identifies a record within this database.

This is a unique numerical value assigned to each GRB. Since for a given GRB there can be more that one record, this numerical value is assigned to all record associated to a specific GRB.

This is the name of the GRB. The name are assigned following the "GRB YYMMDD" or "GRB YYMMDDn" if multiple bursts occur within a day, where n is a character string.

This parameter contains alternative name used to identify the burst.

Name or type of telescope used to carried out the observation. This is specified only if provided in the literature.

Name of the facility where the observation was carried out.

Short identifier for the energy band of the observation. This parameter has the following values : R=radio, I=infrared, O=optical, U=ultraviolet, X=x- ray, G=gamma-ray.

This parameter contains the energy range of observation and is provided as a string. If the observation is carried with filters, the filter names is given, ranges in energy includes also the units.

This is the start time of the observation.

This is the right ascension of the source for which intensity and/or redshift are reported. The position listed depends on the coord_flag parameter.

This is the declination of the source for which intensity and/or redshift are reported. The position listed depends on the coord_flag parameter.

This parameter records a flag to how the ra and dec parameters are populated. Coord_flag is set to 0 if the coordinates are from the reference listed in the reference parameter within this table. Coord_flag is set to 1 if the coordinates are taken from a difference reference; this reference is listed in the parameter local_notes. If the coordinates are not provided in the reference coord_flag is set to 2 and the ra and dec fields are populated using the GRB coordinates from the GRB catalog. If the reference contains more than one coordinates the coord_flag is set to 3 and the ra and dec fields are populated using the GRB coordinates from the GRB catalog. Coord_flag is set to 4 if the reference contains more than one source but the ra and dec used are from a different reference; the latter is listed in the parameters local_notes.

This parameter contains the name of the reference where the coordinates comes in the cases 1 and 4 described in the previous parameter and other information related with the position of the afterglow measurement.

Flag to indicate if the afterglow was detected. The parameters has three values:n to indicate that was not detected, y to indicate that was detected, p to indicate that was 'probably' detected.

In literature the intensity is not always given as an exact value. This parameter records the symbol reported in literature for the approximation (<, >, ~, etc). If the value is an upper limit, this field contains the string 'Limit'.

This parameter gives indication of the afterglow intensity. The way these values are reported depends on the energy band. The units for the intensity and its error are not homogenous.

Error on the intensity. If the error is two sided the values are reported in the parameters intensity_error_min and intensity_error_max and the average is reported in the intensity_error parameter.

For two side error this records the minimum value of the error.

For two side error this records the maximum value of the error.

Units of the intensity measurements.

The redshift in literature is not always given as an exact value. This parameter records the symbol reported in literature for the aproximation (<, >, ~, etc).

It contains the measured readshift. If the redshift is provided as a range, this parameter contains the mean value and the original values are stored in the parameters redshift_min and redshift_max.

This parameter contains the error on the redshift.

If the redshift is reported as a range, this parameter contains the minimum value of the redshift.

If the redshift is reported as a range, this parameter contains the maximum value of the redshift.

This parameter contains the reference from where the measurements for the afterglow were reported. The format is an ADS format.

This parameter contains notes related to the afterglow measurement.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the GRBCATAG database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Wednesday, 18-Jun-2008 00:45:57 EDT