this table...

EUVEBSL - EUVE Bright Sources



This database table contains a detailed list of verified bright EUVE sources detected during the survey phase of the EUVE mission (calibration targets are also included). Two distinct surveys, the all-sky and deep surveys, were conducted by the four EUVE telescopes during the first six months of the mission. Further documentation is available through the HEASARC.

Catalog Bibcode



EUV Survey and Deep Survey Confirmed Data. Date: April 23, 1993; Revised: November 10, 1993.


Name of the EUV source. The format is EUVE_Jhhmm[+-]dd.d which designated an EUV source located at the approximate position of hhmm[+-]dd.d .

Right Ascension, in 1950 coordinates.

Declination, in 1950 coordinates.

The Right Ascension of the object, precessed from J2000 coordinates. Positions were calculated with accuracy to within one arcminute.

The Declination of the object, precessed from J2000 coordinates. Positions were calculated with accuracy to within one arcminute.

The galactic latitude of the object. Positions were calculated with accuracy to within one arcminute.

The galactic longitude of the object. Positions were calculated with accuracy to within one arcminute.

Countrates of the EUV source in Lexan/B. The units are in counts per kilosecond and the value -9999 indicates no significantly measurable countrate.

Countrates of the EUV source in Al/Ti/C. The units are in counts per kilosecond and the value -9999 indicates no significantly measurable countrate.

Countrates of the EUV source in Ti/Sb/Al. The units are in counts per kilosecond and the value -9999 indicates no significantly measurable countrate.

Countrates of the EUV source in Sn/SiO. The units are in counts per kilosecond and the value -9999 indicates no significantly measurable countrate.

Countrates of the EUV source in Deep Survey Lexan/B. The units are in counts per kilosecond and the value -9999 indicates no significantly measurable countrate.

Countrates of the EUV source in Deep Survey Al/C filters. The units are in counts per kilosecond and the value -9999 indicates no significantly measurable countrate.

Possible optical counterpart identification of the EUV source as taken from internal catalogs, SIMBAD database search and/or communication with the EUVE Optical Identification group. Possible counterparts all lie within two arc-minutes of the calculated source position. The notation "NOID" was used for unidentified sources.

Another name for the possible optical counterpart of the EUV source. The value "---" indicates no other name available for the possible optical counterpart.

The spectral type (if known) of the possible optical counterpart for the EUV source. Most of the notations are standard usage except the following "CSPN" is the central star of a planetary nebula and "Puls" is a pulsar. The value "---" indicates no known spectral type.

Magnitude. The visual magnitude of the possible optical counterpart for the EUV source. The value -9999 indicates no known visual magnitude.

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera name for the EUV source observed. The value "---" indicates no ROSAT Wide Field Camera name for the EUV source.

BROWSE classification type. The classification is based on the `Type` parameter, if one is available. Otherwise, one has been assigned, or the classification is left blank.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the EUVEBSL database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Nov-2004 20:48:42 EST