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The Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for South Eastern Europe

The Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme (REReP) was the main environmental component of the former Stability Pact for SEE, Working Table II.

The official handover of the Stability Pact to the Regional Co-operation Council (RCC) was in Sofia meeting, February 2008.

REReP was initiated under the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe and endorsed by ministries of SEE countries — including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) at their meeting in March 2000 in Skopje.

A Task Force comprising the ministers of environment for the countries of South Eastern Europe (SEE), donors, international organisations, institutions and NGOs, guides its implementation. A Secretariat based at the head office of the REC in Hungary coordinates the programme. The countries adopted the programme priorities and translated them into priority projects. They took the lead in project implementation and reporting to the REReP Task Force.

The activities of the REReP Task Force and Secretariat are supported by the EU CARDS programme.



What's new

REReP Record Vol4.No2

REReP Workplan revised documents

The 11th REReP Task Force meeting was held on 20th of November 2008 in Becici, Montenegro. See the agenda and outcome documents.

The REReP regional meeting on energy and climate was held on 22-23rd of May 2008 in Brussels, Belgium. See the agenda, list of participants and outcome documents

The 10th meeting of the REReP Task Force was held on 27 of November 2007 in Brussels, Belgium. See the agenda, list of participants, outcome documents and progress report.

New publications:

REReP leaflet, Foundation for Integration
(230 KB - PDF)

Transboundary Co-operation through Management of Shared Natural Resources
(6 MB - PDF)

Targeting the Environmental Investment Challenge in South Eastern Europe (2.2 MB - PDF)

Environmental Snapshot
of South Eastern Europe
(1176 KB - PDF)

Progress in Environmental law Drafting in South Eastern Europe
(1020 KB - PDF)


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