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Dordt College Academics

Dordt College provides a complete Christian context for learning; a context that equips Dordt students to excel in science, art, business, and the humanities--and just as important, a context that prepares students to face the challenging issues of the world with a deeper understanding of biblical truth and Christian faith.

We offer two-year Associate's degrees, four-year Bachelor's degrees, and a Master's degree in Education that can be completed in as few as three summers. To earn a degree, a student must meet the GPA, credit, general education and major requirements that are listed in the college catalog.

We have over 90 programs of study, with varying emphases within many of the majors. We offer pre-professional programs that can help you to focus your academic experience toward a specific career goal. We also offer off-campus study programs that can broaden your academic experience beyond the confines of the classroom. Information about specific courses can be found in the Academic Offerings section of the college catalog.

Additional questions can be directed to the Academic Affairs office or the Registrar.

Last modified 6/23/2008