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Sara Hyman: Mission Operations Assurance Manager KEEPING AN EYE ON MISSION SAFETY:

March 4, 2003

Article courtesy of JPL

If the producers of Jeopardy do call Sara Hyman, who recently passed the game show's qualifying tests, she won't be expecting anything related to her job to turn up as a category. Though mission operations assurance hasn't yet worked its way into popular culture, it does share with the quiz show the need to know at least a smattering about a lot of different subjects.

"For this job," says Hyman, mission operations assurance manager for the ocean-observing satellite TOPEX/Poseidon, "you need to understand a little bit about everything that goes into a spacecraft. It is also nice to have an understanding of software and how it works, but you don't necessarily need to know how to read code."

Hyman joined the TOPEX/Poseidon team three and a half years before the satellite launched more than a decade ago. The satellite and its follow-on Jason-1 make detailed measurements of sea-surface height for studies of global climate and ocean circulation.

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