Bibliographic Citation

Quantum coherent switch utilizing commensurate nanoelectrode and charge density periodicities
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US patent application 10/887,153
Harrison, Neil (Santa Fe, NM); Singleton, John (Los Alamos, NM); Migliori, Albert (Santa Fe, NM)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM
United States Department of Energy
Los Alamos National Security, LLC (Los Alamos, NM)
A quantum coherent switch having a substrate formed from a density wave (DW) material capable of having a periodic electron density modulation or spin density modulation, a dielectric layer formed onto a surface of the substrate that is orthogonal to an intrinsic wave vector of the DW material; and structure for applying an external spatially periodic electrostatic potential over the dielectric layer.
