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AIMS: Support for Acceptance and Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in South Eastern Europe

Handshake (illustration)Multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) are vital for transforming international environmental norms into binding rules. The countries of South Eastern Europe have a relatively low rate of MEA accession, and face implementation obstacles because of reduced resources and fundamental restructuring of authoritative bodies and enforcement mechanisms.

The AIMS project (“Support to the Acceptance and Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in South Eastern Europe”) strives to increase the level of acceptance and implementation of MEAs in the region.

This project was designed in two phases, and was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment of the Netherlands within the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme (REReP). The second phase of the project ended on 28 February 2007.






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Last updated: August, 2007

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