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Energetic Neutral Beam User Facility  

Facility Description

The Energetic Neutral Beam User Facility is located at Technical Area 46, building 31, room 115. The facility consists of two neutral beam sources. One source is used to produce continuous beams of high energy atomic species with large absolute flux densities. The other source is used to produce continuous beams of medium energy molecules and/or atoms with moderate absolute flux densities. Our neutral beam sources have diagnostic capabilities that include time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

Our primary activity is to conduct research using our high energy atomic beam source to investigate gas-surface interactions including scattering and/or reaction mechanisms. The medium energy source is used to measure the momentum transferred to surfaces by incident gas. The combined research capabilities listed below are unique in the United States and in the world. Other laboratories and commercial firms do not possess such closely integrated and sophisticated capabilities, technologies and expertise.

The strengths and uniqueness of our facility include

  • A high-energy atomic source capable of producing continuous beams of energetic atomic species with kinetic energies between 1 eV and less than 5 eV with absolute flux densities of up to 1017 particles/sec.cm2.
  • Technical staff who have played a critical role in the development of the high energy atomic beam source. Their knowledge of energetic sources and the technologies that could be developed with them are unsurpassed in this field of research.
  • Active research that involves exposing CdZnTe room-temperature radiation detectors to beams of energetic atomic oxygen. Oxidation of the surface reduces the leakage current, increases the resolution, and improves the overall performance of the detectors. Other work involves the growth of oxide thin-films on various materials.


Equipment available in this laboratory includes a 1.5 kW cw CO2 industrial laser; a 1 to 5 eV atomic beam source; a supersonic molecular beam source; time-of-flight mass spectrometer systems used to measure velocity distribution functions of beams produced by both sources and atomic or molecular species scattered off surfaces, quadrupole mass spectrometers, and multi-channel scalars; a torsion balance apparatus used to measure both the absolute flux density of the beams and momentum transfer coefficients; Auger electron spectroscopy; and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

Services available at the Energetic Neutral Beam Facility include the following:

  • Data acquisition and analysis
  • Source diagnostics
  • Materials testing
  • Uniquely trained technicians and staff
  • A fully operational facility

These services will enable users to perform their research activities under optimal conditions and to interact with our facility's experienced staff. 

Facility Access

The Energetic Neutral Beam User Facility provides OPEN access to users.

Last updated: 25 June 2003

Technical Contact
Mark A. Hoffbauer
Mail Stop: MS J565
Phone: 505-667-0511
Fax: 505-665-4631
E-mail Address: mhoffbauer@lanl.gov

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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