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  For more information,
or to make suggestions for future speakers,

Dr. Anne C. Fitzpatrick
Tel: (505) 665-1276

Seminar Article for NEWSBulletin

COMING SOON: Archive of past talk announcements


Los Alamos
Computer and Computational Sciences Division
Bi-Monthly Seminar

Computing and Science

This seminar series explores computing and science in the broad sense as well as on the impact emerging capabilities in predictive science, featuring presentations on cutting-edge research, computer architecture, the future and history of computing, education, national security, and other topics.

Larry Snyder
University of Washington, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

"Fluency with Information Technology"

March 9, 2004

*This talk is open to all badge holders*


May 2004
Bob Bemer
2002 IEEE Computer Pioneer Award Recipient and Father of ASCII

For more information,
or to make suggestions for future speakers,
Dr. Anne C. Fitzpatrick
Tel: (505) 665-1276

CCS Division Home Page

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