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Food and Drug Administration

  Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee
March 13, 2006


Briefing Information

Food and Drug Administration


Portions of these documents may have been determined to be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Inoformation Act (the FOIA) (5 U.S.C. §552). These redacted portions will appear as white space on the screen or on the printed page.

FDA Backgrounder – March 13. (a.m. Session)


  Eli Lilly & Company - Briefing Material

The statements contained in this document(s) are not those of the FDA, and the FDA does not necessarily agree with these statements. FDA has not made a final determination about the issues to be discussed at the Advisory Committee Meeting.

Gemzar ® Briefing Material

Food and Drug Administration


Portions of these documents may have been determined to be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Inoformation Act (the FOIA) (5 U.S.C. §552). These redacted portions will appear as white space on the screen or on the printed page.

FDA Gemzar ® Review


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