FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION










                               ONCOLOGIC DRUGS ADVISORY COMMITTEE




                                           NDA 21-824







                                  ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA (AML)









                                     Thursday, May 5, 2005


                                           8:00 a.m.









                                       5630 Fishers Land

                                           Room 1066

                                      Rockville, Maryland









                                    P A R T I C I P A N T S




                  Silvana Martino, D.O. - CHAIR

                  Otis W. Brawley, M.D.

                  Ronald M. Bukowski, M.D.

                  Bruce D. Cheson, M.D.

                  Stephen L. George, Ph.D.

                  Pamela J. Haylock, RN [Industry Representative]

                  Alexandra M. Levine, M.D.

                  Joanne E. Mortimer, M.D.

                  Michael C. Perry, M.D.

                  Gregory H. Reaman, M.D.


                  Johanna M. Clifford, M.S., RN, Executive Secretary



                  CONSULTANTS AND GUESTS


                  Consultants (voting)


                  Susan O'Brien, M.D.



                  Patient Representative (voting):


                  Arthur Flatau



                  Acting Industry Representative (non-voting):


                  Roger Porter



                  Guest Speaker (non-voting):


                  Frederick Appelbaum, M.D.



                  FDA PARTICIPANTS


                  Qin Ryan, M.D.

                  Ramzi Dagher, M.D.

                  Robert Justice

                  Richard Pazdur, M.D.

                  Robert Temple, M.D.









                                        C O N T E N T S



                  Call to Order

                            Silvana Martino, D.O., Chair                     4


                  Introduction of Committee                                  4


                  Conflict of Interest Statement

                            Johanna Clifford                                 6


                  Opening Remarks

                            Richard Pazdur, M.D.                             9



                  Sponsor Presentation - Tibotec Therapeutics, Inc.


                             Robert DeLap, M.D., Ph.D.                      15


                     AML in Elderly Patients

                            Richard Stone, M.D.                             23


                     Clinical  Data

                            Alain Thibault, M.D.                            36



                            Alex Zukiwski, M.D.                             62


                  FDA Presentation:  NDA 21-824, Zarnestra

                            Qin Ryan, M.D.                                  70


                  AML in Older Individuals

                            Frederick R. Appelbaum, M.D.,                   90


                  Open Public Hearing                                      121


                  Questions from the Committee                             129


                  Discussion of the Questions                              181









              1                      P R O C E E D I N G S


              2                          Call to Order


              3             DR. MARTINO: Good morning, ladies and



              4   gentlemen.  I'd like to begin this meeting.


              5             The topic before us this morning is the


              6   drug Zarnestra, presented by Tibotec.  And the


              7   proposed indication is for the treatment of elderly


              8   patients with newly diagnosed poor-risk myeloid



              9   leukemia.


             10                    Introduction of Committee


             11             The first order of business is I would


             12   like the members of the committee to introduce


             13   themselves.  And I'd like to start with Dr.



             14   O'Brien, please.


             15             I need you all to use your microphones,


             16   please.


             17             DR. O'BRIEN: I'm from the leukemia


             18   department at MD Anderson.



             19             DR. CHESON: Bruce Cheson, head of


             20   Hematology, Georgetown University Lombardi Cancer


             21   Center.


             22             DR. GEORGE: Steve George, Duke University









              1   Medical Center.


              2             DR. BRAWLEY: Otis Brawley.  I'm a medical


              3   oncologist and epidemiologist at the Winship Cancer



              4   Institute of Emory University.


              5             DR. MORTIMER: Joanne Mortimer, medical


              6   director, UCSD Morris Cancer Center.


              7             MS. HAYLOCK: Pamela Haylock, oncology


              8   nurse and doctoral student at UTMB, Galveston,



              9   Texas.


             10             MR. FLATAU: Arthur Flatau, I'm the Patient


             11   Representative.


             12             DR. REAMAN: Greg Reaman, pediatric


             13   oncologist, Children's Hospital, Washington, D.C.;



             14   George Washington University in the Children's


             15   Oncology Group.


             16             DR. LEVINE: Alexandra Levine, head of


             17   hematology at University of Southern California,


             18   Norris Cancer Center.



             19             DR. MARTINO: Silvana Martino, from the


             20   Angeles Clinic in Santa Monica, California, main


             21   medical oncologist.


             22             MS. CLIFFORD: Johanna Clifford, Executive









              1   Secretary to the ODAC.


              2             DR. PERRY: Michael Perry, medical


              3   oncologist, University of Missouri Ellis Fischel



              4   Cancer Center, Columbia, Missouri.


              5             DR. PORTER: Roger Porter, retired both


              6   from the NIH and Wyeth, now a consultant.


              7             DR. BUKOWSKI: Ronald Bukowski, medical


              8   oncologist, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio.



              9             DR. DAGHER: Ramzi Dagher, Division of


             10   Oncology Drug Products, FDA.


             11             DR. JUSTICE: Robert Justice, Acting Deputy


             12   Director, Oncology Drug Products, FDA.


             13             DR. PAZDUR: Richard Pazdur, FDA.



             14             DR. TEMPLE: Bob Temple, Director, OD-1.


             15             DR. MARTINO: Next, I'd like Ms. Johanna


             16   Clifford to read the conflict of interest


             17   statements for the members of the panel, please.


             18                  Conflict of Interest Statement



             19             MS. CLIFFORD:  The following announcement


             20   addresses the issue of conflict of interest, and is


             21   made as part of the record to preclude even the


             22   appearance of such at this meeting.


             23             Based on the submitted agenda all



             24   financial interests reported by the committee


             25   participants, it has been determined that all









              1   interest in firms regulated by the Center for Drug


              2   Evaluation and Research present no potential for an


              3   appearance of a conflict of interest, with the



              4   following exceptions.


              5             In accordance 18 USC 208(b)(3), full


              6   waivers have been granted to the following


              7   participants: Dr. Stephen George, for consultant


              8   for a competitor, which he received less than



              9   $10,001 per year; Dr. Ronald Bukowski, for


             10   consulting with a competitor, which he receives


             11   less than $10,001 per year.  Pamela Haylock has


             12   been granted waivers under 208(b)(3) and 21 USC


             13   505(n) for her spouse owning stock in a competitor.



             14   The stock is valued from $25,001 to $50,000.


             15             A copy of the waiver statements may be


             16   obtained by submitting a written request to the


             17   agency's Freedom of Information Office, Room 12A-30


             18   of the Parklawn Building.



             19             In addition, we would like to not that Dr.









              1   Frederick Appelbaum, FDA's invited guest speaker,


              2   is participating as a representative of the Fred


              3   Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.  He has no



              4   financial interest in, or professional relationship


              5   with any of products of firms that could be


              6   affected by the committee's discussions.


              7             With respect to the FDA's invited industry


              8   representative, we would like to disclose that Dr.



              9   Roger Porter is participating in this meeting as


             10   the industry representative, acting on behalf of


             11   regulated industry.  Dr. Porter is a private


             12   consultant to industry.


             13             In the event that the discussions involve



             14   any other products or firms not already on the


             15   agenda, for which an FDA participant has a


             16   financial interest, the participants are aware of


             17   the need to exclude themselves from such


             18   involvement, and their exclusion will be noted for



             19   the record.


             20             With respect to all other participants, we


             21   ask, in the interest of fairness, that they address


             22   any current or previous financial involvement with









              1   any firms they may wish to comment upon.


              2             Thank you.


              3             DR. MARTINO: Thank you, Ms. Clifford.



              4   And, next, Dr. Richard Pazdur will provide some


              5   opening remarks to this meeting.


              6                         Opening Remarks


              7             DR. PAZDUR: Thank you, Dr. Martino.


              8             First of all, I'd like to say Feliz Cinco



              9   de Mayo to everyone.


             10             [Laughter.]


             11             For everybody that's lived in Texas, such


             12   as Susan and myself--


             13             VOICE: Muchas gracias.



             14             DR. PAZDUR: De nada.


             15             [Laughter.]


             16             This is a big day in the State of Texas.


             17   And I just want to bring that up.


             18             I have some enjoyable issues to do to



             19   start out here, and that is to thank two members of


             20   our committee that will be retiring.  And I use


             21   that word "retiring" in quotations, because,


             22   because of their expertise, we probably will be









              1   inviting them back--both to sit on ODAC special


              2   committees, as well as to serve as special


              3   consultants to us during the process that we



              4   evaluate drugs outside of the ODAC committee.


              5             The two individuals that will be leaving


              6   the committee are Stephen George and Otis Brawley.


              7             Stephen George is, obviously, from Duke


              8   University in North Carolina, and has served on the



              9   ODAC Advisory Committee as the committee


             10   statistician from July of 2001, to June of 2005.


             11   In addition to his committee participation, Dr.


             12   George has visited the FDA and he's given numerous


             13   presentations to us on various statistical issues,



             14   and has served as a consultant to us on many NDAs


             15   and IND matters.  So we really appreciate Dr.


             16   George's efforts--on this committee and also behind


             17   the doors here--in helping the FDA.  And we look


             18   forward to working with you, as you leave the



             19   committee, on a continuing basis.


             20             So I have this beautiful plaque here that


             21   I'd like to present to you.


             22             [Applause.]


             23             Thank you very much.



             24             DR. GEORGE: Thank you.  Thank you.


             25             DR. PAZDUR: And the gentleman that is









              1   sitting right next to him, Dr. Otis Brawley, is


              2   professor of hematology and oncology and


              3   epidemiology, and is the Associate Director for



              4   Cancer Control at the Winship Cancer Institute at


              5   Emory University.


              6             He's an international authority in the


              7   field of health disparities research and prostate


              8   cancer.  He's served on the committee from July of



              9   2001 to 2005.  Like Dr. George, Otis has been


             10   involved with many of the behind-the-scenes efforts


             11   at the FDA; consulting with us on numerous


             12   applications, considerations of Phase I and Phase


             13   II trial designs, and Phase III trial designs also.



             14             We really have appreciated Dr. Brawley's


             15   work with us.  And here, again--this is not to say


             16   goodbye, but just as a transition to another role


             17   with us in the FDA.  Thank you very much.


             18             [Applause.]



             19             Hasta luego, he said.  Okay.


             20             [Laughter.]


             21             Recuerdos a todos--regards to everyone.


             22             I'm just going to make a few short


             23   comments about this application, because I think



             24   that the speakers will probably address all of the


             25   salient points, and I think we could bring up any









              1   regulatory issues relatively succinctly during our


              2   presentations, and also in our discussions.


              3             Basically, what we have here is a



              4   single-arm study in a patient population where


              5   there has to be discussion that there is no other


              6   available therapy for this patient population--or


              7   the results are so impressive here that we need to


              8   consider the approval of the drug.



              9             We're going to be asking basically the


             10   question: does this drug deserve full approval?


             11   Okay?  And one of the reasons why we're asking this


             12   is that we have accepted basically a situation


             13   where complete response rates have equated clinical



             14   benefit.  Okay?  We believe that this is an


             15   established surrogate for survival.  And, in


             16   addition to that, we believe that application in a









              1   complete response rate would have a reduction in


              2   transfusion requirements and other supportive care


              3   products.  So this is meaningful clinical endpoint,



              4   an established surrogate for clinical benefit.


              5             So, with that in mind, I'd like you to


              6   proceed with the discussions, and I'll turn the


              7   discussions--the presentations--over to Dr.


              8   Martino.



              9             DR. MARTINO: Rich, before I let you sit


             10   down, please, I just want to be sure that I'm clear


             11   that, in fact, the application is seeking for full


             12   approval, and not accelerated approval.


             13             DR. PAZDUR: Correct--yes.



             14             DR. MARTINO: Because, when I reviewed the


             15   material, I came to this with one view, and then


             16   when the question was presented to me, I realized


             17   that it was full approval.


             18             DR. PAZDUR: Correct.



             19             DR. MARTINO: So I just wanted to be sure


             20   that that is what you mean.


             21             DR. PAZDUR: And this is the area that I


             22   want to clarify here.  The issue here is: we look









              1   at complete response rates.  And, here again,


              2   that's not only the response rates but response


              3   rates of a sufficient magnitude--okay?  So we look



              4   at both of these parameters: the response rate and


              5   the magnitude.  If that is sufficient, one should


              6   conclude that this would be an established


              7   surrogate for clinical benefit.  Okay?


              8             DR. PERRY: Do we have the option of



              9   recommending it for accelerated approval and not


             10   for full approval?  Or is this simply "yes" or


             11   "no."


             12             DR. PAZDUR: Yes--we would entertain any


             13   topics or discussions regarding that.



             14             DR. PERRY: So we've got three options


             15   then: yes, no--


             16             DR. PAZDUR: Correct.  But we'd like to


             17   firsts discuss that endpoint of full approval.  And


             18   then, if you want to deviate from that, let's



             19   please have a discussion of what. Okay?


             20             DR. PERRY: Okay.


             21             DR. MARTINO: Are there other questions for


             22   Dr. Pazdur at this point?  Ladies and gentlemen?









              1   Okay.


              2             Turn the microphone on, please.


              3             DR. PAZDUR: They're right there in the



              4   plastic box.


              5             DR. MARTINO: A practical question, there.


              6   Thank you.


              7             At this point, I would like to turn to the


              8   Tibotec representatives to present their data.  And



              9   Dr. DeLap, if you would please introduce your


             10   subsequent speakers, as well.


             11           Sponsor Presentation - Tibotec Therapeutics


             12             DR. DeLAP: Thank you.  Madam Chair,


             13   members of the committee, colleagues and



             14   guests--good morning.  I'm Dr. Robert DeLap, Vice


             15   President of Regulatory Affairs at Johnson &


             16   Johnson Pharmaceutical Research.


             17             We are pleased to be here today to present


             18   data generated in National Cancer Institute and



             19   company-sponsored studies on the efficacy and


             20   safety of tipifarnib in poor-risk AML, and our


             21   application for approval of tipifarnib for use in a


             22   patient population that is not well served by









              1   existing AML therapies.


              2             Our application proposes that tipifarnib


              3   will be indicated for the treatment of elderly



              4   patients with newly diagnosed, poor-risk acute


              5   myeloid leukemia, based on durable complete


              6   remissions that were observed in the CTEP-20 study.


              7             As noted in the agency's briefing


              8   materials for today's meeting, complete remissions



              9   have been used as evidence of patient benefit to


             10   support approval of new treatments for AML.  Thus,


             11   the consideration today is the use of these data to


             12   support the approval of tipifarnib for this


             13   indication.



             14             Elderly patients with AML obtain less


             15   benefit from the intensive induction treatment


             16   regimens used in younger patients, and the risks of


             17   severe treatment toxicities and treatment-related


             18   mortality rise with increasing age.  Since



             19   risk-benefit considerations for intensive-induction


             20   treatment are often not favorable in these


             21   patients, new treatments are clearly needed.


             22             In the clinical research to be discussed









              1   today, tipifarnib has demonstrated meaningful


              2   efficacy in elderly patients as described in our


              3   proposed indication, with a well-characterized



              4   safety profile in outpatient treatment.


              5             [Slide.]


              6             Tipifarnib was originally synthesized in


              7   the Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research


              8   laboratories.  Clinical investigations began with



              9   solid tumor studies in 1997.  Based on mutual


             10   interest in this compound, the company and the NCI


             11   entered into a Cooperative Research and Development


             12   Agreement in 1999.


             13             Pre-clinical evidence of activity against



             14   leukemias led to clinical research in AML, with


             15   initiation of the CTEP-1 Phase 1 study in 1999.


             16   Complete clinical remissions observed in CTEP-1 led


             17   to further research, including the CTEP-20 Phase 2


             18   study in myeloid malignancies.



             19             Following consultations between the


             20   company, the National Cancer Institute and the FDA,


             21   CTEP-20 was subsequently amended and expanded to


             22   focus on evaluating the efficacy and safety of









              1   tipifarnib in elderly patients with newly diagnosed


              2   poor-risk AML.


              3             Considering the unmet need in this patient



              4   population, tipifarnib has recently received orphan


              5   designation for AML, and has been granted


              6   fast-track status by FDA.


              7             The NDA for tipifarnib was accepted into


              8   FDA's Continuous Marketing Application-1 pilot



              9   program, which has allowed for expedited submission


             10   and review of these data.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             This slide summarized the study program


             13   for tipifarnib in poor-risk AML.



             14             Following the CTEP-1 study, the INT-17


             15   study evaluated tipifarnib in patients with


             16   relapsed or refractory AML.


             17             Today's discussions will focus on the


             18   CTEP-20 study, as this is the study that has



             19   evaluated efficacy and safety in the patient


             20   population of interest for today's discussion.


             21             The AML-301 study, in patients greater


             22   than 70 years of age with newly diagnosed leukemia









              1   is evaluating the effect of tipifarnib versus best


              2   supportive care.  And that study is designed to


              3   establish the magnitude of the anticipated survival



              4   benefit, and is actively enrolling patients.


              5             The ongoing CTEP-50 study is an iterative


              6   trial being conducted under NCI supervision, which


              7   is evaluating alternative dosing regimens in


              8   elderly patients with newly diagnosed leukemia.



              9             Finally, the AML development program also


             10   includes related studies, not shown on this slide,


             11   in maintenance of remission and use in combination


             12   with other agents.  Those studies are briefly noted


             13   in the company's background materials for today's



             14   meeting, but will not be included in our


             15   presentation today, as they represent work in


             16   progress in other AML settings.


             17             [Slide.]


             18             The CTEP-20 study focused on patients who



             19   have generally not been represented in AML clinical


             20   trials, and are not well served by


             21   intensive-induction chemotherapy regimens.  The


             22   median age of the elderly patients enrolled in this









              1   study was 75.  Most of the patients had antecedent


              2   myelodysplastic syndromes; 49 percent had


              3   unfavorable karyotypes; the remainder had



              4   intermediate karyotypes.  No patients with


              5   favorable karyotypes were enrolled.


              6             Overall, 90 percent of patients had two or


              7   more risk factors, considering age, antecedent


              8   myelodysplastic syndromes, unfavorable karyotypes,



              9   or evidence of organ dysfunction.  These are


             10   patients who would be expected to have poor


             11   tolerance for standard AML treatments, and would be


             12   much less likely to benefit from existing


             13   treatments.



             14             [Slide.]


             15             As you will see in today's presentation,


             16   tipifarnib demonstrates a favorable benefit risk


             17   for a more fragile patient population that


             18   generally does not receive standard AML therapy.



             19   Evidence of meaningful clinical efficacy has been


             20   observed, with a 15 percent rate of durable


             21   complete remissions in the planned analysis.


             22             Treatment safety has been well documented,









              1   with more than 1,000 patients in monotherapy


              2   studies.  This includes a total of 409 patients in


              3   the AML studies, CTEP-20 and INT-17, as well as



              4   patients exposed at lower doses in solid tumor


              5   studies.


              6             Tipifarnib produces predictable and


              7   reversible myelosuppression with continued daily


              8   dosing, but it is myeloablative, and the incidence



              9   of life-threatening, not-hematologic toxicities has


             10   bene low.


             11             Patients in the CTEP-20 study were able to


             12   spend much of their time outside of the hospital.


             13   Thus, tipifarnib can serve as an oral out-patient



             14   treatment for these patients.


             15             [Slide.]


             16             Our agenda today includes three additional


             17   presentations.  In a few moments I will turn to Dr.


             18   Richard Stone, from the Dana-Farber Cancer



             19   Institute, who will discuss the problem of AML in


             20   elderly patients.


             21             Dr. Alain Thibault will then review the


             22   clinical data provided in our new drug application,









              1   focusing on the CTEP-20 study, which has provided


              2   data on the efficacy and safety of tipifarnib in


              3   elderly poor-risk patients with newly diagnosed



              4   AML.


              5             Finally, Dr. Alex Zukiwski will summarize


              6   benefits and risks of tipifarnib treatment in this


              7   patient population.


              8             We are joined today by medical experts to



              9   contribute to the discussion, and to help address


             10   specific questions.  These include Dr. Karp, who


             11   served as principal investigator for the CTEP-20


             12   study; Drs. Sekeres and Stone, who have special


             13   expertise in AML and have experience with the use



             14   of tipifarnib; and Dr. Wright, from the NCI's


             15   Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program.  Unfortunately,


             16   Dr. Albitar from Nichols Institute, who provided an


             17   independent review of bone marrow slides in the


             18   CTEP-20 study, and had planned to be with us today,



             19   could not be here because of a family emergency.


             20             This concludes my introduction.  I will


             21   now turn the podium over to Dr. Richard Stone who


             22   will discuss the problem of AML in elderly









              1   patients.


              2             Thank you.


              3                     AML in Elderly Patients



              4             DR. STONE: Dr. DeLap, thank you very much.


              5             Members of the panel, guests--I'll be


              6   spending the next few minutes discussing the


              7   following topic: AML in the older-age patient


              8   represents a therapeutic area of significant unmet



              9   need.  And this is particular true for those


             10   subjects who have an inferior prognosis compared to


             11   the average.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             Now, AML in the older population is not



             14   uncommon, and the number of cases will be


             15   increasing over time.  This is clearly a


             16   biologically and therapeutically distinct disease


             17   compared to AML which may occur in younger adults.


             18   And the reasons for this distinctive character are:



             19   number one, it's an intrinsically resistant disease


             20   to chemotherapy; and number two, there are markedly


             21   inferior outcomes to available chemotherapeutic


             22   agents compared to younger adults.


             23             Some subgroups of patients who are older



             24   adults with AML have a markedly worse than the


             25   average prognosis which, I think you'll see in a









              1   minute, is quite poor to start with.  As such, many


              2   patients who are older with AML are not offered


              3   and/or refuse the standard cytotoxic induction and



              4   post-remission therapy.  As such, an efficacious,


              5   relatively non-toxic approach would be welcomed by


              6   patients and leukemia doctor's alike.


              7             [Slide.]


              8             There are approximately 12,000 new cases



              9   of AML each year in this country.  Approximately


             10   9,000 people die of this disease.


             11             In contrast to what might be the case if


             12   you look at a tertiary care cancer center, the


             13   median age of AML is at least 68.  The incidence



             14   increases markedly as people get older.  For


             15   example, if you're 50 years old you have a 1 in


             16   50,000 chance of having AML.  If you're 70, you


             17   have a 1 in 7,000 chance.


             18             [Slide.]



             19             This next slide graphically depicts the









              1   marked increase in the incidence of AML that occurs


              2   as people get older.  And it's particularly


              3   striking once you get to the sixth, and



              4   particularly seventh, decade of life.


              5             [Slide.]


              6             Moreover, as I think everybody is aware,


              7   the demographics of our population are changing to


              8   the fact that we're getting to be older as a



              9   country.  And, as such, the number of cases of AML


             10   in this age cohort--or the number of cases


             11   total--will be increasing over the next few


             12   decades.


             13             [Slide.]



             14             Now, this slide depicts the situation that


             15   was true in the 1980s, when chemotherapy was


             16   applied the same way to younger adults and older


             17   adults with AML.  This is data taken from


             18   cooperative group trials on both sides of the



             19   Atlantic, and this required the patient to get to a


             20   center where they could get chemotherapy.  So, as


             21   I'll come back to, it may not be representative of


             22   what really happens in the community.


             23             Nonetheless, this slide makes the



             24   important point that the therapeutic outcome in


             25   older adults is much different than younger adults.









              1   For example, if you're over age 65, your chance of


              2   achieving complete remission is only 45 percent,


              3   compared to 70 percent in younger adults with AML.



              4   If you achieve remission your chance for staying in


              5   remission is only about one in five, compared to


              6   about 45 percent of younger adults.


              7             And what's particularly striking to me as


              8   an oncology and a leukemia doctor taking care of



              9   these patients, is the treatment-related mortality


             10   rate is about one in four, and the early death rate


             11   is much lower in younger adults.


             12             The overall survival--about 10 percent,


             13   walking in the door.  And these are people that



             14   could get chemotherapy--compared 1 in 30 younger


             15   adults.


             16             The median survival of older adults who


             17   present with AML and go on clinical trials is only


             18   10 months--which I think we'd all agree is not



             19   someplace we'd like to be.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             There are two major reasons--as I


             22   indicated--for this inferior outcome.  The first


             23   general category is decreased host tolerance.  Of



             24   course, being older, these patients have a higher


             25   incidence of having co-morbid diseases such as









              1   diabetes and vascular disease.  Perhaps because of


              2   that, and for just general aging features, they


              3   have a decreased ability to clear chemotherapy,



              4   which obviously could contribute to increased


              5   toxicity.


              6             Thirdly, it's been shown in multiple


              7   studies that the ability to recover from myelotoxic


              8   chemotherapy is diminished in older adults, and



              9   they have a longer period of neutropenia and


             10   thrombocytopenia--which leads to an enhanced rate


             11   of chemotherapy-induced complications.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             At least as important, if not more so, is



             14   the fact that the leukemias which arise in older


             15   adults are intrinsically resistant, biologically.


             16   This fact of increased intrinsic resistance is









              1   manifested by, or associated with, these features:


              2   number one, there's an increased instance of what's


              3   called "unfavorable chromosomal abnormalities" in



              4   older patients, such as the loss of the long arm of


              5   the entire chromosome-5 or -7' problems at 11q23,


              6   and complex cytogenetic abnormalities.  These are


              7   the same type of abnormalities that occur in people


              8   who have myelodysplastic syndrome, and/or people



              9   who had prior chemotherapy for other cancers.


             10             There's an increased incidence of


             11   antecedent--either known or suspected--hematologic


             12   abnormalities, most particularly myelodysplastic


             13   syndrome.



             14             There's an increased likelihood of


             15   expression of genes which encode drug resistance,


             16   most notably the MDR-1 protein, which is a


             17   chemotherapy efflux pump, as well as other ones


             18   like MRP, LRP, MSH-2.



             19             [Slide.]


             20             Now, this combination of biological and


             21   host factors, and the inferior outcomes, led to a


             22   slight change in the approach of cooperative groups









              1   in the 1990s, where separate clinical trials were


              2   designed for older adults compared to younger


              3   adults with AML.



              4             This is a representative list of trials


              5   conducted in the 1990s in cooperative groups in


              6   Europe and in America.  And even though these


              7   trials evaluated different novel therapeutic


              8   strategies, such as the use of growth factors,



              9   different chemotherapeutic drugs, and


             10   drug-resistance modulating drugs, the results are


             11   very stereotyped from trial to trial.  There are


             12   other trials out there which I could have picked,


             13   such as the recently published MRC trial, but that



             14   was largely a little bit younger patient


             15   population.


             16             The median age is 68 in all the trials.


             17   The complete remission rate is about 40 to 50


             18   percent.  And, again, the toxic death rate--and



             19   this is the 1990s--is in the 20 percent range


             20   throughout all the trials.  And, again, all the


             21   trials--median survival, nine to 10 months.


             22             And I want to stress one very important









              1   point: it's that these--the patients who went on


              2   these trials were, number one, deemed to be


              3   chemotherapy candidates.  They got to a center that



              4   was participating in a cooperative group trial.


              5   They had to meet the eligibility criteria for these


              6   trials--which varied from trial to trial, there


              7   were subtle differences.  Most of these trials did


              8   not allow people with secondary AML; that is AML



              9   that occurred myelodysplastic syndrome, or after


             10   prior chemotherapy to go on.  Some did.  Some of


             11   the trials had a lower boundary of age 60, some 65,


             12   some 55.


             13             And so those are kind of the best results



             14   one can get with chemotherapy.


             15             [Slide.]


             16             The situation in the community is


             17   certainly much worse.  That's number one.


             18             Number two is: if you look into the



             19   subgroup analysis of these trials, you can find


             20   some important facts which suggest that you can


             21   identify patients that even have a worse prognosis


             22   than the average.  For example, if you have prior









              1   myelodysplastic syndrome, your chance of remission


              2   is 24 percent compared to 52 percent if you don't.


              3   If you have one of those poor cytogenetic



              4   abnormalities that I mentioned, 21 percent


              5   likelihood of remission, compared to 55 percent if


              6   you don't. And these data were taken from the SWOG


              7   trial.


              8             This data from the recently published ECOG



              9   trial says that if you're over age 70, you've got a


             10   29 percent of going into remission, compared to 51


             11   percent for those younger than age 70.  However,


             12   only 13 percent in this trial were above age 75.


             13             Only 5 percent of those in the Lowenberg



             14   trial were above age 80, and in those people the


             15   chance for remission was only 14 percent.


             16             So, number one, you can find bad


             17   prognostic factors within these groups and, number


             18   two, the number of patients who are really old who



             19   go on these trials is low.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             Community data is shown in this slide


             22   which suggests that if you're over age 65 and you









              1   present with AML, your median survival may be only


              2   in the several-month range, compared to the another


              3   10 months we saw for the people who went on those



              4   chemotherapy trials.


              5             [Slide.]


              6             So, given this sort of dismal outcome with


              7   chemotherapy, the value of chemotherapy in this age


              8   population is debated, particularly in those who



              9   have poor prognosis features.


             10             There have only been a couple of


             11   randomized studies--and these were done in Europe


             12   in the 1980s--which tried to compare early


             13   aggressive chemo versus less intensive approaches.



             14   And they both showed a small increase in survival


             15   for early intensive chemo, but there was no


             16   associated quality of life studies, and cost, in


             17   terms of up-front mortality was quite high.


             18             These issues are reflected in the National



             19   Cancer Center Network guidelines--it's a consensus


             20   panel of AML experts--which acknowledges that


             21   standard induction chemotherapy is an option, but


             22   clinical trial with either new agents or biological









              1   agents is the preferred approach even for those


              2   people who have good performance status who are


              3   over age 60 and present with AML.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             How do people make this difficult decision


              6   between a treatment which has a 25 percent toxic


              7   death rate and a low cure rate, versus supportive


              8   care?  It's a very difficult decision.  My



              9   colleague Dr. Sekeres, when he as at the


             10   Dana-Farber, tried to study this by a prospective


             11   patient-doctor questionnaire, and among the


             12   findings from the study are that, number one,


             13   patients consistently inflate the chance of cure,



             14   compared to what is stated in medical record


             15   predicted by the physician; number two, despite


             16   documentation in the medical record that the


             17   doctors discussed multiple treatment options with


             18   the patients, the patients said, no, they didn't



             19   discuss this with me.  That may be because there


             20   really aren't too many options, and the options


             21   seem to be so stark that people feel they don't


             22   really have any.


             23             [Slide.]



             24             What happens in the community?  This slide


             25   suggests the choices people make.









              1             First of all, if you're in the younger


              2   cohort of the overall older cohort, you only choose


              3   chemotherapy about half the time.  As you get



              4   older, the chance of choosing chemotherapy is quite


              5   low.


              6             What are the consequences of this


              7   decision?  Well, if you choose to get chemotherapy,


              8   you're going to spend significantly more time in



              9   the hospital than if you choose supportive care.


             10             What's even more important than that is


             11   you don't get any bang for the buck, because the


             12   percentage of time you spend in the hospital,


             13   compared to the total amount of time that you have



             14   left is still higher if you choose chemotherapy.


             15   So you don't seem to reap any benefit in that


             16   regard.


             17             [Slide.]


             18             So I think it's quite clear that the



             19   efficacy of standard chemotherapy is reduced in the









              1   older adult with AML compared to the younger adult.


              2   The therapy is poorly tolerated.  There is clearly


              3   a high therapy-related mortality rate.  No trials



              4   that I know about have really addressed the quality


              5   of life cost of chemotherapy.


              6             If there is a small improvement in


              7   survival with chemotherapy, it's quite likely to be


              8   offset by an increase in hospitalization and other



              9   negative QOL factors.  And it's moot for many


             10   patients, because two-thirds of patients who are


             11   older than age 65 don't choose chemotherapy as


             12   their primary treatment modality.


             13             So non-chemotherapeutic approaches,



             14   besides supportive care, which may have efficacy


             15   and low toxicity, are badly needed.


             16             [Slide.]


             17             In summary, it's clear that AML in the


             18   older adult is a biologically and clinically



             19   distinct entity.  Even in the so-called "best"


             20   patients who go on chemotherapy trials, the chance


             21   for treatment-related death with induction


             22   chemotherapy is actually greater than the chance









              1   for cure.  In those poor prognosis patients who


              2   have--in the older part of this group--who have


              3   prior MDS, adverse cytogenics, the advisability of



              4   chemotherapy must be considered very low.


              5             Patients and doctors are often choosing a


              6   non-intensive approach, but currently there is


              7   really no such therapy in this category which


              8   offers and appreciable chance for remission.



              9             So I'd like to thank you for your


             10   attention.  And I'll be happy introduce Alain


             11   Thibault from Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical


             12   Research & Development to talk about CTEP-20.


             13                          Clinical Data



             14             DR. THIBAULT: Thank you, Dr. Stone.


             15             Good morning.  My name is Alain Thibault.


             16   I'm responsible for the clinical development of


             17   tipifarnib worldwide.


             18             I will first describe key features of



             19   tipifarnib, then I will present the results of


             20   CTEP-20, which was a trial sponsored by the Cancer


             21   Therapy and Evaluation Program of the National


             22   Cancer Institute.  These data are presented in









              1   support of our application for the approval of


              2   tipifarnib in the treatment of newly diagnosed


              3   elderly patients with poor-risk AML.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             Tipifarnib is a selective and competitive


              6   inhibitor of the enzyme farnesyl transferase.  The


              7   enzyme processes more than a hundred proteins


              8   intracellularly--some of which are shown here, and



              9   many of which are involved in signaling pathways


             10   linked to the control of cell growth.  Other


             11   extensive research has been conducted.  To this


             12   date, the specific pathways associated with the


             13   anti-leukemic activity in AML are still the subject



             14   of ongoing research.


             15             [Slide.]


             16             Tipifarnib is an oral treatment.  So,


             17   after oral administration, plasma and bone marrow


             18   concentrations rapidly exceed the IC50 of AML cell



             19   lines as determined in vitro.  Tipifarnib is


             20   metabolized in the liver by several pathways.  The


             21   major metabolites are biologically inactive.


             22   Tipifarnib is not a substrate from drug efflux pump









              1   encoded by the MDR-1 gene.


              2             The diversity of metabolic routes may


              3   explain why tipifarnib has demonstrated a low



              4   potential for drug interactions in several


              5   pharmacology studies that have been carried out to


              6   date.


              7             [Slide.]


              8             The recommended dosing regimen is 600



              9   milligrams po BID, given for 21 days in four-week


             10   cycles.  This was established by a classical dose


             11   escalating Phase I trial conducted in 34 patients


             12   with poor-risk leukemias, most of whom had AML.


             13             The 21-day administration is required to



             14   maintain sustained inhibition of the target so as


             15   to maximize efficacy.  And the seven-day rest


             16   period is required to reduce the incidence of


             17   peripheral neuropathy, which had been observed when


             18   continuous, uninterrupted dosing was used.



             19             The 600 milligram BID dose is associated


             20   with consistent farnesyl transferase inhibition;


             21   plasma and bone marrow concentrations that exceed


             22   the IC50, and acceptable patient tolerability.


             23             [Slide.]



             24             Let's now turn to the description of the


             25   study design.  I'll first describe the rationale in









              1   design, then I'll go over demographics, indices,


              2   characteristics.  Then we'll go over efficacy and


              3   safety.



              4             CTEP-20 was part of a research agreement


              5   established between Johnson & Johnson and the


              6   National Cancer Institute.  This was a single-arm


              7   study.  It was conducted at six sites across the


              8   United States, and Johns Hopkins University was the



              9   coordinating center.


             10             From the very beginning, the aim of the


             11   investigators was to study tipifarnib in patients


             12   with poor-risk myeloid neoplasms--I'll go over them


             13   in a few minutes.  And this was a very critical



             14   feature of the study from the very outset--that


             15   study of patients with poor-risk myeloid disorders.


             16             [Slide.]


             17             So--newly diagnosed patients, with


             18   high-risk MDS--myelodysplastic syndrome--chronic



             19   myelomonocytic leukemia, and acute myeloid leukemia









              1   were initially enrolled.  Specifically regarding


              2   AML, the diagnosis of AML was based on WHO


              3   criteria.  No prior therapy for AML was



              4   allowed--with the exception of hydroxyurea, which


              5   could be used to control counts prior to the


              6   patient's entering the study.


              7             With respect to age, the study initially


              8   enrolled patients age 18 to 65, with risk factors



              9   such as unfavorable cytogenetics, prior MDS, or


             10   prior exposure to chemotherapy.  On the other hand,


             11   patients aged 65 and above could enter the study


             12   with or without risk factors.  These were the


             13   initial age requirements for AML patients.



             14             The patients had to have approximate


             15   status of 0 to 2 on the ECOG scale.  And this was


             16   chosen because it would enable them to receive


             17   treatment in the outpatient setting.


             18             [Slide.]



             19             After consultation and discussion and


             20   input from the FDA in July of 2003, the study


             21   protocol was amended: it was amended to focus on a


             22   more homogeneous population of elderly patients who









              1   had AML, who were not candidates to receive


              2   intensive induction chemotherapy because the


              3   associated risks were felt to outweigh the



              4   benefits.


              5             Therefore, after this amendment, the age


              6   requirements were raised. Patients aged 65 to 74


              7   had to have a prior history of MDS, while patients


              8   75 years or older could enter the study in the



              9   absence of other risk factors.


             10             So these are the patients that Dr. Stone


             11   described as commonly excluded from trials that are


             12   commonly reported in the literature.


             13             [Slide.]



             14             The primary endpoint of the study was


             15   complete remission, assessed by the investigators.


             16             Duration of CR, partial remission,


             17   hematological improvement, and overall survival


             18   were evaluated as secondary endpoints.  Then the



             19   safety profile was characterized.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             The study applied standard morphologic


             22   criteria of complete remission, which are listed









              1   here.


              2             To achieve a complete remission, a patient


              3   had to demonstrate less that 5 percent leukemic



              4   blasts in the bone marrow; full recovery of


              5   peripheral counts--without, obviously, circulating


              6   blasts or any evidence of extramedullary AML.


              7             [Slide.]


              8             Partial responses were defined as:



              9   complete recovery of counts in the presence of


             10   residual blasts--5 to 19 percent, following at


             11   least a 50 percent decline from baseline values.


             12   Then, hematology improvement was defined as partial


             13   recovery of peripheral counts, with the same bone



             14   marrow context.


             15             So these responses can be viewed as broad


             16   indicators of anti-leukemic activity, even though


             17   their correlation with survival is not well


             18   established.



             19             [Slide.]


             20             Treatment with tipifarnib as an outpatient


             21   monotherapy regimen--to ensure patient safety all


             22   patients were monitored weekly for toxicity.  All









              1   patients had a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy


              2   performed prior to study entry.  And this procedure


              3   was repeated at the end of each treatment cycle.



              4             Unless they had dose-limiting toxicity,


              5   patients continued to receive tipifarnib in a


              6   cyclical fashion until disease progression or


              7   relapse.


              8             The only exception concerns patients who



              9   achieved a complete remission.  These patients had


             10   the option to stop treatment after three additional


             11   cycles, and then be re-treated at the time of


             12   relapse.  And I will go over the outcome of this


             13   maneuver, as well.



             14             [Slide.]


             15             In response to adverse events, the


             16   investigators could individualize treatment using


             17   three strategies: either dose reductions, treatment


             18   interruptions within a cycle, or treatment delays



             19   between cycles.


             20             Each cycle was to include a minimum of 21


             21   days of tipifarnib.  The minimum rest period was


             22   seven days, which could be extended by a maximum of









              1   35 days if needed.  The total cycle duration could


              2   not exceed 63 days.


              3             [Slide.]



              4             So let's go over the details of the


              5   population right now.


              6             So, CTEP-20 started as a study of


              7   tipifarnib in high-risk MDS, CMMD and AML.  Of the


              8   171 patients that were enrolled, 158 were



              9   considered to be poor-risk AML patients.  The 137


             10   elderly poor-risk patients were strictly defined in


             11   the final protocol--as I outlined earlier.  And


             12   from now on, the presentation will focus on the 136


             13   patients who were actually treated.



             14             The 61 patients aged 65 to 74, with prior


             15   MDS; and the 75 patients aged 75 or more make up a


             16   unique population.


             17             [Slide.]


             18             The median age of the patient population



             19   is 75 years.  The male to female ratio is similar


             20   to that of the general elderly AML population, and


             21   appears to reflect the higher incidence of MDS in


             22   men.


             23             The major of patients were Caucasians--or



             24   White.  Among the seven non-Caucasians, three were


             25   African-Americans, two Asians, and two were









              1   Hispanics.


              2             Most patients were symptomatic, either


              3   from AML or from pre-existing co-morbidities.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             Now, using the age-specific incidence of


              6   AML that Dr. Stone referred to earlier, if we use


              7   this as a comparator, CTEP-20 appears to be more


              8   representative of the general AML population than



              9   what is found in most other trials, in that the


             10   median age of the CTEP-20 patient was 75 years old.


             11   And this exceeds that of the major cooperative


             12   group studies by approximately 10 years.


             13             [Slide.]



             14             Now, we know that many issues underlie the


             15   assessment of AML patients, especially in the


             16   elderly.  The chance of cure, the risk of toxicity,


             17   the need for hospital stays all have an impact on


             18   treatment options that are offered to these



             19   patients.  This has been reviewed by Dr. Stone.


             20             What this slide lists are the clinical


             21   reasons given by the investigators--the six


             22   principal investigators of this study--for


             23   including the patients on the trial rather than



             24   administering intensive chemotherapy to them.


             25             Age and the presence of risk factors were









              1   most commonly invoked.  Patient preference over


              2   physician preference of experimental treatment over


              3   chemotherapy played a minor role.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             Now, the clinical rationales I've just


              6   reviewed can be more objectively described in terms


              7   of the risk factors that are classically associated


              8   with poor outcome from chemotherapy So the CTEP-20



              9   patients had, by design, one of the highest


             10   prevalence of risk factors ever reported in the


             11   literature.  Prior MDS was documented in 82 percent


             12   of the patients.  Forty-nine percent of the


             13   patients harbored unfavorable cytogenetics, such as



             14   deletion of chromosome-5 or -7.  The other patients


             15   had intermediate karyotypes.  Patients with


             16   favorable karyotypes, such as inversion-16, were









              1   not enrolled on this study.


              2             All in all, 41 percent--this number is not


              3   on the slide--had both MDS and unfavorable



              4   cytogenetics.


              5             Now, in terms of increased morbidity


              6   risks, 55 percent were age 75 or older--more than


              7   half; and 61 percent had evidence of organ


              8   dysfunction.  This was manifested by two or more



              9   active medical conditions other than the AML, on


             10   either history, physical examination or laboratory


             11   findings.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             Looking at the number of risk factors per



             14   patient is also very interesting: 44 percent of the


             15   patients had two risk factors; 35 percent had


             16   three; 11 percent had four of these risk factors.


             17   So, overall, 90 percent of the trial population


             18   entered with two or more risk factors on this



             19   trial.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             The full spectrum of leukemic burden was


             22   represented also in this study.  The median bone









              1   marrow blasts count at diagnosis was 46 percent.


              2   All patients met the WHO criteria--as I


              3   mentioned--except for one, who was nevertheless



              4   included because he was clearly evolving from MDS.


              5   This patient, who did not achieve a CR was excluded


              6   by the FDA.  But, for the sake of this


              7   presentation, I'm reporting the results based on


              8   the investigator's assessment.



              9             [Slide.]


             10             The majority of the patients were severely


             11   myelosuppressed--as would be expected--prior to


             12   study entry.  The median neutrophil count was 636,


             13   with 61 percent having Grade 3 or 4



             14   myelosuppression at the time of entry.  Fifty-six


             15   percent of the patients had a similar degree of


             16   thrombocytopenia, with a median platelet count


             17   value of 41,500.


             18             [Slide.]



             19             So, in summary, the 136 patients accrued


             20   to this study represent a population with a high


             21   incidence of risk factors, and they routinely do


             22   poorly with available treatment.


             23             So, it is in this context that I'd like to



             24   review the efficacy of tipifarnib for the next few


             25   minutes.









              1             [Slide.]


              2             Complete remissions were documented by the


              3   investigators at the research sites in 20 patients,



              4   for a complete remission rate of 15 percent.  The


              5   associated 95 percent confidence interval ranges


              6   from 9 to 22 percent.


              7             Partial remissions and hematologic


              8   improvements were documented in 10 additional



              9   patients.  So, in total, tipifarnib reduced the


             10   leukemic burden of 30 patients, or 22 percent of


             11   the study population.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             In general, the data shows consistency



             14   across risk groups.  And this is what we illustrate


             15   here on this slide.


             16             For example, the complete remission rate


             17   in the 111 patients with prior MDS, secondary AML,


             18   was 16 percent; and the response rate in the



             19   patients aged 75 years or more was 12 percent.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             The complete remissions were documented at


             22   four of the six sites.  No single institution


             23   accounts for the majority of cases.



             24             [Slide.]


             25             And as a specific quality control feature









              1   of the study, the complete remissions were sought


              2   to be confirmed by the investigators, even though


              3   the primary endpoint of the study was achieving a



              4   CR.


              5             So what this slide shows here, is that the


              6   primary endpoint of the study was complete


              7   remission, and that of the 20 patients who achieved


              8   a complete remission, 17 were confirmed by repeat



              9   bone marrow biopsy at one month.  The three that


             10   were not confirmed include one patient who relapsed


             11   early, one patient who died while in CR, and one


             12   patient who refused further follow-up with bone


             13   marrow biopsies--and I will go over them in some



             14   detail for you.


             15             [Slide.]


             16             Patient 318 was an 81-year-old man with 90









              1   percent blasts at baseline.  He achieved a complete


              2   remission but had evidence of early relapse by


              3   peripheral counts on day 58.



              4             Patient 336 was an 80-year-old man who


              5   achieved also a CR following one cycle of


              6   tipifarnib at the recovery of counts at the end of


              7   the cycle.  Upon re-treatment with a second cycle,


              8   he developed drug-induced myelosuppression.  This



              9   was complicated by neutropenic fungal sepsis, and


             10   then the patient died in CR on day 67.


             11             And, finally, patient 508 was a


             12   79-year-old man with 90 percent blasts at the time


             13   of study entry.  He entered a CR which was



             14   established by bone marrow biopsy.  He then refused


             15   further bone marrow assessments, but was maintained


             16   in CR by continuous treatment for 121 days, based


             17   on peripheral counts.


             18             [Slide.]



             19             Another aspect of the quality control


             20   measure was an independent review which was


             21   performed by Dr. Albitar.  This reviewer was


             22   blinded to patient outcome.


             23             This review involved a retrospective



             24   collection of the baseline diagnostic bone marrow


             25   slides from the 136 patients, and in addition, the









              1   key aspirate slides which were obtained from


              2   patients on treatment.  This included slides from


              3   18 of the 20 patients who achieved a CR, so that



              4   the independent reviewer had access to a large


              5   proportion, although not all, of the CRs.


              6             So his findings are summarized on this


              7   slide.


              8             [Slide.]



              9             As a result of his review, all 18


             10   CRs--this is the first bullet--all 18 CRs that were


             11   available for him were agreed upon, for a


             12   concordance rate of 100 percent.


             13             The reviewer--and this is the second



             14   bullet--the reviewer also agreed that 15 of the 16


             15   confirmed CRs that were available for his


             16   review--there were 17 by the investigators, 16


             17   available.  And therefore, from his review of the


             18   16, he verified that 15 were indeed maintained at



             19   one month.


             20             The one disagreement is in the patient on


             21   whom there was agreement that he achieved a CR, but


             22   there was a disagreement as to the number of blasts


             23   in the follow-up period.  The investigators



             24   assessed as less than 5 percent, and the


             25   independent reviewer assessed it variously between









              1   6 percent and 9 percent.  Both agreed on the time


              2   of relapse.


              3             [Slide.]



              4             Now, most patients who achieved a complete


              5   remission on this study had more than one risk


              6   factor.  These complete remissions, but also


              7   partial remissions and heme improvements were


              8   documented regardless of the number of risk factors



              9   present in any given patients.  And so the overall


             10   rates of anti-leukemic activity ranged from 19


             11   percent to 29 percent, irrespective of the number


             12   of risk factors.  There is no trend that can be


             13   identified.



             14             [Slide.]


             15             On this Kaplan-Myer plot, the x-axis is


             16   labeled in days.  The complete remissions were









              1   durable.  They range from 33 to 376 days, with a


              2   median duration of 220 days.  This is slightly more


              3   than seven months.



              4             The 95 percent confidence interval around


              5   this is 154 up to 275 days.


              6             Duration of complete remissions was


              7   calculated starting from the first documentation of


              8   CR until time of relapse.  And the dots represent



              9   patients that were censored at the time of clinical


             10   cut-off, or the time of death, if they were still


             11   in CR.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             Now, turning your attention to survival,



             14   on this Kaplan-Myer plot, and on the one that will


             15   follow, patients were censored at the time of


             16   clinical cut-off or last follow-up.  131 patients


             17   have complete follow-up, and five patients had


             18   follow-up--at least partial follow-up.



             19             The median survival of the patients who


             20   achieved a CR was 433 days.  This is in excess of a


             21   year.  Two patients were alive at two and three


             22   years, respectively.  And these data suggest that









              1   complete remissions are indeed associated with


              2   survival benefit in this patient population.


              3             This potential effect on survival is being



              4   investigated in a 301 trial that Dr. DeLap


              5   described at the beginning of this presentation.


              6             [Slide.]


              7             Finally, the overall survival of the 136


              8   patients is depicted here.  The median survival was



              9   164 days, or approximately five to five-and-a-half


             10   months.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             The information collected by the


             13   investigators concerned tipifarnib administration,



             14   obviously, but also treatment administered after


             15   failing the first course of treatment.


             16             This slide shows the re-treatment of


             17   patients who achieved a CR--seven of the 20


             18   patients who achieved a CR chose to stop after



             19   three cycles.  They were re-treated with tipifarnib


             20   at relapse.  One of these seven patients achieved a


             21   second complete remission of similar duration to


             22   the first one: approximately six months.


             23             So these data suggest that patients may



             24   remain sensitive to tipifarnib at the time of


             25   relapse.









              1             [Slide.]


              2             The use of chemotherapy after tipifarnib


              3   in the 136 patients was also recorded.  The



              4   majority of the patients went on to receive


              5   palliative care only.


              6             Only 12 patients, most of whom were less


              7   than 75, were able to receive intensive


              8   chemotherapy, usually anthra-cycline plus Ara-C.



              9             [Slide.]


             10             So, in summary, tipifarnib is active in


             11   elderly, poor-risk AML.  The CTEP investigators


             12   documented a 15 percent complete remission rate,


             13   which is the primary endpoint of the study.



             14             Most of the complete remissions were


             15   confirmed at one month by the investigators, and


             16   verified by the independent reviewer.  Complete


             17   remissions were durable, lasting 220 days, or 7.2


             18   months.  The median survival of patients with



             19   complete remission was 433 days, or 14.2 months.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             This enters the final section of the


             22   presentation, which concerns safety.


             23             In terms of drug exposure, the median



             24   treatment cycle duration was 38 days.  47 percent


             25   of the patients received two or more cycles.  So









              1   this includes patients with complete remissions,


              2   partial remissions, and hematologic


              3   improvement--but also several patients who



              4   maintained stable disease for s several months.


              5             [Slide.]


              6             The need for treatment interruptions or


              7   delays explained the median cycle duration of 38


              8   days which I just presented.  Those reductions were



              9   implemented in 35 percent of the patients.


             10   Reductions were implemented in approximately half


             11   of the patients who received two or more cycles,


             12   such as the patients who achieved a CR.


             13             The most common reason for dose reductions



             14   were related to myelosuppression, gastrointestinal,


             15   CNS--and, rarely, renal or dermatological signs and


             16   symptoms.


             17             Patient age did not appear to have an


             18   impact on the tolerability.



             19             [Slide.]


             20             So, as expected in a population with AML,


             21   the adverse events were common: 61 percent of the


             22   population experienced drug-related adverse events.


             23   These were mostly related to myelosuppression--in



             24   the background of, of course, severe


             25   myelosuppression.









              1             In contrast, only 10 percent of the


              2   patients were withdrawn for drug adverse event.


              3   And adverse events were also associated with a low



              4   mortality rate.  Only nine patients in whom an


              5   adverse event--of the nine patients, actually, in


              6   whom an adverse event led to death, only one was


              7   assessed by the investigators as related to


              8   tipifarnib.



              9             [Slide.]


             10             To go into more details, a majority of


             11   patients experienced Grade 3 or 4 myelosuppression


             12   by peripheral count assessments.  Fewer patients


             13   went on to develop clinical adverse events in the









              1   form of sepsis or bleeding complications.


              2             And, as I mentioned, approximately


              3   two-thirds had Grade 3 myelosuppression at the time



              4   of study entry, and so the overall incidence has to


              5   be interpreted in this context.


              6             [Slide.]


              7             Turning our attention to non-hematologic


              8   adverse events--that is, events excluding



              9   myelosuppression and its complications--the overall


             10   rate of life-threatening or Grade 4 events was low:


             11   2 percent.  Most events were reversible following


             12   treatment interruption.


             13             The GI tract was most commonly involved.



             14   Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting were most often mild to


             15   moderate.  The incidence of drug-related mucositis


             16   was only 3 percent.  This is what this shows--5


             17   percent, and 3 percent if we consider Grade 3 or 4


             18   in severity.



             19             Now, given that mucositis is a major


             20   contributor of morbidity and death in


             21   myelosuppressed patients, this is probably the most


             22   important--the most important safety advantage of









              1   tipifarnib in this older population.


              2             [Slide.]


              3             Rare adverse events affecting the renal



              4   and CNS systems were documented.  Few reached Grade


              5   3 or 4 severity.  All these adverse events were


              6   managed appropriately by protocol-defined treatment


              7   interruption and dose reductions. Many appeared in


              8   the context of sepsis, and were of short duration.



              9   Rapid ejaculation, the median duration of CNS


             10   events was two to three days.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             Very few patients--as we show here--were


             13   removed from the study because of these events.



             14             Indeed, the adverse events that led to the


             15   termination of treatment were varied.  No one AE


             16   appears to be a major contributor.  The most common


             17   causes were elevation of serum creatinine and skin


             18   rash, both of which were reversible.



             19             [Slide.]


             20             This study did not have a specific module


             21   collecting data on quality of life as we would


             22   have.  So, hospitalization data provides a valuable









              1   perspective on the safety profile and the patient


              2   tolerability of this drug.  And what it suggests is


              3   that outpatient treatment of this elderly



              4   population is feasible.


              5             Up to 40 percent of the patients received


              6   their full course of treatment as outpatients.  The


              7   majority of patients who were hospitalized were


              8   hospitalized only once or twice.



              9             The median duration of combined hospital


             10   stay was 15 days--all hospitalizations.  And this


             11   represents 14 percent of the patients spent on


             12   study.


             13             [Slide.]



             14   Finally, few patients died from adverse events on


             15   this study.  No single cause appears to account for


             16   the majority of cases, most of which appear related


             17   to a complication of AML.


             18             In the opinion of the investigators, only



             19   one death from neutropenic fungal sepsis was


             20   related to tipifarnib.


             21             [Slide.]


             22             So how can we best summarize CTEP-20?









              1   First of all, CTEP-20 was a study of patients with


              2   significant unmet medical need, determined by the


              3   advanced age, and the high prevalence of risk



              4   factors which are associated with poor patient


              5   outcome.


              6             In this patient population, tipifarnib


              7   induced as a monotherapy a 15 percent complete


              8   remission rate that was both durable and



              9   independent of risk factors.


             10             The safety profile of tipifarnib allowed


             11   outpatient treatment.  This might be due to a very


             12   low rate of life-threatening non-hematological


             13   toxicity, especially when one considers mucositis.



             14             So, consequently, the time spent in


             15   hospital represented a small fraction of the total


             16   study time: approximately 14 percent.  Only one


             17   death was attributable to tipifarnib.


             18             This concludes my review.  And Dr. Alex



             19   Zukiwski will deliver the closing presentation for


             20   Johnson & Johnson.


             21                           Benefit/Risk


             22             DR. ZUKIWSKI: Thank you, Dr. Thibault.


             23             Good morning.  I'm Alex Zukiwski from the



             24   Oncology Development Group at Johnson & Johnson


             25   Pharmaceutical Research and Development.  I'm going









              1   to conclude the presentation today with a summary.


              2             The proposed indication is: tipifarnib is


              3   indicated for the treatment of elderly patients



              4   with newly diagnosed poor-risk acute myeloid


              5   leukemia.  The basis of this approval is complete


              6   remissions-- an accepted efficacy endpoint in AML


              7   which has been shown to correlate with overall


              8   survival.



              9             [Slide.]


             10             It is evidence that elderly patients with


             11   poor-risk AML have limited therapeutic options.  As


             12   noted in Dr. Stone's presentation, select elderly


             13   patients should be considered for chemotherapy,



             14   although older patients do not do as well as


             15   younger patients.  These patients who receive


             16   induction chemotherapy were described as having the


             17   best ability to tolerate and benefit from such


             18   treatment.



             19             In the United States, approximately









              1   two-thirds of the patients greater that 65 years of


              2   age do not receive IV chemotherapy.  This is due to


              3   an unfavorable benefit-risk.  These patients have



              4   risk factors which predispose to decreased


              5   efficacy, including antecedent hematological


              6   disorders such as myelodysplastic syndrome, and


              7   also have unfavorable cytogenetics.


              8             They also have factors which predispose



              9   them to increased toxicity, such as co-morbidities


             10   and compromised performance status.


             11             As indicated in the NCCN guidelines,


             12   options available for this under served patient


             13   population include investigational studies,



             14   low-intensity chemotherapy, and--unfortunately for


             15   many of these patients--it is simply best


             16   supportive care.


             17             [Slide.]


             18             The patients enrolled in CTEP-20 were felt



             19   not be well-served by standard induction


             20   chemotherapy.  And this represents a unique patient


             21   population which is not well represented in the


             22   literature. For example, the CALGB and ECOG studies









              1   mentioned in Dr. Stone's presentation enrolled


              2   patients who were good candidates for induction


              3   chemotherapy, and many of these studies excluded



              4   those patients with prior myelodysplastic syndrome.


              5             The median age of the CTEP study


              6   population was 75 years, and 90 percent of the


              7   CTEP-20 patients had two or more risk factors which


              8   predisposed them to decreased efficacy and



              9   increased toxicity from conventional anti-leukemic


             10   therapies.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             The complete remission rate in this very


             13   difficult to treat patient population was 15



             14   percent by investigators' assessment.  As per the


             15   key academic investigators involved in the CTEP


             16   study, this response rate is meaningful in a


             17   patient population that is often excluded from AML


             18   studies, and many times receives palliative care



             19   only.


             20             Of the 20 complete remissions as assessed


             21   by the investigators, the independent reviewer was


             22   able to confirm and verify 15 complete remissions









              1   for quality control purposes.  While the other five


              2   cases could not be verified for a variety of


              3   reasons, there is evidence of substantial



              4   anti-leukemic activity in these five patients.


              5             The median duration of complete remissions


              6   was 220 days, and complete remissions were observed


              7   across all risk groups.


              8             The exploratory analysis of survival--as



              9   outlined by Dr. Thibault--is encouraging, and will


             10   be further examined in an AML study specifically


             11   designed to evaluate a survival endpoint.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             The anti-leukemic activity observed in the



             14   CTEP-20 study has to be considered in the overall


             15   treatment context as presented by DR. Stone.  Even


             16   in the "best" patients who can receive induction


             17   chemotherapy, individual risk factors which were


             18   very prominent in the CTEP-20 study have a negative



             19   impact on complete remission rates.


             20             As shown in this slide, a reduction of


             21   complete remission rates by approximately one-half


             22   is observed in patients with prior myelodysplastic









              1   syndrome, unfavorable cytogenetics, or advanced


              2   age--with even the most effective chemotherapeutic


              3   agents.



              4             The early death rates in these trials,


              5   which includes the more younger and fit patient


              6   populations, is approximately 20 to 25 percent,


              7   with the majority of these deaths associated with


              8   bone marrow aplasia and severe mucositis.



              9                            [Slide.]


             10             Now, to put the CTEP-20 study into


             11   context.


             12             These are patients which experienced AML


             13   investigators felt were not the best candidates for



             14   combination chemotherapy.  They had an 83 percent


             15   incidents of myelodysplastic syndrome; a 49 percent


             16   incidence of unfavorable cytogenetics, and a median


             17   age of 75.


             18             What would be the anticipated complete



             19   remission rate in this patient population with


             20   combination chemotherapy?


             21             The anticipated early death rate in this


             22   patient population with combination chemotherapy









              1   would most likely be at least double the 12 percent


              2   early death rate observed in the CTEP-20 trial.


              3             [Slide.]



              4             In the patient population studied in


              5   CTEP-20, advanced age, with its associated


              6   co-morbidity co-morbidities, and the underlying


              7   disease complicates any treatment efforts.


              8             Despite this, a management and predictable



              9   safety profile was observed in the patients treated


             10   with tipifarnib.  Adverse events were managed with


             11   supportive care measures.  As the scheduled


             12   treatment was for 21 days, dose


             13   modifications--including dose interruptions and



             14   dose reductions--could be quickly implemented to


             15   address any emerging toxicities.


             16             Forty percent of the patients did not


             17   require hospitalization.  And for those who were


             18   hospitalized, the median duration was approximately



             19   15 days.  The limited time spent in hospital is an


             20   important feature of this outpatient treatment.


             21             Twelve percent of the patients died on


             22   study within 30 days of the first dose of









              1   tipifarnib.  And only one treatment-related death


              2   was reported by the investigators during the study.


              3   This data indicates that tipifarnib has been shown



              4   to safely treat a unique elderly patient


              5   population.


              6             [Slide.]


              7             In conclusion, the application under


              8   review is focused on a difficult to treat patient



              9   population for whom an unmet medical need exists,


             10   and alternative treatments are required.


             11   Approximately one in seven to one in nine of the


             12   patients treated with tipifarnib developed a


             13   durable complete remission.



             14             This novel targeted therapy is


             15   administered as an oral tablet which allows for


             16   flexible outpatient dosing.  As presented here


             17   today, there is a positive benefit-risk evidence


             18   with tipifarnib treatment.



             19             Approval of tipifarnib for this orphan


             20   indication will provide a new treatment for elderly


             21   patients with poor-risk AML.  These patients are


             22   currently not well served.  Standard induction









              1   chemotherapy has a high degree of toxicity and a


              2   lower degree of efficacy in this patient


              3   population.



              4             This concludes the sponsor's presentation.


              5             DR. MARTINO: Thank you.


              6             Ladies and gentlemen, I will not allow


              7   questions until we have also allowed the FDA and


              8   Dr.



              9   Fred Appelbaum to present.  So those of you that


             10   have questions please know that that will be your


             11   opportunity.


             12             Dr. Ryan, representing the FDA, will


             13   present next.



             14                         FDA Presentation


             15                      NDA 21-824, Zarnestra


             16             DR. RYAN: Good morning.  I'm Qin Ryan,


             17   medical officer in the Division of Oncology Drug


             18   Products.  I'm here today to present the main



             19   findings from our review of Zarnestra NDA 21824.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             My presentation will cover the relevant


             22   regulatory background; clinical development









              1   overview and proposed indication; CTEP-20 study


              2   design, efficacy and safety findings.


              3             [Slide.]



              4             First, the relevant regulatory background.


              5             In oncology, clinical benefit has been


              6   defined as a longer life, a better life or an


              7   effect on an established surrogate for either.


              8             In acute leukemias, durable complete



              9   remission--CR--has been considered evidence of


             10   benefit.


             11             In some cases where leukemia CRs were of


             12   uncertain duration, CR was considered a surrogate


             13   reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit.



             14             [Slide.]


             15             Here are some examples.  As first-line


             16   indications for acute myeloid leukemia --AML--both


             17   idarubicin and daunorubicin were regular approvals


             18   based on demonstration of durable remissions in



             19   randomized trials.  In addition, idarubicin also


             20   demonstrated a survival advantage in two


             21   comparative studies.


             22             In the case of gemtuzumab, accelerated









              1   approval was granted for patients aged 60 or older


              2   with CD-33 positive disease who are not candidates


              3   for second-line cytotoxic chemotherapy.  Approval



              4   was based on a pooled complete remission rate from


              5   three single-arm studies. Of 277 patients enrolled


              6   into these three studies, 157 were 60 years or


              7   older.  Although relaxed free survival was


              8   evaluated, the ratio of remission could not be



              9   reliably ascertained, as 45 percent of patients who


             10   achieved remission also received additional


             11   anti-leukemic therapy.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             Next, I will discuss the clinical



             14   background for this NDA.


             15             Patients with newly-diagnosed AML, if not


             16   treated, will progress rapidly to a fatal outcome.


             17   The standard induction therapy for newly diagnosed


             18   AML, such as 3+7 regimen of cytarabine and



             19   daunorubicin can be expected to achieve 60 to 75


             20   percent complete remission.  And the


             21   treatment-related death rate, less than 10 to 20


             22   percent in adult AML patients younger than age 60.


             23             [Slide.]



             24             One follow-up study indicated that 30 to


             25   40 percent of patients in this age group will









              1   survive three years or more.  However, clinical


              2   outcome would depend on multiple factors.


              3   Unfavorable outcome is usually associated with



              4   multiple poor-risk factors, such as poor


              5   performance status, organ dysfunction, or


              6   significant co-morbidity, older age, unfavorable


              7   karyotype, prior MDS, disease resistance


              8   or patient intolerance to cytotoxic therapy.



              9             Although the incidence of adult AML


             10   increases with age, the chance for patients to


             11   receive treatment decreases.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             Menzin, et al., analyzed a data base of



             14   over 2,600 AML patients aged 65 or older,


             15   identified by Medicare claims.  Overall, only 30


             16   percent of those patients received some form of


             17   chemotherapy.  Asa shown here, the percentage of


             18   patients receiving chemotherapy decreased



             19   drastically with increasing age.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             Menzin, et al., also estimated survival


             22   for these patients.  As indicated by the curve with


             23   diamond points, the median survival for all



             24   identified patients was two months, with a two-year


             25   survival of 6 percent.









              1             [Slide.]


              2             Compared to younger adults, elderly AML


              3   patients usually present with other risk factors,



              4   such as poor performance status, organ dysfunction,


              5   co-morbidity, unfavorable karyotype, prior MDS, and


              6   drug resistant disease, as mentioned before.  The


              7   less tolerant to standard induction therapy the


              8   elderly poor-risk AML patients are, the more likely



              9   they are to be a therapeutic challenge.


             10             [Slide.]


             11             One review pointed out that


             12   treatment-related mortality in elderly patients


             13   with poor-risk AML may be as high as 25 percent,



             14   and the complete remission rate may be less than 50


             15   percent.


             16             In a study of AML patients at least 80









              1   years of age, the mortality rate at one month as 48


              2   percent, and the complete remission rate was less


              3   than 30 percent.



              4             Few elderly AML patients are expected to


              5   live free of disease after standard cytotoxic


              6   chemotherapy.


              7             [Slide.]


              8             Next, I will discuss the clinical program.



              9             Zarnestra is a farnesyl transferase


             10   inhibitor.  It is formulated in film coat 100 mg


             11   tablets.  In the CTEP-20 study, Zarnestra was


             12   tested as first-line AML induction therapy.  It was


             13   administered hourly with food, at a dose of 600 mg



             14   twice daily for 21 days, followed by a rest period


             15   of seven to 42 days.


             16             [Slide.]


             17             Zarnestra is being proposed for the


             18   treatment of elderly patients with newly diagnosed



             19   poor-risk acute myeloid leukemia.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             Eleven studies relevant to safety and dose


             22   findings have been submitted in this NDA.  Among









              1   those, the studies relevant to efficacy and safety


              2   in AML are summarized here.  The most relevant


              3   population for the proposed indication is a



              4   subgroup of subjects in Study CTEP-20, accounting


              5   of 79 percent of CTEP-20 enrollment.


              6             The studies INT-17 and CTEP-1 are less


              7   relevant to the proposed indication.  Therefore we


              8   will focus our discussion on CTEP 20.



              9             I will now go over the CTEP-20 study


             10   design in the next few slides.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             This open-label, single-arm, multicenter


             13   study which opened on October 10, 2001, was



             14   originally designed to assess the efficacy and


             15   safety of Zarnestra in subjects with previously


             16   untreated, poor-risk hematologic malignancies.


             17   After enrolling 110 patients, Amendment 6 was


             18   implemented on September 16, 2003.  The target



             19   population as redefined as subjects either 75 years


             20   or older with newly diagnosed AML, or 65 to 74


             21   years of age with AML arising from prior


             22   myelodysplastic syndrome.


             23             [Slide.]



             24             The original primary objective was to


             25   determine response rate, which included CR and PR.









              1   As mentioned, after the 6th Amendment, the primary


              2   objective changed to determining the complete


              3   remission rate in elderly subjects with previously



              4   untreated, poor-risk acute myeloid leukemia.


              5             Secondary objectives were to determine the


              6   progression-free survival, overall survival,


              7   duration of response, and safety profile.


              8             [Slide.]



              9             After Amendment 6, the major inclusion


             10   criteria can be described as follows: untreated


             11   newly diagnosed AML patients, 75 years or older, or


             12   65 to 74 years of age with prior MDS.


             13             Our eligible subjects should have



             14   pathologic confirmation of AML showing equal or


             15   more than 20 percent marrow or peripheral blasts.


             16   Patients must have an ECOG performance score of


             17   zero or one-- which was changed from the original


             18   zero to two--with adequate renal and liver



             19   function.


             20             Patients with the following conditions


             21   were excluded: hypoleukocytosis despite


             22   leukopheresis or hydroxyurea; acute promyelocytic


             23   leukemia; previous anti-leukemic chemotherapy other



             24   than hydroxyurea; disseminated intravascular


             25   coagulation, or leukemia involvement of the central









              1   nervous system.


              2             [Slide.]


              3             Leukemia assessments were conducted at



              4   baseline and the end of each cycle, ranging from 29


              5   to 64 days.  This included medical history,


              6   physical examination, bone marrow aspiration and


              7   biopsy, CBC and chemistry.


              8             The criteria for response assessment were



              9   based on NCI-sponsored workshop on definition of


             10   diagnosis and response in acute myeloid leukemia.


             11             Per protocol, CR is defined as marrow


             12   showing less than 5 percent myeloblasts, with


             13   normal maturation of all cell lines; an ANC of at



             14   least 1,000 per micro liter; a platelet count of


             15   100,000 per micro liter; absence of blasts in


             16   peripheral blood; absence of identifiable leukemic









              1   in the bone marrow; clearance of disease-associated


              2   cytogenetic abnormalities; and clearance of any


              3   previously existing extramedullary disease.



              4             In addition, CR must be confirmed four to


              5   six weeks after initial documentation; at least one


              6   bone marrow biopsy should be performed to confirm


              7   CR.


              8             Subjects who achieved a complete remission



              9   could receive additional Zarnestra treatment until


             10   disease progression, or receive up to three


             11   additional cycles and stop.


             12             Re-treatment with Zarnestra was allowed.


             13   Subjects with progressive disease at any time



             14   during the Zarnestra administration were withdrawn


             15   from the study.  The first follow-up occurred 30


             16   days after treatment termination for subjects who


             17   did not have a documented progression, or had not


             18   started subsequent therapy; every 90 days after



             19   documentation of progressive disease or start of


             20   subsequent therapy.


             21             In the next few slides, I will discuss the


             22   CTEP-20 patient population efficacy data.


             23             [Slide.]



             24             Of the total 171 patients enrolled in


             25   CTEP-20, 158 of them had AML.  At the time of









              1   clinical cutoff, 157 AML subjects were treated with


              2   at least one cycle of Zarnestra.  Of those, 136


              3   were elderly subjects with poor-risk AML, and are



              4   most relevant to the proposed indication.


              5             Please note that one of the elderly


              6   subjects with poor-risk AML was excluded from FDA's


              7   efficacy analysis, but not safety analysis.  The


              8   reason for this exclusion was that this patient's



              9   baseline blast count was less than 20,000 per cubic


             10   milliliter, as assessed by both the investigator


             11   and the sponsor's central review.  This patient did


             12   not respond to Zarnestra treatment.


             13             This resulted in 156 evaluable patients in



             14   the all-treated AML population, and 135 patients in


             15   the elderly poor-risk AML population.


             16             Two thirds of subjects had a performance


             17   status of one, and a quarter of them had a


             18   performance status of zero.  There were



             19   approximately 10 percent of patients who were









              1   enrolled before Amendment 6, with a performance


              2   status of two.  As per investigators, all 136


              3   patients were ineligible for standard chemotherapy



              4   for at least one reason.


              5             Of patients aged 75 or older, 96 percent


              6   were considered ineligible due to age, whereas in


              7   the 65 to 74-year-old group, approximately 50


              8   percent of patients had age or other risk factors



              9   as a reason for ineligibility.


             10             [Slide.]


             11             Based on the sponsor-provided data, risk


             12   factors in the CTEP-20 elderly poor-risk AML


             13   population are summarized by category and number.



             14             Eighty-two percent of patients had prior


             15   MDS; more than half of the patients were older than


             16   75 years, or with poor organ function as defined by


             17   the sponsor; and two-thirds of patients had


             18   unfavorable karyotypes; 44 percent and 35 percent



             19   of patients had at least two or three of these risk


             20   factors, respectively.  About 10 percent of


             21   patients had either one or four risk factors.


             22             Complete responders were initially









              1   assessed by the site investigators. The sponsor


              2   appointed an independent reviewer to reassess the


              3   complete remissions.  FDA requested all available



              4   bone marrow slides of CRs from the sponsor, and


              5   reviewed them with an FDA-appointed hematology


              6   consultant.


              7             [Slide.]


              8             The assessment of CR by the study



              9   investigator, the independent reviewer, and FDA are


             10   summarized here.  Of the three unconfirmed CRs, the


             11   FDA and independent reviewer agreed with the


             12   investigator that two could not be confirmed due to


             13   death and disease progression.  FDA also agrees



             14   with the independent reviewer that on CR by


             15   investigator assessment was unconfirmed due to


             16   insufficient data.  In addition, slides of two


             17   subjects were not available for response assessment


             18   by the sponsor's independent reviewer or FDA



             19   consultant.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             FDA agrees with the sponsor-appointed


             22   independent reviewer's assessment of complete









              1   remission; that is, 15 subjects were confirmed


              2   complete remission from the FDA-identified elderly


              3   poor-risk AML patient subgroup.



              4             FDA assessment of the confirmed complete


              5   remission rate is 11.1 percent, with a 95 percent


              6   confidence interval of 6.6 to 18 percent.


              7             [Slide.]


              8             Based on FDA exploratory subgroup



              9   analysis, patients older than age 74 have a lower


             10   tendency to achieve complete remission than do


             11   patients age 65 to 74, with a rate of 6.7 percent


             12   versus 16.4 percent, respectively.


             13             In addition, of the 25 patients older than



             14   74 years with de novo AML who enrolled in CTEP-20,


             15   only one patient achieved complete remission with


             16   confirmation.


             17             Less responders were seen in subjects with


             18   unfavorable karyotypes.



             19             [Slide.]


             20             The FDA has explored the duration of


             21   confirmed CR as a secondary endpoint of study


             22   CTEP-20.  Per protocol, no anti-leukemic therapy









              1   other than Zarnestra was given to patients who


              2   achieved a response until after disease progression


              3   and removal from the study.



              4             At the time of cut-off, progression of


              5   disease or death occurred in seven of 15 patients,


              6   giving a median remission duration of 275 days,


              7   with 95 percent confidence interval of 127 to 376


              8   days.



              9             Next, I will discuss the CTEP-20 safety


             10   data.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             In CTEP-20, all of the elderly poor-risk


             13   AML patients received at least Zarnestra during



             14   first cycle; 47 percent of them were treated for a


             15   second cycle, and 20 percent received a third


             16   cycle.


             17             The median duration of these cycles was 36


             18   to 38 days.  The mean intensity for the first cycle



             19   was 749.4 mg per day, which is approximately 63


             20   percent of the planned 1,200 mg per day dose.


             21             The calculated dose intensity may not


             22   reflect true drug exposure, since the Zarnestra









              1   exposure measurements were primarily based on the


              2   pharmacy dispensation record.  A patient medication


              3   diary was not planned for CTEP-20.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             Ninety-eight percent of CTEP-20 subjects


              6   experienced adverse events.  The most frequently


              7   reported non-hematological adverse events were


              8   diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, skin rash, fever,



              9   anorexia, constipation, vomiting and dyspnea.


             10   Dizziness, and  ataxia or abnormal gait were the


             11   most frequently seen nervous system adverse events.


             12   In addition, confusion was the most commonly seen


             13   psychiatric adverse event.  This may be related to



             14   age and hospitalization.


             15             The most common dermatological and


             16   infection-related adverse event were neutropenia,


             17   with or without fever; purpurea, thrombocytopenia,


             18   anemia, bacterial infection, candida and other



             19   fungal infections.


             20             The most frequent metabolic disturbances


             21   were increased creatinine, hypokalemia, and


             22   hyponatremia.


             23             Of 136 subjects, 21, 47 and 56 subjects



             24   had at least one adverse event leading to treatment


             25   termination, dose reduction, and temporary









              1   interruption of Zarnestra, respectively.  The top


              2   three adverse events leading to changing treatment


              3   were neutropenia, increased creatinine and rash.



              4             FDA agrees with the sponsor that 113


              5   subjects, or 83 percent of the elderly poor-risk


              6   AML group, experienced Grade 3 or 4 adverse events.


              7   The most frequent treatment-emergent Grade 3 or 4


              8   adverse events were secondary to myelosuppression,



              9   including neutropenia, with or without fever,


             10   infection, thrombocytopenia, and anemia.


             11             Other frequent severe adverse events were


             12   fatigue, rash, dyspnea, confusion, diarrhea, and


             13   hypokalemia.



             14             [Slide.]


             15             Thirty-one of the 136 elderly poor-risk


             16   AML subjects in CTEP-20 died, either within 30 days


             17   of treatment termination, or within 30 days of


             18   receiving the first dose of medication.  The death



             19   rate within 30 days of the first dose was 12









              1   percent. Based on the sponsor-provided data, we


              2   verified the sponsor's summary and agree that 19 of


              3   31 deaths were due to disease progression, and nine



              4   of them were due to adverse events.  The deaths due


              5   to adverse events were 7 percent with causes such


              6   as cardiac failure and various infections.


              7             One death due to adverse event was thought


              8   to be drug-related by the investigator.  This was a



              9   patient who had a neutropenic fever, fungal


             10   infection, and renal dysfunction.


             11             There were three of 31 deaths attributed


             12   to adverse events or progression of disease on


             13   subsequent treatment, after patients progressed



             14   from Zarnestra, which the sponsor categorized as


             15   "other" cause of death.


             16             [Slide.]


             17             Eighty-one subjects, or 60 percent of the


             18   total 136 patients, were hospitalized during the



             19   study.  Fourteen percent of the subjects received


             20   Zarnestra treatment in the outpatient setting


             21   completely.


             22             The median total duration of









              1   hospitalization was 15 days.  Ten subjects required


              2   at least three hospitalizations during the study


              3   period.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             In summary, durable complete remission has


              6   been accepted as an endpoint supportive of regular


              7   approval in AML.  Zarnestra efficacy findings


              8   should be considered in the context of a poor-risk



              9   AML population and the toxicity profile observed.


             10   Although the remission rate does not compare


             11   favorably with that reported with cytotoxic


             12   therapy, the one-month's mortality and treatment


             13   related date rate of 12 percent and 7 percent,



             14   respectively, compare favorably with the greater


             15   than 25 percent treatment-related death rate


             16   reported in the literature for patients age 60 or


             17   older, with or without other risk factors, who had


             18   adequate organ function to receive chemotherapy.



             19             We will have one question for the


             20   committee to discuss: does the risk-benefit


             21   analysis support regular approval of Zarnestra for


             22   the treatment of elderly patients with AML?


             23             Thank you very much for your attention.



             24             DR. MARTINO: Thank you, Dr. Ryan.


             25             At this point, ladies and gentlemen, we









              1   have one additional speaker, and that is Dr. Fred


              2   Appelbaum, who will present via videoconference at


              3   a quarter to the hour.



              4             So, at this point, I'm going to give you


              5   about 15, 20 minutes of a break, and we'll be back


              6   here at 10:45 for his video presentation.  We will


              7   take questions subsequently.


              8                            [Off the record.]



              9             DR. MARTINO: Back on the record.


             10             The next presentation is Dr. Fred


             11   Appelbaum.  He's going to speak to us via


             12   videoconference.  He is the Director of Clinical


             13   Research at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.  And I



             14   don't know if we are actually ready to go.


             15             Ms. Clifford?  Are we ready to go with Dr.


             16   Appelbaum?


             17             MS. CLIFFORD: I think so.


             18             DR. MARTINO: I someone going to clue him



             19   in?  Or shall Dr. Martino simply say: "Action."


             20                     AML in Older Individuals


             21                     [Via videoconferencing]


             22             DR. APPELBAUM: I couldn't hear anything


             23   you were saying.  Can you see my slides?



             24             VOICE: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


             25             You won't be able to follow the pointer,









              1   is that right?


              2             Well, thank you for inviting me to say a


              3   few words about AML in older individuals.  I was



              4   asked by the FDA just to provide a general


              5   background.  I am not speaking particularly about


              6   this product or any of the information that was


              7   presented about the product, but rather just a


              8   global picture of AML in the elderly.  Some of this



              9   was probably already gone over this morning, so I


             10   will be relatively brief.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             The problem of AML in the elderly is a


             13   substantial one because the disease, as you can see



             14   from the first slide, in terms of incidence, goes


             15   up quite rapidly once patients are in their sixth


             16   decade.  Before that, it is relatively uncommon.









              1   But once patients pass the age of 50, the incidence


              2   of AML goes up quite markedly.


              3             The problem of AML in the elderly--or the



              4   older individual--is different than AML in the


              5   younger individual for two primary reasons.  First,


              6   the patients are different and, secondly, the


              7   disease is different.


              8             In terms of patients being



              9   different--well, older patients are older.  And,


             10   with that comes an increased incidence


             11   co-morbidities and decreased performance status.


             12             [Slide.]


             13             This next slide shows you a typical



             14   picture of patients that were entered onto a


             15   protocol for patients with AML above age 55, using


             16   a standard induction regimen of daunomycin and


             17   Ara-C.


             18             As you can see from the performance status



             19   and the age, patients under age 60, a relatively


             20   small proportion of them--about 8 percent--will


             21   have a very poor performance status of 3 or


             22   greater; whereas once patients are over age 75,









              1   that incidence at least doubles.


              2             Yet, even on those over age 75, at least


              3   60 percent--on this Southwest Oncology Group Study,



              4   which was the last one performed--had a performance


              5   status of zero or one, indicating relatively good


              6   performance.


              7             These statistics almost certainly


              8   understate the problem of decreased performance



              9   status in the elderly, because these are patients


             10   that the doctors chose to enter onto the trial.


             11   And it may be that, particularly among the elderly,


             12   there's a substantial proportion who were not


             13   entered onto the trial because of decreased



             14   performance status.


             15             I know of no easy--or no way, in fact, at


             16   all--that we can get data which truly reflects the


             17   performance status on a population basis of the


             18   elderly patients with AML.  This is almost



             19   certainly an underestimate of the difficulty.


             20             [Slide.]


             21             The next slide shows, I think, a very


             22   important principle that hasn't been talked









              1   about--or it hasn't been published, to my


              2   knowledge, quite in this way--and that is the very


              3   great interaction between performance status and



              4   age.  So that this looks at patients, again,


              5   treated with a standard induct of Daunomycin-45 x 3


              6   and Ara-C, and a chance of dying within the first


              7   month of being entered onto study, based on the


              8   performance status and age.



              9             So that older patients--that is, those


             10   that are over age 70, have a relatively low chance


             11   of dying within the first 30 days if they have a


             12   good performance status--only 9 percent, which is


             13   not substantially different than what you'd see in



             14   patients even under age 50.


             15             Yet once patients get older, and their


             16   performance status goes done, then you see a marked


             17   interaction.  So that if you're both over age 70


             18   and have a performance status of 3, the chance of



             19   dying within the first 30 days is 62 percent, which


             20   is very, obviously, substantial.  So there's this


             21   interaction which is--both of performance status,


             22   because the younger patients don't have that high









              1   chance of dying, even with a poor performance


              2   standard.  That's only 17 percent.  So you can see


              3   there's this interaction with both age and



              4   performance status, which are cumulative.


              5             [Slide.]


              6             This, of course, reflects what would


              7   happen with the overall complete response rate--I'm


              8   sorry, this slide simply shows what I just told



              9   you, but in a different graphic form.  That is


             10   performance status and age being cumulative in


             11   terms of the chance of early death, with 62


             12   percent--that's in the back right, versus a very


             13   low chance, in the front left, if you are young and



             14   have a good performance status.


             15             [Slide.]


             16             This clearly reflects--on complete


             17   response rates, which are shown in the next slide,


             18   so that if you're over age 70 treated with standard



             19   chemotherapy and have a good performance status,


             20   you have a relatively good chance--50 percent or


             21   greater--of getting a complete response.  But if


             22   you're older and have a poor performance status, it









              1   deteriorates to, in this study, 29 percent.


              2   Whereas if you're younger and have a poor


              3   performance status, the interaction doesn't seem to



              4   be as great.  The numbers in these individual cells


              5   get fairly small with a total n of 500.


              6             So, the first way that AML in the elderly


              7   or the older patient differs is that the patients


              8   are older, they tend to have a poor performance



              9   status, and a poor performance status is a clear


             10   bad prognostic factor for getting a CR and for


             11   early death.


             12             The second way that AML in the older


             13   patient differs is that is biologically is



             14   different from AML in the younger patient--in


             15   general; not in each specific case, but as a


             16   population it differs.


             17             AML in the older patient is more often


             18   preceded by myelodysplasia.  It is a less



             19   proliferative disease.  It's more frequently


             20   associated with unfavorable cytogenetics, and it


             21   more often expresses multidrug resistence.


             22             And I'll show you data about each of









              1   these.


              2             First, as far as "preceded by


              3   myelodysplasia"--and here one has to be careful



              4   about the definitions.  If one takes a strict


              5   definition of having a documented hematologic


              6   disorder preceding the diagnosis of AML by at least


              7   three months, generally this is seen in about 15 to


              8   18 percent of patients who are over age 55, and



              9   seen in about half that number in patients who are


             10   less than age 55.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             As far as "less proliferative" is


             13   concerned, that's shown on the slide you now have



             14   in front of you.  And this is a large number of


             15   patients--about 900 patients on three sequential


             16   studies--and it just shows that the white count, at


             17   diagnosis for AML, in patients who were less than


             18   age 55 is about 17,000, but it goes down to about



             19   12,000 when you're over age 75.  And the percent


             20   blasts if you're less than age 55 tends to be


             21   higher, at 39 percent; but if you're over age 75 it


             22   drops to about 26 percent--not marked differences,









              1   but there is a biologic difference here which


              2   suggests that AML in the very old patient tends to


              3   be a less highly proliferative disease.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             The next slide shows the marked difference


              6   in cytogenetics as patients age in AML.


              7             The blue bars at the very top are the


              8   percent of AML patients with unfavorable



              9   cytogenetics, according to age.  So that if you're


             10   less than age 55, about 21 percent of patients will


             11   have unfavorable cytogenetics, using the SWOG--or


             12   Southwest Oncology Group--criteria for cytogenetic


             13   risk group--which is very similar, but not quite



             14   identical, to the MRC's definition.


             15             If patients are over age 75, the incidence


             16   of unfavorable cytogenetics increases markedly from


             17   21 percent to 52 percent; and, conversely, the dark


             18   bar at the bottom, the percent with favorable



             19   cytogenetics--that's 8;21, inversion 16, or 15, 17,


             20   then that drops from 20 percent in patients who are


             21   less than age 56, to only 4 percent if you're over


             22   age 75.


             23             The particular cytogenetic abnormalities



             24   which are seen more frequently as one ages are


             25   shown on the next slide.









              1             [Slide.]


              2             And they are of marked increase in the


              3   incidence in the loss of -5, or part -5, on the



              4   long arm, or loss of -7 or part of 7 on the long


              5   arm, where either one of these was seen in either 6


              6   to 8 percent in patients age less than 56, but if


              7   you're over age 75, you see this in a three or


              8   four-fold higher incidence, with 26 or 22 percent,



              9   respectively.


             10             Similarly, a loss of the short arm of 17


             11   is seen in only 2 percent less than age 56, and


             12   greater than 11 percent in those age greater than


             13   75.  And all those p-values you can see are .0001.



             14             Conversely, as I've already mentioned,


             15   inversion 16, and 8;21s drop as you get older,


             16   among the favorable cytogenetic risk group.


             17             It is, I think, just intellectually


             18   interesting to speculate why we see this particular



             19   differences with age.  We don't, in fact, know the









              1   answer.


              2             Some have argued that AML in the elderly


              3   is more the result of multiple cytogenetic or



              4   mutational [technical difficulty] a myelodysplasia


              5   with a subsequent alternations.


              6             An alternative hypothesis is that our stem


              7   cells get older, and getting a leukemia stem cell


              8   is a bad thing to do and the disease, therefore



              9   behaves differently in the elderly.  And there is


             10   some data for each of those arguments.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             MRK is one way of measuring multidrug


             13   resistance.  It may not be the best.  It's a



             14   simple, reproducible one.  But whether one uses MRK


             15   staining, or one uses actual drug efflux, which is


             16   cyclosporin inhibitable, in either way that you


             17   measure it, you will find that, as patients age,


             18   there is a higher incidence of multidrug



             19   resistance.


             20             In this--which included about 600


             21   patients--if you were less than age 56, about 33


             22   percent would have a bright MRK staining.  If you









              1   were over age 75, it's about twice that number.


              2             [Slide.]


              3             Now, if you take all of these possible



              4   changes, and you look at the likelihood of getting


              5   a complete response, in univariate analysis--this


              6   is a study that we did in the Southwest Oncology


              7   Group--in univariate analysis you can see that


              8   these make a big difference in outcome.  AML, if



              9   you have a secondary AML--that is, secondary to


             10   primary myelodysplasia; this isn't treatment


             11   related, which is another kind of secondary AML.


             12   But this is secondary to primary


             13   myelodysplasia--the CR rates are half as much as if



             14   you have a de novo disease, if you are CD34


             15   positive in some, but not all studies, in this one,


             16   that seemed to give a lower incidence of complete


             17   response rates.


             18             As I obviously mentioned, MRK staining--if



             19   you have a bright, you have half as much chance of


             20   getting a CR as if you're negative.


             21             Unfavorable cytogenetics--again, about


             22   half as much a chance of getting CRs as if you have









              1   intermediate or favorable.  And functional drug


              2   efflux, like MRK staining, also predicts for CR


              3   rates.



              4             [Slide.]


              5             Now, this is in univariate analysis.  When


              6   we looked in multivariate analysis, we found three


              7   factors-- and that's shown on the next slide that


              8   predicted for complete response rate: and that is



              9   whether you had secondary AML; if you had


             10   unfavorable cytogenetics, and then if you had MDR1


             11   expression--either by functional drug efflux or MRK


             12   staining.  And each one of these were independently


             13   significant in this multivariate analysis.



             14             And if you had all three factors present,


             15   you had almost no chance of getting a CR; that is,


             16   if you had secondary AML, with unfavorable


             17   cytogenetics and MDR1 expression, the chance of CR


             18   was 11 percent.  But even if you're over age 65, if



             19   you had none of the three factors, you'd have an 81


             20   percent chance of getting a complete response--much


             21   like you would expect in a younger patient with


             22   AML.


             23             [Slide.]



             24             Now, we're not the only ones that have


             25   seen this.  This has been seen by others.  One of









              1   the largest studies of treatment of AML was the MRC


              2   AML 11 Study.  It looked at three different


              3   preparative regimens: a classic daunomycin-Ara-C



              4   and 6TG regimen, versus the daunomycin-Ara-C VP-16


              5   regimen, versus a mitoxantrone-Ara-C regimen--and


              6   then also randomized to giving G-CSF after


              7   induction.  And they also had a randomization and


              8   consolidation of two, versus six, cycles.



              9             The study itself isn't what I"ll be


             10   talking very much about, since none of these


             11   factors had a major impact on outcome.  But I


             12   would--just to look at this study-- which was


             13   published in Blood in 2001--for the general



             14   principles of treatment of AML.  And, as I said,


             15   this was a large study--it will show on the next


             16   slide--with over 1,300 patients.  And they had ages


             17   between 56 and up to above 90 years old.


             18             [Slide.]



             19             As I said, in the Southwest Oncology









              1   Group, we see about a 15 to 18 percent incidence of


              2   secondary AML, which is exactly what the MRC study


              3   saw.  And they had a 4 percent incidence of



              4   treatment-related disease.  Ours was a bit higher


              5   in SWOG--about 6 percent.  But these are very


              6   typical numbers for AML in the older individual.


              7             [Slide.]


              8             In their study, they had a 62 percent



              9   complete response rate.  They had a 7 percent death


             10   in incomplete response.  They had a relapse rate of


             11   78 percent, and they had disease-free survival at


             12   five years of 15 percent.


             13             These results are fairly typical of most



             14   studies of chemotherapy for patients over age 55.


             15             As I have tried to make the point--and


             16   will make it again--


             17             [Slide.]


             18             --oh, this shows you the outcome by



             19   treatment group.  And, as you can see, there is


             20   essentially no difference among the three groups,


             21   with a median survival that is between nine and 11


             22   months, and a five-year survival which is down









              1   around 15 percent on these studies.


              2             Now, the point I've tried to make


              3   repetitively is that AML in older patients is a



              4   very heterogeneous disease.


              5             [Slide.]


              6             And this shows you--the next slide shows


              7   you--what the MRC found.  And they found


              8   essentially the same thing that we had previously



              9   reported in SWOG--and other have reported, as


             10   well--and that is that cytogenetics, age, whether


             11   you have primary or secondary disease, performance


             12   status and--in their hands--also white count at


             13   diagnosis were powerful predictors.  And you can



             14   see, with a large study of over 1,300 patients, how


             15   powerful these are.  Those p-values are 10-14 or


             16   10-6, or 10-7--so that's a lot zeros, suggesting


             17   that these are very powerful predictors.  So that


             18   unfavorable cytogenetics--both for complete



             19   response rate and overall survival--is a bad fact;


             20   having a high white count likewise gives you a low


             21   chance of CR or overall survival.  As you age,


             22   things get worse.  If you have secondary disease









              1   and if you have a poor performance status--the same


              2   things that we had previously reported.


              3             [Slide.]



              4             So, in summary then, using conventional


              5   chemotherapy, if you take a large cohort of


              6   patients that are over age 60--or 55, depending on


              7   the particular study--complete response rates of 50


              8   to 60 percent can be expected; a median survival of



              9   9 months can be also expected in this cohort of


             10   patients; and perhaps 10 to 15 percent may continue


             11   to be alive after four to five years.


             12             However--and this is the most important


             13   point--the patient and disease-related factors very



             14   greatly, among this population, and heavily


             15   influence treatment outcome.  In my mind,


             16   particularly important in considering any patient


             17   group are age, performance status, primary versus


             18   secondary presentation, cytogenetics and the MDR



             19   status.


             20             And these facts have been relatively


             21   unchanged over the last several decades because our


             22   therapies for AML in the elderly haven't changed









              1   very much over the last several decades.  And there


              2   clearly is a need for new and effective agents for


              3   this patient population.



              4             I'd be happy to answer any questions about


              5   this relatively brief and perhaps superficial


              6   presentation.


              7             Thank you.


              8             DR. MARTINO: Fred, Thank you.  And ladies



              9   and gentlemen, it is my understanding that we are


             10   able to handle some questions to Dr.


             11   Appelbaum--from a technical perspective.  So, if


             12   there are questions to him directly, this would be


             13   your opportunity.



             14             Dr. Mortimer?


             15             DR. MORTIMER: Yes, Fred--this is Joan


             16   Mortimer.  I wonder if you could just make a


             17   comment on the role of growth factors.  I presume


             18   that since you didn't talk about it in the MRC



             19   trial that there is no advantage or disadvantage to


             20   the use of growth factors?


             21             DR. APPELBAUM: In the MRC trial there was


             22   no advantage or disadvantage for the use of growth









              1   factors.  There have been--as you know, probably


              2   better than anyone on the planet, Joan--I think at


              3   least a dozen studies of the use of growth factors



              4   after chemotherapy for AML in older individuals.


              5             And the vast majority of those studies


              6   show that the use of growth factors shorten the


              7   duration of neutropenia quite consistently by five


              8   to seven days.  They are more variable in whether



              9   that shortening of neutropenia changes the risk of


             10   significant infection; and only, as I'm aware, two


             11   studies showed a change in survival or complete


             12   response rate.  The majority of them showed no


             13   effect on CR rates or survival, but did show an



             14   important shortening of the period of


             15   pancytopenia--that's after induction.  And then


             16   after consolidation, the results are a little more


             17   consistent that you shorten neutropenia and


             18   decrease the incidence of infections--again, with



             19   no change in survival.


             20             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Brawley, you're next.


             21             DR. BRAWLEY: Yes, Otis Brawley here.


             22             Dr. Appelbaum, in the studies that you









              1   presented, and all the data that we've reviewed, it


              2   seems like the goal is always to get a complete


              3   remission, as if the complete remission is a



              4   surrogate for patient benefit in terms of increased


              5   survival.


              6             Has anyone ever tried any studies that


              7   look at the possibility of a drug that might sort


              8   of suppress a smoldering factor, where the goal is



              9   not complete remission but suppression of the


             10   leukemia, and perhaps try to determine of that


             11   actually increases survival--especially in an


             12   older, sickly population?


             13             DR. APPELBAUM: That's an excellent



             14   question, Dr. Brawley.  And the lessons that had


             15   been learned in acute leukemia in younger patients,


             16   where it's a much more proliferative disease, have


             17   sort of given the indication that you really have


             18   to get a complete response if patients are going to



             19   survive for any length of time, because the disease


             20   is so very proliferative.


             21             Now, on the other hand, if you take the


             22   totally other tack of looking at myelodysplasia as









              1   being a sort of symbol for a less aggressive


              2   disease--we now have data that a drug which doesn't


              3   get complete response rates, so that it



              4   phibezacytadine by perhaps a slowing--some people


              5   can argue why phibezacytadine works.  Some people


              6   believe it's a differentiation factor.  Other


              7   people believe that it actually is working as a


              8   cytotoxic.  But, without getting complete



              9   responses, it appears that it may prolong survival.


             10             Years ago, the way that many


             11   patients--very old patients with AML--were treated


             12   was with much less aggressive therapy using oral


             13   6MP, or using daily or weekly VP16, trying to keep



             14   the cap on things.  And I believe that there were


             15   some suggestions--not proven in randomized trials


             16   ever, but suggestions that there was improvement in


             17   survival.


             18             You are, I thin, correct that it is



             19   possible that there will be drugs--maybe many


             20   drugs--that could cause differentiation, slowing


             21   down the proliferation, and be of some benefit to


             22   the patient without getting a complete response.


             23             But the lessons from the more aggressive



             24   disease is that generally those effects are


             25   temporary and not as lasting as physicians would









              1   like.


              2             I'm not sure if that answers the question


              3   adequately.



              4             DR. BRAWLEY: Actually, it answers it


              5   wonderfully.


              6             The reason I asked the question is I look


              7   at our data on Zarnestra, and I wonder what a lower


              8   dose of Zarnestra for a longer period of time,



              9   without an endpoint for complete response would do


             10   in terms of patient benefit.


             11             Do you think I'm going down the wrong path


             12   to say that that's something that perhaps we ought


             13   to be looking at with a farnesyl transferase



             14   inhibitor?


             15             DR. APPELBAUM: I think that it's going to


             16   be very patient-dependant.  I believe that there


             17   are--well, I know there are AMLs in older patients


             18   which look just like AMLs in younger patients,



             19   which are explosive diseases, rapidly









              1   proliferative, and I think it's less likely that


              2   we're going to be able to keep very good control of


              3   the disease without establishing a complete



              4   response.


              5             There are other patients who are older who


              6   [technical difficulty] very similar to


              7   myelodysplasia and, in fact, getting rid of--it's


              8   much less proliferative and, you know, there are



              9   cases, in fact, of erythroleukemia in the elderly


             10   where simply giving red cells causes blasts to


             11   decrease, and the average survival in some of those


             12   patients, even without aggressive chemotherapy, can


             13   be six to nine months.  So it's very



             14   patient-specific.


             15             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Cheson?


             16             DR. CHESON: Hi, Fred.  I have two


             17   questions for you.


             18             The first one follows on what Otis was



             19   sort of asking you.  A lot of the data we have on


             20   survival of AML are from olden times, when we were


             21   young.  And there's a drug that was pretty good at


             22   controlling the disease: hydroxyurea.  And now that









              1   we have better antibiotics, better supportive care,


              2   better growth factors, etcetera, one wonders how


              3   you might be able to control this disease using a



              4   collection of those agents and do very nicely


              5   without--you know, less expensive, etcetera.


              6             The second question relates to the fact


              7   that there have been a number of randomized trials


              8   in the past of chemotherapy versus supportive care



              9   in elderly patients with AML.  And I was wondering


             10   if you could comment on those?


             11             DR. APPELBAUM: Well, the first [technical


             12   difficulty] interesting one, and I agree that, with


             13   better support care, with better antibiotics,



             14   possible with better hematopoietic growth factors,


             15   we may be able to eke out some increased survival


             16   of months or even longer without getting complete


             17   responses, [technical difficulty] responses, or


             18   just diminished blast percentage.



             19             The quality of life of those patients--I


             20   think most of us who care for a lot of AML


             21   patients--as you do--isn't great, but [technical


             22   difficulty] trips to hospital, a lot of transfusion









              1   support--[technical difficulty]--


              2             [Communication lost.]


              3             DR. MARTINO: Can anyone help us at this



              4   point?


              5             DR. CHESON: We lost you, Fred.


              6             DR. MARTINO: Fred, if you can hear us, we


              7   cannot hear you.  So, stand by, please.


              8            [Pause.]



              9             [Communication re-established.]


             10             DR. APPELBAUM: As far as the randomized


             11   trials of support care, there have not--well, maybe


             12   you can inform me about any large, modern


             13   randomized trial of supportive care versus



             14   chemotherapy for AML in the elderly. The ones that


             15   I'm aware of were don--were quite small, and done


             16   decades ago, without current supportive care


             17   measures.


             18             I'm not aware of any that have been done



             19   in the last 20 years.


             20             DR. CHESON: Right, but the results of


             21   chemotherapy versus supportive care in those


             22   studies--some of which were modestly sized,









              1   including the ones from Europe--suggest that a


              2   chemo really probably wasn't of much benefit.  But,


              3   again, that's before supportive care, growth



              4   factors, etcetera.


              5             DR. APPELBAUM: Yes, and those are a couple


              6   of decades old.  And what they did show is that


              7   those--if you take a population of patients, you're


              8   exactly right, the patients that got a CR



              9   benefitted--or at least appeared to benefit--but


             10   the overall population did not.  But, again, those


             11   are several decades old, they were done in the


             12   '70s, without current supportive care measures.


             13             DR. MARTINO: Are there other questions?



             14             Yes?


             15             MR. FLATAU: Dr. Appelbaum, I was wondering


             16   if you could comment on survival with supportive


             17   care in older patients with de novo AML, versus AML


             18   that arises from [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]



             19             DR. APPELBAUM: If I understand the


             20   question, you're asking about what is the survival


             21   with supportive care alone in AML in the older


             22   patient compared to the younger patient.  Is that









              1   the question?


              2             MR. FLATAU: No, I'm wondering: de novo AML


              3   in older patients on supportive care, versus AML



              4   that arises from prior myelodysplasia.


              5             DR. APPELBAUM: Oh.


              6             Historically, the median survival for de


              7   novo AML on supportive care is about two months


              8   when patients are given supportive care alone.



              9   With older individuals given just supportive--now,


             10   it depends on what you mean by "supportive care."


             11   It's been a long time since people just got


             12   supportive care, with using 6MP as a single agent,


             13   or VP16 as a single agent.  There were some studies



             14   published in the '70s which suggested survivals of


             15   four to five months, using single-agent


             16   chemotherapy in older patients with AML.


             17             Most of those studies did not, at that


             18   time, break down the groups between AML that was de



             19   novo versus AML that was secondary to a prior


             20   myelodysplasia.  I'm not aware of any data which


             21   shows that with supportive care there is any


             22   difference in the survival of de novo AML versus









              1   AML that arises from a prior myelodysplasia.  All


              2   the data that I'm aware of simply says that AMLs


              3   that evolve from a prior myelodysplasia are much



              4   less sensitive to chemotherapy, but not that the


              5   pace of disease with supportive care alone differs.


              6             Now, there may be data out there that I'm


              7   unaware of, certainly.  And if anyone there knows


              8   such data, I'd be interested to be educated about



              9   it.


             10             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Temple.


             11             DR. TEMPLE: It's worth mentioning that the


             12   trial here didn't show improved survival compared


             13   to a control, either.  It showed that some



             14   individuals seemed to do well.


             15             A lot of data went by fast--but tell me if


             16   my impression here is correct.  It seemed to me, as


             17   you were going through the decreasing response


             18   rates and survival in people with progressively



             19   worse baseline status, you still were at a point


             20   where the response rates--complete response


             21   rates--were in the 20s, and that was really with


             22   the very bad people.  But for most of the people









              1   with modest dysfunction, it was higher than that.


              2   And that's still higher than we've seen here.


              3             And your estimates of five-year survival



              4   of 15 percent seem well greater than in the


              5   population that was studied with Zarnestra now.


              6   That's not fair, it's not the same population--I


              7   realize that.


              8             But I wonder if you'd comment on that.



              9   And the thrust of my question is: it seems to me


             10   that this drug makes sense only for people in whom


             11   you've unequivocally decided you don't want to try


             12   chemotherapy--or, conceivably, you do this before


             13   you try chemotherapy and see if you're lucky.



             14             Can you comment generally on that?


             15             DR. APPELBAUM: Yes.  I apologize if I


             16   presented the data too quickly.


             17             DR. TEMPLE: That wasn't a complaint.  It


             18   just was a lot.



             19             DR. APPELBAUM: [Laughs.]


             20             If you take a single risk factor, like


             21   cytogenetics, or like prior myelodysplasia, or like


             22   a very high white count, or poor performance









              1   status--each one of those profoundly impact the


              2   overall CR rate.  And you are correct that, when


              3   you look at those univariately, you will get CR



              4   rates in patients over age 60, using standard


              5   daunomycin-Ara-C, that will be in the 25 to 30


              6   percent range in general.  If you start combining


              7   multiple poor-risk factors, such as having prior


              8   myelodysplasia plus having unfavorable cytogenetics



              9   plus having multidrug resistance, then you can


             10   select some very bad populations where you would


             11   expect CR rates of even less than 10 percent, if


             12   you combine multiple poor-risk factors.


             13             But if you look at the general population,



             14   the CR rates are 50 percent in general; 25 to 30


             15   percent with single bad prognosis; and then, as I


             16   stated, less than perhaps 10 to 11 percent, if you


             17   have multiple bad risk factors.


             18             The CR rates are reflected in, then,



             19   improved survival.  Those that get CRs tend to


             20   survive for nine to 12 months, whereas those who do


             21   not have very short survivals.  And you are


             22   correct: in the overall population--and the MRC was









              1   the largest, that's a population of almost 1,400


              2   patients--there was about a 15 percent survival at


              3   five years.



              4             But, again, that is a population that


              5   includes patients who are in their late 50s, 60s


              6   and 70s--all the way up to 90.  It isn't just


              7   patients over age 70.


              8             DR. MARTINO: Are there other questions?



              9             [No response.]


             10             If not, Fred, I'll take the last question.


             11   This is Slivana Martino.


             12             What are you thinking of a patient where


             13   you're going to provide supportive care?  What



             14   actual drugs, in the chemotherapy arena, do you


             15   think of in that setting?  And why do you think of


             16   those?


             17             DR. APPELBAUM: If there's a patient who


             18   either, because of patient choice does not want



             19   aggressive chemotherapy, or I do not think that


             20   chemotherapy is warranted because of very poor


             21   performance status, then it depends on what the


             22   initial problem is.  So that there can be patients









              1   who have AML, who have a very rapidly rising white


              2   count, where the goal is to avoid leukostasis, and


              3   you have to use a chemotherapeutic agent to try and



              4   support them.  And in those circumstances we use a


              5   number of different drugs: hydroxyurea, as Bruce


              6   mentioned, is a classic one.  Single-agent VP16


              7   sometimes can work; single-agent topotecan is


              8   sometimes used.  There, the goal is to just



              9   decrease the white count.


             10             Now, there are other patients where the


             11   white count isn't running up that quickly, and the


             12   real problem may be that they have no granulocytes,


             13   and there, trying to eke out a few granulocytes



             14   even with a G-CSF, or trying to use something like


             15   5-azacytadine, hoping that you're going to get some


             16   differentiation, may be useful.


             17             In other cases, erythroleukemia, for


             18   example, you can get quite a bit of satisfactory



             19   responses simply by giving red cell transfusions,


             20   which diminish the red cell blast count in the bone


             21   marrow, and help the problem.


             22             So the problems in those individuals are









              1   different.  Some, the threat to life is--or quality


              2   of survival--is acytopenia, in other it is the


              3   rapidly growing white count.



              4             In none of the cases, though, is the


              5   outcome very satisfactory.  They're very difficult


              6   cases when patients have very poor performance


              7   status and are in their 80s or late 70s and have


              8   leukemia.  There are not a lot of good options for



              9   such individuals.


             10             DR. MARTINO: Thank you.  And, seeing no


             11   further questions, we appreciate your presentation.


             12   Thank you.


             13             DR. APPELBAUM: Sure.  Thank you.



             14                       Open Public Hearing


             15             DR. MARTINO: The next portion of the


             16   meeting is the open public hearing.  And we do have


             17   one person who has signed up to address the group.


             18   But before I allow them to speak I need to read



             19   something to you.


             20             Both the Food and Drug Administration and


             21   the public believe in a transparent process for


             22   information gathering and decision-making.  To









              1   ensure such transparency at the open public hearing


              2   sessions of the advisory committee meeting, FDA


              3   believes that it is important to understand the



              4   context of an individual's presentation.


              5             For this reason, FDA encourages you, the


              6   open public hearing speaker, at the beginning of


              7   your written or oral statement, to advise the


              8   committee of any financial relationship that you



              9   may have with the sponsor, its product and, if


             10   known, its direct competitors; for example, this


             11   financial information may include the sponsor's


             12   payment of your travel, lodging or other expenses


             13   in connection with your attendance at this meeting.



             14             Likewise, FDA encourages you, at the


             15   beginning of your statement, to advise the


             16   committee if you do not have any such financial


             17   relationships.


             18             If you choose not to address this issue of



             19   financial relationship at the beginning of your


             20   statement, it will not preclude you from speaking.


             21             MS. CLIFFORD: We have one speaker.  His


             22   name is Roland McPherson.


             23             If you can take the mike in the back,



             24   please.


             25             MR. McPHERSON: Is it on now?  Okay--thank









              1   you.


              2             My name is Roland McPherson.  I live in a


              3   suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.  I have not been given



              4   any financial remuneration--didn't even buy stock


              5   in Johnson & Johnson as I probably should have


              6   done.  But that's all right.


              7             [Laughter.]


              8             I was diagnosed with myelodysplasia in



              9   January of 2001.  I had some symptoms maybe six


             10   weeks before.  I found myself out of breath on the


             11   tennis court, which wasn't me.  And so I was


             12   treated for myelodysplasia, primarily with Procrit


             13   for some time.  And then I needed a few



             14   transfusions.  And then, in 2002, the year after I


             15   got this, I had a therapy of arsenic trioxide and


             16   thalidomide.  And that worked fine for about two


             17   months, and then it stopped working.


             18             I'm not quite sure about the years on this



             19   thing, but don't worry about that.  But then I was









              1   not completely pleased with the cancer center I was


              2   going to, so I looked around at different ones.


              3   And finally I found a Dr. Mary Laughlin at the



              4   University Hospital in Cleveland that I seemed to


              5   hit it off with.  First of all, I liked her.  The


              6   first time I met her she said, "Well, first of all,


              7   it's the Hippocratic oath: do no harm.  And I agree


              8   with that."



              9             And by that time, the bone marrow tests


             10   showed that I really was in the low range of AML.


             11   And so she talked about all these induction


             12   therapies, and the problem was, at my age--as


             13   you've heard and probably already knew anyway--the



             14   side effects can be very bad.  And so she said,


             15   "Well, let's just try maintenance for a while."


             16             And so I simply had transfusions as


             17   needed--which wasn't very frequently, but I needed


             18   some.  And then, of course, I had to take decirol



             19   because of the iron buildup.  And, at the same


             20   time, I began looking at the NCI clinical trials


             21   on-line to find things, and I would bring them in


             22   to Dr. Laughlin, and she'd say, "Well, this still









              1   isn't right."


              2             So--let's see, in early 2004--I've


              3   forgotten the exact month--I hit this Zarnestra



              4   trial.  It looked good to me.  And I brought it in,


              5   and she said--I don't remember what she said, but I


              6   would have said, "Bingo."  Because she said, "This


              7   looks like the thing to do."  And she called Dr.


              8   Karp at Johns Hopkins, and said, "Well, this is one



              9   to try."


             10             So I did come here in April of 2004 and


             11   had a meeting.  And then maybe at the end of April


             12   of 2004 we started the first Zarnestra.  And we


             13   went through three sessions of three weeks each,



             14   with a couple weeks off between.  And at the end of


             15   that period--in fact, before it was all done--Dr.


             16   Karp informed me that my blast count was down to


             17   zero.


             18             And so this continued to be good until



             19   another six or eight months.  Now, I had some side


             20   effects, but they weren't severe.  I would get a


             21   little tired, and sometimes I had trouble sleeping


             22   and a few other things, but nothing severe and it









              1   didn't last very long.


              2             And, let's see--oh, I might point out that


              3   I was very fortunate when I found this study that



              4   there were five places in this country doing it,


              5   and my brother lives in Montgomery County Maryland,


              6   so I had a place to stay.  And I also learned later


              7   that Dr. Karp in Johns Hopkins was the lead in this


              8   study, anyway, so that was fortunate.



              9             So, about December of last year, when I


             10   came here for a day of testing, Dr. Karp informed


             11   me that my blasts were up now--I think the number


             12   was like 30 percent.  So in January we started


             13   another series, and at the end of that series, my



             14   blasts were down to--I may not have the exact


             15   number, but I think they were 6 percent.  But my


             16   blood counts were still kind of low, hadn't really


             17   come up.  And then I had another series in March.


             18   And at that time, the blasts were still down.  And



             19   I'm not sure--I have some notes, but I didn't want


             20   to bring them up here.


             21             But I think some time in the last few


             22   months, my blast count got down to zero, but my









              1   blood counts have not come up--especially the


              2   neutrophil is the big thing to worry about.


              3             So here I am.  I guess I didn't mention



              4   that I'm 77 years old, so I certainly fit in with


              5   this group of elderly patients.  And well, that's


              6   sort of a short summary.


              7             I don't know if anybody has any questions.


              8   I'm happy to answer anything to the best of my



              9   ability.  But that's sort of where I am..


             10             DR. MARTINO: Thank you, Mr. McPherson.


             11   And we're all very happy to have you here.  Thank


             12   you.


             13             MR. McPHERSON: Thank you for the



             14   opportunity.


             15             DR. MARTINO: Okay, at this point, shall we


             16   do lunch next, and reserve the questions?  Because


             17   it's 11:30.


             18             DR. PAZDUR: I can give you the option of



             19   working through lunch.


             20             DR. MARTINO: Well, realize that we have


             21   questions.  We're going to have discussion.  And


             22   I'm not sure that--how many of you are interested









              1   in lunch?


              2             [Laughter.]


              3             Because we're not likely to finish in an



              4   hour or two.  So that's my concern here, is that


              5   you may not be interested in lunch right now, but


              6   you will be an hour from now, and then people are


              7   going to get antsy.  And I'd rather not have people


              8   in a semi-distressed circumstance--okay?--as



              9   they're deliberating on this drug.


             10             DR. PAZDUR: We can take lunch.


             11             DR. MARTINO: So I think I'd rather do


             12   lunch, and maybe we can come back a bit earlier?


             13   Is that reasonable?  Okay?



             14             Now, before I give up the mike, where does


             15   one have lunch in this fine, fine institution and


             16   building?


             17             DR. PAZDUR: You'd have to ask Johanna


             18   about that.



             19             DR. MARTINO:  The place across the street.


             20   I'm not sure why she doesn't want to say it


             21   publicly.


             22             DR. PAZDUR: She doesn't know the name of









              1   it.


              2             DR. MARTINO: But, at any rate--so, does


              3   that mean that--should I give everyone the entire



              4   time, is what I'm asking here, Johanna.


              5             Okay.  So shall we plan on coming back at


              6   maybe 12:30-ish?  Is that okay?


              7             All right, let's aim for return at 12:30,


              8   and starting shortly thereafter.



              9             [Off the record.]


             10             DR. MARTINO: Ladies and gentlemen, I'd


             11   like you all to take your seats and we will resume


             12   our proceedings.


             13             Ladies and gentleman--and Dr. Temple



             14   included.


             15             [Laughter.]


             16             Ha-ha.


             17                   Questions from the Committee


             18             DR. MARTINO:  The next portion of our



             19   meeting are questions to either the pharmaceutical


             20   company or to the FDA.


             21             And I think Dr. Perry already is champing


             22   at the bit.


             23             DR. PERRY: Yes, I have two questions for



             24   the sponsor, if I may.


             25             If you look at Slide 53 in your









              1   presentation, the complete remission rate by site,


              2   I'm struck by the fact that Cornell, which put on


              3   16 percent of the patients, and Georgia, which put



              4   on two percent of the patients, had absolutely no


              5   complete responders.


              6             So I want to know whether there's


              7   something wrong in some portions of New


              8   York--because if you go to Rochester, you do



              9   better?  Or whether there's something else


             10   involved?  Eighteen percent of the patients had no


             11   responses at those two sites.  That seems to me to


             12   be more than a statistical aberrancy.


             13             DR. DeLAP: We did look for any reason that



             14   there might be a different result at different


             15   sites.  We did not find a reason to account for


             16   that, in terms of demographics, risk factors.


             17             We can discuss further the statistics of


             18   it, if you'd like.  We feel that the overall result



             19   of the study--the overall response rate--15 percent









              1   for the study, the planned analysis as described in


              2   the study, I think that's our best estimate, and


              3   that includes zero from some sites and like 25 from



              4   other sites.  But the net is 15.


              5             DR. PERRY: Were they putting--you don't


              6   know whether they were putting in sicker patients


              7   in some other ways?


              8             Basically, the question I'm asking: has



              9   somebody looked at that?


             10             DR. DeLAP: Yes, and we can show you some


             11   data.


             12             DR. THIBAULT: Alain Thibault, clinical.


             13             We have--while we're waiting for our slide



             14   to come up--yes, bring the slide up.  No, that is


             15   not it.


             16             While we're waiting for the slide to come


             17   up--we have looked at all sites.  There is 15


             18   percent CR rate total.  The rate of response varies



             19   from zero to 25.


             20             At Cornell, this is a site that accrued 22


             21   patients.  As far as we can tell, in terms of


             22   median age, in terms of number of risk factors, in









              1   terms of incidence of prior MDS, these patients


              2   were all similar.


              3             We've looked at baseline factors, as well,



              4   such as blast count, and we have found nothing


              5   there, either.


              6             And so what we are left to postulate: we


              7   noticed the difference, but we're left to postulate


              8   is that we are looking what you would call a



              9   statistical aberration, or an effect of subgroup


             10   analysis.


             11             DR. PERRY: Okay.


             12             DR. THIBAULT: What I should mention--not


             13   to belabor it too much--is at this site there were



             14   patients who achieved partial remissions and


             15   hematological improvements that were maintained for


             16   several months.  And therefore that means these


             17   patients had a reduction in tumor burden, but not


             18   quite the recovery of peripheral counts you would



             19   expect.


             20             DR. PERRY: Okay.  I have a second


             21   question--and maybe you're the person to ask.


             22             Several times during the presentation the









              1   point has been made that these patients have to


              2   take a pill; you know, that this is a great drug,


              3   they only have to take a pill.  By my count, they



              4   take 12 pills a day; six 100 mg tables in the


              5   morning and six in the evening.


              6             So my question is: how did you ensure that


              7   you actually got compliance in the people who had


              8   to take a lot of pills?



              9             DR. DeLAP: Yes--I'll ask Dr. Zukiwski,


             10   actually, to address that.


             11             DR. ZUKIWSKI: As outlined in the FDA


             12   presentation, detailed compliance diaries were not


             13   kept at all sites.  However, we're confident that



             14   the patients did take their medication as


             15   prescribed.


             16             There was dispensing logs in the pharmacy.


             17   The drug was dispensed in blister packs of seven.


             18   It was dispensed for the entire 21-day period.



             19             The patients, we believe, were highly


             20   motivated coming into the study.  They were


             21   assessed weekly by the research personnel or the


             22   physicians, and we would have anticipated that if









              1   the patients were having a problem taking their


              2   drugs it would have been picked up at that time and


              3   would have been reported.



              4             In addition, one of the other studies that


              5   Dr. DeLap has outlined--INT-17--has a very similar


              6   safety profile to what was observed in CTEP-20.


              7   And in the INT-17 study we kept detailed patient


              8   diaries, and the safety profile is the same.  So



              9   we're relatively confident that the patients did


             10   take the drug.


             11             But I will ask Dr. Karp to give her


             12   experience, as the PI, regarding the compliance


             13   issue.



             14             DR. KARP: Thank you very much.  I'm Judy


             15   Karp.  I'm the principle investigator of this


             16   study.


             17             AS Dr. Zukiwski said, this was a very


             18   motivated group of patients.  And my patients would



             19   never lie to me.


             20             [Laughter.]


             21             DR. PERRY: Right.


             22             DR. KARP:  [Laughs.] If you were one of my









              1   patients, you wouldn't lie to me.


              2             [Laughter.]


              3             I wouldn't want that, anyway.



              4             I think we have some clinical evidence.  I


              5   mean, people's counts went down--not spontaneously.


              6             The other piece of evidence we have is


              7   that we looked at the ability of Zarnestra to


              8   inhibit farnesyl transferase activity at two



              9   sources.  One was in the bone marrow, and the other


             10   was in buccal mucosa.  And the buccal mucosal


             11   studies, 92 percent of the patients tested, we were


             12   able to demonstrate enzyme inhibition.  So I think


             13   that that's evidence that the patients actually



             14   took the drugs.


             15             DR. PERRY: Well, I'm sure they took some


             16   of the drugs.  My question was whether they took


             17   all of the drug.  That, I think, is a question


             18   that's a little more difficult to answer.



             19             Thank you.


             20             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Mortimer?


             21             DR. MORTIMER: I have two questions for the


             22   sponsor.  One goes back to the question about









              1   growth factors, because I think the literature of


              2   growth factors in leukemia in the elderly is


              3   somewhat confounded.  There are positive trials.



              4             And I wonder what the use of growth


              5   factors was-- whether it was dictated on the


              6   trial--unless I missed it in the information we


              7   were give.


              8             DR. DeLAP: There was very little use of



              9   growth factor in the study.  And I'll ask Dr.


             10   Thibault for the exact number.


             11             DR. THIBAULT: Yes, we've actually


             12   collected information on specific growth factors.


             13   Twelve patients took growth factors, overall, in



             14   this study.  And it induced an improvement in the


             15   ANC count in five of them.  So the vast


             16   majority--120, roughly, patients--did not use any


             17   growth factors.


             18             DR. MORTIMER: The second question I have



             19   actually relates to the patient population.  And I


             20   think you're to be congratulated for investing in a


             21   trial like this, in the geriatric population.


             22             But the patients were not ideally to be









              1   candidates for chemotherapy, and yet 10


              2   subsequently got chemotherapy--six of whom actually


              3   responded.  And I think that kind of confounds the



              4   results a bit, that there were six CRs --and none


              5   of whom had responded to tipifarnib before getting


              6   salvage therapy.


              7             DR. DeLAP: I'll ask Dr. Thibault to


              8   comment on the use of subsequent chemotherapy.



              9             DR. THIBAULT: Yes, we've collected very


             10   detailed information on the subsequent use of


             11   chemotherapy.


             12             May I have the slide up, please.


             13             [Slide.]



             14             Of the 136 patients who were treated, the


             15   majority went on to receive palliative care.  This


             16   is the subsequent treatment that the 136 patients


             17   received.  Seven were re-treated with tipifarnib,


             18   and one of them achieved a complete remission.



             19   Seventeen patients received single-agent


             20   chemotherapy, and none of them achieved any


             21   remission to that type of treatment.  Twelve


             22   received combination chemotherapy--Ara-C with









              1   anthra-cycline at the usual dose.


              2             The patients who received anthra-cycline


              3   in combination chemotherapy included two who had



              4   responded to tipifarnib first.  Out of the 12, only


              5   two were 75 or older, and they tended to have a


              6   lower blast count at the time of re-treatment in


              7   the range of about 30 percent, based on blast count


              8   when they entered tipifarnib was about 45 percent.



              9             So this is re-treatment of a very small


             10   minority of patients. And we think it reflects on


             11   the fact that the vast majority of the patients


             12   were felt by the investigators not to be adequate


             13   candidates for intensive chemo.



             14             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Levine.


             15             DR. LEVINE: I have several questions.


             16             The first relates to myelodysplasia.  You


             17   gave us information on pathologic re-review, or


             18   central review of the CR.  But who diagnosed the



             19   myelodysplasia, and who confirmed the


             20   myelodysplasia?  So that was my first question.


             21             DR. DeLAP: The antecedent myelodysplasia


             22   at the time of entry into the study, that was not









              1   something that was part of the pathologic review,


              2   that was part of the patient's history.  So, again,


              3   that's not part of the central review.



              4             DR. LEVINE: Do we have any idea of the


              5   length, the duration of myelodysplasia prior to


              6   study?  The number of transfusions that were given


              7   prior to study--you know, during myelodysplasia?


              8   And then afterward?  Is there any information



              9   there?


             10             DR. DeLAP: We do not have a presentation


             11   on that.  Perhaps Dr. Karp can give us some insight


             12   into the range of prior dysplasia that was present


             13   in these patients?



             14             DR. KARP: Well, the minimum duration, per


             15   definition: one month of documented antecedent


             16   hematologic disorder.  We had patients whose


             17   myelodysplasia--as per a patient who spoke to us


             18   today--had a duration of myelodysplasia prior to



             19   transformation of up to three years.


             20             I can't tell you what the median is.  But


             21   it was a broad range.


             22             DR. LEVINE: Another question--I'm just









              1   trying to get at the poor prognosis.  It was the


              2   same as Dr. Mortimer: were these really


              3   poor-prognosis cases?



              4             So one of your definitions of poor


              5   prognosis was organ dysfunction.  So could you


              6   define "organ dysfunction?"  And it had to be organ


              7   dysfunction within the confines of what was allowed


              8   onto protocol--right?



              9             So then my next question, beyond that is:


             10   if you exclude organ dysfunction, if you just look


             11   at factors of age and cytogenetics, and


             12   myelodysplasia, what percentage of the patients had


             13   one of those three, forgetting the organ



             14   dysfunction?


             15             DR. DeLAP: I'll ask Dr. Thibault to start


             16   with this.


             17             DR. THIBAULT: The proportion of patients


             18   who had therefore three risk factors, if we don't



             19   count for the proportion [sic], was high.  We would


             20   have 82 percent of them having MDS.  We will have


             21   49 percent of them having prior myelodysplasia.  We


             22   will have 41 percent of them having both.


             23             And then 55 percent of the patients were



             24   75 and above.


             25             DR. LEVINE: So, in other words, 41 percent









              1   had both myelodysplasia and the cytogenetic


              2   abnormalities.


              3             DR. THIBAULT: Yes.  The majority--as you



              4   recall, the inclusion criteria were for 65.


              5             DR. LEVINE: Okay.  Another question: going


              6   back a little bit to the compliance, one of the


              7   major non-hematologic toxicities was nausea and


              8   vomiting.  Do you think that might have influenced



              9   the number of pills that these people took?  Or how


             10   do you deal with that?  You're going to need to


             11   know whether they really are taking this pill or


             12   not.  Or 600 BID, or what they're doing.


             13             DR. DeLAP:  Yes.  Nausea and vomiting was



             14   a relatively minor problem for most patients, but


             15   we'll ask Dr. DePorre to go through the data.


             16             DR. DePORRE: DePorre--clinical.


             17             Indeed, patients had nausea and vomiting.


             18   However, in the vast majority of these patients,



             19   that was Grade 1 and 2.  It resolved without any









              1   intervention, and it was of short duration.


              2             DR. LEVINE: So, in other words--that was


              3   another question: so they are not on antiemetics



              4   for all this time.


              5             DR. DePORRE: Correct.


              6             DR. LEVINE: And with continued use, the


              7   nausea goes away?  Is that what happens?


              8             DR. DePORRE: Yes.  Correct.



              9             DR. LEVINE: Okay.


             10             One more: the confirmed complete


             11   remission--so that was one month after the initial


             12   CR.  Those confirmations were on drug?  On


             13   continued drug?



             14             DR. DePORRE: Yes, patients who were taking


             15   drug and had a confirmed complete remission at one


             16   month would obviously continue drug.


             17             DR. LEVINE: Okay.


             18             DR. MARTINO: I'd like to ask the next



             19   question.


             20             I am aware that there is a Phase III trial


             21   ongoing that deals with this agent in this patient


             22   population.  At some point, someone needs to









              1   explain that trial and help me to understand where


              2   it is, where it isn't, and what the objectives are.


              3             DR. DeLAP: Are you referring to the



              4   AML-301 trial?  Yes.


              5             Dr. Zukiwski?


              6             DR. ZUKIWSKI: Yes.  Could we have a slide


              7   up, please?


              8             [Slide.]



              9             Well, let me just take you through some of


             10   the background on the AML-301 trial.


             11             This is a randomized trial of tipifarnib


             12   versus best supportive care.  It is being conducted


             13   outside of the United States.  The trial is active



             14   and ongoing.


             15             There is a total of 90 sites that will be


             16   activated; approximately 67 sites have been opened


             17   to date, and the accrual is continuing to ramp up.


             18             The overview is here.  The eligibility:



             19   patients greater than or equal to 70 years of age.


             20   This is a consensus that was reached with the


             21   ex-U.S. investigators.  There was a lot of


             22   discussion on what the actual patient population









              1   could be.  And this was where the consensus


              2   agreement was reached.


              3             These are patients with initial AML.  The



              4   patients--we'll be collecting karyotype


              5   categories-- favorable, unfavorable, intermediate.


              6   We'll be collecting data on prior myelodysplastic


              7   syndrome.  There will be a stratification built in.


              8   There is no interim analysis.  There is an IDMC to



              9   give us guidance on whether or not to continue with


             10   the trial.


             11             We anticipate that this trial will have


             12   data, so we will be able to submit to the Food and


             13   Drug Administration sometime in 2007.



             14             DR. PERRY: Excuse me.  I have a hard time


             15   believing that's the only eligibility


             16   criteria--just leukemia and greater than 70?  No


             17   end-organ function tests?  Nothing else?


             18             DR. ZUKIWSKI: I can go through the detail,



             19   but this is just the overview.  If you'd like--


             20             DR. PERRY: Well, it doesn't give us a very


             21   good idea of how severely ill these patients are.


             22   They just have leukemia.


             23             DR. ZUKIWSKI: Can we go on to the next



             24   slide, please?  Next slide.


             25             [Slide.]









              1             Okay, I think it's on Slide 9.


              2             [Slide.]


              3             Basically, the ECOG is 0 to 2,



              4   newly-diagnosed, not willing to receive induction


              5   chemotherapy.  So this is a conversation that will


              6   take place between the treating physician and the


              7   patients--that determination will be made on


              8   whether or not the perceived risk is worth the



              9   possible benefit in those patient populations.


             10             And, obviously, the thoroughly-described


             11   study, where we will be--the informed consent does


             12   describe the "best supportive care" elements.  And


             13   so it does list other options for patients.



             14             DR. TEMPLE: About that, can you say


             15   something about what the consent form is going to


             16   say in that study?


             17             DR. ZUKIWSKI: Dr. Temple, I'd have to get


             18   the exact informed consent.  I'll get back to you



             19   on that one.  I don't have it off the top of my









              1   head.


              2             But it's important to note that this study


              3   is being done to determine the magnitude of the



              4   survival advantage which we believe will take


              5   place.  So, 306 patients--we'll have that data


              6   sometime in 2007.


              7             DR. MARTINO: How many patients are in the


              8   trial at this point, Doctor?



              9             DR. ZUKIWSKI: Currently, as the accrual is


             10   ramping up, there is approximately 88 or 90


             11   patients.  I got an update in the last day or so.


             12             DR. MARTINO: Okay.


             13             DR. ZUKIWSKI: So I'm not certain of the



             14   exact figure.


             15             DR. MARTINO: And how much of this is


             16   happening in this country versus elsewhere?


             17             DR. ZUKIWSKI: This is entirely ex-U.S.


             18             DR. MARTINO: It's entirely--



             19             DR. ZUKIWSKI: It's not being conducted


             20   within the United States.


             21             DR. MARTINO: Thank you.


             22             Dr. Cheson?


             23             DR. CHESON: Yes, first a comment: I would



             24   like to thank you for changing the definition of


             25   elderly from 60 to 65.









              1             [Laughter.]


              2             Then I have two questions left, since


              3   everyone's been asking all the other ones I wrote



              4   down.


              5             One of the major points that would be


              6   attractive for this drug is the fact that it often


              7   doesn't require hospitalization.  Your figure is


              8   that 40 percent of patients did not require



              9   hospitalization.


             10             How many of that 40 percent were


             11   responders?  In other words, is it just the


             12   patients who got too sick and they decide it's not


             13   worth putting them in the hospital?  Or are these



             14   patients who were actually benefitting from the


             15   therapy, getting their complete--and perhaps


             16   partial--responses, and still able to stay out of


             17   the hospital?


             18             DR. DeLAP: Part of the benefit, actually,



             19   of the complete response is improvement in









              1   disease-related morbidity and the ability to stay


              2   out of the hospital.  So we do see that patients


              3   who have a response do better, in terms of--



              4             DR. CHESON: Do you have numbers?


              5             DR. DeLAP: yes.  Dr. Thibault will show


              6   you.


              7             DR. THIBAULT: Yes, may have the slide up,


              8   please?



              9             [Slide.]


             10             This is a slide that focuses on patients


             11   who achieve a CR.  On the left-hand side are


             12   variables of interest: hospitalization, transfusion


             13   of platelets and red blood cells; use of growth



             14   factors.


             15             And on the middle column you have the


             16   hospitalization rate and rate of other


             17   interventions--in those CR patients prior to


             18   reaching their CR.  The time to CR is 43 days.



             19             Then in the extreme right column you have


             20   the use of health care resources, once the patient


             21   was in CR.


             22             So what you can see is that once the









              1   patient achieved a CR, only six patients required


              2   further admission, some of them for treatment of


              3   ancillary disorders.  But the majority of



              4   patients--15 of the 20--were hospitalized.


              5             The duration of these hospitalizations is


              6   12 days in the CR patient.


              7             DR. CHESON: Okay--so three-quarters of the


              8   patients who did respond, did require



              9   hospitalization initially.  And then are those the


             10   same ones--those further six--


             11             DR. THIBAULT: Yes.


             12             DR. CHESON: I mean, those six are the--


             13             DR. THIBAULT: Are these six a subset of--



             14             DR. CHESON: Or does it make it all 20


             15   required hospitalization at one time?


             16             DR. THIBAULT: I will have to verify this.


             17   My recollection is these six belong to the 15.


             18             DR. CHESON: Okay.



             19             My next question: when we devise a


             20   response criteria, we recognize, as most people


             21   do--not an original idea--that complete remission


             22   is the most important response category.  And we









              1   recognize, and put in the paper that partial


              2   response was primarily useful to identify the


              3   activity of a new agent, not necessarily saying



              4   anything about the efficacy of the new agent.


              5             You have a bunch of patients who have


              6   partial responses, and so-called "hematologic


              7   improvement" which was in the MDS response criteria


              8   is not really a response criteria in AML.



              9             Do you have evidence of clinical benefit


             10   in patients who got partial responses?  Stable


             11   disease, hematologic improvement--what is the


             12   evidence that these patients really did experience


             13   benefit, other than the complete responders?



             14             It would be nice if, you know--even if you


             15   didn't get a complete response, if you could


             16   demonstrate decreased transfusion requirements,


             17   decreased infections, decreased hospitalizations


             18   compared to previously--etcetera, etcetera,



             19   etcetera, etcetera.


             20             DR. DeLAP: We do have some analysis that


             21   suggests some benefit in the partial response, the


             22   hematologic improvement subset.  It's not as well









              1   established, obviously, as complete response.


              2             I'll ask Dr. Zukiwski to--


              3             DR. CHESON: And when we did come up with a



              4   hematologic improvement, we also had "major" and


              5   "minor"--which we'll probably get rid of at some


              6   point.


              7             So, how important was the hematologic


              8   improvement?  In other words, if the hemoglobin



              9   went from 6 grams to 7 grams, it's probably not a


             10   big deal.  If it went from 6 grams to 10 grams,


             11   then maybe it's something worth talking about.


             12             DR. ZUKIWSKI: Okay.


             13             Unfortunately, Dr. Cheson, we did not cut



             14   the PR or the hematological improvement as we did


             15   with the CRs to show you hospitalizations and other


             16   utilization of resources, etcetera.  What we did do


             17   is we did do an exploratory analysis, looking at


             18   survival, for our internal purposes, and we found



             19   it to be very encouraging, looking at the CR


             20   patients, the PR patients and those non-responders.


             21             So, for our internal planning purposes for


             22   the 301 study, it gives us a lot of encouragement









              1   that there will be benefit even derived from the


              2   patients who have achieved a PR.


              3             DR. CHESON: It would be--hopefully--to the



              4   advantage of the drug if you did have those


              5   numbers.  Because if you could demonstrate


              6   improvement in these parameters in patients who


              7   didn't get a CR, it makes the drug a lot more


              8   interesting.



              9             DR. ZUKIWSKI: Right.  And this slide just


             10   flashed up.


             11             [Slide.]


             12             This slide has to be taken for exactly


             13   what it is: this is an exploratory analysis, what



             14   would be called "classic responder, non-responder."


             15   No firm conclusions can be drawn.  The only purpose


             16   we had done this is to look for internal data.  And


             17   there is a trend that gives us some indication that


             18   PR patients may have an improved survival--but no



             19   conclusions can be drawn from this data at all.


             20             DR. MARTINO: Dr. George?


             21             DR. GEORGE: I have a number questions in


             22   sort of different areas.  One is a follow-up on the









              1   details on the confirmatory trial--the AML-301, I


              2   think it's called.


              3             What kind of difference in survival are



              4   you thinking--what are you looking for there?  What


              5   is the study powered to pick up?


              6             DR. DeLAP: The study is powered to pick up


              7   a 50 percent increase, in terms of the hazard


              8   ratio, from approximately three months to



              9   approximately four-and-a-half months.


             10             DR. GEORGE: We can come back to some of


             11   that in discussion, but some of that has to do with


             12   what kind of difference you might have expected


             13   based on the potential benefits--satisfiable based



             14   on the response rates.  But that's--we'll come back


             15   to that in discussion, I think.


             16             Is there any quality of life study


             17   included in that confirmatory trial?  The


             18   randomized trial?



             19             DR. DeLAP: We're not doing the formal


             20   quality of life-type questionnaires that are


             21   sometimes used in that trial.


             22             DR. GEORGE: Okay.  Another area had a









              1   little question about--maybe for the sponsor or the


              2   FDA.  It has to do with the discrepancy between the


              3   CR assessment--rate assessment.



              4             If I'm understanding it right, out of


              5   those 20 cases, there were three that the FDA


              6   didn't count because they weren't confirmed by the


              7   usual definition.  Now, those are for different


              8   reasons: one died early.  And maybe you could



              9   address that.


             10             DR. RYAN: one patient died early, before


             11   confirmation.  Another patient progressed, died on


             12   confirmation.  The third one does not have


             13   sufficient bone marrow data to support a confirmed



             14   CR.


             15             DR. GEORGE: But that third one was a


             16   long-term survivor.


             17             DR. RYAN: Yes.  Then there were two


             18   patients who had complete hematological response,



             19   who do not have bone marrow slide to support CR.


             20             DR. GEORGE: Okay.  I'm just--


             21             DR. DeLAP: Yes, there were a couple of


             22   cases where the slides were lost in transit,









              1   basically, and could not be reviewed by the


              2   independent reviewer.  And for that reason they


              3   were not included in the 15 cases that could be



              4   confirmed and verified.


              5             But it's important to note that the slides


              6   for those patients that were lost in transit had


              7   been reviewed at the original institution.  So we


              8   do have readings.



              9             DR. GEORGE: Okay.  The last point is a


             10   more generic question, I guess, and I know you


             11   won't be able to answer this directly.


             12             But one of the things that most impressive


             13   from all these presentations for me is that this



             14   indication--this particular medical condition is a


             15   very serious one--but that it's highly


             16   heterogeneous. And that's one of the issues, of


             17   course, that's going to come up in discussion of


             18   any single-arm trial.



             19             But, what Fred Appelbaum presented, if you


             20   looked at the cases with different risk factors,


             21   from the worst to the best was really dramatic.  I


             22   mean, the ones with three risk factors had an









              1   estimated response rate of 11 percent.  Remarkably,


              2   that's the same thing that the FDA came up with on


              3   their study.  And the best cases had an 81 percent



              4   response rate.


              5             Now, these are patients that, of course,


              6   might have been different in other ways.  They did


              7   receive chemotherapy, for example.  And that


              8   relates to my question.



              9             Is there any way--do you have any feel, or


             10   any way to know this--what percent of the patients


             11   on the CTEP-20 study actually might have received


             12   chemotherapy, as opposed to the eligibility


             13   criteria was sort of "not able to willing"



             14   basically, to receive chemotherapy, which--I can


             15   understand what you're getting at there, but there


             16   is a difference.


             17             If you're trying to relate, you know, what


             18   you observed to what might be obtained with



             19   chemotherapy, it's kind of hard for me to figure


             20   out how many of those patients actually might have


             21   received chemotherapy, and might have been on the


             22   study, as opposed to those that just really were









              1   medically unfit for chemotherapy.


              2             DR. DeLAP: Yes, I'll ask Dr. Stone to


              3   comment on that.  The other side of the equation of



              4   risk-benefit, of course, is that in addition to a


              5   low response rate we're looking, with combination


              6   chemotherapy, with a high treatment-related and


              7   other mortality in the first 30 days, which is 25


              8   percent or more.



              9             So that's--again, in terms of the


             10   risk-benefit, I think it's rather clear why


             11   patients would not get the combination


             12   chemotherapy.


             13             But I'll ask Dr. Stone to comment further.



             14             DR. STONE: Well, Dr. George, I assume I


             15   understand what you're saying: it would be nice to


             16   know exactly how these people would have done had


             17   they had chemotherapy run into their veins, or had


             18   they had supportive care, perhaps.



             19             All we can do is try to extract that type


             20   of data from the cooperative group trials--which


             21   may not be analogous because those patients were


             22   getting chemotherapy.  But even if you do that, you









              1   can see from the data that Fred showed, that I


              2   showed, that if you just look at prior


              3   myelodysplasia, which characterized a great deal of



              4   these patients on CTEP-20, the remission rate would


              5   be about 20 percent.  And the mortality rate is


              6   going to be at least as high as the average


              7   mortality rate that was in those trials, which was


              8   about 25 percent.



              9             Probably the decrease in the remission


             10   rate in people with those poor prognostic factors


             11   is, in part, due to resistance manifested by a lack


             12   of going into remission and, secondly, of higher


             13   mortality rate.  Hard to tease out, but I think, in



             14   looking at this as a leukemia doctor, I would say


             15   that the CR rate had chemotherapy been run into


             16   their veins, would probably be in the magnitude we


             17   discussed in the slides: in the 10 percent range.


             18             Probably most of these people were really



             19   like the triple-losers that Dr. Appelbaum


             20   mentioned.  If they had had MDR, they might have


             21   been positive, and that would be about 11 percent.


             22             So--I mean, that's the best I can give you









              1   on that.  The mortality would be very high,


              2   reflecting the, probably, 90 percent who didn't go


              3   into remission, probably half would have died.



              4             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Brawley?


              5             DR. BRAWLEY: Thank you.


              6             Can you bring back up the slide of


              7   hospitalizations that Dr. Thibault was talking


              8   about?  I need to try to understand that a little



              9   better.


             10             DR. DeLAP: This is the slide about


             11   hospitalizations for the patients that had


             12   remissions?


             13             DR. BRAWLEY: Right.  Right.



             14             The question is--


             15             [Slide.]


             16             --yes, there we go.


             17             The period of time prior to CR, versus the


             18   period of time during remission--you know, if one



             19   were to take the margin and say that "during


             20   remission" was seven days, and "prior to CR" was


             21   six months--this slide doesn't make any sense.


             22             So what I'm wondering is: do you have a









              1   similar slide that compares hospitalizations after


              2   treatment for individuals who did not have a


              3   remission, versus individuals who did have a



              4   remission?


              5             DR. DeLAP: One thing I'd like to comment,


              6   in line with your question.


              7             DR. BRAWLEY: Sure.


              8             DR. DeLAP: And then we'll show that slide.



              9             The "prior to CR," these patients entered


             10   CR after one to two cycles of treatment.  So that


             11   interval is limited.  And then the "during


             12   remission," obviously the median duration of


             13   remission was several months, so that interval is



             14   actually quite long.  So that's another thing you


             15   have to think about when you look at these


             16   percentages.


             17             DR. BRAWLEY: That helps me to understand


             18   this slide and actually think of it as valid data.



             19   Thank you.


             20             Do you have the other data, as well?


             21             DR. DeLAP: I'll ask Dr. Thibault.


             22             DR. THIBAULT: I'll show you very similar









              1   data.  Next slide up, please.


              2             [Slide.]


              3             This is the same slide with an extra



              4   column added.  On the extreme right you are seeing


              5   the hospitalization rate for the patients who never


              6   achieved a CR, and you see that the hospitalization


              7   rate if you don't achieve a CR is similar to the


              8   hospitalization rate of the CR patients prior to



              9   their entering a CR.  Then after they enter the CR,


             10   then they seem to derive benefit in terms of reduce


             11   hospitalization.


             12             DR. BRAWLEY: Show this slide first next


             13   time.



             14             [Laughter.]


             15             DR. THIBAULT: We're hoping we won't have


             16   to come back again.


             17             [Laughter.]


             18             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Brawley, anything else



             19   you'd like to contribute at this time?


             20             [No response.]


             21             Are there other questions?


             22             Dr. Bukowski.


             23             DR. BUKOWSKI: Can you help me understand



             24   the rationale that was used to select the dose that


             25   has been used in this particular study: the 600 mg









              1   BID?


              2             You mentioned that in the Phase I trial,


              3   there was some hint of activity, and the slide



              4   mentioned that you achieved the IC 50 in vivo with


              5   that dose.  Can you just clarify?  I mean, were


              6   there responses at lower doses in the Phase I


              7   trial?  And have you had any experience with other


              8   dosing levels?



              9             DR. THIBAULT: Well, we have our most


             10   extensive experience at 600 dose.


             11             If you want me to take you through: in the


             12   Phase I trial, the doses were 100, 300, 600,


             13   900--1,200 was not tolerable.  There was one



             14   remission at 300--sorry, one remission at 100, one


             15   remission at 600.  This is a very limited data set:


             16   approximately six patients per dose level.


             17             Most of our experience is, of course, at


             18   600.  The reason we chose this dose was because at



             19   600 we are certain that the farnesyl transferase









              1   enzyme is fully inhibited.  We are also covering


              2   the range of IC 50s--of the different cell lines


              3   that have been tested.  There's about a 10-fold



              4   difference in IC 50 when you look at the different


              5   blinds.  And so we're covering that at 600 for a


              6   longer duration of the treatment period than we


              7   would if we were at 300.


              8             And then, finally, when we looked at the



              9   toxicity of this, we knew that we would go into


             10   Phase II with a dose that would require about a


             11   third of the patients to be dose-reduced--which is


             12   kind of the definition of the MTD.  And so the data


             13   supports that approach.



             14             We do not know whether treating these


             15   patients, right off the bat, at 300 would yield the


             16   same results.  But we do know that we treat them at


             17   600, and then we adjust the dose, we get the


             18   results that we're showing today.



             19             DR. BUKOWSKI: So the 600 is the MTD from


             20   the Phase I trial?


             21             DR. THIBAULT: Yes, in the definition we've


             22   used, "MTD" is the dose level below the one that









              1   causes more than a third of the patients to be in


              2   TLT.  So this is the recommended Phase II dose.


              3             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Porter?



              4             DR. PORTER: Just a clarification on your


              5   Slide 67.  You have "AEs leading to deaths," and


              6   then "Drug-related."  I realize this is the


              7   investigator's opinion, but since you only have one


              8   drug, and it's an AE from that drug, you really



              9   have 10 drug-related deaths--to read that table


             10   correctly.


             11             Is that a correct interpretation?


             12             DR. DeLAP: Can we have that slide up,


             13   please?



             14             [Slide.]


             15             DR. DePORRE: Let me first clarify one


             16   point: it is that the "1" and the "9" should not be


             17   added.  The "1" was part of the "9."  So it--


             18             DR. PORTER: Isn't total.  Okay.



             19             DR. DePORRE:  --is total, nine patients


             20   who had a death that was attributed to an AE.


             21             And I agree with you that it's very


             22   difficult--not to say almost impossible--to discern









              1   whether the death was due to the AE, or due to the


              2   underlying disease.


              3             DR. PORTER: Well, this is the way you



              4   classified it, though: you said, "AEs leading to


              5   death."


              6             DR. DePORRE: Correct.  But that is--the


              7   drug relatedness is difficult to discern between


              8   disease and drug.  And the one patient was



              9   attributed--the AE was attributed very clearly by


             10   the investigator to the drug.  For the other eight,


             11   there are other confounding factors, that is, in


             12   the context of the progression of disease.


             13             But an absolute certainty to discern



             14   between the two is not possible.


             15             DR. PORTER: Okay


             16             DR. MARTINO: Are there other questions?


             17             DR. DeLAP: I would come back again to the


             18   overall mortality, which was 12 percent in the



             19   first 30 days with this drug.  And, as we've heard


             20   from Dr. Stone, that's well below the expectation.


             21             So, for this patient population, with the


             22   natural progression of their leukemia, we feel that









              1   tipifarnib is not contributing substantially to an


              2   early mortality issue.  We think that deaths we're


              3   seeing in the first 30 days reflect the natural



              4   history of the disease, by and large.


              5             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Temple?


              6             DR. TEMPLE: A study, INT-17, was


              7   mentioned.  That was in people who had been


              8   previously treated.  If I recall, the response rate



              9   was virtually nil in that--something like 3 out of


             10   250, or something like that?  Did I read that


             11   aright?


             12             DR. DeLAP: The response rate is low.


             13             DR. TEMPLE: So, I just want to be clear:



             14   you have no intent that people who've been


             15   previously treated be treated with this


             16   drug--correct?


             17             DR. DeLAP: We do not have risk-benefit


             18   data to support treatment of previously treated



             19   patients.


             20             DR. TEMPLE: Okay--but I mean, that might


             21   even be something we would ask to go into labeling,


             22   if the drug were otherwise okay.  Because the rate









              1   was so low.


              2             DR. DeLAP: Our intent would be that the


              3   patients for whom we have the established



              4   risk-benefit, where we can show the durable


              5   remissions and the good outcomes, that those are


              6   the ones who should get the drug--yes.


              7             DR. TEMPLE: Okay, just one other question.


              8             I mean, obviously, as everybody's been



              9   hinting, the response rate here is quite low.  So,


             10   presumably, people who are candidates for


             11   regulation chemotherapy, you'd want them to get it.


             12             Is this also a drug that someone who's at


             13   the margin might give a whack at, and then use



             14   chemotherapy afterward, if nothing came of it here?


             15   Is that part of your thinking, too?  You know, take


             16   the easy one and if it doesn't work, go on to real


             17   chemotherapy?


             18             DR. DeLAP: Yes, it's difficult to address



             19   exactly that issue.  I think that--again, the


             20   recommendation in labeling would be to stick as


             21   closely as we can to the risk-benefit that we've


             22   established, and treat those patients.


             23             But I'll ask Dr. Sekeres, who can talk to



             24   us about how the decision is made as to


             25   chemotherapy or no.









              1             DR. SEKERES: Hi, I'm in clinic.  It's a


              2   great question you ask.


              3             And this is a disease that I think of as



              4   the worst solid tumor you can imagine; people


              5   coming in with State IV disease, and then add on


              6   top of that, poor prognostic factors.


              7             So we don't have a lot of room to work


              8   with when we talk with patients.  A typical



              9   conversation I'll have is: "I can offer you options


             10   A, B or C.  A is supportive care--"--I like to call


             11   it "aggressive supportive care" so patients don't


             12   think I'm giving up on them.  B is some sort of


             13   mid-range therapy.  And C is remission-induction



             14   therapy.


             15             My approach, for better or worse, whether


             16   this works is will aggressive chemotherapy, to look


             17   somebody in the eye and say, "The chance I can get


             18   you into remission is, for all comers over 60,



             19   somewhere between 40 and 55 percent; for a









              1   70-year-old, or 80-year-old, that will go down to


              2   30 percent.  And with worse risk factors, as low as


              3   15 percent, and a treatment-related mortality of 20



              4   to 25 percent.


              5             And you've heard that message over and


              6   over again.


              7             Option B is mid-range therapy.  Now, what


              8   I have to offer in mid-range therapy are clinical



              9   trials or Hydrea.  And I can't look somebody in the


             10   eye and say, "I can offer you a complete remission"


             11   with either of these approaches.


             12             And I leave the decision up to the


             13   patient.  Now, I may weight it a little bit, but I



             14   give them real percentages, if at all possible.


             15   And then whatever decision they make, I support it.


             16             If a person were to choose option B--if


             17   that option happened to include a farnesyl


             18   transferase inhibitor such as tipifarnib, I would



             19   support them through it.  If they were then to


             20   progress, I'd probably re-address the issue with


             21   them.


             22             DR. MARTINO: Are there any other









              1   questions?


              2             Yes?


              3             MR. FLATAU: I'd just like to ask the



              4   question: if you're looking a patient in the eye


              5   and you're going to treat him with tipifarnib,


              6   you're going to say: "You have a 15 percent chance


              7   of getting into remission."  And what about the 85


              8   percent of the people?  What are you going to tell



              9   them?


             10             DR. DeLAP: After Dr. Sekeres, I'd also


             11   like Dr. Karp to come up and say, because she has,


             12   obviously, the direct experience in the protocol.


             13             DR. SEKERES: It's not easy to look



             14   somebody in the eye and give them those


             15   percentages.  It really isn't.


             16             Fifteen percent isn't zero percent.  So I


             17   would say to that person: "There's a 15 percent


             18   chance you could go into a complete remission."



             19   I'd try to be clear that complete remission is not


             20   the equivalent of cure.  If I have data to support


             21   the fact that that person may live eight or 10


             22   months longer than with no other therapy, then I'll









              1   make that statement also, and I'll say to that


              2   person: "If you don't happen to go into a


              3   remission, and your leukemia remains, we'll discuss



              4   what your options are after that."


              5             That may involve remission-induction


              6   therapy, if that's what a person wants.   It may


              7   involve aggressive supportive care.  Or it may


              8   involve something like Hydrea if they want



              9   something in the middle.


             10             MR. FLATAU: But, I guess the point is: you


             11   can't tell them that this is better--if they're in


             12   that 85 percent, that this is better than best


             13   supportive care, because you don't have any data.



             14             DR. SEKERES:   I don't know where they'll


             15   fall when I first have that discussion.  So I just


             16   give them the percentages as I just gave them to


             17   you.  And then if their disease comes back, I


             18   wouldn't be disingenuous about what I'd say in the



             19   future: "You have relapsed leukemia.  This is


             20   something we need to worry about.  We can offer


             21   things that can manage your disease, but we can't


             22   reliably offer you something that will improve your









              1   survival."


              2             DR. DeLAP: I think the question about the


              3   patients who don't have a complete remission, and



              4   what to say to them--I think there is some other


              5   observations perhaps Dr. Karp can give us about


              6   things that were seen in the trial.  Although,


              7   again, the complete remissions are the ones that


              8   have the established link to patient benefits.



              9             DR. KARP: Well, first of all, not to be


             10   too brutal, but this is a fatal disease.  So, if


             11   one is fortunate enough to be in that 15 percent


             12   who will achieve a complete remission, the benefit


             13   of that is very palpable.



             14             Now, for the other 85 percent, there are


             15   patients who do get partial remissions, there are


             16   patients who get hematologic improvement--which is


             17   not as concrete a definition.  And then there are


             18   patients--in fact, I believe 30 percent of our



             19   patients--had something that was akin to "stable


             20   disease."  And you can say, well, what is "stable


             21   disease?"


             22             These patients did not progress.  And, in









              1   fact, these patients didn't quite quality for bona


              2   fide palpable improvement, yet they were alive;


              3   they felt relatively well; they were out of the



              4   hospital; they were living at home.  And there are


              5   a number of patients who went on for months like


              6   that.


              7             I have a gentleman 76 years old--I seem to


              8   specialize in older men--



              9             [Laughter.]


             10             --[whispers] especially if they're


             11   wealthy.


             12             [Laughter.]


             13             But he's a 76-year-old gentleman who had



             14   myelodysplasia for about a year, and then


             15   transformed into AML, with virtual replacement of


             16   his bone marrow by blasts, and no functional


             17   platelet production, no functional red-cell


             18   production.



             19             This patient has been on Zarnestra for one


             20   year.  He has been taking Zarnestra for 21 out of


             21   every 28 to 42 days for one year.  He does not have


             22   a "partial remission" by standard criteria, and yet









              1   he has not required a platelet transfusion for


              2   eight months.  He has not required a red-cell


              3   transfusion for eight months.



              4             So, when Dr. Sekeres was talking I said to


              5   myself, "Well, what would I tell my patient?  I


              6   think I'd have him call Dr. Sekeres, because he


              7   said it so eloquently."


              8             And so it is a very painful thing to say



              9   to someone that "I don't have anything for you."


             10   And that may--you know, when we think about


             11   benefit, it may not be such a terrible thing for


             12   there to be a benefit for the caregivers, as well.


             13   Because there are so many patients--so many elderly



             14   patients--for whom intensive chemotherapy is


             15   clearly not the answer.  And it is painful to


             16   either say to them, "Well, we can do this.  We can


             17   do anything.  But we stand a very good chance of


             18   killing you in the process--or certainly doing you



             19   no help."  Or, on the other hand, "We don't have


             20   anything that we can do.  We can turn a couple of


             21   dials."


             22             Having another option, I think, is









              1   extremely important for everyone concerned in this


              2   partnership: the patient, the physician, the nurse,


              3   all the family members.



              4             DR. MARTINO: Anyone else have any


              5   questions?


              6             [No response.]


              7             Seeing no further questions--Dr. Pazdur, I


              8   think you wanted to address the committee before we



              9   go into the discussion phase?


             10             DR. PAZDUR: Let me just clarify some of


             11   the comments that I made earlier.


             12             Originally, when we asked the question, we


             13   were asking a regular approval.  And I prefaced my



             14   comments that the agency had looked at complete


             15   remissions with sufficient duration--I should


             16   emphasize--as equaling clinical benefit.


             17             But I think it's important when we discuss


             18   this, we cannot just look at the endpoint "complete



             19   remissions" without looking at the magnitude of


             20   change on this endpoint.  Because, obviously, a


             21   complete remission rate of 80 percent, with a


             22   durable duration, is much different than something









              1   with an 11 percent duration.


              2             So I think we have to address that


              3   question is: is this an established--with the



              4   endpoint of complete remission, with the magnitude


              5   that is associated with this, is this an


              6   established surrogate for clinical benefit; in


              7   other words, will it equal an improvement in


              8   survival of these patients, if the entire patient



              9   population was followed out?  Or would people want


             10   to discuss whether we should look at this as a


             11   surrogate reasonably likely to predict clinical


             12   benefit; i.e., looking at an accelerated approval


             13   situation?  Okay?



             14             And let me go into a little further


             15   description about accelerated approval, since there


             16   are some people that have not been on the committee


             17   before.


             18             For accelerated approval, we're looking at



             19   life-threatening diseases--which this obviously is.


             20   The surrogate has to be reasonably likely to


             21   predict clinical benefit.  You have the surrogate:


             22   it's a complete remission rate of x









              1   percent--whether one wants to believe it's 11


              2   percent, or 15 percent; whether one wants to put


              3   into this equation the partial responses, or the



              4   disease stabilization.  That's something that you


              5   have to consider.


              6             Generally, in acute leukemia we've looked


              7   at complete responses--or complete


              8   remissions--alone, and not these other evidence of



              9   activity.


             10             But, in your mind, is that reasonably


             11   likely to predict clinical benefit?  Okay?


             12             The other caveat to accelerated


             13   approval--and this is a very important question



             14   that deserves more discussion here--is that the


             15   therapy has to be an improvement over available


             16   therapy.


             17             Now, that improvement can be an


             18   improvement in terms of toxicity, and it could be



             19   an improvement in terms of efficacy--and I'll get


             20   to that later.  But I think one of the major issues


             21   here is the concept of available therapy.  And that


             22   has to have an impact on what population are you









              1   talking about.


              2             When we originally discussed this


              3   application and bringing in a single-arm study, we



              4   were told that this patient population would not be


              5   treated by hematologists or by medical oncologists,


              6   because these people generally are not treated;


              7   they're too old, there's a consensus, relatively


              8   among oncologists that these individuals that are



              9   greater than 75, or greater than 65 with MDS, would


             10   not constitute a patient population that would


             11   receive standard induction therapy.  And, hence, we


             12   believed that going ahead with a single-arm trial


             13   seemed reasonable in that situation.



             14             It's interesting, however, that there are


             15   individuals that were on this study that went on


             16   to, obviously, standard induction therapy.  So I


             17   think one has to define, you know, what is the


             18   population.



             19             Clearly, the indication that has been


             20   presented here by the company--the treatment in


             21   elderly populations--is not something that we would


             22   consider.  At the least we would--or at the









              1   most--we would consider really defining the


              2   population as studied; i.e., patients that are


              3   greater than 75, or patients that are greater than



              4   65 with MDS--and perhaps even put in a caveat "that


              5   cannot tolerate chemotherapy."


              6             But, here again, I think that requires,


              7   again, some discussion by the committee.  Because


              8   what is this population?  Should they receive



              9   standard induction therapy?  Are we defining the


             10   population correctly here, by the inclusion


             11   criteria that the sponsor put into this single-arm


             12   study?


             13             When we originally discussed this



             14   application with the sponsor, we did discuss


             15   accelerated approval, and that's why this ongoing


             16   study with a supportive care arm is ongoing.  One


             17   may question why is this study going on


             18   predominantly in Europe?  One of the issues was



             19   that if this drug received accelerated approval,


             20   this would have a significant impact on the accrual


             21   of patients onto this trial.  Obviously, if the


             22   drug is not approved under accelerated approval, we









              1   could re-look and re-examine the sites of study.


              2             I think when we do the questions and


              3   actually come to the voting, and as you ponder this



              4   application, there are three decisions that we will


              5   be asking you to make.


              6             One, should this be regular approval?  In


              7   other words, does this 15 or 11 percent complete


              8   response rate equal clinical benefit?  Is this an



              9   established surrogate for clinical benefit?  Or,


             10   should this be considered for accelerated approval?


             11   And if it's for accelerated approval, you have to


             12   feel that this endpoint of complete response rate


             13   and other--of supporting evidence--is reasonably



             14   likely to predict clinical benefit.  In other


             15   words, what you're seeing here, do you, in your


             16   clinical judgment, think that this confirmatory


             17   trial that they're doing is going to turn out


             18   positive?  Okay?



             19             And then you have to also ask yourself: is


             20   this therapy, in the patient population they're


             21   defining, an improvement over available therapy.


             22   And, again, I said that improvement can be an









              1   improvement in toxicity evaluation, or in efficacy.


              2   And obviously, in this situation, most people, I


              3   think, would look at the safety issues and the



              4   safety benefit.  But then one has to weigh that,


              5   potentially, against: are you giving up some


              6   efficacy, potentially, in this patient


              7   population--and make a risk-benefit decision.


              8             So you have two decisions.



              9             And there's a third decision here.  And


             10   that third decision would be to say: "I don't like


             11   full approval.  I don't like accelerated approval.


             12   And perhaps we should wait for the completion of


             13   the ongoing randomized study looking at this drug



             14   against best supportive care."


             15             All three of these decisions are on the


             16   table.  And I'll turn it over to Silvana.


             17             DR. MARTINO: Thank you.


             18                   Discussion of the Questions



             19             DR. MARTINO:  I would like to take the


             20   questions in a certain order, and it's the order


             21   that Rick has suggested.


             22             So what I first would like a discussion on









              1   is the first question, which I will read to you:


              2   Does the risk-benefit analysis support regular


              3   approval of Zarnestra for the first-line treatment



              4   of AML patients aged 65 or older, with prior MDS,


              5   or age 75 and older.


              6             So it is the regular approval concept that


              7   I want your thoughts on first.


              8             Dr. Cheson, I'm going to start with you.



              9   What are your thoughts on this?


             10             DR. CHESON: I didn't volunteer, but I'll


             11   do it.


             12             [Laughter.]


             13             DR. MARTINO: Yes, that's right.



             14             DR. CHESON: I'm fairly uncomfortable with


             15   giving full approval for this drug for this


             16   indication, for all the reasons that have already


             17   been dealt with.


             18             It's a heterogeneous population of



             19   patients, some of which--we do treat patients 65


             20   years or older with aggressive therapy, and some of


             21   them do rather well.  I've just it to somebody.


             22   And given that there is such concern about that,









              1   and the fact that there is a randomized trial going


              2   on, I--in all good conscience--couldn't support


              3   that.



              4             The data are--there are some answers to my


              5   questions which I still haven't heard.  The data


              6   aren't available.  The patients are heterogeneous.


              7   There are other therapies out there.  And


              8   supportive care has gotten better.  And I'd like to



              9   see the results of that Phase III trial.  I don't


             10   feel comfortable with this.


             11             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Perry.


             12             DR. PERRY: First, I'd like to thank the


             13   sponsor--



             14             DR. MARTINO: That's for you, Dr. Cheson.


             15             DR. CHESON: Oh, there were a bunch of


             16   questions regarding the benefitted patients who got


             17   less than a CR--things that you said you didn't


             18   have the data on yet.



             19             DR. DeLAP: We have worked to get a little


             20   more of that data, and we could still show it if


             21   you're interested.


             22             DR. CHESON: I'd like to see it, but I'm









              1   not sure it will change my feeling about it.


              2             DR. THIBAULT: Well, of the 10 patients who


              3   did not achieve a CR, there were three patients who



              4   achieved a partial remission.  All these patients


              5   had a 50 percent reduction in blast count, down to


              6   5 to 19 percent.  Their recovery of peripheral


              7   counts was an ANC to 3.4 thousand, and a platelet


              8   count of 240,000.



              9             For the patients who achieved hematologic


             10   improvement--there were seven of them--again, in


             11   the bone marrow there was a 50 percent decrease in


             12   the blast count to a range of 5 to 19 percent.  The


             13   recovery of counts was not complete: ANC was at



             14   2,000, but the platelet count recovery was at


             15   75,000.


             16             In terms of reduction of transfusion, we


             17   see it during the duration of that benefit, which


             18   averages three months.



             19             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Perry.


             20             DR. PERRY: First I'd like to thank the


             21   sponsors for a very concise and very well organized


             22   presentation.  You guys can take this show on the









              1   road any time, I think.


              2             Secondly, I'd like to echo Bruce's


              3   comments.  I would feel uncomfortable with



              4   approval--with regular approval.  I would like to


              5   discuss further the issue of accelerated approval.


              6             I was not on the committee when Iressa


              7   came before this committee, and I think it was


              8   my--probably, although it as not attributed to



              9   him-- my new best friend Dr. Brawley, who pointed


             10   out that Iressa's approval was perhaps a mistake.


             11             I would feel more confident if we gave


             12   this drug accelerated approval, and then waited the


             13   results of the 301 study.



             14             DR. MARTINO: Now, I still want this group


             15   to deal with this issue of regular approval before


             16   we move on to anything else.


             17             Dr. Levine?


             18             DR. LEVINE: So my frustrations relate to:



             19   number one, I really, really think that it would


             20   have been helpful to have very strong clinical


             21   benefit data; not just talking, but what are the


             22   transfusions before and after, in all of these.









              1   That would be extremely helpful to know.


              2             The second thing--I can't help it, but it


              3   frustrates me, because MDS is what you're hanging



              4   your hat on.  And it would make me very much more


              5   comfortable to know that I know that that is MDS,


              6   and it's not somebody who, for a month before the


              7   diagnosis of AML, you know, was a little anemic.


              8   You know, maybe that's not really MDS.  I would



              9   feel much better.


             10             And so when I'm looking at this, I'm just


             11   looking at--I can look at age, over 75, and I can


             12   look at the poor chromosomes.  You know, those are


             13   very strong.  But it depletes the larger study.



             14             So I would not be comfortable at this


             15   point in regular approval.


             16             Dr. Bukowski.


             17             DR. BUKOWSKI: Yes, I'd like to echo those





             19             I get the impression--I used to take care


             20   of acute leukemia when I was younger, under the age


             21   of 50.


             22             [Laughter.]


             23             I'm impressed, Bruce, that you still do



             24   this.  That's good.


             25             But, anyway, this seems to be a very









              1   heterogeneous disease.  Not one entity.  We're


              2   asked to make a judgment on Phase II data in a very


              3   different group of patients.  There may be subsets



              4   of individuals here.


              5             Therefore, I think, in reality, I'd like


              6   to see more data before voting for regular approval


              7   at this point in time.  I just am bothered by the


              8   heterogeneity of the population that may reflect



              9   some of the results.  So this concerns me somewhat.


             10             DR. MARTINO: Dr. O'Brien, you've been very


             11   quiet.  But I do want to hear your voice.


             12             DR. O'BRIEN:  I think that the clear


             13   problem, in my mind, with the data is again how



             14   well defined the population is.


             15             Certainly, within AML, this is a high-risk


             16   group, in terms of achieving a remission and


             17   induction mortality, because they're older and


             18   because they have poor cytogenetics, and prior



             19   myelodysplastic syndrome.  But, from a patient









              1   point of view, they're not really that bad.


              2             So what am I trying to say by that?  I


              3   looked in our data base before I came here.  We



              4   have about a thousand patients treated over the age


              5   of 65.  And I actually pulled out these same


              6   eligibility criteria: over 75, or 65 to 74 with MDS


              7   and performance data zero to one.  And I looked at


              8   the abnormal cytogenetics, were about 45



              9   percent--so very similar to this trial, of 49


             10   percent.


             11             And then I only looked at regimens that


             12   included Ara-C and anthra-cycline.  And the CR rate


             13   was about 38 percent, and the induction mortality



             14   was 18 percent.


             15             Now, the first thing anybody can say is:


             16   well, those patients were well enough to get to


             17   M.D. Anderson, and that selects them.  And that's


             18   absolutely true.  But these patients were also well



             19   enough to get to Stanford or Hopkins or Cornell.


             20   In fact, you heard that Mr. McPherson came from


             21   Ohio to Hopkins to get treated.


             22             So I think in that point of view they were









              1   similar.  This is not a seek-out trial.


              2             I think the biggest factor which affects


              3   whether the patient and the physician decide



              4   whether they're going to get chemotherapy or not in


              5   this older age group is the performance status.


              6   But these are all performance status zero-to-one


              7   patients that are walking in the door.  It's way


              8   different if a patient comes in the door in a



              9   wheelchair.  But that's not the population that we


             10   have defined here.


             11             And it also excluded patients with high


             12   white counts over the age [sic] of 30,000, which I


             13   didn't do when I looked at my analysis.  And they



             14   have clearly a higher induction mortality and a


             15   lower CR rate.


             16             So, I think if I was a patient I would


             17   rather get a CR on Zarnestra than chemo--it is


             18   easier.  They spend less time in the



             19   hospital--there's no question.


             20             My concern is that there may have been


             21   patients in the study who really would have gotten


             22   a CR with chemotherapy.  And I think that was









              1   alluded to before, when 10 of the patients went on


              2   to get chemo, and six got a remission.


              3             So I think the drug clearly has activity,



              4   but I think the heterogeneity of the population in


              5   this trial, and the fact that I am hard pressed to


              6   believe that really all of these patients would not


              7   have been offered chemotherapy if this trial wasn't


              8   available.



              9             Now, the randomized trial may make that a


             10   different story, because there the people know


             11   they're not going to get anything.  So both the


             12   patient and the doctor are clearly going to agree,


             13   in that randomized trial, that they're not going to



             14   take anything.


             15             I don't think that that's necessarily the


             16   case here: that these patients wouldn't have gotten


             17   chemo and might not have benefitted from it.


             18             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Brawley.



             19             DR. BRAWLEY: you know, this really is a


             20   lot like Iressa all over again; even the 11 percent


             21   response rate.


             22             What we have here is a drug that clearly









              1   has activity.  Some people do very well on it when


              2   they respond.  I think the slide that Dr. Thibault


              3   showed after I asked him is very compelling for



              4   some type of approval.


              5             But the reality of the situation is: if we


              6   approve this drug generally, we're going to be


              7   telling a company--we're going to put a company in


              8   a terrible conflict of interest situation.  We're



              9   going to tell them that your market is all people


             10   over a certain age with AML, or all people over a


             11   certain age with MDS and then AML--but go out and


             12   find the 10 or 11 percent of people in that


             13   population that you really should be selling the



             14   drug to.


             15             So their job, after approval, will be to


             16   decrease--yes, actually Dr. Cheson, in great


             17   wisdom, said this when we, as a group, voted for


             18   Iressa.  So I'm very torn.



             19             There is clearly activity.  This drug


             20   clearly helps some people.  We clearly need to


             21   figure out a little bit better who among the


             22   patients would be best served by getting this drug,









              1   and who among patients would be best served by


              2   going to something else, and not wasting their time


              3   and money on this drug.



              4             I would love to see--that all being said,


              5   I would like to see some type of approval of this


              6   drug.  I don't know if full approval is the right


              7   approval.  And I accept the fact that accelerated


              8   still creates this problem that I just talked



              9   about.


             10             DR. PAZDUR: For clarification: since


             11   people are mentioning Iressa here and there, Iressa


             12   did have accelerated approval--so everybody


             13   understands that.  Because there's some people on



             14   the committee that may have not been present.


             15             DR. MARTINO: Are there other comments?


             16             MR. FLATAU: Yes.


             17             DR. MARTINO: You're my blind side, and I


             18   do apologize.



             19             MR. FLATAU: Yes, I guess I'm not really


             20   comfortable with full approval.  I mean, this is a


             21   disease in these patients that, with or without


             22   Zarnestra, is uniformly fatal.  And, at best, we









              1   can hope to extend their life with a reasonable


              2   quality of life.  And 85 percent of the patients,


              3   we have really no idea whether their life is



              4   extended or shortened or its the same, and how


              5   their quality of life is.


              6             And without that, I don't know how people


              7   can be said--you know: here, you have a choice of


              8   this drug, or not.



              9             I mean, there is standard therapy now.


             10   Standard therapy is, I guess, supportive care.  And


             11   maybe they'll do better on supportive care than on


             12   this drug.  And we don't really know.


             13             DR. MARTINO: Dr. George.



             14             DR. GEORGE: Just a general comment:


             15   there's a longstanding issue of single-arm Phase II


             16   trials' being problematic, particularly in an area


             17   where the heterogeneity issue is really important.


             18   There are some Phase II trials that can be done in



             19   more homogeneous populations, where you have a


             20   little better feel for the patient population.  But


             21   in this setting, not only is the disease very


             22   heterogeneous, but the way the patients got on this









              1   study is still, I think, contributes to the


              2   heterogeneity that makes--all of that makes for


              3   sort of unquantifiable kinds of uncertainties that,



              4   to me, raise to the level of not--just to address


              5   this issue--not meeting the full-approval criteria.


              6             DR. MARTINO: I have a bigger problem with


              7   this whole issue.  I think you're all being


              8   remarkably kind.



              9             I do think this drug does something to


             10   some people.  I'm just sitting here being made very


             11   uncomfortable by the suggestion that something that


             12   works 10 to 15 percent of the time--and in this


             13   regard, I'd like to give the company the benefit:



             14   let's make it 15--okay?


             15             But as the gentleman on my left keeps


             16   reminding all of you--and I'll remind you that he


             17   represents the real world, he's our patient


             18   representative--someone's expecting me to walk into



             19   a patient's room and to say, "85 to 90 percent of


             20   the time this thing ain't gonna work.  Do you


             21   really want it?"  Okay--that's what you're asking


             22   of me as a physician.  Okay?


             23             Are we really that excited about a 15



             24   percent CR rate?  I have a much more global problem


             25   here.









              1             DR. PAZDUR: Could I address something


              2   here?  And that is: what accelerated approval is.


              3             Accelerated approval is not "approval



              4   light."  Okay? [Laughs.] I want to make that point.


              5             This is an approval of a drug, with


              6   marketing of that drug--okay?  Companies can charge


              7   for that.  Companies can advertise.  There are some


              8   advertising restrictions.  There are some



              9   restrictions on that advertising, as far as being


             10   cleared by the FDA.  There are provisions in that


             11   accelerated approval, Subpart H, that can allow the


             12   FDA to withdraw the drug--and we may be getting


             13   into that issue in the future.



             14             The other areas are post-marketing


             15   studies; that we have more teeth to really make


             16   sure that they are done, and to look at, and to


             17   address.


             18             But it is a marketing approval of the drug



             19   here.  And I think we have to understand this.









              1   This is not "approval light;" some issue of--and


              2   you have to consider, it is an approval of a drug


              3   here.  And as such--let me finish, Bruce--you have



              4   basically two criteria that you have to meet here:


              5   one, that the surrogate is reasonably likely to


              6   predict clinical benefit.  And you really have to


              7   ask in your mind while you're contemplating the


              8   decision here: given this data here, is this



              9   reasonably likely to predict clinical


             10   benefit--okay?


             11             Number two: the issue of basically being


             12   better than available therapy, and what is the


             13   available therapy in this population?  And how do



             14   you compare it?  Is it a homogeneous population


             15   that Dr. George has been alluding to, that would


             16   give you confidence?  And how can we define that


             17   population?


             18             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Cheson?



             19             DR. CHESON: While I strongly support the


             20   spirit of the accelerated approval--you know what


             21   I'm going to say--when you have drugs--well, you


             22   know, we can make up a name and call it "the Iressa









              1   principle," since we seem to be throwing that


              2   around--when one has a drug with three negative


              3   Phase III trials, and it hasn't been taken from the



              4   market, it gives us a great deal of discomfort when


              5   we have another drug, with one Phase III trial out


              6   there, and if we give this accelerated approval--I


              7   know we're not there yet, I'm sorry, Madam


              8   Chairman, but I can't resist this--and that trial



              9   is negative, then what's going to happen?


             10             So, again, exactly the same scenario--and,


             11   as you know, I was one of the three unpopular


             12   people back then who voted against Iressa.  It just


             13   makes me uncomfortable that there is sort of an



             14   edentulous position about the accelerated approval


             15   process.  I would have felt a lot more


             16   comfortable--we tend to be a little historical


             17   here.  We have been reacting to a number of things


             18   over again.  It has hurt some drugs and it has



             19   helped others.


             20             But it makes me much less comfortable to


             21   do that in the context of what happens with that


             22   compound.  Because I have no faith that if this is









              1   a dead-negative trial, that the drug is not going


              2   to be continued to be sold.


              3             And I'm sorry for that position, but I'm



              4   talking it, and I'm going to stand by it.


              5             MR. FLATAU: How many drugs have gotten


              6   accelerated approval and have subsequently been


              7   withdrawn?


              8             DR. CHESON: None.  None.  That was the



              9   point.  Zero.  Thank for--if I didn't make that


             10   clear.  That's the one who really should have been


             11   out of there--clearly.


             12             DR. MARTINO: But I just want to remind the


             13   group--and I do appreciate that there is history



             14   here.  Our decisions need to be based on the merits


             15   of this drug.  Okay?


             16             So, again, I want to take you back to


             17   regular approval.


             18             Are there any additional comments before I



             19   take a vote on the question of regular approval?


             20             [No response.]


             21             If there are none, then I will start the


             22   voting.  And in that process, first please identify









              1   yourself, and then give us a "yes" or "no" vote.


              2             The industry representative does not get a


              3   vote.



              4             DR. O'BRIEN: Susan O'Brien  No.


              5             DR. CHESON: Bruce Cheson.  No.


              6             DR. GEORGE: Steve George.  No.


              7             DR. BRAWLEY: Brawley.  No.


              8             DR. MORTIMER: Mortimer.  No.



              9             MS. HAYLOCK: Haylock.  No.


             10             MR. FLATAU: Arthur Flatau.  No.


             11             DR. LEVINE: Levine.  No.


             12             DR. MARTINO: Martino.  No.


             13             DR. PERRY: Michael Perry.  No.



             14             DR. BUKOWSKI: Bukowski.  No.


             15             DR. MARTINO: Eleven "nos."


             16             Now I will turn your thoughts to do we


             17   want to give this agent accelerated approval?


             18             Who wants to speak to that, please?



             19             Dr. Perry.


             20             DR. PERRY: I'd like to make a motion that


             21   we consider accelerated approval, please.


             22             DR. MARTINO: Tell me that again?  I just









              1   want to make sure I heard you correctly.


              2             DR. PERRY:  I said I'd like to make a


              3   motion that we consider accelerated approval.



              4             DR. MARTINO: So moved.


              5             DR. PERRY: I'm trying to follow Robert's


              6   Orders here.  I'm sorry.


              7             DR. MARTINO: All right.


              8             DR. BRAWLEY: Yes, I'll second that.



              9             DR. MARTINO: Thank you.  I accept the


             10   first and the second.


             11             Now, I'd like some discussion.


             12             [Laughter.]


             13             DR. PERRY: All right.  I'll start out



             14   then.


             15             I think this drug have activity in a group


             16   of patients that don't have very viable options.


             17   It's true, there are some patients who did get


             18   chemotherapy afterwards, but I can't escape the



             19   thought that maybe they improved on this drug to


             20   the point that they could be considered for


             21   chemotherapy when they wouldn't have--they and


             22   their doctors wouldn't have considered it before.


             23             And I think this is a niche drug.  This is



             24   not going to be a drug for thousands and thousands


             25   of people.  It's going to be for a small patient









              1   population that, in my mind, has no other option,


              2   other than supportive care.


              3             And I think with 301 in the background,



              4   already underway, we'll know at some point in the


              5   near future whether or not it really does have a


              6   significant survival advantage.  And at that time,


              7   if it doesn't, it can be taken off the market.


              8             But, in the meantime, I think there's a



              9   potential to help people.


             10             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Brawley.


             11             DR. PAZDUR: Could I please emphasize:


             12   please concentrate.  We have to make sure people


             13   understand the two principles here: that this is a



             14   surrogate reasonably likely to predict clinical


             15   benefit, and you believe that this is an


             16   improvement over available therapy--that in your


             17   voting and your considerations, those two


             18   conditions are met.



             19             DR. PERRY: Did my statements confuse in









              1   that regard?


              2             VOICE: Yes.


              3             DR. BRAWLEY: Can we have the



              4   hospitalization data back up here again?  My


              5   favorite slide.


              6             VOICE: The second one.


              7             DR. BRAWLEY: The second one.  The second


              8   one.



              9             [Slide.]


             10             I think that this slide actually is


             11   evidence--since the people who responded stayed out


             12   of the hospital a lot more, I think that this slide


             13   is evidence that there is some clinical--yes, I



             14   think that this slide is some evidence of a


             15   clinical benefit: the fact that people who had a CR


             16   had less hospitalizations that--


             17             VOICE: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


             18             DR. BRAWLEY: Well, that's prior.  During



             19   remission, it's 30 percent versus 67 percent for


             20   those who did not have a CR.


             21             VOICE: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


             22             DR. BRAWLEY: Say again?


             23             [Multiple speakers off mike.] [Inaudible.]



             24             DR. BRAWLEY: You can have multiple


             25   hospitalizations, is the issue.









              1             [Multiple speakers off mike.] [Inaudible.]


              2             DR. MARTINO: Otis, get to your point,


              3   please.



              4             DR. BRAWLEY: Okay--I'm sorry.  I'm trying


              5   to interpret the slide again.


              6             I do believe that there is a clinical


              7   benefit to this drug.  I, however, think that there


              8   is a sub-population--we talked about the



              9   heterogeneity of AML.  I suspect that there is a


             10   sub-population of individuals with AML who are


             11   sensitive to farnesyl transferase inhibition.  And


             12   I really do think that the science, and the


             13   population, would be best served if we could



             14   ultimately figure out who that population is before


             15   they're given this drug.


             16             You know, this is a great deal like


             17   tamoxifen, breast cancer, before we had identified


             18   the estrogen receptor--finding the individuals who



             19   have the molecular or genetic marker that indicates









              1   that they will respond to farnesyl transferase


              2   inhibition.


              3             My great problem is: should we allow



              4   patients who have AML, who are in a bad situation


              5   the crap-shoot--and a 10 to 15 response rate is a


              6   crap shoot--for response before we get to the point


              7   that we can figure out who truly benefits from the


              8   drug?



              9             That being said--and I may very well be


             10   making the same mistake I made with Iressa--that


             11   being said, I would favor accelerated approval.


             12             DR. CHESON: can you put that slide back up


             13   again--Otis' slide?  I have another question about



             14   it.  Maybe you said this before and I didn't get


             15   it.


             16             DR. THIBAULT: Yes, may I have the slide


             17   up, please?


             18             [Slide.]



             19             DR. CHESON: Does he right-hand column,


             20   which is those patients who didn't get the CR--


             21             DR. THIBAULT: Yes?


             22             DR. CHESON: At what point in time--was









              1   that before, during, after they got the drug?


              2             DR. THIBAULT: yes, I can go over that for


              3   you in detail.



              4             The patients who are non-CR patients were


              5   hospitalized at any time on study.


              6             The patients who achieved a CR, many of


              7   whom--most of them were hospitalized for the


              8   initial duration of the CR, and then the time after



              9   they achieved a CR, then they remained


             10   hospitalization-free.


             11             DR. CHESON: But I still don't understand


             12   the right-hand column.  Again, back to the 67


             13   percent thing.  I'm not sure--



             14             DR. THIBAULT: So, the non-CR--


             15             DR. CHESON:  --there's not a better way to


             16   analyze it.


             17             DR. THIBAULT: No, the non-CR patients, 66


             18   of them, for 67 percent of the total--



             19             DR. CHESON: That's not 67 percent of the


             20   total.


             21             VOICE: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


             22             DR. THIBAULT: 66 patients out of 116--yes,









              1   that's right--of the patients were hospitalized.


              2   And this is at any time during the study treatment.


              3   And these patients spent a greater proportion of



              4   their time in the hospital, definitely, than the


              5   patients who achieved the CR.


              6             DR. CHESON: But if that's at any time


              7   during their treatment, you could say the same


              8   thing for the patients who got a CR: 75 percent of



              9   them were hospitalized at some time during their


             10   treatment.


             11             So that right-hand column doesn't help me


             12   any.  I'd like to know whether that was before,


             13   during or after they got the Zarnestra therapy.



             14             DR. THIBAULT: Our data includes--may I


             15   have the next slide up?  There's a fifth column.


             16             [Slide.]


             17             No, there's four bullets.


             18             Fourteen of the 20 patients were never



             19   hospitalized while in CR.  Six were--so--


             20             DR. CHESON: Which means six of 20


             21   were--okay.


             22             DR. THIBAULT: Six were hospitalized at









              1   least once.  The time spent in hospital is 21 days,


              2   and the range is six to 21 days.


              3             VOICE: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]



              4             DR. THIBAULT: 12 days--it's the


              5   double-language.


              6             DR. CHESON: Dyslexia.


              7             DR. THIBAULT: Then the percent of the


              8   remission time spent in hospital is 8 percent.



              9             The reason for hospitalizations: five


             10   patients had drug-induced myelosuppression, because


             11   Zarnestra is myelosuppresive; and one patient was


             12   hospitalized for unrelated co-morbidity, for which


             13   he required surgery--GI surgery.



             14             DR. CHESON: Next slide.  It's the one


             15   that's going to show me what I want to see.


             16             [Laughter.]


             17             DR. THIBAULT: So we do not have this data


             18   for the patients who did not achieve a CR.  What we



             19   do know is that they spent approximately twice as


             20   long in the hospital.


             21             DR. CHESON: Well, I don't see those data.


             22   I see--you're telling me twice as long.  I don't









              1   see numbers.


              2             DR. THIBAULT: I will try to get that for


              3   you.



              4             DR. MARTINO: Can I--I'm sorry, people.  I


              5   need to remind this group what our responsibility


              6   is here.  It is not to decide whether this drug


              7   does something, anything--"hopefully, please:


              8   something, anything."  It is whether it is good



              9   enough for us to give it accelerated approval.


             10             Accelerated approval means to me that


             11   something is not barely visible in its activity.


             12   There has to be something that's bordering on the


             13   exciting, people.  God, I wish someone would



             14   impress me today.


             15             DR. CHESON: That was precisely what I was


             16   trying to get at, Madam Chairman.


             17             DR. STONE: Could I have the floor, or is


             18   that not possible?



             19             DR. MARTINO: You may have the floor at the


             20   moment.


             21             DR. STONE: Thank you very much. I just


             22   want to make one small comment about the remission









              1   rate, and what it means to talk to a patient--in


              2   light of what Dr. Sekeres said and, in another


              3   respect, what you said.



              4             Although a 15 remission rate is low


              5   numerically, in a patient who, faced with the


              6   option of--even if you take Dr. O'Brien's very


              7   well-characterized MDSM data, has an 18 to 20


              8   percent chance of dying in the hospital, I would



              9   submit these patients have a much higher chance of


             10   dying in the hospital were they to get


             11   chemotherapy.


             12             That has clinical meaning to a patient.


             13   If you're sitting with them in the room, as Dr.



             14   Sekeres said, it would represent an option which I


             15   believe many would take, and I think it would be


             16   reasonable for them to do so, having treated many


             17   people and seeing them die in mucositis and of


             18   sepsis due to chemotherapy, which does not offer a



             19   long survival benefit.


             20             I'm not saying it's for everybody, but


             21   there are clearly patients out there who would take


             22   a 15 percent chance.  It is a crap shoot, and we









              1   should learn the science of it.  But there are


              2   patients out there today who would take such a


              3   chance to go into remission, with the knowledge



              4   that they had a lower chance to leave the hospital.


              5   I talk to them--they go into the hospital, some of


              6   them will not come home.  This offers them a higher


              7   chance to go home and see their family.


              8             DR. MARTINO: I'm not arguing the point



              9   that there's some activity here.  I'm not arguing


             10   that point.  But I suspect Laetril has a response


             11   rate, too.  Okay?


             12             DR. STONE: I doubt it's--


             13             DR. MARTINO: It's an issue of relative



             14   merit.  And that's the issue before us.


             15             DR. STONE: That's for you to decide.


             16             DR. PAZDUR: Let's go back to the


             17   regulations--okay?


             18             It's a surrogate endpoint reasonably



             19   likely to predict clinical benefit.  This response


             20   rate that you are seeing, and the data that you


             21   have seen here, do you think that is reasonably


             22   likely to predict clinical benefit?


             23             To put it in laymen's terms: this trial



             24   that you see here, you in a year or two years are


             25   going to see a supportive care trial.  Is that









              1   trial--if you were looking at it now, with the data


              2   that you have in hand--that data, does that say


              3   that that trial is going to be reasonably likely to



              4   be positive?  That's the issue here.


              5             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Bukowski, I think you're


              6   up next.


              7             DR. BUKOWSKI: I don't know that we can


              8   answer that question.  Exactly--



              9             DR. PAZDUR: That's a clinical judgment.


             10             DR. BUKOWSKI: I understand.  That's a


             11   clinical judgment question.


             12             I think the data are interesting.  Whether


             13   you call them exciting or not, I think we could



             14   debate that point.  But they certainly are


             15   interesting.  You have a subset of individuals for


             16   whom there is no therapy--presumably. They're not


             17   eligible for chemotherapy.  They won't take it.


             18   They will--at least a small percentage of



             19   them--have improvement with this agent.


             20             Now, I think the science of this issue is


             21   complex, likely because it's pathways, it's not


             22   going to be simple to work out.  There are many,


             23   many divergent paths that lead from farnesyl



             24   transferase.  So it's going to take some time to


             25   work that out.









              1             But, certainly, I'm convinced that there


              2   is some benefit to a subset of individuals with


              3   this particular drug.  They do have hematological



              4   remission, they do improve.


              5             I don't know for certain whether the


              6   entire population will improve.  If partial


              7   remission, or partial responses at all have any


              8   bearing on this--which they may or may not, then



              9   certainly it's a possibility.  I think giving the


             10   drug the benefit of the doubt, in my mind, is


             11   something that is worthy of consideration.


             12             DR. MARTINO: You can give it the benefit


             13   of the doubt by allowing another study to take



             14   place.  It's a matter of how you choose to give


             15   benefit of doubt.


             16             DR. BUKOWSKI: Absolutely.  But then we're









              1   ignoring some of the aspects that were discussed


              2   with regard to patients and their needs for these


              3   drugs.  Okay--should we look at that?  Because



              4   that's not part of the accelerated approval.  We


              5   have to think more in the scientific vein.  But


              6   that enters into our deliberations, obviously.


              7             DR. MARTINO: Dr. George.


              8             DR. GEORGE: I'd like to address some



              9   issues with respect to accelerated approval--in


             10   particular, what it means when you say that


             11   something is "reasonably likely to predict clinical


             12   benefit."


             13             So a number of questions have to be



             14   addressed.  First of all, what is the population


             15   you're talking about?  I believe, in this case, it


             16   would be those that are not "willing or able"--to


             17   use the language that was used earlier--to receive


             18   chemotherapy.  And one of the problems that I



             19   struggle with a little bit is: "not willing" is a


             20   little different than "not able."  So those are two


             21   different things.  And I don't know--you can define


             22   "not willing"--you just ask.  "Not able" is a









              1   little more amorphous and creates the


              2   heterogeneity.


              3             But putting that aside somewhat, let's



              4   just assume we can agree on what that population


              5   is, what would it mean to say you have some


              6   evidence that is "reasonably likely to predict


              7   clinical benefit?"


              8             Now, I assume, Dr. Martino, that you would



              9   think it was exciting if it did predict--if you did


             10   end up proving clinical benefit, that's what you


             11   might be excited about.  Not this evidence.  So


             12   this is just asking the question of whether it's


             13   "reasonably likely" to predict that.



             14             Now, what's going on is a study of 300 or


             15   so patients that is designed to pick up a pretty


             16   large survival difference.  I didn't--it would be


             17   difficult to go through all the different


             18   things--scenarios, different modeling you could do



             19   to try to see whether the evidence from this Phase


             20   II trial might indeed predict that kind of outcome.


             21   I'm a little skeptical of that myself, so I'm a


             22   little worried about that: that even though I think









              1   I might say, in the abstract, this is reasonably


              2   likely to predict clinical benefit, I would


              3   probably say it's not reasonably likely to predict



              4   clinical benefit of that magnitude.  And that


              5   worries me some, just because of the practicalities


              6   of the size of the patient population, and the


              7   ability to do these studies.


              8             But I'm afraid that's a reality that we



              9   might have to live with.  That is, we could very


             10   well be in the situation, if we did approve this


             11   for accelerated approval, of finding out later that


             12   it didn't work in that trial that was supposedly


             13   the confirmatory trial.



             14             And that relates to another issue: what is


             15   the endpoint.  I mean, when you say "predict


             16   clinical benefit," we've said before, at the last


             17   December, I guess, in a leukemia study that curable


             18   complete response is, in fact, a clinical benefit



             19   in itself.


             20             Here we're talking a little differently.


             21   We're not quite believing that.  I mean, you have


             22   to  be careful, I guess, because you have clinical









              1   benefit, and I think people often confuse this:


              2   clinical benefit in some patients.  But if you give


              3   a therapy, it's pretty clear that some patients



              4   benefitted from this.  But that's true of a lot of


              5   things.  And is that enough to give approval?  And


              6   I think the answer has generally been: no, not by


              7   itself.


              8             And so, clearly, some patients benefit.  A



              9   large number may not benefit and, in fact, may be


             10   harmed from certain therapies.


             11             So what is the benefit here?  It would


             12   have to be overall survival then--I think, in this


             13   population.  And the comparison group is best



             14   supportive care.  So it's exactly the trial you


             15   have going on.  I'm worried that it's a little


             16   small.


             17             There may be another clinical benefit that


             18   they're not addressing at all in that



             19   trial--because I asked the question earlier--and


             20   that's quality of life; that it's entirely possible


             21   that it does not prolong survival in any meaningful


             22   way, but distinctly improves quality of life.  A









              1   possibility, but you have to look for it and


              2   carefully design those studies.


              3             So, I'm just throwing all this out as



              4   information, but I think it's relevant to the issue


              5   of whether this really is--we have a surrogate


              6   "reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit."


              7             MR. FLATAU: You know, actually, I'm fairly


              8   excited about a 15 percent response rate in these



              9   patients with this--you know, with the


             10   non-toxicity.  But I think it's incorrect to say


             11   that there's no care.  I mean, I'll these patients,


             12   whether they get Zarnestra, or whether they get


             13   high-dose chemotherapy, or whether get supportive



             14   care are going to die from the disease or from its


             15   treatment.  I mean, it's uniformly fatal.  And it's


             16   not at all clear to me that survival--the overall


             17   survival of patients--is higher in this over


             18   standard therapy, which would be best supportive



             19   care.


             20             You know, if this was maybe curative, that


             21   would be different.  But it's not.  And I don't see


             22   any data that compares those.  I have no data to









              1   say whether it's better or not.


              2             And I think that the trial that this--the


              3   AML 301 trial has to be done and we have to see the



              4   results of that.


              5             DR. MARTINO: Yes?


              6             DR. PORTER: Well, I'd like to just say


              7   that I think that there is a strong signal here,


              8   and that it is a surrogate.  I think that there is



              9   a measure here that is valid.


             10             I think that the idea that patients


             11   wouldn't be interested in a one change in eight, or


             12   one chance in 10 of improving is erroneous.  Most


             13   patients will accept that if they're desperate.



             14   And, as a matter of fact, it's not just in


             15   oncology.  It's true across the board in other


             16   diseases, too: when you have only a slim chance


             17   that you can actually benefit, will you take that


             18   chance?  And the answer is yes.



             19             And I think that accelerated


             20   approval--personally, although I can't vote--is the


             21   right direction for this drug, because I think that


             22   it sends a message to the pharmaceutical world that









              1   we will accept data that even only 15 percent of


              2   the patients will improve, but we want you to


              3   continue to fight.  But we do want to see that



              4   second trial.


              5             And we do need the FDA to have more power


              6   to pull these drugs back if they don't work.  And


              7   there's nothing I can do about that.


              8             But I think given the variables we have,



              9   accelerated approval is the right direction.


             10             DR. MARTINO: Dr. O'Brien.


             11             DR. O'BRIEN: I think that it keeps coming


             12   back to the patient population.  If I really


             13   believed--which I don't--that everybody in this



             14   trial would not respond to chemo, and/or wouldn't


             15   have gotten chemo--so it truly would be a


             16   comparator of zero, because they're not going to


             17   get a response, or they're not going to get


             18   treated--I would be perfectly happy with 15



             19   percent.


             20             I don't believe that you can get that out


             21   of this trial.  Because, as I just told you, I


             22   think there are patients who would have been









              1   treated with chemo.  We saw that there were


              2   patients that went on to get treated with chemo


              3   and, in fact, six of the 10 achieved a complete



              4   remission.


              5             My concern would be: now you have a


              6   pill--which is always attractive to patients--they


              7   don't get chemo up front.  So you might want to


              8   argue: well, they get a pill if they--why not take



              9   the easy route, ad was asked before.


             10             Well, what you have to keep in mind is


             11   that patients with AML who aren't in remission get


             12   sick and have a declining performance status the


             13   longer they walk around without getting a



             14   remission.  So potentially delaying chemo in


             15   someone with an excellent performance status, who


             16   might go into complete remission, would be a very


             17   powerful negative, in fact.


             18             So, I can't get around the fact that--the



             19   heterogeneity in the patient population, and the


             20   fact that, by definition, they all had a good


             21   performance status, I can't put that 15 percent


             22   into a perspective that it's 15 percent of what









              1   would otherwise be zero.


              2             DR. PAZDUR: Could I address that issue?


              3   Because it brings up a very important regulatory



              4   issue that affects both regular approval and


              5   accelerated approval.


              6             There's two conditions for approval of an


              7   NDA: obviously, the demonstration of safety and


              8   efficacy is one; and then the other one is that the



              9   clinical trial information has to provide


             10   sufficient labeling information.  In other words,


             11   we have to be able to identify a population that


             12   the drug works in.


             13             And, here again, that has some caveats



             14   with accelerated approval.  And, here again, the


             15   second aspect is that this has to be better than


             16   available therapy--okay?


             17             So you have to define a population.  Now,


             18   in the sponsor's indication, it just says "in the



             19   elderly--"--I forgot exactly what it was, but a


             20   relatively wide indication in elderly patients.


             21             That clearly is inappropriate.  If we


             22   would--I said we would define the patient









              1   population that was studied in the study: greater


              2   than 75, or greater than 65 with MDS.  In that


              3   population, does that capture what you're getting,



              4   or is that still inadequate?  Can we provide


              5   appropriate labeling that would prevent somebody


              6   from being given this drug if, truly, they were a


              7   candidate for standard therapy.  And I think that


              8   is an important question that one needs to answer.



              9             Or, is the committee simply willing to


             10   say: well, we'll put in the indication that the


             11   physician should make that determination that this


             12   is appropriate for patients who cannot tolerate


             13   induction therapy.



             14             But I think you're hitting on a very


             15   important issue here, and that is: labeling of an


             16   appropriate population--that's required by the law:


             17   and, secondly, if you do look at accelerated


             18   approval, is that population well enough



             19   established here that you can say that this therapy


             20   is better than available therapy--either in terms


             21   of efficacy or safety?


             22             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Cheson?


             23             DR. CHESON: Well, to me, 15 percent in



             24   this patient group is important.  But you raise--in


             25   fact, you've really convinced me about what to do









              1   here.


              2             The fact is, we don't know what this


              3   patient population is.  And I think there are three



              4   of us at this table--maybe four--do you treat


              5   leukemia?--there are three of us who still treat


              6   leukemia--one, two, three--and the three of us are


              7   very uncomfortable with the identification of this


              8   patient population.



              9             Susan has data which suggests--and there


             10   were recent papers elsewhere which suggested up to


             11   40 percent--there was a paper in Cancer last


             12   year--up to 40 percent of patients over the age of


             13   70 or so will respond to seven-and-three kind of



             14   therapy.


             15             Alexandra's uncomfortable on the prior


             16   MDS.  I'm also uncomfortable about the accelerated


             17   approval process--but be that as it may.  I think


             18   that we don't have a good grasp on the patient



             19   population that we--I couldn't draft a labeling









              1   indication for this based on what we've shown.


              2             I'm still uncomfortable with Otis'


              3   favorite slide.  That right column doesn't convince



              4   me of anything.


              5             If I thought that it was very clear that


              6   there was a big difference in all these features,


              7   then I'd be a little more comfortable with an


              8   accelerated approval.  But the fact is: I don't



              9   really know what patients are going to respond,


             10   what patients aren't going to respond.  It makes it


             11   very difficult for me to say: "Okay, we will


             12   approve this accelerated approval for this group of


             13   patients."



             14             I just treated a 72-year-old with AML with


             15   standard seven-and-three, and he's out of the


             16   hospital, and he's in remission.  You know, if he


             17   would have said, "Gee, I don't want chemotherapy, I


             18   want that pill," then he'd have been a candidate



             19   for this study.  But instead he may do better with


             20   what he got--in the long run, even though his


             21   short-term events were a little more complicated.


             22             I'm just confused as to who I would say is









              1   going to respond to this.  And, again, it gets back


              2   to other drugs and patients who we didn't know how


              3   to predict a response, and we ended up in trouble.



              4             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Levine.


              5             DR. LEVINE: Well, to be honest, this


              6   decision is a very difficult one for me.  Because,


              7   on the other hand, I agree with Bruce: I think 15


              8   percent CR in a very difficult population is



              9   something to approve, basically.  That number


             10   doesn't blow me away.


             11             If I look at the unfavorable karyotypes,


             12   on page 52--so that one seems to me pretty


             13   objective.  And if, in fact, we were going to do



             14   this on an accelerated basis and say "greater than


             15   the age of 65 with unfavorable cytogenetics," I


             16   think there are some data to indicate 14 percent in


             17   their counting.


             18             I would never approve this without the



             19   other trial there.  There has to be that other


             20   trial looking at survival benefit.  But I have


             21   another question to the company, if I might, and


             22   that is: the lack of quality of life instrument--I









              1   can't believe you did that.  And the lack of


              2   adherence data--because it would have helped you.


              3   I mean, I'm believing that these patients didn't



              4   take the medicines.  And I've written articles


              5   about this.  I've had grants about this.  Patients


              6   don't take the medicines.


              7             And all I'm trying to say to you is: I'll


              8   bet you that the responses were not on this dose.



              9   And maybe if it was on the optimal dose there would


             10   have been better responses.


             11             So my only point is: on this 301 trial, is


             12   there a very careful adherence instrument?  And is


             13   there a very careful clinical benefit?  Because if



             14   there isn't, then we're wasting time again.


             15             DR. THIBAULT: On the 301 study, which is


             16   an international study, we are trying to focus on


             17   the quality of life measures that are the most


             18   reliable in the population for a short period of



             19   time.  So we will have detailed transfusion data.


             20   We will have very detailed hospitalization data.


             21   We will have very detailed safety data--because


             22   we've used the knowledge from CTEP-20 to design









              1   301.


              2             The CTEP-20 trial was what it was, but the


              3   301 study will be the study that will bring this



              4   additional information.


              5             DR. DeLAP: Yes, if I could add just one


              6   thing: if there are concerns about the statistical


              7   power, this is a trial that has been looked at


              8   extensively, and the patient number and the design



              9   were discussed with FDA.  But if it helps to


             10   revisit the sample size, obviously we can still do


             11   that and redesign the statistical plan.


             12             DR. LEVINE: Are there adherence data that


             13   are going to be--



             14             DR. THIBAULT: Yes.  May I address, on


             15   behalf of CTEP, the compliance monitoring in this


             16   study?


             17             All patients on this study had drug


             18   dispensed under supervision from the research



             19   pharmacy at each site.  The patients had


             20   instructions on how to use the medication.  The


             21   medication was packaged in a way to facilitate the


             22   accounting of the pills.


             23             The patients also had to bring pills back



             24   at each visit.  We do not have the exact records of


             25   what happened at the visits, because this was--but









              1   from what we saw when we reviewed the data, these


              2   discussions occurred--these pills were counted.


              3             And so this happened--remember that each



              4   patient was reviewed every week by either the


              5   investigator or the health care giver.  And we do


              6   know which dose they started on.  We do know when


              7   they were dose-reduced.  We do know when there was


              8   a delay in treatment.



              9             What we do not know is the details of


             10   whether it's 20 pills or 18 pills that were


             11   returned at the end of a cycle.  But remember,


             12   also, that each cycle counted 21 days of treatment,


             13   and there was 63 days in total to get this done.



             14   So, in the end, they had to finish the pills.


             15             So the patients took 21-day equivalent of


             16   tipifarnib in each cycle, unless there was


             17   dose-limiting toxicity or an untoward even.


             18             DR. LEVINE: Well, just for the--I mean, if



             19   you have data on pill counts, that would really









              1   have been nice to have seen it.


              2             DR. THIBAULT: We do not have the data on


              3   pill counts, but we do know it was thoroughly



              4   performed by the NCI investigators.


              5             DR. LEVINE: But it doesn't help if we


              6   don't have the information.


              7             I have another question: "best supportive


              8   care."  Is "best supportive care" in Europe the



              9   same as "beset supportive care" in the U.S.?  Will


             10   they have growth factor support?  Will they--you


             11   know, what exactly will be that arm?


             12             DR. THIBAULT: The arm of the 301 study is


             13   "best supportive care."  That includes, of course,



             14   transfusion, antibiotics, growth factor support--if


             15   needed.  I remind you that very few needed it for


             16   CTEP 20.  And then some patients can also use


             17   hydroxyurea.  Hydroxyurea is included in that


             18   control arm.



             19             DR. LEVINE: And the supportive care plus


             20   the drug in the Zarnestra arm.


             21             DR. THIBAULT: Oh, the Zarnestra arm will


             22   be the same supportive care, except for









              1   hydroxyurea, obviously.


              2             DR. LEVINE: Right.  Okay, and then I'd


              3   just like to make one other little point which is:



              4   if, in fact--I mean, I guess I was impressed by the


              5   fact that six out of the 10 patients who did go on


              6   to chemotherapy in fact had a CR, indicating two


              7   things--indicating that they probably would have


              8   had the CR without the Zarnestra, but also



              9   indicating that the Zarnestra pre-treatment didn't


             10   stop those Crs.  So there's just something to think


             11   about for the future.


             12             DR. MARTINO: Dr. Perry.


             13             DR. PERRY: I'd like to go back to the



             14   second page of the background document that we got


             15   from the FDA, and reflect on the fact that the


             16   complete remission rate we're talking about here is


             17   11 or 15 percent--to be optimistic.  With


             18   chemotherapy, it's 30 to 50 percent which, in my



             19   experience, is pretty exaggerated for this


             20   population group.  My little trick is to take the


             21   patient's age from 100, and that gives you the


             22   chances of response rate.


             23             There will be exceptions.  Dr. Cheson's



             24   athlete--marathon runner, or whatever he was--to


             25   qualify for chemotherapy.  If you look down at









              1   treatment-related deaths, 7 percent, greater than


              2   25 percent.  We've talked all about response rates.


              3   We haven't talked about treatment-related deaths,



              4   Madam Chairman.  And one-month mortality: 12


              5   percent versus 30 to 48 percent--to me is a clear


              6   difference in efficacy.


              7             Bruce will have the opportunity to give


              8   his patient chemotherapy if he and he or she



              9   decide.  If this drug is approved, he'll also have


             10   the opportunity to give this drug to patients who


             11   are not candidates for chemotherapy--or, for


             12   whatever reason, don't want to do it.  You know, if


             13   you tell somebody they're going to get



             14   chemotherapy, they're going to be in the hospital


             15   for six weeks.  For a lot of people, that's


             16   something they can't tolerate.  And I think,


             17   whether it's right or whether it's wrong, that's


             18   not our decision, and we can't second-guess them.



             19             So I don't have a difficult with people









              1   who are unwilling to take this chemotherapy.  I'm


              2   not going to try to micro-manage their lives.  I


              3   have a hard enough time with my own.



              4             So I think this is a very good


              5   alternative--although albeit limited in its


              6   efficiency, it's not all that toxic.


              7             DR. MARTINO: I think how you present


              8   things to patients has a great influence on what



              9   they choose to do or not to do.  You know, we're


             10   all sort of pretending like somehow patients make


             11   all the decisions.  They certainly make many of the


             12   decisions.  But you and I know it's a definite


             13   interaction.



             14             Dr. Mortimer.


             15             DR. MORTIMER: I guess my problem remains


             16   the issue of the primary endpoint being complete


             17   response.  And if we use, again, the numbers by the


             18   sponsor, 20 of 136, and if we compare it to the



             19   chemo, 6 of 136 minus how many died in the first


             20   month, I'm not sure there's a difference.  And


             21   that's why I have difficulty thinking of it as


             22   accelerated approval.


             23             DR. MARTINO: Yes, Doctor?



             24             DR. DAGHER: Just for clarification, since


             25   you mentioned this table.  And I know everybody









              1   recognizes, since we've had all these discussions


              2   and speakers who addressed what the elderly


              3   population means, just to notice for the record



              4   that: we really had a tough time finding a


              5   completely comparable population.  So the


              6   chemotherapy column in that table--as we say in the


              7   text above that--really reflects those 60 and older


              8   who had chemotherapy.  So it doesn't address



              9   whether or not they had poor performance status.


             10   It's irrespective of whether they had MDS,


             11   etcetera.


             12             So, just for the record.


             13             DR. PERRY: If they had poor performance



             14   status, they wouldn't have been offered


             15   chemotherapy.  So this is the best--this is the


             16   best you can expect.  And we're comparing the best


             17   to a group that's not as good.


             18             DR. MARTINO: Are there any other comments



             19   or discussions related to potential accelerated









              1   approval for this agent?


              2             Yes, Doctor?


              3             DR. GEORGE: A question for Dr. Pazdur,



              4   maybe, and the logic of this, in terms of


              5   regulatory affairs: if, say, the accelerated


              6   approval were not to be granted, and then this


              7   trial would go--in either case, this trial is going


              8   to go on--I assume.  I hope it goes on to



              9   completion.


             10             If they didn't have accelerated approval,


             11   they couldn't do the marketing or anything of the


             12   agent during this period while we're waiting for


             13   this other trial to mature.



             14             DR. PAZDUR: The drug would not be on the


             15   market.


             16             DR. GEORGE: Not be on the market.  And so


             17   if that trial, then, were positive enough, then


             18   presumably they could come in for full approval--



             19             DR. PAZDUR: Yes.


             20             DR. GEORGE:  --based on overall survival.


             21             Now, if it's negative, it creates an


             22   interesting situation.  You'd have--it will be









              1   negative at the end.  Whereas, if we do have


              2   accelerated approval now, and the trial is


              3   negative--I guess what I'm asking: is there any



              4   change in the agency's position on withdrawal of


              5   agents after--for indications after--


              6             DR. PAZDUR: Well, Bruce had mentioned that


              7   in, obviously, we are in active discussion with


              8   several pharmaceutical companies regarding their



              9   accelerated approval.  There are areas of


             10   confidentiality, obviously, that I cannot broach at


             11   this time.  But we are intensely looking at this.


             12             There are issues.  We are totally aware of


             13   the situation.  And let me just say that this is an



             14   evolving issue here that you will see some


             15   resolution on.  And I'm not saying either way what


             16   this will go as.  But I think it's important that


             17   the agency is interested in looking at these


             18   commitments.  This is a process and evolution.  I



             19   would not make any decision based on kind of a


             20   tea-leaf reading of what we may and may not do for


             21   any specific drug.


             22             DR. GEORGE: Well, the reason I brought it









              1   up was it just--


              2             DR. PAZDUR: The regulations, as they are--


              3             DR. GEORGE: I understand.



              4             DR. PAZDUR:  --and assume that we will


              5   abide by those regulations.


              6             DR. GEORGE: But the conundrum sort of is


              7   the effects of the decision now would potentially


              8   have a completely different impact--I mean, the



              9   results of this Phase III trial will have a


             10   completely different impact later.


             11             I mean, if they don't have approval now


             12   and the Phase III trial turns out to be not


             13   positive enough, then they won't have approval



             14   period.


             15             DR. PAZDUR: Correct.


             16             DR. GEORGE: Whereas, the other way, they


             17   would have approval, and they may not have it


             18   withdrawn, even if that were negative. [Laughs.] So



             19   that's an interesting logical--


             20             DR. PAZDUR: But I think you should look at


             21   it like if that provision is on the books and it


             22   can be exercised.  Past performance does not









              1   predict future performance.


              2             DR. MARTINO: Can I ask a question of the


              3   company?  Let us assume for the moment that you



              4   don't get approval of this drug today in the


              5   accelerated arena, that strikes me that that would


              6   then leave you open to expand your Phase III trial


              7   into the U.S., which right now you've chosen not to


              8   do in this country.



              9             Would that be your intent?  Would that be


             10   your thought?


             11             DR. DeLAP: Again, we're already committed


             12   to, I think--what is the total number of


             13   center?--90 centers globally, and I think we'll be



             14   able to achieve the sample size that we currently


             15   plan or, again, if we need to revisit the sample


             16   size, even a somewhat expanded sample size quite


             17   efficiently with the centers we have.


             18             And again, we're quite confident that the



             19   results of that trial, given the reliability of


             20   complete remission as a surrogate in the experience


             21   in AML up to now, we're quite confident in the


             22   results of that trial.


             23             DR. MARTINO: Thank you.



             24             Dr. Bukowski?


             25             DR. BUKOWSKI: Bob, what's your estimate of









              1   the trial duration for accrual?  You must have that


              2   information.


              3             DR. ZUKIWSKI: We anticipate that the



              4   accrual should be finished in the first quarter of


              5   2006, right around that time--right around the end


              6   of the year, first quarter 2006.


              7             DR. DeLAP: Operationally speaking, it


              8   would take some time if we decided to expand it



              9   further, with IRBs and everything else.  So it's


             10   probably sensible for us just to continue with


             11   that.


             12             We're certainly intent on following


             13   through on this trial, regardless.  But, again, we



             14   think that given that it will be about two years


             15   before we're able to present data from that trial,


             16   we think that given the durable complete remissions


             17   and the evidence of benefit and safety profile,


             18   that it is something that we'd like to make



             19   available for patients at this time.


             20             DR. MARTINO: Are there any other comments?


             21   If not, I'll take a vote.


             22             And, again, the question is: accelerated


             23   approval for this agent.  And again, we'll start



             24   with Dr. O'Brien.


             25             Please state your name, and your answer.









              1             DR. O'BRIEN: O'Brien.  No.


              2             DR. CHESON: Cheson.  No.


              3             DR. GEORGE:  George.  No.



              4             DR. BRAWLEY: Brawley.  Yes.


              5             DR. MORTIMER: Mortimer.  No.


              6             MS. HAYLOCK: Haylock.  No.


              7             MR. FLATAU:  Flatau.  No.


              8             DR. LEVINE: Levine.  Yes.



              9             DR. MARTINO: Martino.  No.


             10             DR. PERRY: Perry.  Yes.


             11             DR. BUKOWSKI: Bukowski.  Yes.


             12             DR. MARTINO: And we have a total: seven


             13   no, four yes answers.



             14             Rick, do you have any other questions you


             15   want to deal with?


             16             DR. PAZDUR: No.


             17             DR. MARTINO: That being the case, this


             18   meeting is adjourned.  Thank you.



             19             [Whereupon, at 2:24 p.m., the meeting was


             20   adjourned.]


             21                              - - -