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Lightning Strike

Electromagnetic events impact facilities, aircraft, and telecommunications.



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EM Facilities Index

Anechoic Chamber
The anechoic chamber is a large metal room lined with EM absorbers. The test object is illuminated by antennas driven by continuous wave (CW) or pulsed RF Amplifiers.

Large Transverse Electromagnetic Cell
The Electromagnetic Environments Simulator (EMES) is a large transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell that propagates a uniform, planar electromagnetic wave through the cell volume where test items are placed. EMES can be used for continuous wave (CW) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and transient Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) testing.

Mode Stirred Chamber
The Mode Stirred chamber is essentially a large microwave oven. It consists of a metal room that serves as a high-Q chamber and a metal paddle wheel to "stir" the chamber modes.

Lightning Facility
The Sandia Lightning Simulator (SLS) allows test objects to be subjected to simulated lightning currents up to severe levels.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Facility
We have field and laboratory capabilities to measure electrostatic environment generation, storage, and charge transfer effects.
