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National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

2006 SBIR/STTR Phase 1 Press Release

November 17, 2006

David E. Steitz
Headquarters, Washington

RELEASE: 06-355


NASA has selected 260 proposals for negotiation of phase 1 contract awards in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, and 27 proposals for negotiation of phase 1 contract awards in the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program.

The selected SBIR projects have a total value of approximately $25 million. The selected STTR projects have a total value of approximately $3 million. The SBIR contracts will be awarded to 206 small high technology firms in 32 states. The STTR contracts will be awarded to 25 small high technology firms in 14 states.

The programs are competitive, three-phase award systems that provide qualified small businesses with opportunities to propose innovative ideas that meet specific research and development needs of the federal government. Business program participants include women-owned and disadvantaged firms. The STTR program requires collaboration of research institutions in the resulting contracts.

Phase 1 is a feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea. The SBIR awards may last up to six months while STTR awards may last up to one year. Both programs award Phase 1 contracts up to $100,000. Phase 2 expands on the results on the development of Phase 1. Phase 2 Awards are for up to two years in amounts up to $600,000. Phase 3 is for the commercialization of the results of phase 2 and requires the use of private sector or non-SBIR federal funding.

Participating contractors submitted 1,709 Phase 1 SBIR proposals and 201 Phase 1 STTR proposals. The criteria used to select the winning proposals included technical merit and feasibility; experience, qualifications and facilities; effectiveness of the work plan; and, commercial potential and feasibility.

For information about NASA's SBIR and STTR programs, and a complete list of selected companies, visit:


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NASA Official: Carl G. Ray

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