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Meet the Tortilla Spacecraft Winners!
We received many fine entries in the Space Technology 5 tortilla spacecraft contest (ended May 2002). Co-sponsored by the Tortilla Industry Association, prizes were awarded in two categories: spacecraft designed from tortillas and recipes using tortillas. First prize in each category was a $4000 U.S. savings bond, second prize was a $2000 U.S. savings bond, and third prize was a $1000 U.S. savings bond.

Winners for best spacecraft design:

1st place:
First place winner, spacecraft design.
Spencer M. (age 10), Las Vegas, Nevada
(Nutritious Atmospheric Spanish Appetizer)"
2nd place:
2nd place winner, spacecraft design.
Carlos R. (age 5), Maite R. (age 3), and Laura C. (mother), Cidra, Puerto Rico
3rd place:
3rd place winner, spacecraft design.
Alex M., Winter Springs, Florida
"Space Station Alpha"
Winners for best tortilla recipe:
1st place:
1st place winner, tortilla recipe.
Alexander D. (age 8), Midland, Michigan
"Ham Sandwich Rocket"
2nd place:
2nd place winner, tortilla recipe.
Jackie and Daniel (age 8) S.
Piedmont, Oklahoma
"Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Wraps"
3rd place:
Tortilla Shuttle Salad boy
Craig T.
Roanoke, Virginia
"Tortilla Shuttle Salad"

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Last Updated: September 08, 2005
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