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Patrick's pop-rocket won 1st place in the science fair.Patrick, age 9, from Rancho Cucamonga, California, won First Prize in his school's Science Fair for his pop-rockets.

"I liked how high my rocket went," says Patrick.

Go, Patrick!

Future astronauts in Chile.This class of kindergartners in Chile decided to do a project on "Space and Planets." Their families helped them make space suits and helmets from recycled materials. They watched a program on space journeys of discovery, heard stories about space, and wrote papers on the solar system, planets, astronauts, what space is like, and what spacesuits are like. At the end of the project, the class did a presentation for their families. They sang songs about space and performed skits and demonstrations. Three of the children decided they want to be astronauts when they grow up.

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Last Updated: September 08, 2005
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