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Cosmic Poetry
Technology brings us these beautiful views of our universe With our community and national partners, The Space Place held a "Cosmic Poetry" contest. We invited people of all ages to write poems about space technologies.

Poets could write about propulsion, navigation, power, communication, or imaging and mapping. Poems could be no longer than 100 words.

NASA's New Millennium Program has the job of testing new technologies of these types in space. This way, scientists and engineers planning future space missions of discovery can use the new technologies in their spacecraft, knowing they will work fine.

Ion engine tested on Deep Space 1
Here are two of the winners of the Cosmic Poetry contest:

"Propulsion" -- Child (6-12 years) category
"Show Me"
(about mapping and imaging)
-- Adult category.

Other cosmic poems from our partners:

"Moonlight: A Poem for Two Voices"
"Dancing Planet"

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Webmaster: Diane Fisher
Last Updated: September 08, 2005
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