[FDA Consumer Magazine]

VOL. 31 NO. 2[space]MARCH 1997


Big Steps Forward for Amputees
Bioengineers using new materials and high technology are forging artificial limbs that are more and more lifelike--in appearance and function. Many amputees are now able to put aside their wheelchairs for an active lifestyle.

Fighting Phobias, the Things That Go Bump in the Mind
Panic arising from an intense fear of everyday objects, events or feelings may seem irrational, but for the 18 percent of the U.S adult population who suffer from phobias, the feeling is very real. One or more of several anti-anxiety medicines approved by FDA can help.

Fruits and Vegetables: Eating Your Way to 5 A Day
First your mother told you to eat your fruits and vegetables; then the government chimed in with its 5-servings-a-day campaign. But you're still not following the advice? Here's some help to make eating right a little easier and, in the process, lower your risk of heart disease and cancer.

Inside FDA: Barring People from the Drug Industry
Since a 1992 law empowered FDA to ban drug company employees found guilty of wrongdoing from working in their chosen field for the rest of their lives, 38 people have been permanently "debarred." Here's how, and why, this process works to protect the public.

New Attitudes Towards Menopause
Menopause is becoming a popular conversation piece. And for a major reason: By the end of this century, as the "baby boomers" reach their 50s, more women than ever will be experiencing menopause. Estrogen replacement therapy can help alleviate their symptoms, such as hot flashes, and also protect their bones. But it does carry some risks.


The latest information on FDA-related issues, gathered from FDA Press Releases, Talk Papers, and other sources.

A potpourri of items of interest gathered from the Federal Register and other sources.

Investigators' Reports
Selected cases illustrating regulatory and administrative actions--such as inspections, recalls, seizures, and court proceedings--by FDA's regional and district offices across the country

Summaries of Court Actions
Cases involving seizure, criminal and injunction proceedings.

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