International Hydrological Programme

Water Education and Training (WET)

This theme, which is strongly interwoven with IHP’s other themes, focuses specifically on water education and training (WET) by enabling access to data, information and knowledge sources by a much wider community. In this way, the transfer of knowledge, information and technology is more beneficial for both water specialists and the general public.

While WET activities cover all levels and aspects of education, information transfer and training, a clear priority is given to higher education. This includes institutional capacity building and networking, education for research at postgraduate level, continuing professional education and activities targeting the training of trainers, thus facilitating IHP-VI efforts within the domain of education and training.

Conflict resolution educational material
Waternet (a network of ten universities in southern Africa and the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education) has conceived and developed four course modules on the following issues: The basics of water resources; Conflict prevention and cooperation in international water resources; Advanced short course in mediation skills.