/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 9:10:45 Jan 17, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 23:27:05 Apr 30, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /** * JavaScript functions for CFC e-Giving system * * @category CFCe * @package e-Giving * @author Dave Stevenson * @copyright 2008 Dave Stevenson, Global Impact * @license https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090117091045/http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090117091045/http://trac.globalimpact.net/wiki/systems/eGiving * @see https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090117091045/http://www.cfcnca.org/common.js */ window.name = 'CFCe'; // does browser support W3CDOM? var W3CDOM = (document.createElement && document.getElementsByTagName); // is browser MSIE? var MSIE = navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ? true : false; // initialize some variables var units, CENTCOM, EUCOM, PACOM, SOUTHCOM, AFRICOM, mgrades, cgrades, steps, pp, per; // initialize behaviors on page load window.onload = init; var CFC = '0990'; var defaults = ''; var loggedin = false; var systemAbbr = 'WEB'; // form field validation/behavior var types = Array('Strings', 'Numbers', 'Zips', 'Phones', 'Emails', 'Passwords'); var Strings = Array('FirstName', 'LastName', 'MI', 'WorkStreet1', 'WorkStreet2', 'WorkStreet3', 'WorkCity', 'WorkCountry', 'ReleaseStreet', 'ReleaseStreet2', 'ReleaseStreet3', 'ReleaseCity', 'ReleaseCountry', 'NameOnCard', 'BillingStreet', 'BillingCity', 'BillingState'); var Numbers = Array(''); var Zips = CFC == '0900' ? Array('WorkZip', 'ReleaseZip', 'BillingZip') : Array(''); var Phones = CFC == '0990' ? Array('WorkPhone', 'ReleasePhone') : Array(''); var Emails = Array('WorkEmail'); var Passwords = Array('Password', 'Password2'); // event type variable names (see below) var events = { 'onchange' : 0, 'onclick' : 0, 'onfocus' : 0, 'onkeyup' : 0 }; // onclick behaviors var onclick = { 'headerdiv' : "window.location = 'https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090117091045/http://www.cfcnca.org'", 'CloseWindow1' : "window.close(); window.opener.focus()", 'CloseWindow2' : "window.close(); window.opener.focus()", 'NewUser1' : "registrationVisibility(); loginVisibility(); cookieOptInVisibility()", 'NewUser2' : "registrationVisibility(); loginVisibility(); cookieOptInVisibility()", 'NewUser3' : "registrationVisibility(); loginVisibility(); cookieOptInVisibility()", 'Login' : "validateLoginForm()", 'Logout' : "logout(); return false;", 'SendPassword' : "document.SendPasswdForm.submit()", 'UpdatePassword' : "validateUpdatePasswdForm()", 'GoBack' : "history.go(-1)", 'GoBack2' : "history.go(-1)", 'SearchTips' : "keywordSearchTips()", 'SearchTips2' : "keywordSearchTips()", 'SearchMore' : "window.location = '/?search'", 'SearchMore2' : "window.location = '/?search'", 'ViewFaves' : "window.location = '/?faves'", 'ViewFaves2' : "window.location = '/?faves'", 'ViewBasket' : "viewBasket(this)", 'ViewBasket2' : "viewBasket(this)", 'ViewHistory' : "window.location = '/?account'", 'BackToResults' : "window.location = '/?results'", 'BackToResults2' : "window.opener.focus(); window.close()", 'Allocate' : "allocate()", 'Allocate2' : "allocate()", 'AllocateBskt' : "window.opener.location = '/?allocate'; window.opener.focus(); window.close()", 'PledgeType1' : "payrollVisibility()", 'PledgeType2' : "eid('PayPeriods').value = ''; payrollVisibility(); updateOccurances()", 'PledgeType3' : "eid('PayPeriods').value = ''; payrollVisibility(); updateOccurances()", 'PledgeType4' : "eid('PayPeriods').value = ''; payrollVisibility(); updateOccurances()", 'SalaryType1' : "salaryUpdate()", 'SalaryType2' : "salaryUpdate()", 'ToggleDescrip' : "toggleDescriptions(this)", 'Award0' : "highlightAward()", 'Award1' : "highlightAward()", 'Award2' : "highlightAward()", 'Eagle' : "checkAward()", 'DoubleEagle' : "checkAward(true)", 'Command1' : "eid('CAPO').value = ''; CAPOSelectorUpdate(); UnitSelectorUpdate(); CENTCOMTRVisibility();", 'Command2' : "eid('CAPO').value = ''; CAPOSelectorUpdate(); UnitSelectorUpdate(); CENTCOMTRVisibility();", 'Command3' : "eid('CAPO').value = ''; CAPOSelectorUpdate(); UnitSelectorUpdate(); CENTCOMTRVisibility();", 'Command4' : "eid('CAPO').value = ''; CAPOSelectorUpdate(); UnitSelectorUpdate(); CENTCOMTRVisibility();", 'Command5' : "eid('CAPO').value = ''; CAPOSelectorUpdate(); UnitSelectorUpdate(); CENTCOMTRVisibility();", 'UnitDefinition' : "infoPopup(this,250)", 'UnitSelector' : "UnitTextSet()", 'UnitSelectBtn' : "UnitTextSet()", 'UnitHelp' : "unitHelpAlert()", 'SavePledge' : "validateGiftForm()", 'SaveDonor' : "validateDonorForm()", 'CompletePledge' : "calcAward(); completePledge()", 'SSNinfo' : "infoPopup(this,175)", 'SalaryInfo' : "infoPopup(this,175)", 'CVV2info' : "infoPopup(this,240)", '99999' : "infoPopup(this)", 'FSYP' : "infoPopup(this)", 'MWR' : "infoPopup(this,175)", 'All' : "infoPopup(this)", 'AccountBtn' : "validateCreditCardForm()" } // onchange behaviors var onchange = { 'LoginUsername' : "this.value = this.value.toLowerCase()", 'RegUsername' : "validateEmail(this); this.value = this.value.toLowerCase()", 'RegUsername2' : "validateEmail(this); this.value = this.value.toLowerCase()", 'RegPassword' : "validatePassword(this)", 'RegPassword2' : "validatePassword(this)", 'OverheadMax' : "validateOverhead(this, true)", 'OverheadMin' : "validateOverhead(this)", 'PayPeriods' : "validatePayPeriods(this); updateOccurances()", 'SSN' : "validateSSN(this)", 'PartTotal' : "newgift(this)", 'GrandTotal' : "newgift(this)", 'SalaryGradeSelect' : "eid('SalaryGrade').value = eid('SalaryGradeSelect').value; calculateSalary()", 'SalaryStepSelect' : "eid('SalaryStep').value = eid('SalaryStepSelect').value; calculateSalary()", 'UnitSelector' : "CFC == '0990' ? UnitTextSet() : eid('UnitID').value = eid('UnitSelector').value", 'CAPOSelector' : "eid('CAPO').value = eid('CAPOSelector').value; UnitSelectorUpdate(0,'0995')", 'AccountNumber' : "validateCreditCardNumber(this)", 'WorkEmail' : "validateEmail(this); this.value = this.value.toLowerCase()", 'ReleaseEmail' : "validateEmail(this); this.value = this.value.toLowerCase()" } // onfocus behaviors var onfocus = { } // onkeyup behaviors var onkeyup = { 'UnitText' : "UnitSelectorUpdate(this.value)" } // MAIN FUNCTIONS /** * initialize behaviors * * @returns null */ function init () { if (!W3CDOM) return; // if no browser support for DOM, there's no use in continuing // otherwise let's initialize some variables and behaviors // behaviors defined in global varaibles (above) for (var e in events) { for (var b in eval(e)) initBehavior(e, b, eval(e)[b]); } // form field behaviors for (var i in types) map(function (e) { initBehavior('onchange', e, "validate"+types[i].replace(/s$/, '')+"(e);"); }, eval(types[i])); // set session timeout clock if (loggedin == true) { setTimeout('timeoutAlert()', 1080000); setTimeout('window.location = "/?timeout&WEB"', 1200000); } // forms var l = document.LoginForm; var k = document.KeywordForm; var r = document.ResultsForm; var g = document.GiftForm; var b = document.BasketForm; var d = document.DonorForm; var s = document.SendPasswdForm; var u = document.UpdatePasswdForm; // login form initialization if (l) { registrationVisibility(); loginVisibility() } // search results form initialization if (r) { // loop through charity codes, and set behaviors for each input element var c = eid('Charities').value.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { var website = eid('Website' + c[i]) ? eid('Website' + c[i]).innerHTML : ''; initBehavior('onclick', 'Website' + c[i], "offsiteLinkAlert('http://" + website + "')"); initBehavior('onclick', 'Get' + c[i], "getCharity(" + c[i] + ")"); initBehavior('onclick', 'Add' + c[i], "addCharity(" + c[i] + ")"); initBehavior('onclick', 'AddFave' + c[i], "addFavorite(" + c[i] + ")"); initBehavior('onclick', 'RemoveFave' + c[i], "removeFavorite(" + c[i] + ")"); } } // favorties form and gift basket form initialization if (b) { // loop through charity codes, and set behaviors for each input element var c = eid('Charities').value.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { initBehavior('onclick', 'Get' + c[i], defaults.indexOf(c[i]) > -1 ? "infoPopup(this)" : "getCharity(" + c[i] + ")"); initBehavior('onclick', 'Remove' + c[i], "removeCharity(this)"); } } // allocations form initialization if (g) { // loop through charity codes, and set behaviors for each input element var c = eid('Charities').value.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { initBehavior('onclick', 'Get' + c[i], defaults.indexOf(c[i]) > -1 ? "infoPopup(this)" : "getCharity(" + c[i] + ")"); initBehavior('onchange', 'Pct' + c[i], "newgift(this, 'p')"); initBehavior('onchange', 'Part' + c[i], "newgift(this)"); initBehavior('onchange', 'Total' + c[i], "newgift(this, 't')"); } // grade/step info for CFCO (used to enforce 2% of salary cap) salary = { 'CFCO' : 'only' } salaryUpdate(); calculateSalary(); // initialize form values updateOccurances(); // toggle payroll deduction options visibility payrollVisibility(); // highlight selected award highlightAward(); // calculate allocations calculate(); // display payroll partner alert, if applicable payrollPartnerAlert(); } // donor form initialization if (d) { // list of major government/military departments structure = { 'CFCO' : 'only' } // list of CFC reporting units units = { '1011000' : 'AOC OFC of the Architect of the Capitol', '1011100' : 'AOC Supt Senate Office Buildings', '1011200' : 'AOC Supt Capitol Building', '1011300' : 'AOC Supt Library Bldgs & Grounds', '1011400' : 'AOC Dir Utilities & Pwr Plt Opers', '1011500' : 'AOC Superintendent Capitol Grounds', '1011600' : 'AOC Fac Mgr Bldg & Gds Supreme Court', '1011700' : 'AOC Dir Planning & Project Mgmt', '1011800' : 'AOC Ofc O/T Chief Admin Officer', '1011900' : 'AOC Ofc O/T Chief Financial Officer', '1011950' : 'AOC Botanic Garden', '1012000' : 'AOC Capitol Visitor Center Project Offic', '1013000' : 'AOC Office of the General Counsel', '1014000' : 'AOC Office of Cong and EXT Relations', '1015000' : 'AOC Office of the Attending Physician', '1016000' : 'AOC Chief Operating Officer', '1017000' : 'AOC Office of Security Programs', '1018000' : 'AOC Office of Sfty, Fire & Envr Pgms', '1019000' : 'AOC Supt House Office Buildings', '1020000' : 'House of Representatives', '1030000' : 'Senate', '1040000' : 'GAO Office of the Comptroller General', '1040100' : 'GAO Office of the General Counsel', '1040300' : 'GAO Office of Inspector General', '1040800' : 'GAO Controller/Administrative Svcs Ofc', '1040900' : 'GAO Fed Accounting Standards Adv Bd', '1042100' : 'GAO Office of Opportunity & Inclusiveness', '1042600' : 'GAO Human Capital Office', '1043200' : 'GAO Personnel Appeals Board', '1043500' : 'GAO Information Systems & Tech Svcs', '1043600' : 'GAO Office of Congressional Relations', '1043900' : 'GAO Office of Public Affiars', '1044100' : 'GAO Acquisition & Sourcing Mgnt', '1044200' : 'GAO Education, Workforce & Income Sec', '1044300' : 'GAO Financial Mgnt & Assurance', '1044400' : 'GAO Financial Markets and Comm Invstmnts', '1044500' : 'GAO Health Care', '1044600' : 'GAO Information Technology', '1044700' : 'GAO International Affairs & Trade', '1044800' : 'GAO Defense Capabilites & Mgnt', '1044900' : 'GAO Natural Resources & Environment', '1045000' : 'GAO Physical Infrastructure', '1045300' : 'GAO Strategic Issues', '1045400' : 'GAO Applied Research & Methods', '1045800' : 'GAO Knowledge Services Office', '1045900' : 'GAO Strategic Planning & External Liaison', '1046000' : 'GAO Quality & Continuous Improvement', '1046100' : 'GAO Homeland Security & Justice', '1046200' : 'GAO Events', '1050000' : 'GPO Events', '1050300' : 'GPO Customer Services', '1050400' : 'GPO Finance & Administration', '1050500' : 'GPO Information & Technology Svcs', '1050600' : 'GPO Human Capital', '1050700' : 'GPO Plant Ops Prod Dept Prod Plan & Ctrl', '1055000' : 'GPO Exceutive Offices/ Office of PP', '1055010' : 'GPO Library Services', '1055020' : 'GPO Publication and Information Sales', '1055030' : 'GPO Security & Intelligent Documents', '1055040' : 'GPO Labor Relations/Acquisitions/Environ', '1060000' : 'Congressional Office of Compliance', '1070000' : 'U.S. Tax Court', '1090000' : 'Comm on Sec & Coop in Europe', '1110000' : 'CAO', '1110100' : 'COO', '1110200' : 'COP', '1110300' : 'OGC/OEC', '1110500' : 'OFM', '1110600' : 'OHR', '1110700' : 'OIS', '1110800' : 'OIG', '1110900' : 'OL', '1111000' : 'OPOHS', '1111100' : 'PMRD (Patrol)', '1111200' : 'HIRD', '1111300' : 'PSB', '1111400' : 'SSB', '1111500' : 'TSB', '1111600' : 'USB HQ', '1111700' : 'LOC', '1111800' : 'HD', '1111900' : 'SD', '1112000' : 'CD', '1112100' : 'OPOL', '1130000' : 'Congressional Budget Office', '1140000' : 'LOC Office of the Librarian', '1140099' : 'LOC Events', '1140100' : 'LOC Office of Security', '1140200' : 'LOC Integrated Support Services', '1140300' : 'LOC Office of Chief Financial Officer', '1140400' : 'LOC Human Resources Services', '1140600' : 'LOC Office of the Inspector General', '1141100' : 'CRS American Law', '1141200' : 'CRS Domestic Social Policy', '1141300' : 'CRS Foreign Aff, Def & Trade Division', '1141400' : 'CRS Government & Finance Division', '1141500' : 'CRS Knowledge Services Group', '1141600' : 'CRS Resource & Science Industry', '1141700' : 'Copyright Royalty Board', '1141800' : 'CRS Ofc of Legislative Information', '1141900' : 'CRS Ofc of Cong Affs & Counselor to Dir', '1142000' : 'LOC Ofc of Strategic Initiatives', '1142100' : 'LOC Information Technology Svcs', '1143000' : 'Copyright Register\'s Ofc; ASO & PIA', '1143100' : 'Copyright General Counsel & CTO', '1143200' : 'Copyright Registration and Recordation', '1143400' : 'Copyright Information and Records', '1143500' : 'Copyright Licensing Division', '1143600' : 'Copyright Receipt Analysis and Control', '1143700' : 'Copyright Aquisitions Division', '1144000' : 'LOC Law Library', '1145000' : 'LOC Assoc Librarian for Library Svcs', '1145100' : 'LOC Afr/Ltn Amer & Wstrn Euro Div', '1145200' : 'LOC Asn & Mddle Estrn Div', '1145300' : 'LOC CoOp & Instructional Prgms Div', '1145400' : 'LOC German and Slavic Division', '1145500' : 'LOC Overseas Operational Division', '1145600' : 'LOC Policy and Standards Division', '1145700' : 'LOC US/Anglo Division', '1145800' : 'LOC US General Division', '1145900' : 'LOC US & Pub & Liaison Div', '1146000' : 'LOC LS Adm Serv', '1146100' : 'LOC Rare Bk & Sp Collections Div', '1146200' : 'LOC Digital Reference Team', '1146300' : 'LOC LS ABA - Special Materials Cat', '1146500' : 'LOC Cataloging Dist Service', '1146600' : 'LOC FLICC', '1146700' : 'LOC NLS/BPH', '1146800' : 'LOC Preservation Dir', '1146900' : 'LOC Photodup Svc', '1147100' : 'LOC Collections Management Div', '1147200' : 'LOC Geography & Map Div', '1147300' : 'LOC Humanities & Soc Sci Div', '1147500' : 'LOC Manuscript Div', '1147600' : 'LOC Mtn Picture, Brdcast & Rec Sound Div', '1147700' : 'LOC Music Div', '1147800' : 'LOC Prints & Photo Div', '1147900' : 'LOC Science, Tech & Bus Div', '1148000' : 'LOC Serial & Gov Pub Div', '1148100' : 'LOC Instructional Design & Training', '1148200' : 'LOC Operations Directorate', '1148300' : 'LOC Veterans History Project', '1148401' : 'LOC Digital Ref Team', '1148500' : 'CRS Office of the Director', '1148600' : 'CRS Office of Financial Administration', '1148700' : 'CRS Office of Technology', '1148800' : 'CRS Office of Workforce Development', '1149020' : 'Interpretive Programs Office', '1149030' : 'Office of Scholarly Programs', '1149040' : 'Technology Policy', '1149050' : 'Ctr for Book/Pub Office/Retail/Visitors', '1149060' : 'History & Lit. Cat.', '1149070' : 'Acq. & Bib. Access', '1149080' : 'Coll & Ser/Dir Office', '1149090' : 'African & Middle East', '1149100' : 'Asian', '1149110' : 'European', '1149120' : 'Federal Research', '1149130' : 'Hispanic', '2010000' : 'AOUSC Dir/Assc. Dir/Exec Staff', '2010100' : 'AOUSC Agency Wide Contributions', '2010200' : 'AOUSC Office of Court Administration', '2010300' : 'AOUSC Office of Defender Services', '2010400' : 'AOUSC Office of Facilities and Security', '2010500' : 'AOUSC Office of Finance and Budget', '2010700' : 'AOUSC Office of Human Resources', '2010800' : 'AOUSC Office of Information Technology', '2010900' : 'AOUSC Office of Internal Services', '2011100' : 'AOUSC Office of Judges Programs', '2011400' : 'AOUSC Probation & Pretrial Services', '2020000' : 'U.S. Supreme Court', '2030000' : 'Federal Judicial Center', '2040000' : 'U.S. Court of Appeals for DC Circuit', '2050000' : 'U.S. Court of Federal Claims', '2060000' : 'U.S. Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit', '2070000' : 'U.S. Dist Ct for Dist of DC', '2080000' : 'Public Defender Service', '2090000' : 'Judicial Panel on Multi-District Litigat', '2130000' : 'U.S. Court of Appeals for Vets Claims', '2145000' : 'U.S. Dist Ct for Eastern Dist of VA', '2150000' : 'CSOSA Office of the Director', '2150100' : 'CSOSA Community Justice Programs', '2150200' : 'CSOSA Management & Administration', '2150300' : 'CSOSA Office of Human Resources', '2150400' : 'CSOSA Office of Information Technology', '2150500' : 'CSOSA Community Supervision Services', '2150600' : 'CSOSA Pretrial Services Agency', '2155000' : 'U.S. Prob/Pretrial Svces for Eastern Dist of VA', '2156000' : 'U.S. Bank Ct for Eastern Dist of VA', '3020000' : 'Office of National Drug Control Policy', '3040000' : 'Council of Economic Advisors', '3050000' : 'Council on Environmental Quality', '3070000' : 'National Security Council', '3090000' : 'Office of Management & Budget', '3110000' : 'Office of the U.S. Trade Representative', '3130000' : 'Office of the Vice President', '3140000' : 'The White House Office', '3160000' : 'Office of Science & Technology Policy', '3170000' : 'Office of Administration', '3180000' : 'Executive Residence', '3190000' : 'WHMO/HQ', '4010100' : 'USDA Ofc of the Sec - Mission Areas', '4010200' : 'USDA Agricultural Marketing Svc - Agency', '4010300' : 'USDA Agricultural Research Svc - Agency', '4010400' : 'USDA Chief Economist GCPO, OEPNU, ORACB', '4010500' : 'USDA Farm Services - Agency', '4010800' : 'USDA Rural Development O&M - Unit', '4011000' : 'USDA Foreign Agricultutral Svc', '4011100' : 'USDA Forest Service - Agency', '4011300' : 'USDA Communications', '4011400' : 'USDA General Counsel', '4011500' : 'USDA Rural Utilities Service - Agency', '4011600' : 'USDA Natural Res & Cons Svc - Agency', '4011700' : 'USDA Rural Business Cooperative Service', '4011800' : 'USDA - Economic Research Services - Agen', '4012000' : 'USDA Nat\'l Agricultural Stat Svc - Agenc', '4012200' : 'USDA Coop State Research Educ Ext Svc -', '4012300' : 'USDA Ofc of the Inspector General', '4012800' : 'USDA Grain Insp, Packers & Stockyds - Ag', '4013000' : 'USDA Food & Nutrition Svc - Operations', '4013200' : 'USDA Center for Nutrition, Policy, Promt', '4013400' : 'USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection', '4013700' : 'USDA Food Safety & Inspctn Svc - Agency', '4014200' : 'USDA Budget & Program Analysis', '4017500' : 'USDA Civil Rights', '4019000' : 'USDA Chief Financial Officer', '4019300' : 'USDA Risk Management Agency', '4019400' : 'USDA Chief Information Officer', '4019500' : 'USDA Office of Exec Secretariat - Missio', '4019600' : 'USDA Nat\'l Appeals Division', '4019800' : 'USDA Departmental Admin', '4019900' : 'USDA Graduate School', '4019950' : 'USDA RD Rural Housing Service', '4019975' : 'USDA RD - Legislative and Public Affairs', '4019977' : 'USDA OS Homeland Security Office', '4020100' : 'DOC Economic Devel Admin', '4020200' : 'DOC Bureau of Industry & Security (BIS)', '4020300' : 'NIST Manuf Ext Partnership Progr (480)', '4020400' : 'DOC Office of the CIO', '4020500' : 'DOC National Technical Info Svc', '4020600' : 'DOC Minority Business Development', '4020700' : 'DOC Office of the Secretary', '4020800' : 'DOC Nat\'l Telecom & Info Admin', '4021000' : 'NIST Tech Innovation Program (470)', '4021200' : 'DOC Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)', '4021300' : 'DOC Inspector General', '4021400' : 'DOC Economics & Statistics Admin', '4021600' : 'NIST Office of the Director (100)', '4021700' : 'NIST Technology Services (200)', '4021800' : 'NIST Office of the CFO (160)', '4021900' : 'NIST Electron & Electrical Eng Lab (810)', '4022000' : 'NIST Manufaturing Engnrg Lab (820)', '4022100' : 'NIST Chemical Science & Eng Lab (830)', '4022200' : 'NIST Physics Laboratory (840)', '4022300' : 'NISTMaterials Science & Eng Lab (850)', '4022400' : 'NIST Bldg & Fire Research Lab (860)', '4022500' : ' NIST Office of the CIO (180)', '4022550' : ' NIST Baldrige Natl Quality Progr (102)', '4022560' : 'NIST Office of the CHCO (170)', '4022570' : 'NIST Ctr for Neutron Research (610)', '4022580' : 'NIST Office of the CFMO (190)', '4022590' : 'NIST Ctr for Nanoscale Sci & Tech (620)', '4022600' : 'NIST Information Technology Lab (890)', '4022700' : 'Census Office of the Director', '4022800' : 'Census Assoc Dir for Finance & Admin', '4022900' : 'Census Ofc of Demographic Programs', '4023100' : 'Census Assoc Dir for Field Operation', '4023200' : 'Census Assoc Dir for Economic Programs', '4023300' : 'Census Assoc Dir for Decennial Census', '4023500' : 'DOC Office of the General Counsel (OS)', '4023600' : 'DOC CFO/ASA', '4023800' : 'DOC National Marine Fish Service (NOAA)', '4023900' : 'DOC National Ocean Service (NOAA)', '4024000' : 'DOC National Weather Service (NOAA)', '4024100' : 'DOC Nat\'l Env Sat, Data & Info Svc (NOAA', '4024200' : 'DOC Office of Atmospheric Research (NOAA', '4024300' : 'DOC Office of Federal Coordination (NOAA', '4024400' : 'USPTO Office of General Counsel', '4024500' : 'USPTO Undersecretary\'s Ofc & Dir', '4024600' : 'USPTO Office of the CFO', '4024650' : 'USPTO Office of the CAO', '4024700' : 'USPTO Patents DCPEP', '4024701' : 'USPTO Patents PCT/OPPS', '4024702' : 'USPTO Patents IDP (OIPE)', '4024703' : 'USPTO Patents ODM (PUBS)', '4024704' : 'USPTO Patents SIRA/STIC', '4024705' : 'USPTO Patents Training Academy', '4024706' : 'USPTO Patents 1600', '4024707' : 'USPTO Patents 1700', '4024708' : 'USPTO Patents 2100', '4024709' : 'USPTO Patents 2400', '4024710' : 'USPTO Patents 2600', '4024711' : 'USPTO Patents 2800', '4024712' : 'USPTO Patents 2900', '4024713' : 'USPTO Patents 3600', '4024714' : 'USPTO Patents 3700', '4024715' : 'USPTO Patents Commissioner', '4024716' : 'USPTO Patents CRU', '4024800' : 'USPTO Trademarks Organzations', '4024900' : 'Census Assoc Dir for Information Tech', '4025000' : 'Census Assoc Dir for Communications', '4025100' : 'USPTO Chief Information Officer', '4025200' : 'USPTO External Affairs', '4025600' : 'DOC Asst Sec for Market Access & Comp (I', '4025800' : 'DOC Asst Sec for Import Administration (', '4026000' : 'DOC Under Secretary (ITA)', '4026100' : 'DOC Chief Information Officer (ITA)', '4026200' : 'Administration ITA', '4026300' : 'Manufacturing and Services ITA', '4026400' : 'Trade Promo. & the US/Foreign Commer. Sv', '4027100' : 'DOC General Counsel (NOAA)', '4027400' : 'DOC Chief Information Office', '4027500' : 'DOC Ofc of Marine & Aviation Ops (NOAA)', '4027600' : 'DOC Office of Communications', '4027800' : 'DOC Office of the Under Secretary (NOAA)', '4027900' : 'DOC Legislative Affairs (NOAA)', '4028000' : 'DOC Program Analysis & Evaluation (NOAA)', '4028100' : 'DOC Human Resources Mgmt Office (NOAA)', '4028200' : 'DOC Office of the CFO (NOAA)', '4028300' : 'DOC Office of the CAO (NOAA)', '4028400' : 'DOC Acquisitions & Grants Office (NOAA)', '4028500' : 'DOC Program Planning & Integration (NOAA', '4028600' : 'DOC Office of International Affairs (NOA', '4028700' : 'DOC Ofc of Education & Sustainable Dev (', '4030000' : 'Army Total', '4030050' : 'DUSA', '4030100' : 'ASA (M&RA) - NON-ADD', '4030101' : 'ASA (M&RA)', '4030102' : 'USAMAA', '4030103' : 'EEO CRA', '4030104' : 'ARBA', '4030200' : 'ASA (ALT) - NON-ADD', '4030201' : 'ASA (ALT)', '4030202' : 'USAASC', '4030203' : 'PEO Soldier', '4030204' : 'PEO, Enterprise Info Systs', '4030205' : 'Jt PEO, Chem/Bio', '4030300' : 'ASA (IE)', '4030400' : 'ASA (CW)', '4030500' : 'ASA (FM&C)', '4030501' : 'ASA (FM&C) - NOT USED IN 2008', '4030502' : 'Finance Command', '4030600' : 'DCS G-1 NON-ADD', '4030601' : 'Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, G1', '4030602' : 'HRC', '4030700' : 'DCS G-3/5/7 NON-ADD', '4030701' : 'DCS G-3/5/7', '4030702' : 'USAOPSG', '4030703' : 'FMSA', '4030704' : 'REF', '4030800' : 'DCS G-2', '4030900' : 'GC', '4031000' : 'ARNG', '4031100' : 'DCS G-4 NON-ADD', '4031101' : 'DCS G4', '4031102' : 'LIA', '4031202' : 'Jt Bds - CPMS - Not Used in 2008', '4031203' : 'Jt Bds - DODESB - Not Used in 2008', '4031204' : 'Jt Bds - ASBCA - Not Used in 2008', '4031205' : 'Jt Bds - PDTATAC - Not Used in 2008', '4031300' : 'ACSIM NON-ADD', '4031301' : 'ACSIM', '4031302' : 'ISMA - Not used in 2008', '4031303' : 'IMCOM', '4031304' : 'FMWRC', '4031305' : 'Ft Belvoir Garrison', '4031306' : 'FMMC', '4031307' : 'GALC', '4031308' : 'USAEC - NOT USED in 2008', '4031350' : 'IMCOM - NOT USED IN 2008', '4031351' : 'IMCOM only - Not Used in 2008', '4031352' : 'FMWRC - NOT USED IN 2008', '4031400' : 'AASA NON-ADD', '4031401' : 'OAA', '4031406' : 'Jt Bds - ASBCA', '4031407' : 'Jt Bds - DODESB', '4031408' : 'Jt Bds - CPMS', '4031500' : 'TSG NON-ADD', '4031501' : 'OTSG', '4031502' : 'WRAMC', '4031503' : 'DeWitt', '4031600' : 'JAG NON-ADD', '4031601' : 'OTJAG', '4031602' : 'USALSA', '4031603' : 'JAG LCS - NOT USED', '4031700' : 'CAA - Not Used in 2008', '4031800' : 'OCSA', '4031900' : 'ATEC', '4032000' : 'AAG', '4032100' : 'COE', '4032200' : 'CIO G-6/NETCOM', '4032300' : 'CAR', '4032400' : 'CPA', '4032450' : 'SMC', '4032500' : 'CCH', '4032600' : 'OTIG', '4032700' : 'CLL', '4032800' : 'SADBU', '4032900' : 'ACA - Not Used in 2008', '4033100' : 'SMDC - Not Used in 2008', '4033200' : 'GALC - Not Used in 2008', '4033400' : 'WRAMC - Not Used in 2008', '4033700' : 'AMC NON-ADD', '4033701' : 'AMC', '4033702' : 'ACC (P)', '4033703' : 'CE-LCMC-Wash', '4033704' : 'RDECOM', '4033705' : 'USASAC', '4033706' : 'ARL', '4033800' : 'USASAC - NOT USED IN 2008', '4035200' : 'FMMC - Not Used in 2008', '4035800' : 'SDDC - Not Used in 2008', '4036600' : 'CE-LCMC-Wash - Not Used in 2008', '4036800' : 'Ft Belvoir (BASOPS) - Not Used in 2008', '4037100' : 'DeWitt - Not Used in 2008', '4037200' : 'Ft Belvoir (Tenants) - Not Used in 2008', '4038400' : 'AHRC - Not Used in 2008', '4038500' : 'DCS G-8 NON-ADD', '4038501' : 'DCS G-8', '4038502' : 'CAA', '4038800' : 'PMG NON-ADD', '4038801' : 'OPMG', '4038802' : 'Army Corr Cmd', '4038803' : 'USACIDC', '4039200' : 'INSCOM', '4039300' : 'MDW', '4039301' : 'HQ MDW', '4039302' : 'TOG', '4039303' : 'AOG', '4039304' : 'TUSAB', '4039305' : 'AFIC', '4039700' : 'USACIDC - Not Used in 2008', '4039800' : 'DCNG', '4039900' : 'USACE - NOT USED in 2008', '4039999' : 'Army Misc', '4040000' : 'Navy Total', '4040100' : 'SECNAV Total', '4040101' : 'SECNAV AAUSN', '4040102' : 'SECNAV, ASN FM&C', '4040103' : 'SECNAV, ASN I&E', '4040104' : 'SECNAV, ASN M&RA', '4040105' : 'SECNAV, ASN RD&A', '4040106' : 'SECNAV, NAVAUDSVC', '4040107' : 'SECNAV, BCNR', '4040108' : 'SECNAV, CHINFO', '4040109' : 'SECNAV, CIO', '4040110' : 'SECNAV, OCHR', '4040111' : 'SECNAV, Naval Obsv', '4040112' : 'SECNAV, JAG', '4040113' : 'SECNAV, MEDIACEN', '4040114' : 'SECNAV, NCIS', '4040115' : 'SECNAV, CORB & SADBU', '4040116' : 'SECNAV, NAVIG', '4040117' : 'SECNAV, NIPO', '4040118' : 'SECNAV, OGC', '4040119' : 'SECNAV, OLA', '4040120' : 'SECNAV, Imm Staff/UNSECNAV', '4040123' : 'DUSN/UNSECNAV, Other', '4040126' : 'SECNAV, WHMO', '4040127' : 'SECNAV, OARDEC', '4040128' : 'SECNAV, OPPA', '4040200' : 'OPNAV Total', '4040201' : 'OPNAV N00/N09', '4040206' : 'OPNAV, N095', '4040209' : 'OPNAV, N2', '4040210' : 'OPNAV, N3/N5', '4040211' : 'OPNAV, N4', '4040213' : 'OPNAV, N6/N7', '4040214' : 'OPNAV, N8', '4040216' : 'OPNAV, N1', '4040299' : 'OPNAV Miscellaneous', '4040300' : 'HQMC', '4040301' : 'HQMC, FOB1 Directorates', '4040302' : 'HQMC, FOB2 Directorates', '4040303' : 'DC I&L', '4040304' : 'DC PP&O', '4040305' : 'DC AVN', '4040306' : 'DC P&R', '4040307' : 'DIR INTEL', '4040308' : 'DIR C4', '4040309' : 'EFV', '4040310' : 'HQBN', '4040311' : 'MARBKS', '4040400' : 'MSC', '4040600' : 'BUMED', '4040800' : 'NAVSEA Total', '4040801' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 00/09', '4040802' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 01', '4040803' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 02', '4040804' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 04', '4040805' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 05', '4040806' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 08', '4040808' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 07', '4040809' : 'NAVSEA, PEO SUB', '4040812' : 'NAVSEA, NSWC', '4040813' : 'NAVSEA, NOSSA', '4040815' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 10', '4040816' : 'NAVSEA, PEO Carriers', '4040817' : 'NAVSEA, NSWC, IH', '4040818' : 'NAVSEA, NSWC, CD', '4040819' : 'NAVSEA, EODTD', '4040820' : 'NAVSEALOGCEN', '4040821' : 'NAVSEA, PEO IWS', '4040822' : 'NAVSEA, PEO LMW', '4040823' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 03 - NOT USED in 2008', '4040824' : 'NAVSEA, SEA 06 - NOT USED in 2008', '4040825' : 'NAVSEA, PEO SHIPS', '4041000' : 'NAVFAC Total', '4041001' : 'NAVFACHQ', '4041002' : 'NAVFACWASH', '4041003' : 'NFESC', '4041100' : 'ONR', '4041200' : 'SPAWAR Total', '4041201' : 'SPAWAR, SSFA', '4041202' : 'SPAWAR SNY', '4041300' : 'SSP', '4041400' : 'NDW', '4041700' : 'NNMC', '4041701' : 'CMD', '4041702' : 'Tenant Cmds - NOT USED in 2008', '4041703' : 'Med Svcs', '4041704' : 'Clinical Spt', '4041705' : 'ADMIN', '4041706' : 'MISC - NOT USED in 2008', '4041707' : 'Nursing', '4041708' : 'Surgical', '4041709' : 'PHS', '4041710' : 'RM', '4041711' : 'Mental Health', '4041712' : 'Prof Ed', '4041713' : 'HCB Ops', '4041714' : 'Primary Care BHCs', '4041715' : 'NMMPT&E', '4041716' : 'NAV DOS Ctr', '4041717' : 'NMNCA', '4041718' : 'PSD, Bethesda', '4041800' : 'NRL Total', '4041801' : 'NRL, Code 1000', '4041803' : 'NRL, Code 3000', '4041805' : 'NRL, Code 5000', '4041806' : 'NRL, Code 6000', '4041807' : 'NRL, Code 7000', '4041808' : 'NRL, Code 8000', '4041900' : 'NFCU', '4042200' : 'NIOC', '4042300' : 'ONI', '4042600' : 'CNA', '4042700' : 'CNIC', '4042900' : 'NAF Washington', '4049999' : 'Navy Misc', '4050000' : 'Joint Staff', '4060000' : 'Air Force Total', '4060100' : 'SAF/US', '4060200' : 'NRO - NOT USED in 2008', '4060300' : 'SAF/AQ', '4060400' : 'SAF/FM', '4060500' : 'SAF/MR', '4060600' : 'SAF/GC', '4060700' : 'SAF/IG', '4060800' : 'SAF/AA', '4060900' : 'SAF/AG', '4061000' : 'SAF/IA', '4061100' : 'SAF/PA', '4061200' : 'SAF/LL', '4061300' : 'SAF/ISSO', '4061400' : 'AF/CC', '4061500' : 'SAF/OS', '4061600' : 'AF/A1', '4061700' : 'AF/HC', '4061800' : 'AF/HO', '4061900' : 'SAF/SO', '4062000' : 'AF/JA', '4062100' : 'AF/A4/7', '4062200' : 'SAF/IE', '4062500' : 'AF/RE', '4062700' : 'AF/A9', '4062900' : 'AF/SG', '4063100' : 'AF/TE', '4063200' : 'AF/A3/5', '4063300' : 'AFDW Total', '4063301' : '11th WG', '4063302' : 'AFDW Stf', '4063303' : '844th CG', '4063304' : 'Bolling Misc', '4063305' : '89th AW', '4063306' : '316th AW', '4063307' : '79th AW', '4063308' : 'Andrews - Misc', '4063400' : 'ANGB', '4063500' : 'SAF/XC', '4063700' : 'AF/A8', '4063800' : 'AFOSI', '4063900' : 'AFOSR', '4064000' : '89th AW', '4064100' : 'AF/A2', '4064200' : 'AF - Misc', '4070000' : 'DIA', '4071000' : 'DLA Total', '4071100' : 'DLA HQ', '4071200' : 'DHRA - NOT USED IN 2008', '4071300' : 'DLA DESC', '4071400' : 'DLA NOLSC Petroleum', '4071500' : 'DLA DNSC', '4072000' : 'DISA', '4073000' : 'DCMA Total', '4073001' : 'DCMA HQ', '4073002' : 'DCMA International', '4073003' : 'DCMA Virginia', '4074000' : 'DCAA', '4074500' : 'MDA', '4074600' : 'PFPA', '4074700' : 'DSCA', '4074800' : 'DFAS', '4074900' : 'DSS', '4075000' : 'DODIG', '4075100' : 'NGA', '4076000' : 'WHS Total', '4076001' : 'WHS FMD', '4076002' : 'WHS ESD', '4076006' : 'WHS OGC', '4076008' : 'WHS HRD', '4076009' : 'WHS DFD', '4076010' : 'WHS Misc', '4076011' : 'WHS PenRen', '4076012' : 'WHS ITMD', '4076013' : 'WHS P&ED', '4076014' : 'WHS APSD', '4076015' : 'WHS A&PO', '4076016' : 'WHS OSD Net', '4077100' : 'DARPA', '4078100' : 'USUHS', '4079100' : 'PFCU', '4079600' : 'DTRA', '4079700' : 'JIEDDO', '4080100' : 'OSD Total', '4080101' : 'OSD', '4080102' : 'USD (C)', '4080103' : 'USD (AT&L)', '4080104' : 'USD (I)', '4080105' : 'USD (P&R)', '4080106' : 'USD (P)', '4080107' : 'ASD (LA)', '4080108' : 'ASD (NII)', '4080109' : 'ASD (PA)', '4080110' : 'OSD GC', '4080111' : 'USCAAF', '4080112' : 'D, OT&E', '4080113' : 'ATSD (IO)', '4080114' : 'D, A&M', '4080115' : 'FTD', '4080116' : 'D, NA', '4080117' : 'D, PA&E', '4080118' : 'OSD FA DLSA', '4080119' : 'OSD FA TMA', '4080120' : 'OSD FA DPMO', '4080121' : 'OSD FA CIFA', '4080122' : 'OSD FA OEA', '4080123' : 'OSD FA DTSA', '4080124' : 'OSD FA AFIS - NOT USED in 2008', '4080125' : 'OSD FA DTIC', '4080126' : 'OSD SIGIR', '4080127' : 'OSD FA BTA', '4080128' : 'DHRA', '4080129' : 'JIEDDO', '4080130' : 'NRO', '4080131' : 'DMA', '4086500' : 'DoDEA', '4087000' : 'DECA', '4089000' : 'NORAD/NORTHCOM', '4090000' : 'SAMHSA - CSAT', '4090100' : 'ACF - ORR', '4090200' : 'SAMHSA - CSAP', '4090300' : 'NCI - DCTD', '4090400' : 'NIH - NCCAM', '4090500' : 'NCI - DCB', '4090600' : 'NCI - DCCPS', '4090700' : 'IHS OIT', '4090800' : 'ACF - OCS', '4090900' : 'IHS OPHS', '4091000' : 'HRSA - HSB', '4091100' : 'OS OPHS', '4091200' : 'PSC - FMS', '4091300' : 'CMS', '4091400' : 'ACF - IO', '4091500' : 'PSC - OD', '4091600' : 'HRSA - HAB', '4091700' : 'ACF - OCSE', '4091800' : 'IHS ORAP', '4091900' : 'IHS OFA', '4092000' : 'NIH - NIDCD', '4092100' : 'NIH - CC', '4092200' : 'NIH - CIT', '4092300' : 'NIH - CSR', '4092400' : 'NIH - NHGRI', '4092500' : 'NIH - NCRR', '4092600' : 'NIH - FIC', '4092700' : 'NCI - OD', '4092800' : 'IHS OEHE', '4092900' : 'NCI - DCP', '4093000' : 'NCI - DEA', '4093100' : 'NIH - NEI', '4093200' : 'NIH - NHLBI', '4093300' : 'NIH - NIA', '4093400' : 'NIH - NIAID', '4093500' : 'NIH - NIDDK', '4093600' : 'NIH - NICHD', '4093700' : 'NIH - NIDCR', '4093800' : 'NIH - NIGMS', '4093900' : 'NIH - NINDS', '4094000' : 'NIH - NLM', '4094100' : 'NIH - ORS/ORF', '4094200' : 'NIH - NIAMS', '4094300' : 'NIH - NINR', '4094400' : 'NIH - OD', '4094500' : 'OS/IO', '4094600' : 'OS OIG', '4094700' : 'OS OCR', '4094800' : 'OS ASL', '4094900' : 'ISMS', '4095000' : 'OS ASPA', '4095100' : 'OS ASPE', '4095200' : 'OS ASAM', '4095300' : 'OS IGA', '4095400' : 'OS OGC', '4095500' : 'NIH - NIAAA', '4095600' : 'NIH - NIDA', '4095700' : 'NIH - NIMH', '4095800' : 'NIH - NCMHD', '4095900' : 'SAMHSA - OA', '4096000' : 'FDA - OC', '4096200' : 'FDA - ORA', '4096300' : 'FDA - CVM', '4096400' : 'FDA - CDER', '4096500' : 'FDA - CDRH', '4096600' : 'FDA - CFSAN', '4096700' : 'OS DAB', '4096800' : 'FDA - CBER', '4096900' : 'CDC - NCHS', '4097000' : 'AHRQ', '4097100' : 'ACF - Office of Administration', '4097200' : 'ACF - ACYF', '4097300' : 'ACF - ADD', '4097400' : 'AOA', '4097500' : 'HRSA - ORHP', '4097600' : 'ACF - ANA', '4097700' : 'NIH - NIBIB', '4097800' : 'ACF - PCPID', '4097900' : 'IHS OMS', '4098000' : 'IHS OCPS', '4098100' : 'ACF - ORO', '4098200' : 'NCI - CCR', '4098300' : 'HRSA - OFAM', '4098400' : 'ACF - OPRE', '4098500' : 'NCI - DCEG', '4098600' : 'OS ASRT', '4098700' : 'ACF - OFA', '4098800' : 'HRSA - OFM', '4098900' : 'PSC - Admin. Operations', '4099000' : 'HRSA - OA', '4099100' : 'HRSA - BPHC', '4099200' : 'HRSA - MCHB', '4099300' : 'HRSA - BHP', '4099400' : 'IHS OD', '4099500' : 'ACF - OPA', '4099600' : 'SAMHSA - CMHS', '4099700' : 'ACF - OLAB', '4099800' : 'SAMHSA - OAS', '4099900' : 'SAMHSA - OPS', '4099999' : 'DOD Misc', '4105000' : 'ED OS', '4105100' : 'ED Undersecretary', '4105150' : 'ED NAGB', '4105200' : 'ED NIL', '4105400' : 'ED Civil Rights', '4105500' : 'ED General Counsel', '4105600' : 'ED Inspector General', '4105700' : 'ED Office of Management', '4105800' : 'ED Student Financial Assistance', '4105900' : 'ED Special Education & Rehab Svcs', '4106000' : 'ED Elementary & Secondary Eductn', '4106100' : 'ED Vocational & Adult Education', '4106200' : 'ED Postsecondary Education', '4106300' : 'ED English Language Acquisition', '4106400' : 'ED Inst of Educational Sciences', '4106500' : 'ED Deputy Secretary', '4106600' : 'ED Communications & Outreach', '4106700' : 'ED Office of the CFO', '4106800' : 'ED Office of the CIO', '4106900' : 'ED Legislative & Congressional Aff', '4107000' : 'ED Innovation & Improvement', '4107100' : 'ED Safe & Drug Free Schools', '4107200' : 'ED Planning, Eval & Policy Devel', '4110000' : 'HUD Ofc of the Sec / Dep Sec / Exec Sec', '4110100' : 'HUD Office of the General Counsel', '4110200' : 'HUD Community Planning & Development', '4110300' : 'HUD Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity', '4110400' : 'HUD Policy Development & Research', '4110500' : 'HUD Housing / Federal Housing Commission', '4110600' : 'HUD Ofc of the CIO', '4110700' : 'HUD Administration', '4110800' : 'HUD Ofc of the CPO', '4110900' : 'HUD Office of the Inspector General', '4111000' : 'HUD DC Area Office', '4111200' : 'HUD Congressional & Intergov\'t Relations', '4111300' : 'HUD Gov\'t National Mortgage Association', '4111400' : 'HUD Ofc of Dep Equal Employment Opp', '4111500' : 'HUD Public Affairs', '4111600' : 'HUD Public & Indian Housing', '4111700' : 'HUD Chief Financial Officer', '4111800' : 'HUD Office of Healthy Homes', '4111900' : 'HUD Office of Federal Housing Enterprise', '4112100' : 'HUD Ofc of Dep Ops and Coordination', '4112200' : 'HUD Office of Field Policy & Management', '4112300' : 'HUD Office of Faith Based Initiatives', '4112400' : 'HUD Events', '4120000' : 'DOI Office of the Secretary', '4120800' : 'DOI Inspector General', '4121000' : 'DOI Bureau of Indian Affairs', '4121300' : 'DOI U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service', '4121400' : 'DOI U.S. Geological Survey', '4121600' : 'DOI Minerals Management Service', '4121900' : 'DOI Bureau of Land Management', '4122800' : 'DOI Office of Surface Mining Rec & E', '4123000' : 'DOI National Park Service', '4123300' : 'DOI Bureau of Reclamation', '4123700' : 'DOI Solicitor', '4130000' : 'Office of the Attorney General', '4130100' : 'Deputy Attorney General', '4130200' : 'Solicitor General', '4130300' : 'Office of Legal Counsel', '4130400' : 'Office of Legislative Affairs', '4130500' : 'Office of Public Affairs', '4130600' : 'Associate Attorney General', '4130700' : 'Antitrust Division', '4130800' : 'Tax Division', '4130900' : 'Civil Division', '4131000' : 'Civil Rights Division', '4131100' : 'Environ & Natural Resources Division', '4131200' : 'Criminal Division', '4131300' : 'Justice Management Division', '4131400' : 'U.S. Parole Commission', '4131500' : 'Exec Office for Immigration Review', '4131600' : 'Office of the Pardon Attorney', '4131700' : 'Office of Information & Privacy', '4131800' : 'BOP Administration', '4131810' : 'BOP Community Programs Division', '4131820' : 'BOP Federal Prison Industries (Unicor)', '4131830' : 'BOP Human Resources Management', '4131840' : 'BOP Health Services Division', '4131850' : 'BOP Information, Policy & Public Affairs', '4131860' : 'BOP National Institute of Corrections', '4131870' : 'BOP Office of General Counsel', '4131880' : 'BOP Program Review Division', '4131900' : 'Office of Dispute Resolution', '4132000' : 'Drug Enforcement Administration', '4132100' : 'U.S. Marshals Service (HQ)', '4132200' : 'Community Relations Service', '4132300' : 'Office of Justice Programs', '4132400' : 'Office of Violence Against Women', '4132500' : 'Office of the Federal Detention Trustee', '4132600' : 'National Drug Intelligence Center', '4132700' : 'Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys', '4132800' : 'Office of Professional Responsibility', '4132801' : 'Professional Responsibility Advisory Ofc', '4132900' : 'Office of Legal Policy', '4133000' : 'Office of Intelligence Policy & Review', '4133100' : 'Executive Office for U.S. Trustees', '4133300' : 'USNCB - Interpol', '4133400' : 'Foreign Claims Settlement Commission', '4133500' : 'FBI Director\'s Office', '4133600' : 'Office of Intelligence Operations', '4133700' : 'FBI Office of EEO Affairs', '4133725' : 'FBI Office of Congressional Affairs', '4133750' : 'FBI Office of Public Affairs', '4133900' : 'FBI Criminal Justice Information Service', '4134000' : 'FBI Training Division', '4134100' : 'FBI Human Resources Division', '4134200' : 'FBI Information Resources Division', '4134300' : 'FBI National Security Branch', '4134400' : 'FBI Criminal Investigative Division', '4134500' : 'Community Oriented Policing Services (CO', '4134600' : 'FBI Office of Professional Responsibility', '4134700' : 'Ofc of Intergov\'tal & Public Liaison', '4134800' : 'FBI Counterintelligence Division', '4135000' : 'FBI Counterterrorism Division', '4135100' : 'FBI Investigative Services Division', '4135200' : 'FBI Office of Intelligence', '4135250' : 'FBI Cyber Division', '4135300' : 'FBI Critical Incident Response Group', '4135400' : 'FBI Records Management Division', '4135500' : 'Office of the Inspector General', '4136100' : 'FBI Laboratory Division', '4136200' : 'FBI Office of the General Counsel', '4136300' : 'FBI Inspection Division', '4136400' : 'FBI Finance Division', '4136500' : 'FBI Washington Field Office', '4136700' : 'FBI Security Division', '4136800' : 'Division 23', '4136900' : 'Division 24', '4137000' : 'Fed Bureau of Alchl, Tbcco, Frarms & Exp', '4137100' : 'Operational Technology Division', '4137200' : 'Special Technology Division', '4140000' : 'DOL OSEC', '4140100' : 'DOL VETS', '4140200' : 'DOL OASAM', '4140300' : 'DOL ESA', '4140400' : 'DOL SOL', '4140500' : 'DOL BLS', '4140600' : 'DOL OSHA', '4140700' : 'DOL EBSA', '4140800' : 'DOL ETA', '4140900' : 'DOL ILAB', '4141000' : 'DOL MSHA', '4141100' : 'DOL WB', '4141200' : 'DOL OIG', '4141300' : 'DOL OCIA', '4141400' : 'DOL ASP', '4141500' : 'DOL CFO', '4141600' : 'DOL ARB', '4141700' : 'DOL OPA', '4141800' : 'DOL ODEP', '4141900' : 'DOL BRB', '4142000' : 'DOL OALJ', '4142100' : 'DOL ECAB', '4142300' : 'DOL OSBP', '4142400' : 'DOL Other', '4152600' : 'State - AF', '4152700' : 'State - WHA', '4152800' : 'State - EAP', '4152900' : 'State - EUR', '4153000' : 'State - NEA', '4153100' : 'State - A', '4153200' : 'State - CA', '4153300' : 'State - EEB', '4153400' : 'State - H', '4153500' : 'State - DRL', '4153600' : 'State - INR', '4153700' : 'State - INL', '4153800' : 'State - IO', '4153900' : 'State - L', '4154000' : 'State - IRM', '4154100' : 'State - RM', '4154200' : 'State - FSI', '4154300' : 'State - MED', '4154400' : 'State - HR', '4154500' : 'State - OES', '4154600' : 'State - OBO', '4154700' : 'State - PM', '4154800' : 'State - PRM', '4154900' : 'State - S/ES', '4155000' : 'State - S/CPR', '4155100' : 'State - IG', '4155200' : 'State - Retirees (Other Personnel)', '4155300' : 'State - Overseas Employees', '4155500' : 'State - DS', '4155700' : 'State - IJC', '4155900' : 'State - IBC', '4156000' : 'State - SCA', '4156100' : 'State - IIP', '4156200' : 'State - ECA', '4156300' : 'State - PA', '4156400' : 'State - VCI', '4156500' : 'State - ISN', '4160100' : 'USAID Ofc of the Admin / Exec Sec', '4160200' : 'USAID Africa', '4160400' : 'USAID Europe & Eurasia', '4160500' : 'USAID Latin America & the Caribbean', '4160600' : 'USAID Democracy Conflict & Humanitrn As', '4160700' : 'USAID Office of Equal Opportuniy Program', '4160800' : 'USAID Economic Growth, Agri & Trade', '4160900' : 'USAID Office of the General Counsel', '4161000' : 'USAID Office of the Inspector General', '4161100' : 'USAID Legislative & Public Affairs', '4161200' : 'USAID Management', '4161300' : 'USAID Director of Foreign Assistance', '4161400' : 'USAID Ofc of Small & Disadvantgd Busines', '4161800' : 'USAID Office of Security', '4161900' : 'USAID Global Health', '4162100' : 'USAID Office of Development Partners', '4162500' : 'USAID Office of Human Resources', '4162600' : 'USAID Asia', '4162700' : 'USAID Middle East', '4170000' : 'OST', '4170001' : 'OST Events', '4170005' : 'OST Secretary\'s Office', '4170015' : 'OST Contract Appeals', '4170020' : 'OST Civil Rights', '4170025' : 'OST OSDBU', '4170030' : 'OST Intelligence & Security', '4170035' : 'OST Chief Information Officer', '4170040' : 'OST Public Affairs', '4170045' : 'OST Governmental Affairs', '4170050' : 'OST Policy', '4170055' : 'OST Administration', '4170060' : 'OST General Counsel', '4170065' : 'OST Budget & Financial Management', '4170066' : 'OST Aviation and International Affairs', '4170100' : 'MARAD', '4170150' : 'MARAD Events', '4170500' : 'STB', '4170550' : 'STB Events', '4170600' : 'RITA', '4170650' : 'RITA Events', '4172000' : 'FAA MISC', '4172001' : 'FAA Events', '4172025' : 'FAA AOA/ADA', '4172050' : 'FAA ABA', '4172075' : 'FAA ACR', '4172100' : 'FAA AEP', '4172125' : 'FAA AGC', '4172150' : 'FAA AGI', '4172175' : 'FAA AHR', '4172200' : 'FAA AIO', '4172225' : 'FAA AOC', '4172250' : 'FAA API', '4172275' : 'FAA ARC', '4172300' : 'FAA ASH', '4172325' : 'FAA ARP', '4172450' : 'FAA AST', '4172475' : 'FAA AVS', '4172500' : 'FAA ATO', '4172510' : 'ATO Acquisition and Business (AJA)', '4172511' : 'ATO Finance Services', '4172520' : 'ATO Communications Service', '4172530' : 'ATO En Route & Oceanic Service', '4172540' : 'ATO Operations Planning Services', '4172550' : 'ATO System Operations Services', '4172560' : 'ATO Safety Services', '4172570' : 'ATO Terminal Services', '4172580' : 'ATO Technical Operating Services', '4172590' : 'ATO Joint Planning & Development Office', '4173000' : 'FHWA', '4173100' : 'FHWA EFL', '4173150' : 'FHWA HAD', '4173200' : 'FHWA HCF', '4173250' : 'FHWA DC', '4173300' : 'FHWA HSA', '4173350' : 'FHWA HCC', '4173400' : 'FHWA HCR', '4173450' : 'FHWA HEP', '4173500' : 'FHWA HFL', '4173550' : 'FHWA HIF', '4173600' : 'FHWA HOA', '4173650' : 'FHWA HOIT', '4173700' : 'FHWA HOP', '4173750' : 'FHWA HPA', '4173800' : 'FHWA HPC', '4173850' : 'FHWA HPL', '4173900' : 'FHWA HRT', '4174000' : 'FRA', '4174050' : 'FRA Events', '4174500' : 'FMCSA', '4174550' : 'FMCSA Events', '4175000' : 'NHTSA', '4175001' : 'NHTSA Events', '4175050' : 'NHTSA Administrator Office', '4175200' : 'NHTSA Administration', '4175300' : 'NHTSA Planning & Financial', '4175400' : 'NHTSA CIO', '4175500' : 'NHTSA OCCI', '4175600' : 'NHTSA Program Development', '4175700' : 'NHTSA Injury Control Operations', '4175800' : 'NHTSA Vehicle Safety', '4175900' : 'NHTSA Enforcement', '4175950' : 'NHTSA Research', '4175955' : 'NHTSA Rulemaking', '4175960' : 'NHTSA NCSA', '4176000' : 'FTA', '4176050' : 'FTA Events', '4177000' : 'PHMSA', '4177050' : 'PHMSA Events', '4178000' : 'SLSDC', '4178050' : 'SLSDC Events', '4179000' : 'OIG', '4180000' : 'Treasury - Departmental Offices', '4180100' : 'Treasury - TTB', '4180200' : 'Treasury - OCC', '4180300' : 'Treasury - FinCen', '4180500' : 'Treasury - OIG', '4181000' : 'Treasury - Bureau of Engraving & Printin', '4181110' : 'FMS Commissioner\'s Office', '4181120' : 'FMS Management', '4181130' : 'FMS Payment Management', '4181140' : 'FMS Federal Finance', '4181150' : 'FMS Information Resources', '4181160' : 'FMS Debt Management Services', '4181180' : 'FMS Governmentwide Accounting', '4181200' : 'Treasury - IRS Agency Wide Shared Servic', '4184700' : 'Treasury - United States Mint', '4184900' : 'Treasury - Bureau of Public Debt', '4185400' : 'Treasury - IRS Office of Appeals', '4188000' : 'Treasury - IRS All Other HQ Offices', '4188010' : 'Treasury - IRS Mission Assurance', '4188020' : 'Treasury - IRS Chief Financial Officer', '4188030' : 'Treasury - IRS Ofc of Pro Responsibility', '4188040' : 'Treasury - IRS Chief Human Capital Ofcr', '4188060' : 'Treasury - IRS Ofc of Rsrch, Analysis &', '4188100' : 'Treasury - Inspector General for Tax Adm', '4188200' : 'Treasury - IRS Office of Modrnztn of IT', '4188300' : 'Treasury - IRS Office of Comm and Liaiso', '4188400' : 'Treasury - IRS Criminal Investigation', '4188500' : 'Treasury - IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service', '4188600' : 'Treausry - IRS Large and Mid-sized Busin', '4188800' : 'Treasury - IRS Small Bus and Self Employ', '4189000' : 'Treasury - IRS Chief Counsel', '4189200' : 'Treasury - IRS Tax Exempt and Gov Entiti', '4189500' : 'Treasury - IRS Wage and Investment Servi', '4189800' : 'Treasury - Office of Thrift Supervision', '4190100' : 'DOE Office of the Secretary of Energy', '4190111' : 'DOE Events', '4190300' : 'DOE Bonneville Power Administration', '4190400' : 'DOE Asst Sec for Congressional & Int\'l A', '4190500' : 'DOE Chief Information Officer', '4190700' : 'DOE Office of Economic Impact & Diversit', '4190800' : 'DOE Asst Sec for Energy Effcncy & Rnwbl', '4191000' : 'DOE Energy Information Administration', '4191100' : 'DOE Asst Sec for Environmental Managemen', '4191200' : 'DOE Asst Sec for Fossil Energy', '4191300' : 'DOE Office of the General Counsel', '4191400' : 'DOE Office of Hearings & Appeals', '4191500' : 'DOE Office of the Inspector General', '4191600' : 'DOE Office of Intelligence/Counterintel', '4191700' : 'DOE Office of Management', '4191801' : 'NNSA Administrator\'s Office', '4191810' : 'NNSA Defense Programs', '4191820' : 'NNSA Nonproliferation', '4191830' : 'NNSA Naval Reactors', '4191840' : 'NNSA Emergency Management', '4191850' : 'NNSA Facilities & Infrastructure', '4191860' : 'NNSA Management & Admin', '4191870' : 'NNSA Defense Nuclear Security', '4191900' : 'DOE Ofc of Nuclear Energy, Science & Tec', '4192000' : 'DOE Chief Financial Officer', '4192100' : 'DOE Office of Public Affairs', '4192200' : 'DOE Asst Sec for Policy & International', '4192400' : 'DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste', '4192500' : 'DOE Office of Science', '4192700' : 'DOE Office of Legacy Management', '4192800' : 'DOE Office of Human Capital Management', '4192900' : 'DOE HSS', '4193600' : 'DOE WAPA', '4194100' : 'DOE Ofc of Electricity Delivery & Energy', '4200100' : 'DHS Secretary/Executive Management', '4200200' : 'DHS General Counsel', '4200300' : 'DHS Office of Legislative Affairs', '4200400' : 'DHS Asst. Sec. Public Affairs', '4200500' : 'DHS Inspector General', '4200600' : 'DHS Asst. Sec. Ofc of Intel and Analysis', '4200700' : 'DHS Dir Ops Coordination', '4200800' : 'DHS Dir. Counternarcotics', '4200900' : 'DHS Office of the Privacy Officer', '4201000' : 'DHS Civil Rights/Liberties', '4201001' : 'DHS FLETC DC', '4201002' : 'DHS Dir Domestic Nuclear Detection Ofc', '4201004' : 'CIS Ombudsman', '4201005' : 'DHS Fed Coord. for Gulf Coast Rebuilding', '4201300' : 'DHS Under Sec Natl Protec & Prgms Dir', '4201400' : 'DHS Asst Sec for Office of Heath Affairs', '4202101' : 'Secret Service', '4202102' : 'US Coast Guard', '4202103' : 'Transportation Security Administration', '4202104' : 'Custms and Border Protection', '4202105' : 'Citizenship & Immigration Services', '4202106' : 'Imigration and Customs Enforcement', '4202107' : 'Federal Emergency Management Agency', '4202108' : 'Under Secretary Management (Immed. Ofc.)', '4202109' : 'Science and Technology', '4202110' : 'Asst. Sec. Policy', '4203100' : 'DHS USM Chief Financial Officer', '4203200' : 'DHS USM Chief Human Capitol Officer', '4203300' : 'DHS USM Chief Information Officer', '4203400' : 'DHS USM Chief Procurement Officer', '4203600' : 'DHS USM Office of Chief Admin Officer', '4203800' : 'DHS USM Security Officer', '4327100' : 'Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys - DC', '4327200' : 'Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys - E.', '5000100' : 'HRSA-BCRS', '5000200' : 'OS-ASPR', '5000400' : 'SAMHSA - OPB', '5000500' : 'PSC - SAS', '5000600' : 'PSC - FOH', '5000700' : 'ACF - Head Start', '5000800' : 'CDC - NIOSH', '5000900' : 'CDC - OD', '5001800' : 'OS - Off of Global Health Affairs', '5001900' : 'OS - Off of Med. Hearings & Appeals', '5002000' : 'OS-CFBI', '5002100' : 'OS-ONC', '5002800' : 'OS - Rockville Human Resource Ctr', '5010000' : 'Corporation for Nat\'l & Community Svc', '5040000' : 'American Battle Monuments Commission', '5051000' : 'Peace Corps', '5060000' : 'Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board', '5060200' : 'U.S. Chemical Safety & Hazard Instgtn Bd', '5070000' : 'Appalachian Regional Commission', '5072000' : 'VA - VA Medical Center, Washington DC', '5073000' : 'VA Regional Office', '5110000' : 'Federal Reserve Board of Governors', '5110100' : 'Board Members', '5110200' : 'Legal', '5110300' : 'Secretary', '5110400' : 'Consumer & Community Affairs', '5110500' : 'Monetary Affairs', '5110600' : 'Banking Supervision & Regulation', '5110700' : 'Research & Statistics', '5110800' : 'International Finance', '5111200' : 'Information Technology', '5111300' : 'Management Division', '5111500' : 'Office of Staff Director for Management', '5111700' : 'Reserve Bank Operations', '5111800' : 'Fed\'l Financial Institutions Exam Counci', '5111900' : 'Inspector General', '5112000' : 'Friends of the Board', '5120100' : 'NRC ACRS', '5120200' : 'NRC ADM', '5120210' : 'NRC ADM DAS', '5120220' : 'NRC ADM DC', '5120230' : 'NRC ADM DFS', '5120240' : 'NRC ADM DSPC', '5120250' : 'NRC ADM PMDA', '5120300' : 'NRC ASLBP', '5120400' : 'NRC CA', '5120500' : 'NRC CAA', '5120700' : 'NRC CFO', '5120710' : 'NRC CFO DFM', '5120720' : 'NRC CFO DFS', '5120730' : 'NRC CFO DPBA', '5120740' : 'NRC CFO RMSS', '5120800' : 'NRC COMM', '5120900' : 'NRC CSO', '5121000' : 'NRC EDO', '5121100' : 'NRC FSME', '5121110' : 'NRC FSME DILR', '5121120' : 'NRC FSME DMSSA', '5121130' : 'NRC FSME DWMEP', '5121140' : 'NRC FSME PBPA', '5121200' : 'NRC HR', '5121300' : 'NRC IP', '5121400' : 'NRC IS', '5121410' : 'NRC IS BPIAD', '5121420' : 'NRC IS ICOD', '5121430' : 'NRC IS IRSD', '5121440' : 'NRC IS PMAS', '5121500' : 'NRC NMSS', '5121510' : 'NRC NMSS DHLWRS', '5121520' : 'NRC NMSS DSFST', '5121530' : 'NRC NMSS FCSS', '5121540' : 'NRC NMSS PBPA', '5121600' : 'NRC NRO', '5121610' : 'NRC NRO DCIP', '5121620' : 'NRC NRO DE', '5121630' : 'NRC NRO DNRL', '5121640' : 'NRC NRO DSER', '5121650' : 'NRC NRO DSRA', '5121660' : 'NRC NRO PMDA', '5121700' : 'NRC NRR', '5121710' : 'NRC NRR ADES DCI', '5121720' : 'NRC NRR ADES DE', '5121730' : 'NRC NRR ADES DRA', '5121740' : 'NRC NRR ADES DSS', '5121750' : 'NRC NRR ADRO DIRS', '5121760' : 'NRC NRR ADRO DLR', '5121770' : 'NRC NRR ADRO DORL', '5121780' : 'NRC NRR ADRO DPR', '5121790' : 'NRC NRR PMDA', '5121800' : 'NRC NSIR', '5121810' : 'NRC NSIR DPR', '5121820' : 'NRC NSIR DSO', '5121830' : 'NRC NSIR DSP', '5121840' : 'NRC NSIR PMDA', '5121900' : 'NRC OE', '5122000' : 'NRC OGC', '5122200' : 'NRC OI', '5122300' : 'NRC OIG', '5122400' : 'NRC PA', '5122500' : 'NRC RES', '5122510' : 'NRC RES DE', '5122520' : 'NRC RES DRA', '5122530' : 'NRC RES DSA', '5122540' : 'NRC RES PMDA', '5122600' : 'NRC SBCR', '5122700' : 'NRC SECY', '5130000' : 'Central Intelligence Agency', '5150700' : 'OPM Office of the Director', '5150800' : 'OPM Office of the Chief Financial Office', '5150900' : 'OPM Division for Management Services', '5151000' : 'OPM Div for Strategic Human Resources Po', '5151100' : 'OPM Division for Human Resources Prdcts', '5151200' : 'OPM Federal Investigation Services Div', '5151300' : 'OPM Human Captl Ldrshp, Merit & Systm Ac', '5151400' : 'OPM Office of Congressional Relations', '5151500' : 'OPM Office of the Inspector General', '5151600' : 'OPM Special Gifts', '5151700' : 'OPM Office of the General Counsel', '5151800' : 'OPM Office of Communications & Public Li', '5152100' : 'OPM President\'s Comm on White House Fell', '5152500' : 'OPM Human Resources Line of Business', '5160000' : 'Consumer Product Safety Commission', '5170000' : 'Commission of Fine Arts', '5180000' : 'Commission on Civil Rights', '5190100' : 'EPA Office of the Administrator', '5190300' : 'EPA Ofc of Enforcement & Compliance Assu', '5190400' : 'EPA Office of the General Counsel', '5190500' : 'EPA Office of the Inspector General', '5190600' : 'EPA International Affairs', '5190700' : 'EPA Office of Admin and Res Mgmt', '5190800' : 'EPA Office of Water', '5190900' : 'EPA Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Re', '5191000' : 'EPA Office of Air & Radiation', '5191100' : 'EPA Ofc Prevntn, Pesticides & Toxic Subs', '5191200' : 'EPA Office of Research & Development', '5191300' : 'EPA Ofc of the Chief Financial Officer', '5191400' : 'EPA Office of Environmental Information', '5210000' : 'EEOC Office of the Chair/Exec Sec', '5210100' : 'EEOC Office of Field Programs', '5210200' : 'EEOC Office of General Counsel', '5210300' : 'EEOC Office of Inspector General', '5210400' : 'EEOC Office of Federal Operations', '5210500' : 'EEOC Office of Legal Counsel', '5210600' : 'EEOC Equal Opportunity Office', '5210800' : 'EEOC Office of Commnctns & Legislative A', '5210900' : 'EEOC Washington Field Office', '5211100' : 'EEOC Office of the CFO', '5211200' : 'EEOC Office of Information Technology', '5211300' : 'EEOC Office of Human Resources', '5211400' : 'EEOC Office of Research, Info & Planning', '5211500' : 'EEOC Office of the Commissioners', '5220000' : 'Export-Import Bank of the United States', '5220100' : 'EXIM Bank BOARD - Board of Directors', '5220200' : 'EXIM Bank CFO - Chief Financial Officer', '5220300' : 'EXIM Bank CRM - Credit & Risk Management', '5220400' : 'EXIM Bank EF - Export Finance', '5220500' : 'EXIM Bank CMM - Communications', '5220600' : 'EXIM Bank CNN - Congressional Affairs', '5220700' : 'EXIM Bank GC - Legal Affairs & General C', '5220800' : 'EXIM Bank PPL - Policy & Planning', '5220900' : 'EXMI Bank RMG - Resource Management', '5221000' : 'EXIM Bank SB - Small Business', '5230000' : 'Farm Credit Administration', '5230100' : 'Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation', '5240000' : 'FCC Office of the Managing Director', '5240100' : 'FCC Media Bureau', '5240300' : 'FCC Consumer & Government Affairs Bureau', '5240400' : 'FCC Office of Engineering & Technology', '5240600' : 'FCC Office of the General Counsel', '5240700' : 'FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau', '5240900' : 'FCC Administrative Law Judges', '5241000' : 'FCC Office of the Chairman/Commissioners', '5241100' : 'FCC Ofc of Legistlative & Intergov\'tal A', '5241200' : 'FCC Office of Strategy & Policy', '5241300' : 'FCC Office of Media Relations', '5241400' : 'FCC Office of the Inspector General', '5241500' : 'FCC International Bureau', '5241600' : 'FCC Office of Workplace Diversity', '5241700' : 'FCC Ofc of Comm Business Opportunities', '5241800' : 'FCC Enforcement Bureau', '5245600' : 'FCC Wireline Competition Bureau', '5245700' : 'Public Safety and Homeland Security Bure', '5250000' : 'FDIC EO', '5251200' : 'FDIC CU', '5251300' : 'FDIC DIR', '5251400' : 'FDIC DIT', '5251500' : 'FDIC DOA', '5251600' : 'FDIC DOF', '5251700' : 'FDIC DRR', '5251800' : 'FDIC DSC', '5252000' : 'FDIC Legal', '5252100' : 'FDIC ODEO', '5252200' : 'FDIC OERM', '5252300' : 'FDIC OIG', '5252400' : 'FDIC OLA', '5252500' : 'FDIC Ombudsman', '5252600' : 'FDIC OPA', '5252700' : 'FDIC Office of International Affairs', '5260400' : 'FERC Office of the General Counsel', '5260500' : 'FERC Office of Administrative Litigation', '5260700' : 'FERC Office of Administrative Law Judges', '5260900' : 'FERC Office of Chairman Kelliher', '5261000' : 'FERC Office of the Executive Director', '5261100' : 'FERC Office of External Affairs', '5261300' : 'FERC Office of Energy Projects', '5261500' : 'FERC Office of Commissioner Kelly', '5261525' : 'Office of Commissioner Wellinghoff', '5261550' : 'Office of Commissioner Spitzer', '5261575' : 'Office of Commissioner Moeller', '5261900' : 'FERC Office of Enforcement', '5262000' : 'FERC Office of Energy Market Regulation', '5262100' : 'FERC Office of Electric Reliability', '5270000' : 'Federal Housing Fin Agency FHFB-OFHEO', '5280000' : 'Federal Labor Relations Authority', '5290000' : 'Federal Maritime Commission', '5310000' : 'Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service', '5330100' : 'FTC Commissioners Office', '5330200' : 'FTC Office of Public Affairs', '5330300' : 'FTC Office of Congressional Relations', '5330400' : 'FTC Exec Director & Dep Exec Director', '5330500' : 'FTC Office of the General Counsel', '5330600' : 'FTC Office of the Secretary', '5330700' : 'FTC Bureau of Competition', '5330800' : 'FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection', '5330900' : 'FTC Bureau of Economics', '5331000' : 'FTC Office of Administrative Law Judges', '5331100' : 'FTC Office of the Inspector General', '5331200' : 'FTC Office of Policy Planning', '5331300' : 'FTC Office of International Affairs', '5350000' : 'Gallaudet University', '5360000' : 'GSA Public Buildings Service', '5360100' : 'GSA Office of the CIO', '5360200' : 'GSA Citizen Services & Communications', '5360400' : 'GSA Office of the CFO', '5360500' : 'GSA Office of the General Counsel', '5360700' : 'GSA Office of the Administrator', '5360800' : 'GSA Office of Performance Improvement', '5361000' : 'GSA Office of the CHCO', '5361200' : 'GSA Office of the Inspector General', '5361300' : 'GSA Board of Contract Appeals', '5361400' : 'GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy', '5361600' : 'GSA NCR Regional Counsel\'s Office', '5361700' : 'GSA NCR Regional Staff Offices', '5361800' : 'GSA NCR FAS', '5361900' : 'GSA NCR PBS', '5362100' : 'GSA Congressional & Intergov\'tal Affairs', '5362200' : 'GSA Civil Rights', '5362300' : 'GSA Office of Small Business Utilization', '5362500' : 'GSA Office of the CAO', '5362600' : 'GSA Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)', '5362700' : 'GSA - OERR', '5362800' : 'GSA Office of Management Services', '5364000' : 'US Commission for the Preservation of Am', '5364500' : 'Appraisal Subcommittee/Federal Financial', '5364700' : 'Commission on WMD', '5365000' : 'Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board', '5365500' : 'Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excel', '5365700' : 'U.S. Commission on International Religio', '5366000' : 'Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundati', '5366500' : 'Vietnam Education Foundation', '5366700' : 'U. S. China Economic Security Review Com', '5367000' : 'Delta Regional Authority', '5367500' : 'U.S. Election Assistance Commission', '5367700' : 'U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum', '5368000' : 'Ofc of the Federal Coordinator for Alask', '5368500' : 'U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness', '5368700' : 'Public Interest Declassification Board', '5369000' : 'Morris K. Udall Scholarship & Excellence', '5369500' : 'John C. Stennis Center for Public Servic', '5370000' : 'Office of the Senior VP for Gov\'t Affair', '5370100' : 'Senior VP for Health Sciences', '5370200' : 'Office of the General Counsel', '5370600' : 'Office of the Provost', '5370700' : 'Office of the Executive Vice President', '5370900' : 'Vice President for University Advancemen', '5371000' : 'Vice Provost for Student Affairs', '5371100' : 'Office of the President', '5371200' : 'Howard University Hospital', '5371300' : 'Office of the Secretary', '5380000' : 'NARA - N Ofc of Archivist, Dept and Staf', '5380100' : 'NARA - NA Ofc of Administration', '5380200' : 'NARA - NR Office of Reg Records Services', '5380300' : 'NARA - NH Ofc of Information Svcs ite', '5380400' : 'NARA - NF Office of the Federal Register', '5380600' : 'NARA - NL Office of Presidential Librari', '5380700' : 'NARA - NW Office of Records Services', '5380800' : 'NARA - NHPRC Nat\'l History Pub Rec Comm', '5380900' : 'NARA - OIG Office of Inspector General', '5381300' : 'NARA - ISOO Info Security Oversight Ofc', '5390000' : 'Inter-American Foundation', '5420000' : 'Broadcasting Board of Governors', '5430000' : 'John F. Kennedy Performing Arts', '5440000' : 'Office of Government Ethics', '5450100' : 'NASA Administrator', '5450200' : 'NASA Chief Information Office', '5450400' : 'NASA Chief Engineer', '5450800' : 'NASA Chief Financial Office', '5451000' : 'NASA Institutions & Management', '5451300' : 'NASA Space Operations', '5451600' : 'NASA Strategic Communication', '5451700' : 'NASA Safety & Mission Assurance', '5451800' : 'NASA Aeronautics', '5451900' : 'NASA Science', '5452100' : 'NASA Exploration', '5452300' : 'NASA Inspector General', '5452600' : 'NASA Program Analysis and Evaluation', '5452900' : 'NASA General Counsel', '5453000' : 'IPPO', '5453100' : 'Chief Health and Medical Office', '5453200' : 'Institution Integration', '5453500' : 'IEMP Office', '5453600' : 'External Relations', '5460000' : 'Goddard Code 150', '5460100' : 'Goddard Code 110', '5460200' : 'Goddard Code 200', '5460300' : 'Goddard Code 300', '5460400' : 'Goddard Code 400', '5460500' : 'Goddard Code 500', '5460600' : 'Goddard Code 600', '5460700' : 'Goddard Code 700', '5461000' : 'Goddard Code 100', '5470000' : 'National Capital Planning Commission', '5480000' : 'National Credit Union Administration', '5480010' : 'NCUA Office of the Board (BOARD)', '5480020' : 'NCUA Office of the Executive Director', '5480030' : 'NCUA Office of Capital Markets & Plannin', '5480040' : 'NCUA Office of the Chief Financial Offic', '5480050' : 'NCUA Office of the Chief Information Off', '5480060' : 'NCUA Office of Corporate Credit Unions', '5480070' : 'NCUA Office of Examination and Insurance', '5480080' : 'NCUA Office of General Counsel', '5480090' : 'NCUA Office of Human Resources', '5480100' : 'NCUA Office of Inspector General', '5480110' : 'NCUA Office of Public and Congressional', '5480120' : 'NCUA Office of Small Credit Union Initia', '5480130' : 'NCUA Region 1 (Albany, NY)', '5480140' : 'NCUA Region 2 (Alexandria, VA)', '5480150' : 'NCUA Region 3 (Atlanta, GA)', '5480160' : 'NCUA Region 4 (Austin, TX)', '5480170' : 'NCUA Region 5 (Tempe, AZ)', '5490000' : 'National Endowment for the Humanities', '5490100' : 'Institute of Museum and Libary Services', '5510000' : 'NLRB Special Events', '5510001' : 'NLRB Enforcement and Litigation', '5510002' : 'NLRB Board', '5510003' : 'NLRB Board Offices', '5510004' : 'NLRB HR/IT/Finance', '5510005' : 'NLRB EEO/IG', '5510006' : 'NLRB Division of Administration', '5520000' : 'National Mediation Board', '5530000' : 'National Science Foundation', '5540000' : 'Occuptnl Safety & Health Review Comm', '5550000' : 'Overseas Private Investment Corporation', '5560000' : 'National Council on Disability', '5570000' : 'Postal Rate Commission', '5580000' : 'Railroad Retirement Board', '5590000' : 'National Endowment for the Arts', '5610100' : 'SEC Executive Staff', '5610150' : 'SEC Office of Risk Assessment', '5610200' : 'SEC Office of the Executive Director', '5610300' : 'SEC Office of the Secretary', '5610400' : 'SEC Office of Equal Employment Opportuni', '5610500' : 'SEC Division of Corporation Finance', '5610600' : 'SEC Division of Enforcement', '5610700' : 'SEC Division of Investment Management', '5610800' : 'SEC Division of Trading and Markets', '5610900' : 'SEC Office of Administrative Law Judges', '5611000' : 'SEC Office of Human Resources', '5611200' : 'SEC Office of the Chief Accountant', '5611300' : 'SEC Office of the Economic Analysis', '5611400' : 'SEC Financial Management', '5611510' : 'SEC Office of Administrative Services', '5611600' : 'SEC Ofc of Investor Education & Assistnc', '5611700' : 'SEC Office of the General Counsel', '5611800' : 'SEC Office of Information Technology', '5611900' : 'SEC Office of the Inspector General', '5612000' : 'SEC Ofc of Compliance, Inspctn and Examn', '5612100' : 'SEC Office of Public Affairs', '5612300' : 'SEC Office of International Affairs', '5620000' : 'Selective Service System', '5630000' : 'SBA Office of the Administrator', '5630100' : 'SBA Advocacy', '5630200' : 'SBA Capital Access', '5630300' : 'SBA CFO', '5630400' : 'SBA CIO', '5630500' : 'SBA Comm & Public Liaison', '5630600' : 'SBA Disaster Assistance', '5630700' : 'SBA ED', '5630800' : 'SBA Field Operations', '5630900' : 'SBA General Counsel', '5631100' : 'SBA GC/BD', '5631200' : 'SBA Hearings & Appeals', '5631300' : 'SBA IG', '5631400' : 'SBA M&A', '5631500' : 'SBA Natl WBC', '5631600' : 'SBA Washington District Office', '5631700' : 'SBA Events', '5631800' : 'SBA Herndon Disaster Assistance', '5631900' : 'SBA Herndon Capital Access', '5640000' : 'Smithsonian Institution Libraries', '5640100' : 'Smithsonian Communications', '5640200' : 'Smithsonain African-American History/Culture', '5640300' : 'Smithsonian Ofc of the Undersec – Financ', '5640400' : 'Smithsonian American History Museum', '5640500' : 'Smithsonian Business Venture', '5640600' : 'Smithsonian Affiliations', '5640601' : 'Smithsonian Natural History Museum', '5640602' : 'Smithsonian National Zoo', '5640603' : 'Smithsonian Office of Fellowship', '5640604' : 'Smithsonian Sponsored Projects', '5640605' : 'Smithsonian Museum Support Center', '5640607' : 'Smithsonian OEEMA', '5640700' : 'Smithsonian Ofc of the Undersec - Science', '5640800' : 'Smithsonian Ofc of the Undersec - Art', '5640901' : 'Smithsonian General Counsel', '5640902' : 'Smithsonian National Science Resources Center', '5640903' : 'Smithsonian Develop. & External Affairs', '5640904' : 'Smithsonian Policy & Analysis', '5640905' : 'Smithsonian Human Resources', '5640906' : 'Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institut', '5640907' : 'Smithsonain Chief Financial Officer', '5640911' : 'Smithsonian Chief Information Officer', '5640912' : 'Smithsonian Exhibits Central', '5640915' : 'Smithsonian Latino Center', '5641501' : 'Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum', '5641502' : 'Smithsonian Visitor Information & Reception', '5641506' : 'Smithsonion Archives', '5641508' : 'Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Service', '5641510' : 'Smithsonian Ctr for Edu & Museum Studies', '5641511' : 'Smithsonian Associates', '5641513' : 'Smithsonian American Indian Musuem', '5641515' : 'Smithsonian Anacostia Museum', '5641516' : 'Smithsonian Postal Museum', '5641517' : 'Smithsonian Arch of American Art', '5641518' : 'Smithsonian Folklife & Cultural Heritage', '5641519' : 'Smithsonian National Potrait Gallery', '5641520' : 'Smithsonian American Art Museum', '5641602' : 'Smithsonian Freer/Sackler Galleries', '5641603' : 'Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum', '5641604' : 'Smithsonian African Art Museum', '5642000' : 'Smithsonian Secretary', '5642002' : 'Smithsonian Inspector General', '5642005' : 'Smithsonian Special Events / Protocol', '5642100' : 'Smithsonian Environmental Research Center', '5642200' : 'Smithsonian Woodrow Wilson Center', '5643000' : 'Smithsonian Facilities/Engineering/Operations', '5643100' : 'Smithsonian Scholarly Press', '5643200' : 'Smithsonian Office of Regents', '5643300' : 'Smithsonian Office of Government Relatio', '5643400' : 'Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Progr', '5650000' : 'National Gallery of Art', '5660000' : 'Medicare Payment Advisory Commission', '5670000' : 'Armed Forces Retirement Home - Washingto', '5680000' : 'International Trade Commission', '5690000' : 'Tennessee Valley Authority', '5711000' : 'USPS HQ Events', '5711010' : 'Postmaster General', '5711015' : 'Deputy Postmaster General & COO', '5711020' : 'Senior VP Intelligent Mail & Address', '5711030' : 'Judicial Officer', '5711040' : 'Chief Postal Inspector', '5711050' : 'Senior VP Strategy & Transition', '5711060' : 'Senior VP General Counsel', '5711070' : 'Chief Human Resources Officer & Exec VP', '5711080' : 'VP Employee Resource Management', '5711090' : 'VP Employee Development & Diversity', '5711100' : 'Chief Financial Officer & Exec VP', '5711110' : 'VP Controller', '5711130' : 'VP Treasurer', '5711140' : 'VP Supply Management', '5711150' : 'VP Gov\'t Relations & Public Policy', '5711160' : 'VP Corporate Communications', '5711170' : 'VP & Consumer Advocate', '5711220' : 'VP Business Customer Relations', '5711230' : 'VP Sales', '5711240' : 'VP Labor Relations', '5711250' : 'Senior VP Operations', '5711260' : 'VP Engineering', '5711280' : 'VP Facilities', '5711290' : 'VP Network Operations', '5711300' : 'Senior VP & Managing Dir Global Business', '5711310' : 'VP Bus Mail Entry & Payment Technologies', '5711320' : 'VP Retail Operations', '5711330' : 'VP Sustainability', '5711340' : 'VP Delivery', '5711350' : 'President Shipping & Mailing Services', '5711360' : 'Senior VP Mailing Services', '5711370' : 'VP Ground Shipping', '5711380' : 'VP Expedited Shipping', '5711390' : 'Senior VP Customer Relations', '5711400' : 'Chief Information Officer & Executive VP', '5711410' : 'VP Information Technology Operations', '5711450' : 'VP Pricing', '5712000' : 'D.C. City Post Office', '5712001' : 'D.C. Plant', '5713000' : 'Southern Maryland Plant', '5713001' : 'Southern Maryland Customer Service, 206', '5713002' : 'Southern Maryland HASP', '5713003' : 'Southern Maryland Customer Service, 207', '5713004' : 'Washington Bulk Mail Center', '5714100' : 'Alexandria Main', '5714101' : 'Memorial Annex', '5714102' : 'Park Fairfax', '5714103' : 'Jefferson Manor', '5714104' : 'Trade Center', '5714105' : 'Community', '5714106' : 'Belleview', '5714107' : 'Engleside', '5714108' : 'Franconia', '5714109' : 'Kingstowne', '5714110' : 'Lincolnia', '5714111' : 'Annandale', '5714112' : 'Arlington Main', '5714113' : 'Rosslyn', '5714114' : 'Eads', '5714115' : 'Buckingham', '5714116' : 'Arlington South', '5714117' : 'Preston', '5714118' : 'Shirlington Annex', '5714119' : 'Arlington North', '5714120' : 'Ashburn', '5714121' : 'Bristow', '5714122' : 'Centreville', '5714123' : 'Sully', '5714124' : 'Clifton', '5714125' : 'Dumfries', '5714126' : 'Fairfax Main', '5714127' : 'Turnpike', '5714128' : 'Chantilly', '5714129' : 'Fairfax Station', '5714130' : 'Falls Church', '5714131' : 'Baileys Crossroads', '5714132' : 'Mosby', '5714133' : 'Fort Belvoir', '5714134' : 'Gainesville', '5714135' : 'Great Falls', '5714136' : 'Hamilton', '5714137' : 'Haymarket', '5714138' : 'Herndon', '5714139' : 'Oak Hill', '5714140' : 'Reston Annex', '5714141' : 'Reston Branch', '5714142' : 'Leesburg', '5714143' : 'Lorton', '5714144' : 'McLean Main', '5714145' : 'McLean West', '5714146' : 'Manassas Main', '5714147' : 'Manassas Annex', '5714148' : 'Middleburg', '5714149' : 'Nokesville', '5714150' : 'Purceville', '5714151' : 'Quantico', '5714152' : 'Springfield Main', '5714153' : 'Springfield North', '5714154' : 'Springfield West', '5714155' : 'Burke', '5714156' : 'Sterling', '5714157' : 'Potomac Falls', '5714158' : 'Triangle', '5714159' : 'Vienna', '5714160' : 'Oakton', '5714161' : 'Dunn Loring', '5714162' : 'Woodbridge', '5714163' : 'Prince William', '5714164' : 'Dale City', '5714165' : 'Aldie', '5714166' : 'Bluemont', '5714167' : 'Catharpin', '5714168' : 'Lovettsville', '5714169' : 'Mount Vernon', '5714170' : 'Newington', '5714171' : 'Occoquan', '5714172' : 'Paeonian', '5714173' : 'Philmont', '5714174' : 'Round Hill', '5714175' : 'Waterford', '5714176' : 'Leesburg Annex', '5714200' : 'Merrifield Customer Service', '5714300' : 'Merrifield Plant', '5714400' : 'Dulles Plant', '5714500' : 'Sterling R & DC', '5715000' : 'Suburban Maryland Plant', '5715001' : 'Suburban MD Cust Service, 208', '5715002' : 'Suburban MD Cust Service, 209', '5718000' : 'Delivery Programs Support', '5718010' : 'Executive Office', '5718020' : 'Finance', '5718030' : 'Human Resources', '5718050' : 'In-Plant Support', '5718060' : 'Maintenance', '5718070' : 'Marketing', '5720000' : 'VA - Office of the Secretary', '5720100' : 'VA - Board of Veterans Appeals', '5720200' : 'VA - General Counsel', '5720300' : 'VA - DAS Administration', '5720400' : 'VA - DAS for Budget', '5720500' : 'VA - DAS OHRM', '5720600' : 'VA - DAS Public Affairs', '5720700' : 'VA - Dep Asst Sec Policy', '5720800' : 'VA - AS for Information & Technology', '5720900' : 'VA - Diversity Management & EEO', '5721000' : 'VA - Veterans Health Adminisration', '5721100' : 'VA - DAS ORM', '5721200' : 'VA - Ofc Employ Discrim Complaint Adj', '5721300' : 'VA - AS for Congressional Affairs', '5721600' : 'VA - Office of Operations & Readiness', '5722000' : 'VA - Veterans Benefits Administration', '5723100' : 'VA - DAS ACQ & MM', '5724000' : 'VA - National Cemetery System', '5724100' : 'VA - Inspector General', '5724200' : 'VA - Asst. Sec Ops, Secrty, Prep', '5724500' : 'VA - DAS Congressional & Legislative Aff', '5724600' : 'VA - Dep Asst Sec Planning & Evaluation', '5724700' : 'VA - DAS for Financial', '5724800' : 'VA - DAS Intergovernmental Affairs', '5725000' : 'VA - Office of Small Dis Bus Utilization', '5725500' : 'VA - DAS Sec & Law Enf', '5725600' : 'VA DAS for Labor & Management Relations', '5725700' : 'VA Construction & Facilities Management', '5726000' : 'VA - AS for Management', '5727000' : 'VA - AS for Policy, Planning & Preparedn', '5728000' : 'VA - AS for Human Resources & Admin', '5729000' : 'VA - AS for Public & Intergovernmental A', '5741000' : 'SSA - Area Director', '5741200' : 'SSA - Office of Human Resources', '5741300' : 'SSA - DAWA', '5741500' : 'SSA - Office of Policy', '5741600' : 'SSA - Manassas TSC', '5741700' : 'SSA - Alexandria', '5741800' : 'SSA - Arlington', '5741900' : 'SSA - Camp Springs', '5742000' : 'SSA - Brightseat', '5742100' : 'SSA - Fairfax', '5742200' : 'SSA - Postal Plaza', '5742300' : 'SSA - Greenbelt', '5742400' : 'SSA - Shepherd Park', '5742500' : 'SSA - M Street', '5742600' : 'SSA - Manassas', '5742700' : 'SSA - Anacostia', '5742800' : 'SSA - Rockville', '5742900' : 'SSA - Wheaton', '5743000' : 'SSA - Culpeper', '5744000' : 'SSA - CCPRB 3', '5744001' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 1', '5744002' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 2', '5744003' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 3', '5744004' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 4', '5744005' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 5', '5744006' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 6', '5744007' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 7', '5744008' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 8', '5744009' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 9', '5744010' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 10', '5744011' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 11', '5744100' : 'SSA - CCPRB 4', '5744101' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 12', '5744102' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 13', '5744103' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 14', '5744104' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 15', '5744105' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 16', '5744106' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 17', '5744107' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 18', '5744108' : 'SSA - DPB Branch 19', '5744109' : 'SSA - DPB RSI', '5744110' : 'SSA - CCPRB1', '5744111' : 'SSA - CCPRB2', '5744200' : 'SSA - OAO DPS Div Prog Sup', '5744300' : 'SSA - Office of the Executive Director', '5744403' : 'SSA - DPB Megasite', '5745000' : 'SSA - Med staff', '5745100' : 'SSA -CPAB', '5745110' : 'SSA - DFBA', '5745125' : 'EDSS', '5745150' : 'MI Unit', '5745200' : 'SSA - OM - DITI', '5745300' : 'SSA - OM - DTED', '5745400' : 'SSA - OM - DMR', '5745500' : 'SSA - OAC', '5745600' : 'SSA - Appeals Officers', '5745700' : 'SSA - Administrative Appeal Judges', '5746500' : 'SSA - Union Local 3615', '5746800' : 'SSA - Office of the Commissioner D.C.', '5747000' : 'SSA - Office of Deputy Commissioner/ES', '5747100' : 'SSA - EEOB', '5747140' : 'SSA - EVENTS/OHA', '5747500' : 'SSA - Office of Chief Admin Law Judge', '5747550' : 'Natl. Hearing Ctr.', '5747600' : 'SSA - Legislative & Congressional Affair', '5748000' : 'SSA - Office of Inspector General', '5748500' : 'SSA - D.C. Hearing Office', '5748550' : 'FED RO', '5749000' : 'SSA - OPAS', '5749100' : 'SSA - DOS', '5749200' : 'SSA - NHC', '5749300' : 'SSA - DEO', '5750000' : 'National Transportation Safety Board', '5760110' : 'BD', '5760200' : 'BAPD', '5760300' : 'CCRD', '5760400' : 'CPAD', '5760500' : 'DISC', '5760600' : 'FASD', '5760700' : 'FOD', '5760800' : 'HRD', '5760900' : 'IPO', '5761000' : 'LRD', '5761200' : 'OCC', '5761300' : 'OED', '5761400' : 'OGC', '5761500' : 'OIG', '5761600' : 'OIT', '5761700' : 'SPED', '5761800' : 'PD', '5761900' : 'PRAD', '5762005' : 'PBGC Alumni', '5762130' : 'PBGC Special Events', '5770000' : 'FEC', '5780100' : 'CFTC Office of the Chairman', '5780200' : 'CFTC Office of the Commissioners', '5780300' : 'CFTC Office of External Affairs', '5780400' : 'CFTC Division of Market Oversight', '5780500' : 'CFTC Division of Enforcement', '5780600' : 'CFTC Office of the Executive Director', '5780700' : 'CFTC Office of General Counsel', '5780800' : 'CFTC Office of Proceedings', '5780900' : 'CFTC Office of the Secretariat', '5781000' : 'CFTC Div of Clearing & Intermed Oversig', '5781100' : 'CFTC Office of International Affairs', '5781200' : 'CFTC Office of Financial Management', '5781300' : 'CFTC Office of Info & Tech Services', '5781400' : 'CFTC Library', '5781500' : 'CFTC Office of Human Resources', '5781600' : 'CFTC Office of Equal Employment Opport', '5781700' : 'CFTC Office of Management Operations', '5781800' : 'CFTC Office of Inspector General', '5781900' : 'CFTC Office of Chief Economist', '5800000' : 'Access Board', '5810000' : 'U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council', '5820000' : 'U.S. Institute of Peace', '5830000' : 'Comm for Prchs from Ppl Who Are Blnd Svr', '5840000' : 'Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation', '5850000' : 'Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission', '5860000' : 'Marine Mammal Commission', '5880000' : 'Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Bd', '5940000' : 'African Development Foundation', '5960000' : 'Federal Mine Safety & Health Rev Comm', '5970100' : 'Merit Systems Protection Board', '5970200' : 'Office of Special Counsel', '5980000' : 'Advisory Council on Historic Preservatio', '5991000' : 'Office of Inspector General - Postal', '5993000' : 'U.S. Sentencing Commission', '5995000' : 'U.S. Trade & Development Agency', '5996000' : 'National Indian Gaming Commission', '5997000' : 'Federal Public Defender for the District', '5998000' : 'Millennium Challenge Corporation', '6000001' : 'Federal Contractors', '6000002' : 'No Pledge Card', '6100000' : 'Federal Retirees' } // set unit text input value if (CFC == '0990' && eid('UnitID').value > 0) eid('UnitText').value = eid('UnitID').value + ' - ' + eid('UnitName').value; if (CFC == '0995') { CAPOSelectorUpdate(); UnitSelectorUpdate(0, '0995'); } // toggle visible/invisible elements CENTCOMTRVisibility(); } } /** * shortcut to getElementById() * * @param string e = element ID * @returns object element */ function eid (e) { return document.getElementById(e); } /** * initialize behavior functions for a DOM element * * @param string t = behavior type (onclick, onselect, etc) * @param string e = element ID * @param string b = behavior code to run */ function initBehavior (t, e, b) { var e = e ? eid(e) : null; if (e) eval("e." + t + " = function() { " + b + " }"); } /** * call a specified function for every element in an array * * @param array a = the array to map * @param function f = the function to call * * e.g. pop up alert box for each element = map ( a, alert( 'Hello world!' ) ); * e.g. double the value of each element = map ( a, function( x ) { return x * 2; } ); */ function map (f, a) { // loop through the array for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) // set array value to the return result of function, using original array value as argument a[i] = f (a[i]); } /** * combine the elements of an array in "some way" * * @param array a = the array to reduce * @param mixed i = initializaton value * @param function f = the function to call * * e.g. sum of values = reduce ( a, 0, function( a, b ) { return a + b; } ); * e.g. join strings = reduce ( a, '', function( a, b ) { return a + b; } ); */ function reduce ( a, i, f ) { // initialize the return value var x = i; // loop through the array for ( var j = 0; j < a.length; j++ ) // set return value to result of function using return value and current array value as arguments x = f ( x, a[j] ); // return the combined value return x; } /** * display an alert and stop executing * * @param string a = alert message * * @returns boolean false */ function die ( a ) { alert( a ); return false; } /** * popup window * @param string u = URL to open * @param string a = comma-separated list of other window.open attributes * Order of attributes (separated with commas, 'x' = null): * 0 => name, 1 => width, 2 => height, 3 => menubar, 4 => toolbar, * 5 => scrollbars, 6 => status, 7 => resizable, 8 => left, 9 => top */ function popup ( u, a ) { if ( !a || a == '' ) return window.open( u, '', 'width=750' ); else { var attrib = a.split(','); var name = !attrib ? 'mywin' : attrib[0]; for ( var s = '', z = 1; z < attrib.length; z++ ) { switch ( z ) { case 1: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'width=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 2: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'height=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 3: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'menubar=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 4: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'toolbar=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 5: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'scrollbars=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 6: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'status=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 7: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'resizable=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 8: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'left=' + attrib[z]+','; break; case 9: s += isNaN(attrib[z]) ? '' : 'top=' + attrib[z]+','; break; } } return window.open( u, name, s ); } } /** * display logout confirmation */ function logout () { if (confirm('Are you sure you would like to log out now?')) window.location = "/?logout&WEB"; } /** * display session timeout message */ function timeoutAlert () { var t = 1200; if (t % 60 == 0) { t /= 60; var x = t == 1 ? " minute" : " minutes"; } else var x = " seconds"; alert("For your security, Online Pledge Assistant sessions are set to expire after " + t + x + " of inactivity. If you do not take any action (that loads a new page) within 2 minutes after receiving this alert, your session will time out."); } /** * toggle registration form visiblity */ function registrationVisibility () { if (eid('NewUser1').checked) return eid('Register').style.display = 'block'; eid('Register').style.display = 'none'; eid('RegUsername').value = eid('RegUsername2').value = eid('RegPassword').value = eid('RegPassword2').value = ''; } /** * toggle login form visiblity */ function loginVisibility () { if (eid('NewUser2').checked) return eid('UserPass').style.display = 'block'; eid('UserPass').style.display = 'none'; eid('LoginUsername').value = eid('LoginPassword').value = ''; } /** * toggle cookie opt-in visiblity */ function cookieOptInVisibility () { if (eid('NewUser3').checked) return eid('CookieOptIn').style.display = 'block'; eid('CookieOptIn').style.display = 'none'; eid('Cookie').checked = false; } /** * actions to take when user clicks to complete pledge */ function completePledge () { if (CFC == '0995') { var msg = ""; alert("Please be aware that network conditions at your location may cause the next page to load very slowly or not at all.\n\nIf this happens, and you are unable to retreive your pledge form, please contact the webmaster for assistance (see link at bottom of page)." + msg); // USE THIS AFTER EMAIL LINK FEATURE IS ADDED... //alert("Please be aware that network conditions at your location may cause the next page to load very slowly or not at all.\n\nIf this happens, and you are unable to retreive your pledge form, and you do not receive a comfirmation email (which you can use to access your pledge form), please contact the webmaster for assistance (see link at bottom of page)." + msg); } document.GiftForm.submit(); }