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VA Office of Policy and Planning
Cardiac Care in VHA

Cardiac Care Programs in the Veterans Health Administration  (Adobe PDF Format)

Part 1: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI) Cohort
Analyses (Research Questions 1-6)

Introduction and Table of Contents


Executive Summary

A.  AMI Cohort -- Methods Overview

B.  AMI Cohort -- Utilization Results

Appendix B

C.  AMI Cohort -- Long and Short Term Mortality Results

Appendix C

D.  AMI Cohort -- Methods Overview

Appendix D

E.  AMI Cohort -- Self Reported Outcomes

F.  AMI Cohort -- Effect of Facility Characteristics

G.  AMI Cohort -- Level of Service and Distance

H.  PCI Cohort -- Methods Overview

I.   PCI Cohort -- Results

Appendix I

Part 2:Veterans' Satisfaction with Contracted and Non-contracted Care (Research Question 7)

Part 3:  Inpatient Cost Analysis for Patients with Heart Attack (Research Question 8)

Part 4:  Final Report Summary


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Reviewed/Updated Date: March 31, 2006